Buch anan R ecord


You'll Soon Get

I D . -E 3Z. B Q 1 K T E B .

Used To It.



For you know we have removed to the corner room next to and east o f




NUMBER 82. the post office. So you will come

One w e e k .....

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TH ER E for your Papers, Stationery,

One. month.................................... .90 "

Two m o n t h s ........______ . . . . . . . . 1,50 " Three-m onths...__ ,..___________ 2.10 " Six m o n th s...................................... 3.40 "

YEARLY CONTRACTS. One inch, ?0.00 for year o f 62 insertions. Two inches or over, $5,00Jpcr inch, for year of



Gran might have been taken in by the vidame.

m ad am e's frigh t.

i And indeed the priest's eyes present

And we breathed again. The agony ly sank. " Our bargain is to go for noth



etc., and not continue ..to go to the old place as you are now doing.

52 insertions. One column, $120 fo r year o f 52 insertions.

OFFICE--InRecord Bulldlng.O&k Street

Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by H ood's Piits. They do their work

Business Directory.

CHRISTIAN; CHURCH. -- Sunday services: Preaching at 10:80 a. m? and 7;0 0 p .m .; Junior 0. E. at 3:00 p .m .; Sen. 0 . E . atti'.OO p. m .; S. S. at 12:00 ra t Other services; Cottage prayer meet ing Tuesday evening at 7:t0; Church prayer meet ing Thursday evening at 7:00; Ladies' aid every Wednesday afternoon at 4:S0; Teachers' meeting Friday evening at 7:00. Paator' s'receiving days-- Tuesday and Friday afternoon, 3 to 4.

B .R . Brack, Pastor, llN .D e tr o it St.

easily and thoroughly.

Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. A ll druggists. Prepared b y C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.

The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.

DOTTED BRETHREN CHURCH--Rev. Geo. Sickafoose, Pastor. Sabbath services: Sab bath School 13:00 m.; Preaching10:30 a.m. ; Toung People' s Sleeting 6:00 p . m. ; Preaching 7:00 f. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even in g 7:00. Everybody invited to all those services.



Moore, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 A . 51. and 7 ::10

P? M. Sunday school at 12 M. T .P . prayer

meeting Thursday evening. Cottagelprayor meet ing Tuesday evening. Covenant meeting Satur


day before the first Sunday o f each month, with

communion the- first Sunday o f the month.

M S p r i n g Strangers always welcomo. ethodist church, Rev. w. w. divine. Pastor. Sabbath services i Preaching 10:30


a. in. and 7:00 p. m .; Sabbath School 12:00 m .;

J unior League 3:30 p. m .; Epworth League, 6:00

p .m .; Prayer meeting Thursday evening v:00p.

m. Members are expected and strangers, arc al ways welcome.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. O. J .R ob erts, Pastor. Sabbath services: Preaching

Spring Shoes,

10:30 A . M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School 12:00

M. Young People' s meeting 6:30 P. M. Prayer

meeting, Wednesday evening, 7:30.

Ev a n g e l i c a l c h u r c h , com er oa k and Second Sts. R ev.F . C. Berger, Pastor. Res idence 47Main St. Preaching at 10 30 a .m . and


OF THE WOLF. v,>*a .v?*v 4v** y BY STANLEY J WEYMAN.


' *

" Men are known by their works!" the priest retorted. " Now. now," he cotinued, abruptly, raising his voice and lifting' his hand in a kind o f ex

altation, real o r feigned, " is the ap pointed time! And now is the day of salvation! And woe, Mirepoix, woe! w ool to the backslider, and to him that pntteth his hand to the plow and loolceth back to-night!"

The layman cowered and shrank be fore hig iieree denunciation; while Mme. de Pavannes gazed from one to

the other as if her dislike for the priest were so great that seeing the two thus; quarreling, she almost forgave Mire poix his offense.. " Mirepoix said he

could explain," she murmured, irreso

lutely. The c8adjutor fixed his baleful eyes

on him. " Mirepoix," he said, grimly, " can explain nothing! Nothing! X

dare him to explain!" And certainly Mirepoix, thus chal

lenged, was silent. " Come," the priest continued, peremptorily, turning to

the lady who had entered with him, " your sister must leave with us at ouce.

c.f suspense, which Bezers' pause had ing?" he muttered, sullenly.


created, passed away. But the night " I know of no bargain," quoth the


already seemed to us a week of bights. vidame. " And l have no tiine to lose,

An age o f experience, an aeon o f ad ventures cut us off--as we lay shak ing behind the curtain--from Cay1us and its life. Paris had proved itself more treacherous than we had ever cxpected to find it. Everything and every one shifted, and wore one face one min

splitting hairs here. Set. it down to

what you like. Say it. is a whim of mine, . a fad, a caprice. Only understand that j Mme, de Pavannes stays. We go. And," 1 he added this. :us a sudden thought

seemed to strike him. " though I would not willingly use compulsion to a lady,


Item s YThscli "W ill B e o f Keailers G athered from

Interest to Onr H ere and There

--Crim es Casualties and O ther O ccu r

re n c e s o f t h e W e e lc R e p o r t e d l>y W ire*

L a n s in g , A u g . 28.-- T h e g o ld s ta n d a rd

D em ocrats W ednesday nom inated the

ute and one another. We had come to save Pavannes' life a t the risk o f our own; we found him to be a villain! Here was Mirepoix owning himself a treacherous wretch, a conspirator against a woman; we sympathized with him. The priest had come upon a work of charity and rescue; we loathed the sound o f his voice, and shrank from him, we knew not why, seeming only to read a dark secret, a gloomy ?threat in each doubtful word

he uttered. He was the strangest enig ma Of all. Why did we fear him ? Why did Mme. de Pavannes, who apparently had known him before, shudder at the touch o f his hand? Why did his shadow come even between her and

her sister, and estrange them, so that from the moment Pavannes' wife saw him standing by Diane's side, she for got that the latter had come to save, and loo Iced on her in doubt and sorrow,

almost with repugnance. We left the vidame going back to the

fireplace. He stooped to set down the candle by the hearth. " They are not

l think Mme. d'O had better come too."

" You speak masterfully," the priest said with a sneer, forgetting the tone he had himself used a few minutes be fore to Mirepoix.

"Just so. I have40 horsemen overthe way," was the dry answer. " For the moment^ I am master of the '.egions.

Coadjutor." " That is true," Mme. d'O said; so

softly that I started. She nad scarcely spoken since Bezers' entrance. As she spoke now, ' she shook back the hood, from her face and disclosed the chestmi* hair clinging about her temples-- deep hloTK o f color on the abnormal whiteness or her skin. " That is true,

M. de Bezers.'1'' she said. " You have the legions. You have llie'power. Rut you will not use it, 1 think, against an old friend. You will not. do us this hurt when I-- But listen."

He would not-, in the very middle of her appeal he cut. her short-- brute that he v/as! "No, madame!" he burst out violently, disregarding the beautiful face, tbe suppliciitinggkinec-thatmight

follow in g tick et: 'Governor, R u fu s F.

Sprague; lieutenant governor, A. B.

E ld rid g e; secreta ry o f state, S. I.

B oycq; treasurer, W ilder D . Stevens;

auditor general, Irvin g N C onkey;

land com m issioner, A . M. Tinker; su

perintendent of schools W illiam

H eap; attorney general.Cyrus B . L oth -

rop ; board o f education, John B. T a g

g a r t ; e le cto rs a t la rg e , J oh n S. F a rr ,

Sam T. D ouglass; delegates a t large, Sam uel T. Douglass, John D. L a w

rence, S. L . K il.'.orne, T. A . W ilson .

The resolutions, after an address to

the D em ocrats of M ichigan, are as fo l

low s: ?


"W e denounce the late Chicago con

vention as un-D em oeratic in its repre

sentations, arbitrary and dishonorable

in its m ethods, rev olu tion ary in its

platform , and P op u listic in its nom ina

tions; w e refuse to support its candi dates or obey Its m andate, and dem and

that the com ing convention at Indian apolis shall present for our suffrage

men w ho are D em ocrats and a plat

form advocatin g the honored principles

o f the D em ocratic party. "W e fav or the m aintenance o f the

existing gold standard; we oppose the

Short Pal ngraplis Stating the Events o f the

Past Pew days,

H am burg has run ahead of Liverpool Rud is n ow the chief port o f Europe, if German statistics can he believed.

In the public schools of Japan the En glish language Is required to be taught by. law

P . 0. Buffington, mem ber of the firm of B uffington, Shively & Co., clothiers, at H untington, W . V a., assigned. Assets, $60,000; liabilities u n k n ow n .

Fur-bearing anim als are becom ing so scarce that the feasibility of breeding them is being discussed. I t is conceded that Siberia w ould be the m ost desirable place for the ostablismont of farms fo r this pur pose.

T h e. Navarro cafe, ow ned b y S. R . Brooks and James H . Applegate, at Lex ington, K y., made an assignment Riley Grannan at one time ran the establish m ent in great splendor, carrying it dow n When he was broke The Breckinridge club had headquarters there in the last congressional election w hen Breckinridge was defeated. -- A n old be.lnnger of Frcssingfield, E n g land, has ju st received from Queen V ic toria her portr fit fo r having rang the hells on ev. ry anniversary o f her birth

since she ascended tShfc*e*throne.

Mr. Jacob, the great curio collector and jew el m erchant o f Sim la, India, w ho is the original o f F . M arion Craw ford 's " Mr. Isa a cs," is obliged to sell his collection, ow in g to the action o f the governm ent, W hich m akes it im possible fo r him to carry on his dia m ond trade w ith chiefs o f feudatory states.

Z B IU sn tsT S ,



EDITED BY REV. O. J. ROBERTS. This column is open to any who has any com nmniention hearing upon practical SntuiaySchooL work, or liaa any news concerning the progress o f thu work, w c solicit correspondence -along tliese lines from all workers.

THE COMING MAN. A pair of very chubby legs

Incased in scarlet boBc; A pair o f little stubby boots,

With rather doubtful toes; A little kilt, a little coat,

Cut, as a mother can-- And Jo I before us stands in state

The future " comingman." n is eyes, perchance, will read tbe stars

And search tlieir unknown ways; Perchance the human heart andsoul

Will open to their gaze; Perchance their keen and dashing glance

Will be a nation' s hght-- Those eyes that now are wistful bent

On some "big fellow' s' ' kite.

7.30 p .m , Sunday School 11.45 m., Mrs. W. A. Koenler, Supt. Young People's Alliance every Sunday at 6.30p .m . Prayer service Wednesday at 7.30 p .m . A ll sects are free. A ll cordially welcomed.



r O .O . F .---Bnchanan Lodge 13o . 75 holds Its . regular masting, at Odd Fellows H all, on each Tuesday evening.

That are carried in a Shoe

Cl * A . M,--Buchanan Lodge N o. 68 holds a C , regular meeting Monday evening on or before .he f uilm oon in each month.

and Clothing Store.

t o .U . W---Buchanan Lodge N o. 98 holds its O ., reular meeting th e ls t and 3d Friday even ing o f each month.

'V A . R .- W m . Perrott Post N o.22. Regular O f . meeting on the first and third Saturday


W e have no time to lose." " But what--what does it mean?"

Mme. de Pavannes said, as though she hesitated even now.

" Is there danger still?" " Danger!" ihe priest exclaimed, his form seeming to swell, and the ex altation I had before read in liis voice and manner again asserting itself. " J put myself at your service, madame, and danger disappears! I am as God to-night with powers o f life and death! You do not understand m e? Presently you shall. But you are ready. We will

here," he said, as he straightened him

self again, and looked curiously at his companions. He had apparently been too much taken up with the pursuit to notice them before. " That is certain, so I have the less time to lose," he con tinued. "But I would--yes, my dear coadjutor, I certainly would like to know before I go what you are doing

here. Mirepoix---Mirepoix is an honest .man. I did not expect, to find you in his house. And two ladies? Two! Pie, coadjutor. Ha, Mme. J'O, is it? .My dear lady," he continued, addressing

have moved a stone, "that is just what

1 will not do. 1 will not. listen! We know oue another. Is not that

enough ?" She looked at him fixedly. lie re

turned her gaze, not smiling now. but eyeing her with a curious watchful ness.

And after a long pause she turned from him. " Very well." she said softly, and drew a deep, quivering breath, the sound of which reached us. "Then, let us go." And without--strangest thing o f all--bestowing a word or look on her

unlim ited free coinage of silver at the r a tio o f 16 t o 1, b e ca u s e >ve b e lie v e such coinage w ould ruin our industries, rob our savings hank depositors o f half their savings, deprive pensioners of h alf their pittance, take from the w id ow and orphan h alf their life insur ance, and cu t in tw o the w ages o f our w orkingm en. W e believe the Am eric an w orkingm an earns m ore than any other w orkm an on earth; w e, therefore believe h e is entitled to receive his p a y in the best m on ey in the w orld, in h on e st d o lla r s w o r th 100 ce n ts in g o ld ."


The eldest son o f M illais, w ho su c ceeds to the baronetcy, seem s-to have no especial talent except as one o f the m ost successful breeders o f hounds in E n g la n d .

The Deere & M ansur com pany, m an ufacturers o f farm im plem ents a t M o lin e , Ills ., h a s g iv e n n o tic e o f a 10 p e r cent, reduction in w ages.

The Farm ers' and Laborers' union o f M issouri elected J. B. D ines presi dent for the ensuing year.

H ick sviile (O .) capitalists h ave form ed an organization for the purpose o f even in g up oil fields.

Those bands--those little, busy bands-- So sticky, small and brown;

Those bauds, whose only mission seems To pnll all order down--

Who knows what bidden strength may be Concealed within their grasp?

Though now ' tis but a tally stick Jn sturdy hold they clasp.

Ah. blessings on those little bands, Whose work is yet undone;

And blessings on those little feet; Whose race is yet unrun;

And blessings on the little brain That lias not learned to plan;

Whate'er the futnre hold in store, God bless the " coming man." --Boston Beacon.

veiling o f each month. Visiting comrades alvays welcome.

OBERT HENDERSON, &1. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, Rough' s Opera House Block. Residence, N o. 90 Front Street. Calls answered all hours o f the day and night.


go then. Out of the way, fellow !" ho thundered, advancing upon the door..

But Mirepoix, who had placed him self with his back to it, to my astonish ment did not- g iw way. Ilis full bour-

H M. BUOBRICK, SI. D , Homeopathic Phy- S P E C I F I C S a r e scie n tifically

? sician, Ac. Office at his new Front St., Buchanan.



R em ed ies;


been used for h a lf a century

E. 0. Colvin, M. D.,

PHYSICIAN &. SU R G E O N , Office over C. D. Kent's grocery store.

Residence, 15 Cayuga Street.

w ith entire success,


srK cin e for

1 --F ev ers, Congestions. Inflammations. 2 --W orm s, W orm Fever, W orm Colic... 3 --'T eeth ing, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness 4h-D iarrlica, o f Clifldreaor Adults......

7 --C oughs, Colds, Bronchitis.............. S ^ X cu ra lg ia , Toothache, Faccache*....

geoise face was pale; yet peeping through my chink. I read in it a des perate resolution. And oddty--very oddly, because I knew that, in keeping

Mme. de Pavannes a prisoner, he must

be in the wrong--I sympathized with

him. Low-bred trader, tool o f Pav annes though he was. I sympathized with him, when he said firmly:

" She shall uot g o !"


` ` T he N iagara F alls R ou te."

U>T? .A T N r S r i A S O ? .


9 -H e a d a c h c s , Sick Headache, Yertlgo.


Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation

11--Suppressed o r P a in fu l P e r io d s ....

1 2 --'W h ites, Too Profuse Periods.............


Croup, L aryngitis, Hoarseness.....


S alt Ith cu u i, Eryslpelas.Eruptlons.


Rheumatism , orBheumatlcPains..

" I say she shall!" the priest shrieked,

losing all control over himself. " Fool! Madman! You know uot what you d o !" As the words passed his lips, he made an adroit forward movment, sur

Detroit Night Express, No. S............... 12:16 A M

1 6 --^M alaria, Cliflls, Fever and A gue.....

prised the other, clutched him by tbe

her in a whimsical tone, " do not start at the sound of your own name! It would take a hundred hoods to hide your eyes or bleach your lips to the

common color; I should have known you at once, had I looked at you. And your companion? Pheugh!"

He broke off, whistling softly. It was clear that he recognized Mme. de Pavannes, and recognized her with as

tonishment. The bed creaked as I

craned my neck to see what would fol low. Even the priest seemed to think that some explanation was necessary, fo r he did not wait to be questioned.

"Mme. de Pavannes," he said, in adry, husky voice, and without looking up, " was spirited hither yesterday, and de tained against her will by this good man, who will have to answer for it. Mme. d'O discovered her whereabouts,

sister, who was weeping bitterly in a chair, she turned to the door and led the way out, a shrug of her shoulders the last thing I marked.

The poor latly heard her departing step, however, and sprang up. It dawned upon her that she was being deserted. " Diane! Diane!" she cried distractedly--and I had to put my hand on Croisette to keep him quiet, there was such fear and pain in her tone--

" 1 will go! I will not be left behind in this dreadful place! Do yon hear? Come back to me. Diane!"

It made my blood run wildly. Bat,

Diane did not come bade. Strange!

And Bezers too was unmoved. He stood between tbe poor woman and the door, and by a gesture bid Mirepoix ' and tbe priest pass out. before him. " Madame," he said--and his voice, stern

R u t fo r Tills P art o f tlio T ow n o f Ontona g on M ight ITavo B oon Saved.

M a rq u e tte , M ich ., A u g 29.--A m o n g

the arrivals from Ontonagon w ere A l fred M ead, editor o f The M iner, and before the fire one o f the w ealth iest and

m ost influential citizens o f O ntonagon cou nty; M rs. Clarence Corbett, w ife of Sheriff Corbett o f O ntonagon county, accom panied by her m other, Mrs. E m

m ons, and three sm all children. A ll o f these had lost every vestige o f prop erty. On the sam e train cam e W . W . R ichardson, lum ber inspector, o f this city, and H. W . Backus, a D etroit cap italist, both o f w hom w ere eyew itnesses o f the fire.

These gentlem en state that but for the dem oralized condition o f the w ork m en about the lum ber yards one-third o f the tow n, com prising nearly all o f the residence portion, m ight h ave been

M rs. K in g, m atron o f the engine h o u s e N o . 13 o f N e w Y o r k c ity , is s a id to he as g o o d as a n y o f th e m en In sliding dow n the brass pole, hitching horses and answ ering alarm s.

* *

Thom as D aler, a H ig F ou r brakem an w as killed b y the cars a t Paris, Ills.

M andolin club serenades h ave be com e such a nuisance in Law rence, Kari., th a t th e papers are ca llin g on th e city council for an ordinance w hich shall w holly prohibit them --a t least after H p. m.

Trenton, M o., w as so circus hungry th at it w ent on an excursion eighty m iles up into Iow a to have a look at a show.

Otis H all, a jew eler o f R ockville, Ind., died a t T erre H aute, Ind., after taking a dose o f poison to secure re lief from a headache.

The body o f F ran k Cham berlain,

Coming Sunday School EventsBuuhanan-Niles-Bertran a S S. Bally, Saturday, Sept. 12. Bucbanan-Bertrand Sunday School Convention Saturdat and Sunday,Sdpt. 10 and 20, at Buchanan. Berrien County Sunday School Con vention at Benton Harbor, Oct. 6 and 7. Weesaw Township Sunday School Convention, at Hill's Corners, Oct. 4. State Convention at Kalamazoo, Nov.


U o n v e n tio n 'D o n 'ts. Don't say you are goiD g and end up by sticking at home. Don't be afraid the Lord won't take

Mall, N o . 2 ................................................. 9:47 A M Chicago & Kalamazoo A cco m ., N o. 22 7:22 I* M

T B :^ 5 -Z 2 S T S v s t e s t .

LEAVE BUCHANAN. Chicago Night Express, N o. 7............. 3:42 A M Chicago ,ft Kalamazoo A ccom ., N o. 21 8:03 A M Boat., N. Y . & Chi. Special, N o. 1.. ..12:00 M Mail, No. 3................................................ 3:24 P M

A. F. 1' B` COck, Local Agent.


Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head

2 0 --W h oop lm r C o u g h ..................

^ T --K id n e y D isea ses,..................... 2 S --IVervous D e b ility .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 0 --U rin ary W e a k n e s s ,.........................

3 4 --S ore T h ro a t, Quinsy,Diphtheria....,

* 7 7 " fo r G R I P .

arms, and with a strength I should never have thought lay in his meager frame, flung him some paces into the room. " F ool!" he hissed, shaking his

crooked fingers at him in malignant Vrlumph. " There is no man in Paris, flo you hear-- or woman either--shall

and asked me to escort lier here with out loss o f time to enforce her sister's release."

" And her restoration to her dis

tracted husband ?" . "Just so," the priest assented, ac

quiring confidence, I thought.

and hard as ever, expressed no jo t oi compassion for her, rather such on im patient contempt as a puling child might elicit--" you are safe here. And

here you 'viU slop! Weep ?i! you please," he added cynically, "you will have fewer tears to shed to -m o r r o w .''

saved. In. their efforts to sta y the fire Messrs. Richardson and Backus w ere nearly sm othered by sm oke and heat, w hich sw ept in w hirlw inds around them. Mr. M ead says the cou nty o f

O n to n a g o n is lo s e r a b o u t ?30,000, fu lly insured. The county court house w as a copper roofed brielt structure and the

the Atlantic and P acific road conduct or w ho w as killed by falling from a train, w as taken to "W arsaw, Ills., for burial.

A n unknown man robbed the postoffice a t Ta.sw ell, In d., s e c u r in g "$S0. Officers are on his track w ith blood hounds.

care o f your business if you go. Don't count it going, if you drop in

at one session and out the next. Don't go as some Sunday school

dummy. Take part, help and ha helped. Don't expect to make long-winded

O. W . Rcoolsb, G. P. .ft T. A.

S old b y Drngglflts, o r sent prepaid on receipt o f price,

25c., o r 6 f o r f l . , (m a y IxxiiKsortud', except W , $1. size only. ItfeilcurtinKTS* ilAN nAi.(En!argetl.tKevisedl m a il k d k h k s

thwart me to-night!" " Is that so? Indeed?"

" And madame desires to go?" " Surely! Why not?"

His last words--they certainly were w a lls re m a in erect. T h e v a u lts in th e odd ones--arrested her attention. She tre a su re r's a n d cle rk 's offices w e re

speeches, Boil it down.

W a rrin g saloon keepers o f W heeling,

Don't go wishing or expecting an

HCnrilRKYS*21ED. CO.,I l l * 113WlIiamSt.,Sew York.


E s ta te o f A n n V a n ti *b urg*

First publication An#. 18, 18SG.


STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien.--ss. A t a session or the Probate Coart for said

I n e ffe ct J u n e 21, 1S95. Trains leave County, held at. the Probate Office In th ocity of

Galien, MIcli., as follow s:

St. Joseph, on the 10th clay ol August, in the year one thousand eiubt hundred and ninety-six.


Preaeut, Jacob J. Van Kiteii,Judge o f Probate.

No. 6, E r , Sun, 1:10 P. M.

For St. Joseph In the matter o f the estate o f Ann Yantilburg,

No. 20, E x, Sun., 8:45 P . H ,




N o. 14, Ex. Sun., 9.00, A . M.

For St. Jovcph On reading and filing tbe petition, duly verified,

No. 16, Sun. only 9.47, A . Si.

For St. Joseph of James A . Benharger, praying that administra

No. 20 has through sleeping car, St J onis t ? tion o f said estate may be granted to him, the said


petitioner or to some other suitable person.


Thereupon it i9 ordered, that Monday, the 7th. day o f September next, at ten o*clock in tbe fore

The words, and the cold, cynical voice, were not those o f Mirepoix; they came from behind. The priest wheeled round, as if he had been stabbed in the back. I clutched Croisette, and arrested the cramped limb I was mov ing under cover o f the noise. The speaker was Bezel's! He stood in the

open doorway, his great form filling it

from post to post, the old gibing smile on his face. We had been so taken up, nctors and audience alike, with the altercation, that no one had heard him

" Well," the vidame drawled, his man ner such as to bring the blood to Mine, de Pavannes' cheek, " it depends on the

person who--to use your phrase, M. le Coadjuteur--spirited her hither."

" And that." madame herself retorted, raising her head, while her voice quiv ered with indignation and anger, " was the abbess of the Ursulines, Your

suspicions are base, worthy o f you and unworthy of me, M. leYidame! Diane!" she continued, sharply, taking her sis ter's arm, and casting a disdainful

checked her sobs, being frightened, 1 think, and looked up at him. Per haps he had spoken with this in view, for while she still stood at gaze, her hands pressed to her bosom, he slipped quickly out and closed tbe door behind him. 1 heard a muttering for on in stant outside, and th.en the tramp of

feet descending the stairs They were

gone, and we were still undiscovered. For madame, she hod clean forgotten

our presence--of that 1 am sure--and the chance of escape we might afford.

burned, out, bu t only the court records and treasurer's books are burned, as th e cou nty funds w ere deposited in the H oughton bank. The vaults in the ju d g e o f probate's and register o f deeds' offices w ere intact.thus givin g prom ises o f the safety o f land records and set tlem ent o f estates, averting com plica tions on real estate titles.

Terrible Tragedy at Detroit.

D e tr o it, S e p t. 1.--F r a n k B e a u b ie n , a g e d 40, s h o t a n d m o r ta lly w o u n d e d his w ife M onday m orning, attem pted to kill his tw o children and then blew

M o., h ave been selling beer in th irtyounce glasses until for m utual protec tion a num ber o f them cam e together and called a halt.

A n unknown m an fata lly shot him self in the head at W arsaw , Ills.

The D em ocratic central com m ittee of R ich land cou nty refused a t Olney, Ills., to substitute P opulists fo r H . S. M or ris and S. A . K eller, D em ocra tic n om i nees respectively for state's attorney

and circuit clerk. H . V . B a rn u m , a g e d 2S, re p re se n tin g

him self as a son o f a Chicago m illion aire, w as arrested a t St. P au l on the

ofii :e. This is >our " off year." Don't fail to see that your school is

creditably represented and repotted. That is what you are there for.

Don't vote somebody for office be cause "lie's so good " He may be good -- ior uoibii g.

Don' t tolerate the crank who wants to ride his little hobby and take the convention up behind him. He'll be lh e re , but k eep vonr eye on him.

N o. 10, Ex. Sun., 12:08 A . M. For Terre Bant N o. 35, Ex. Sun., 6:29 P. 51. For Loganspor No. 17, Sun. only, 7:39, P . M . For Logansport

For Complete Time card, giving all trains a n

stations, and for full information as to rat e

through cars, ntc., address

G. M . W heeler, T . P. A .


Terre Haute, Ind.

O rE. A . Ford,

G en! Pass.. Agent, St. Louis, Mo.

Cleveland, Cincinnati, ^Chicago and

noon be assigned for the hearing o f said petition,

and that the heirs at law of said deceased

and all other persona interested in said estate, are

required to appear at a session ot said Conrt,

then to be holdcn in the Probate office, In. the

city of St. Joseph, and show canse, i f any there be,

why the prayer o f the petitioner should not be

granted. And it is funner ordered, that said pe

titioner give notice to the persons interested in

said estate, o f the pendency o f said petition and

the hearing thereof, by causing n. copy of this

order to be published in tbe Buchanan Record, &

newspaper printed and circulated in said Coun

ty, three successive weeks previous to said day of


(A true copy.)


[L . S.l

Judge o f Probate.

St. Louis

Last publication. Sept. 3, I8f`6.

? - B I G F^OUR E O U T E -^ gJ


First publication July 21, 1890.

S' T he PoruLAR R oute B etween the Michigan Cities an d a l l Southern P oints.

TATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Conrt Tor the County o f Berrien.

Trains carrying passengers leaye Niles as

J on s W . Weaver, 1





No. 22

1:22 p m


| N o. 23

8:02 aro

Francis W. G.vno, ) Notice is hereby given, that a writ of attach

N o . 24

5:45 p m | No. 25

1:57 am ment lias been issued oat ot the Circuit Conrt

No. 2S*

8:02 a m |N o. 27*

C:57 p m for the County o f Berrien, in favor o f John W.

ascend the stairs. He still wore the glance at Bezers, " let us go. I want to

black and silver suit, but it was half- be with my husband. I am stifled in

hidden now under a dark riding cloak this room."

which just disclosed the glitter of his " We are going, little one," Diane

weapons. lie was booted, spurred and murmured, reassuringly. But I no

gloved as for a journey.

ticed that the speaker's animation,

;I--s t-h--a--t-s--o-?" h--e--r-erp-e-a--t-e-d--m---o-c-k--i-n.gly.----w--h--i-c-h---h--a-d--b--e-e--n--a-s--a--s--o-u--l-t-o---h-e-r--b-e--a-u-ty

as his gaze rested in turn on each o f the when she entered the room, was gone.

four, and then traveled sharply round A strange stillness--was it fear o f tile

the room. " So you will n ot be thwarted vidame?--had taken its place.

b y any man In Taris, to-night, eh?

The abbess of the lirsulinesV" Be

Have you considered, m y dear coad zers continued, thoughtfully. " She

jutor, what a large number of people brought,you here, did she?" There

there are in Paris? Itw ould amnseme was surprise, genuine surprise, in his

very greatlynow--and I 'm sure it would voice. "A 'good soul, and, 1 think I

the ladies too, who must pardon my have heard, a friend o f yours. Umph!"

abrupt entrance--to see you put to tbe

`A very dear friend," madame nn-

test; pitted against--shall we say the swered, stiffly. " Now, Diane!"

duke o f Anjou? Or M. de Guise, our

A dear friend! And she spirited

great man? Or the admiral ? Say the you hither yesterday!" commented the

admiral foot to foot?"

vidame, with the air of one solving an

Rage and fear--rage at the intrusion, anagram. " And Mirepoix detained

On finding herself alone she gazed a short time in alarmed silence at tbe door, and then ran to the window and peered out, still trembling, terrified, silent. So she remained awhile.

She bad not noticed that Bezers on going out had omitted to lock the door

behind him. I had. But. I was udwiUiag to move hastily. Some one might return to see to it before the vidame left the house. And, besides,

the door was not over strong, and if locked would be no obstacle to the three of us when we had only Mirepoix to deni with. So I kept the others where they were by a nudge and a pinch, and held my breath a moment, strain-,ng my ears to catch the closing

o f the door below. I did not hear that. But 1 did catch a sound that otherwise might have escaped me, but which now riveted my eyes to the door o f our room.

his ow n brains out. Beaubien, w ho is a m em ber o f an old F ren ch fam ily, w as left considerable m oney som etim e ago and has been drinking heavily ever since. M onday m orning h e w ent hom e drunk and w hen his w ife rem on strated drew a revolver and shot her in the back as she ran. H e also at tem pted to shoot his tw o children but both escaped injury. H e then placed the revolver to his ow n head ana blew his ow n brains out.

Burglar Shot and Killed.

P o n tia c , M ieh ., A u g . 29.--A b u r g la r y

attended by fatal results took place a t Birm ingham , a neighboring village, early Thursday m orning. A bout 2 o'clock A rthur Blalteslee saw three men carrying goods from a store ad join in g his residence. H e inform ed tw o neighbors and attem pted to arrest the burglars. A lively chase follow ed, In w h ich th e th ieves open ed fire w ith out effect. One of the thieves w as shot

charge o f defrauding the R yan hotel of

$23 in h o a r d a n d d rin k s a t th e b a r.

* *

The case o f John Stewart, w ho cam e to this country several m onths ago to prove that he w as an heir to the w ealth left b y A . T. Stewart, w as dis m issed inthe N ew Y ork suprem e court.

T h o m a s R . B a lle n tin a e x p e n d e d $75,000 f o r fo u n d in g a h o m e f o r th e a g e d folk s at N orfolk, V a., and then m et the extrem e disappointm ent o f being un able to find ten w orth y persons in the city w ho w ere w illing to enter it.

M r. Sm yser o f Sum m erville, Ga., In h is 97th y ea r, h as p u t seven b u llets in to a tw o-inch bull's-eye at a range of sixty feet.

R ussell E vans Piano com pany o f Chicago offers to rem ove its com plete

plant, w ith fo rty workm en, to Plano,

I lls ., i f citiz e n s th e re w ill ta k e $10,000 o f stock in reorganized com pany and g iv e it 40,000 s q - a r e fe e t o f ro o m .

Don't ijest.;Ja vefel

in ' B rooklyn, h as been placed in the

-hands o f a receiver. General Jourdan,

president o f the com pany, w as named

as receiver.


w ith paralysis w hile standing at the news counter in the Russell house Tuesday m orn ng. U p to the m om ent of the para lytic attack he seemed to be in excellent


Finally Got the Sea Lion.

s M a n iste e , M ich ., A u g . 29,-- C ollin

Leiteh has shot the fam ous sea lion

w hich escaped from Chicago tw o years


T h e a n im a l m e a s u re d "5%

feet in len gth and one o f its flippers

w a s 15 in ch e s a e e ro s s w h e n s p re a d out.

Postoffice Safe Robbed. Iro n w o o d , M ich ., A u g . 3L-- T h e s a fe in the postoffiee at H urley, W is., w as blow n open by cracksm en and about $130 in ca s h ta k e n . T h e co n te n ts o f a ll registered packages w ere extracted.

L u m ber IVoi-tli @200.000 B urned.

C heboygan, M ich., A u g . 31.--F ire yes terday a ftern oon destroyed 1,003,001 fe.-t o f lum ber belonging to Mr. Charlton, of T oron to. T h e loss is a b o u t ?100,000; quite fu lly insured. __________

Renominated to Congress. C h e b o y g a n , M ich ., A u g . 28.-- C o n gressm an R . O. Crm p w as renom inated b y the Republicans o f the Tenth dis trict Thursday.

State Notes, W . N. W inans, dry goods merchant at Detroit, M ich., w ent out boating and com m itted suicide. L ightning in H oughton county, Mich., killed Joseph Kappa in th e Finnish church at H ancock. Mrs. W ebber w as danger ously injured at Quincy. A blacksm ith nam ed Johnson at the same place was knocked senseless b y a bolt.

Dr. H . H . H ale o f D etroit carries a w alking stick, the intrinsic value of w h ie h is $3,000 I t w a s p re se n te d to h im som e years ago b y friends in Edinburg. It is ornam ented w ith gold and jew els, and the head contains a fine ch ronom eter.

The passenger steamer State o f Michi gan, belonging to tfie G rum m ond line, bound up the lake, w ent ashore about one m ile east o f the Grindstone City, Mich.,

dock. All of her passengers were safely

gotten ashore.

L i H ung Chang w as am azed f t the

S. S. R ally. Saturday, Sept. 12.

know ledge w hich every one in E ngland w hom he m et knew o f his doings. "W h y ," he said, "h ow can th ey have

Do not forget tbe Sunday School Rally ou tbe above date. Make your

fo u n d o u t? T h ere are m illio n s o f p e o arrangements now. Do not let it go b y

p le in C h ina te d a y w h o d o n o t y e t default. Study- the program for your

know o f th e w a r w ith Japan."

U n til 1871 th ere w a s n o sh a d in the general' instructions, from the chief

P a c ific w a ters. I n th a t y e a r a fcv. marshal Rev. F . C. Berger.

thousand were introduced b y the U i: ted States fish com m ission. L a st y .e th e c a tc h s o ld f o r n e a r ly $40,000.

* Every school must make an effort to hi ing out evei v other scholar.

isig; m ill to Close Down.

Remember to he prompt. The pro

St. J osep h , M o., Sept. 1.-- T h e B u ell gram shows you the hour, the line o f

W oolen m ills, one o f the largest m an u facturing establishm ents o f the kind in the w est, w ill close dow n n ext Sat

march, and all olher directions. Bead them, study them, tollow them.

u rday fo r an indefinite period. General

dullness o f trade is given as th e cause o f the shut down, w hile the uncertain ty o f the financial situation is said to have contributed to the result. A bout

W e had the pleasure o f meeting, at Bivtrside camp meeting, Mr. A. D . llagatz who is an earnest worker in

200 e m p lo y e s w in b e th r o w n o u t o f


_______________ __

Texas Fever in Iowa.

M uscatine, la ., Sept. L -- A disease closely resem bling, and supposed to be, Texas fever is rapidly k illin g the cattle

the northern part o f the county. A lso

Mr. Wm, Canfield o f Bridgman, who is the President o f Lake township, and a very efficient worker. H e reports the schools in Lake in a good condition,

a t W ilto n J u n ctio n , tw e lv e m iles n o rth and puts him self at the service o f the

o f th is city . I t is co n fin e d to a re g io n Field Secretary fo r any service.-

near the stock yards. A rigid quaran

tine h as been established.

Zanzibar Pataca Bombarded.

Zanzibar, Aug. 28.--[Copyrighted, 1896, by; the Associated Fress.]--The

W e are glad to notice that quite ex tended reports o f the Crystal Springs Convention appear in 'several o f" the

palace of the sultan of Zanzibar was secular papers. It was an excellent

bombarded Thursday morning, and at noon was a mass .of blazing ruins. The

usurping chieftain, Said Khalid,. and

Convention. The attendance, o f cOurse, was not as large as in 1895; 'y et'it

the commander of his forces, Said .reached n very good figure, between

Sales, succeeded in escaping to the German consulate, where they have sought refuge and remain under the protection of the German flag.

300 and 400,' nOtwithatahding'th'h'heat, ten cent admission,and othet tbliigs.

Arrangements are .pending to hold a

Failure in Lumber.

Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 1.--The Her.riman Curd Lumber company has failed. f o r O ro n o k o , B e r r ie n , S o d u s .T ip e B to n e ,

Liabilities approximate $110,000; assets Lake, Lincoln and Boyalton. nominal. It is impossible to obtain an

accurate statement; Local banks are

The impression niade upon us by the

caught for a large amount.

Boston Convention will-sever be lost.

.Representative Convention. A Republican Representative Convention will be held at BuHard's nail, In the city of Niles, on

PERSONAL. Dr. E. S. Dodd was in Niles, Friday,

School Teachers.


W e republish from the Benton Har From our Regular Correspondent.

islied by flue not exceeding twenty dollars and costs of prosecution, or by imprison ment in the discretion of the court.

Tuesday, Sept. 8 ,1S90, at 1 o' clack p. m ,, to nom inate a candidate for Representative in the State Legislature from the second district, and to trans act such, other business as may come before the convention. The following is the appoiutineut o f delegates to which the several townships and city wants will boentitlod on the basis of the total vote for governor:

Towns. B e r r ie n ...................... .

Votes. Delegates. 10

Buchanan...................... .......... 7CH!

Chikamin".................... . . . . . . . 177


Galien............. .


New BuDalo ................. .......... 218


N iles.............................. .......... 27?


Niles City--1st ward... . . . . . . . :*3S


2nd ward.. .......... 201



3rd ward.. .......... 213


4th ward.. .......... 211


Tifreo daks.......... .........


W eesaw.........................


A . 5. Miller o f Coloma was in town, bor Banner-Begister a list o f the school


teachers o f the county, as follows:

F. ?T. Millar was in Milwaukee, the past week.

VILLAGE SCHOOLS. Fairplain-- C. D. Jennings, principal;

Isaac Pbares, intermediate; Elva Gal

D. W. Swem o f Three Oaks was in vin. primary.

Buchanan. Saturday.

j Millburg--J. J. Jakway, principal;

A lva W . Sherwood of Three Oaks was in town, Monday.

D. E. ninm an and W. A . Palmer were in Niles, Tuesday.

Emma Peters, primarj'.

Watervliet--O. M. Miles, principal; NellieTlee, grammar; Mrs. O. M. Miles, second primary; Lizzie Bowe, first primary.

T. C. Elson o f Berrien Spriugs visit ed in Buchanan, Monday.

Attorney G- M. Valentine o f Benton Harbor was in town, Saturday.

Coloma--E. D. Foster, principal; A l berta Van Canip, grammar; Belle

Bratton, second primary; Neva Moody, first primary.

Eau Claire--B. .T. Benson, principal;

The funeral o f Mrs. Henry Cham berlain occurred last Sunday at 2 P. M.

The Farmers' Social Club met at A. W. Davis' last Thursday. Nearly 150 were present and all had an enjoyable time. The young people famished the program for the occasion.

Last Monday the Graham & Morton base ball team o f Chicago played the Three Oaks boys. The score stood 9 to 2 in favor o f the G. & M. boys,

W. L, Phillips and several others of this place, started this morning for Elmore, Minn. They go for the pur

This ordinance shall take effect Septem ber 18, 1896.

Adopted by the Common Council of the Village of Buchanau, August 28, 1896.

Joseph L, R ich ard s, President. 0. D. K ent, Clerk.

On motion, the Council adjourned. C. D. K ent. Clerk.


Theodore Roosevelt contribntea to the Septem ber Review o f Reviews a ch&ractercstlc study o f " The Three Vice-Presidential Candidates and What They Represent." The time is pecnliarly opportune for a re-examination o f the Vice-Pres idential office, aud Mr. Roosevelt offers some per tinent suggestions as to the proper status of the Vice President in our scheme of government. He believes that the Vice-President should represent

Geo. W ym an & Co.-will offer the com ing season Undershirts and D rapers for men, as fo l low s:

H ardifold Underwear. N orfolk and New Bruns w ick Underwear. Luzern K nitting M ills. Staley Underwear.

F or ladies we have: The H ardifold Underwear. The Jaros Underwear. The W ashington M ills, The Etna M ills. W e shall aim to keep these

lines up during the season. They range in price from 25c to 83.50.









Republican Senatorial Convention.

A HepnMican Convention for the purpose of

nominating a candidate for State Senator for the

Seventh Senatorial District of Michigan, consist

ing of the counties o f Berrien and Oass, will be

held at the GaU Uonse in Nile?, on September


at 12 o'clock >t. The basis of represent

ation will bp one delegate from each supervisors


Dated August 23*1$UG.

B* i t STERNS, )

E. K. WAltUKN, J-Committce.

W .W . EASTON, i

The Michigan Republican Newspa per Association, in session at Port Huron Thursday, dropped the name o f the Detroit Tribune from the list o f Republican papers in this stale.

School Commissioner B. 1\ Clarke, has begun the publication o f School Progress, a journal in the interests of Berrien county schools. We trust Mr. Clarke wi>l be amply repaid for the work he h:>s undertaken.

DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The National Democratic or " sound money" convention convened at Indian apolis yesterday noon. Forty-one States and three territories are repre sented by nearly a thousand delegates. Ex-Gov. Roswell P. Flower, o f Hew Y ork, was chosen temporary chairman, and he addressed the convention at some length.


Miss Bessie Rose o f Galien is attend ing the Buchanan High school.

Miss June Thompson of South Mil waukee is visiting Mrs. Ivy Flowers.

Miss EUa Durham o f South Bend visited at 1). L . Boardman's, last week.

Clarence Paul started lor Cincinnati. O.. vesteiday, fo ra visit with relatives.

Mrs, J. B. liynt arson returned home on Saturday,from a\isit with relatives in Chicago.

Master Georgia Joslyn has gone to Mouriue, M o , fo r an extended visit with his sister.

Miss Fern Southerton returned home on Saturday, from a visit with rela tives in Battle Creek.

Mrs: 0. H. Bradley, sou ard daugh ter o f Three Oaks are visiting at I). L. Board man's, this week.

Mrs. J. II.Paul returned to her home, iu Elain, 111., Monday, accompanied by her sister, Miss Sadie Anstiss.

Mis. Halt Donly o f Michigan City came, last evening, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W . H. Ingles.

Mrs. E. J. Hopkins and children have returned from au exunded visit in the eastern part o f the sta'e.

Miss E lsie Kingeiy returned home Thursday evening, fiorn her summer's visit with friends m Saugatuck.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Godfrey started, Tuesday morning, fo r t-t. Paul, to at tend the G. A. R. National Re-union, at.d to visit other Western points.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henry, who hava been visiting relatives in this vicinity fo r several weeks past, left for their home in Y olo county, Cal., Tuesday.

Maud Ward, primary. Berrien Springs-- J. D. Carmody,

principal; Ada Moulton, first primary;

Nellie Marquissee, second primary. Baroda--C. L . Weaver, principal;

Alice Rowland, primary. Stevensville-- Will Stevens, principal;

Anna Zebell, intermediate; Julia Ed wards, primary.

Holly wood--Jesse Goudenough, prin cipal; Nellie Woodley, primary.

N ew Troy-- W. C. Siebbins, princi

pal ; Emma Faulkner, intermediate:

Franc Gibson, primary. Bridgman--Emily Snow, principal;

Grace Chapman, primary. Galien--L . H. Balter, principal; Nina

Ransom, assistant principal; Bessie Livesay, second primary.

N ew Buffalo -- Lenora McDonald, principal; May Dispenette, grammar; Mae Zerby, intermediate; May Loehr, primary.

Three Oaks--W. M. Milham, princi pal; Mary Kent, assistant principal;

rs. George Otwell, grammar; Franc Sheldon, intermediate; Jesse Wright, second primary; Myrta Pardee, first primary.

Buchanan--A. J. Swain, superintend-

ent; Laura Haggart, principal; Sara Farmer and Lillie Abel, assistants; Elsie Kingery, eighth grade; Nellie Fast, seventh grade; Anna Treat, sixth grade; May Brewer, fifth grade; Emma Grover, fouith grade; Anna Simmons, third grade; Carrie Williams, second grade; Edith Beardsley, first grade.


Bainbridge township -- Bainbridge Centre, George Barnard; Spinks Cor

ners, W. W . Wigbtmau: Penn l ran, A. D. Sutherland; Gribb's, Mrs. C. E. Abernethy.

Benton township--Pearl Grange, E. 0. W ills; Sorter's Corners, Maybe!le

pose o f threshing, Mr. Phillips having an outfit at Elmore.


[ o f f i c i a l m i n u t e s .]

Regular meeting of the Common Council o f the village o f Buchanan was held in the Council Chamber, Fri day evening, Aug. 28, 1S00.

President Richards, presiding. Present--Trustees BaintOD, Graham,

Phelps and Wood. Absent--Trustees Miller and Dal-

rymple. Minutes of the meeting held July

31 were read and approved. Trustee Graham, chairman of the

finance committee, made report o f the expenditures for the month:


B u c h a n a n , Midi., A u g . 28, 1896. To the Honorable P resident and Common

Council o f the Village o f Buchanan: We, the Finance Committee, beg leave to make report of expenditures for tlie month of May, for the several funds mentioned below, and after careful examination find them correct, and recommend that orders he drawn for same:


Ohio Pipe Co................................... 83589S

M. C. R. R. Go................................. 2650

Joseph Waldron............................. 313

II. O. Morgan................................... 500

Geo. Howard.................................... 4000

R. A. Myler..................................... 4000

H. H. Smith.................................... 24 00

Win. Rynearson.....................

2 25

Z. Cain............................................. 663

B. T. Morley................................... 125

John Winn....... - ................. ....... 2 50

Eli Metz......................................

6 88

Amos Stoner.................................... 3 13

Geo. Hathaway.............................. 5 00

J. B. Rynearson.............................. 125

the principles on which the President was chosen to office, that lie should have a seat in the Cabinet, and that his official power should he increased in several directions. Mr. Roosevelt's comments on the personalities o f the three candidates now con spicuously before the country arc direct, pointed, and decidedly Rooseveltian.

McClure's Magazine, with a stirring barrackroom ballad, by Kipling, a thrilling installment of Anthony Hope's "phroso" , a dramatic sea story by an actual sailor, and characteristic stories by Mrs. Sanford and Clinton Ross, maintains, in the September number, its usual enticing aspect. In scanning a tabic of contents of McCinre' s one never experiences, it must be allowed, the famili ar difficulty o f finding something one really cares to read,

Constantinople Riots Explained by Sublime Porte.


Tho Turkish Legation Receives Informa

tion That the Revolutionists Have Seen

Excoinmmiicatod from the Christian

Church and the Armenian Patriarch

lias Appealed to tlie Sultan to Publicly

Censure Them.

ByArousingtoHealth)!Actionall herJprgans.^

I t causes health to bloom; and; Hoy to reign throughout the frame.<

. It Never Fails to R egulate

" My wife 1ms been uiulertreatment o f lead*(

VlnK pliyslclnns three years, wltliout benefit./

kAfter iisini; three bottles o f BUADFlIsrjD'3)

'fc'KMAJtiC ItlfitiUJiATOlt she can dalier own j

fcooklnu, mUkliiK iiml wiishlmr."

,, i


N- S-BUYAN-UendersoiivvAln-, S

[ ItKADFlETd) llKUUMTOlt CO,, Atlanta, Oa.J

Sold by (Irnggi8ts a t S1,00 per bottle.

0?, RIPA-N-S 1

u. J


modem stand

IU ard Family Medi-

Or cine: Cures the


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2'New`Steel'Passenger Steamers

T h e Greatest Perfection y e t attained in Boat Construction -- Luxurious Equipment, Art?si ic Furnishing, Decoration and .E ifid en t Service, insuring the highest degree o f


FourT wps per W eek.Between

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? LO W RATES-to. Picturesque M ackinac and

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Between^DEeVEtRrYo'iEtVEaNnINdG Cleveland

Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all poinbrT&ist/Southland 'Southwest and at Detroit lor all poiuts North and Northwest. Sunday Tfips Juno;-Ju!y; August and'September Cnly.


Cleveland,`Put-iin=Bay; Toledo

Send for niustrated PamphleL Address

A. A-.-SQHANTZ, ?*



z 0

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