
But what will be done now? Europe is in Shambles. NO ONE ever wants another war like the Great War; they want peace. Places that were once part of the great empires (Russian, Ottoman, German or Austro-Hungarian) are now asking to be independent countries.

France, Great Britain, and the United States are all meeting together to see the best decision for Europe after the war. Woodrow Wilson represents the United States and you are his trusted assistant!


Mr. Wilson would like some input on the ideas that he will be discussing with other world leaders during peace negotiations. Remember the goal is a just and lasting peace for the world. Please write your answers in complete sentences on your own sheet of paper!

1. Should Germany have to publicly admit full responsibility for starting World War I?

2. What should be done with Germany’s Armed forces?

3. What should be done with Germany’s overseas colonies?

4. What should happen with lands taken by Germany and other Empires that used to be owned by other countries?

5. Should Germany be forced to pay money for the cost of war? If so, HOW MUCH?


Before the war was even over Woodrow Wilson had some ideas of his own. He called them the Fourteen Points these were his plan for peace. Look on page 858 to help you understand his ideas and answer the following on your own sheet of paper:

1. Summarize each of the FIRST FIVE (5) points of Wilson’s 14 points in your own words.

2. What one thing did points 6-13 focus on?

3. What did Wilson propose in his 14th point when he stated a “general association of nations”?


So did Woodrow Wilson and his team of Super Allied Powers figure out a plan for world peace in France the same way you did? To find out look on pages 858 -861 and illustrate each of the following terms of the Versailles treaty on your own sheet of paper:

1. Territorial Losses 3. War Guilt

2. Military Restrictions 4. The League of Nations


Use the information found on pages 859-860 to answer the following questions in complete sentences on your own sheet of paper:

1. Name 4 countries that were created after WWI.

2. What 4 countries lost land as a result of losing WWI?

3. What country were Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia carved from?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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