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^ | M | a g l Jji#&









Best Little Purgative

I aver used," writes one lady, in regard lo Hood's Pills. "They are "so mild t a d do

tin ir mark a iih-

but any griping, 1 re. u mi-.t nd t In :a in till suffi r i n g from cos* tivcnirs, -Tin v

P I S O ' S C U R E F O R


liOHtS WH?R? ML ELSE fAILS. t < UUKU ^fm\\K To>tea Good.

In l i m a Sold b? UruKiilMa.


tin attempt to in k .1- mere valuable through tli-1mKing the currency would certainly fail ? ??' its purpose.

fingers. His elbow gavo way, and be fell down upon his face. Ho tried to i.tiso liitusi'lf. lie fell down again, then rolled over, then lay still.

There was a luntl splash of nion jumping; overboard and thon nlnnisi instantly tho cry of "(Quarter! Quarter I" Tha lieutenant ran to tho odge of tlto vt'ssol. Tho grap-

Dr H u m p h r e y s ' Sii^cm^

ore scientifically a n d carefuju

p r e p a r e d R e m e d i e s , vis,t;d for,

n e a r l y Half a c e n t u r y i,v Q p e o p l e w i t h e n t i r e -u . cess.

M B g roa

1 ti a 4

- Kevsrs, Cnii558nma, tuQuin,,, U . . m i . . WormKi-vi-r, w..ri,, i r.-eililna, iulle,tfjlng.W;,k.: ll.ai r l i r a . of t llllilreaor A.n

'ion*. ?lu-... : I ileus

u ill C t r l :i i n ly The ooiifoundiug of two entirely tlif - pling irons of tho pirato sltij) had

bring your habits f e r e n t t h i n g s , prices ::inl values, is at parli'il, ami they had drifted off, Tho

regular, Wsuat tho bottom of tin- Idea thai low price* f.'\ |iir.:i. . who had been left aboard

no other catl air aro lujiti ion*. In so far as the money of of (iiu schooner hatl jumped over-

tic." Hot d'l Pills are rapidly increasing frj favor, li'.c.

a country measures prices it must effect ho.inl or wen- hiililint,' up their

every kind ! t gonds alike, and NO a gen- j eral tlcclinr in price* hurt* no one, and as lower prices dne to cheapened pro

hands. "iJun't

"(Quarter!" they cried. sliiHit! Quarter!" And the

sioci then, anil every home it h is t \cr dOefion simplj ni'-ans ihnt goods can be antem! litis In in blighted, and i-vi ry life obtained bj ? -- exertion very few per

fl^hi wax over. -- Howard I'yloinSt.


it ha* ever touched has I n it i i.iiu a. lis sous will be 1 -nui w illing m urge that record is one of want ton I id gri ul.it nil it would I- wise t" go back to the old

Are Yniir Maeits Chapped?

and shame, it* form ia a Ida-pin my, .md condition" of hard labor and limited II an, go,to&ny d r a g stun, iitnl ask fur a

its birthplace is hall I" "And now to.the piunt," in- resumed

after another long (mil at tho buttle. " I

JWOdpcl --a The expoaur* to all soils and eon-

ii---- KampMof l.iijiiiil Fnoii-oitia, a m-w i rcpiratiiiii fiiri*li.i|i|nril liaiids. Large liottli'siV.

have hit upon tk happy idea for battling liti-ins of weather t h a t a |jura,bernr?an

Tall HI,.I I.ou- r i a n t . .

effectually \\ Ith this cursed foe to sooi? j a c a l l e d , u p o n io e n d u r e in t h e c a m p *

'all growing plants are not snita-

ulii on.i gm.il gnvurmmiitli ami I ILIUMWO. nfUin pmoi Hittoi - > H > I - - e n d - I . . i' Y '\A& fm'bi.'tltt ttearilh' ji.itlis, ospocial-

you are u geirticuian of enough

not promptly ehreki.l, n - n ' i in con ly w h - u tle:.-e b e d s iiro c l o s o t O t h e

utioii to join in it with tin-. Iii ..ides dn- gestion or pneumonia, Mr .1 "O.

I tag humanity un Imsuteulirtfle service, [ ,,, mi going-to m a k e a fortune to it. mid

Davenport, ex manager of the Fori

hoiiM'. Tini tall growers should be givon n jiliico somowliiit in tho Iwick

I!IMU;J lo'thvooil Co , uu immense in groupd. where they eaj^bo,. aionill J

for Infants and Children

I H H R T T y e ? r ? ' j > l ? e n r a t i o n o f C a i t ^ r t a w i t h t h ? p a t r o n a g o o.*

million* of persons, permit ua to speaU of i t w i t h o u t gnea?liig.


I t la naqne??onanly t h e beat remedy forlufanta a n d Children

the world has ever known. I t ii hnrmles*. cftldren like_it._It

givea t h e m health. I t will ?ave their live*. I n i t M o t h e r * h a v e

s o m e t h i n g w h i c h is a b s o l u t e l y wafe a n d p r a c t i o a l l y perf^o?_a*_a>

?Uld's medicine. Castoria destroys Worm..

- Caatoria allaya Fcverisliuo", , . 'Caxtoria prevents vomitlm; Sonr Cnrd,

Castoria cures Diuriliiei anil Wia't Colic.

Caatoria relieves Teething Troubles,

?-l>> . i n t e r v. Oriplnf, BtUolui i

. l l u . l r r . Morbus, VUIUHIMK

f--( nuulis, i uku, Uniui-hlns

M \ e u r a l e l a TootSai ha, ? a .,?

? lleail elies, I > Ilysuriisla, 11--?uniires?ed i i \\ hites,'i"i

Sii-k lleuila.-li., l.

lilllousuvw, fini-i;

or I'sln ii'r..rus

lni ert


pcterr ri (-

"1*1. -Hull


t:t tr.uie. Laryaal Is, Boaneu.

1 l - 8 u l i Illieum, i ryslnsla , ) o I 5 - I . Iieuiliallsm. or Kinaiiniit i Hi Miliaria. CUllB. l-Vv.rauit \.

l-.iu. tag..

I I -I'iles. nilad or Bleeding...

lai--Opliilialiiiv. Bora OS Wiik I

l i l - t ' a l a r r l , lullui-iuii. Cold lu i, ?l "i - W h o o p i n g < i HI i. h


81--Asllima, Oppnaasd UraaUii

%"\~ E a r O l s e h a r a e s , lmpniri .1 I rluir,

'^3-Herorula, tiularatsj Uluuiln.


2 1 General UebllKv.Pbyalt-al'. 'ZH--Dropsy, and Scmity Secreii.


i?6--e'ea S i e k u e s s . Slckueaa firam Lliilas ?il Ki.liiev lllseases

tiM-IV'ervous Oi-blll y


2!? Sore Mouth, or Canker

30--t'rlnary Weakness,--...

31-I'aliifiO l'rriods. 32-OTsease* or the Heart, 1


,'l:t t'iptleiiny, Sj.asnm. St. Vitus' I il. .U 3 1 Hore T h r o a t , Quinsy, Dlplith. ? UL-S,,

35--t lironlc Ciongesllons & I n .

'' 77 "for HAY FEVER

f J % T ' C Rheumatic

Is (tie only, positive Cure k ?wn fo ti: Hedical Profession for

the Cure of Acute ami j

ii, Gouli t.mnhajro, Sciatica,

Neufaljjia, Ovarian

[ia. DI?

iTa;a, Psoriasis,Scrofula. L h ................

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