Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Here at The Ladder School, our CEIAG Programme caters around helping students to discover and pursue their dreams and ambitions, challenging them to make a difference to their own lives.

At The Ladder School, all Year 10 and Year 11 students have access to one to one careers advice with our Careers Advisor, Mr Lorenzo Cosco, as well as ongoing support from Mrs Lecointe, the Lead member of SLT for CEIAG and Mr Singh who supports with visitors in school and work experience placements.

Alongside the one to one meetings, careers support is provided through whole school and class curriculum activities at KS3 to KS5, through employer visits, invitations to College Open Days and Taster Days with Post 16 Alternative Providers. The school stocks a number of informative books from the "How To Become ....... " series and booklets from the NHS Careers Service, about a number of Careers.

Students Year 9 to Year 11 are encouraged to identify their key skills, areas of interest and career choices through online surveys like The Buzz, START and The National Careers Website. Students are then encouraged to investigate a range of careers related to their personal profile.

Year 10 students take part in Work Experience Placements during the Summer Term, supported by a Work Experience Consultant at SIPS Education Business Partnership. Students are also introduced to the Apprenticeship website and are supported by ASK, in order to learn how to navigate the site.

Year 11 students all attend the Skills Show at the NEC and are all invited for a face to face mock interview with our Enterprise Co-ordinator. They are supported in preparing and writing an updated Curriculum Vitae and involved in a range of activities related to the recruitment process, such as taking part in a mock interview with a business professional.

A personalised programme is offered to Year 12/13 students in order to meet their individual needs for employment or training.

We will regularly upload useful CEIAG information to this page, which can be accessed by clicking on the links. Alternatively, you can e-mail Mrs Lecointe on t.lecointe@ or Mr Singh on h.singh@

The Ladder School Careers Programme 2019/2020

Term Year Group

Careers Activity


Year 11

Skills Session on CV Writing and Career Choices



Year 11

Year 10/11 Year 11 Year 9,10,11 Parents

Year 9

Attendance to Skills Show NEC

An Audience with ...........a Zoo Keepers Tamworth Zoo

HS2 Work Experience Application Form Careers Marketplace from 4.45pm - 7pm GTG Training Centre, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton

An Audience with.......... a Scientist Think Tank, Birmingham


Lead Staff

Emily Ball

Tracey Lecointe

Gina Cooke Tracey Lecointe Tracey Lecointe Tracey Lecointe Adrian Grey

TERM Year Group

Year 9,10,11

Careers Activity

An Audience with ..........the Armed Forces Assembly (See resources from )

Lead Staff

Adrian Grey


Year 10 Year 9,10,11 Parents Year 11 Year 10 Year 11 Year 11

Year 10/11

Yr 9,10,11

Meet with Katie Aspbury to discuss Yr 10 Summer Work Experience National Careers Week Assembly Introduction to START online careers programme. Use resources from to Careers marketplace from 4.45pm - 7pm The Village Hotel, Dudley Year 11 Individual Careers Interviews (Use resources from on CVs and Applications) Year 11 Individual Careers Interviews (Use resources from on CVs and Applications)

Introduction to The NCS - National Citizenship Service

Year 11 Suit and Interview Day

ASK project in school to explore the "Find An Apprenticeship Website" with Yr 10/11 students.

An Audience with....... a Health Care Worker. (See resources from )

Tracey Lecointe Tracey Lecointe Emily Ball Sandra Boyd

Lorenzo Cosco Lorenzo Cosco

NCS Tracey Lecointe Vilkki Lindop Sandra Boyd Harpreet Singh Jenny Savory

Tracey Lecointe


TERM Year Group

Year 10/11

Year 9,10,11

Careers Activity

Yr 10 /11 Work Experience (Explore careers using resources from )

An Audience with........a Social Worker (See resources from )


Year 11

NCS Three Week Programme

*Add link for Provider Statement Access Policy here if possible *Add link to Careers Policy here if possible

Lead Staff

Tracey Lecointe Harpreet Singh

Adrian Grey



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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