Hunter College

Hunter College


To Request Support from Public Officials or Public Agencies

Requests for support from public officials and public agencies require prior approval. Please provide the following information via email to A hard copy should also be sent to the Office of the External Affairs, Room 1704A, East Building.

|Date | |

|Name | |

|Department | |

|Phone number | |

|Email Address | |

|Name of Official or Agency to which requests will be made. | |

|Anticipated Date of the Meeting with the Public Official or | |

|Public Agency (if applicable) | |

Please provide a brief description of the project you hope to support (attach separate sheet if needed):

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Anticipated Costs of the project you hope to support | |

| | |

|Deadline or solicitation submission date | |

| | |

|Is your application in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) or a Request for | |

|Applications (RFA)? | |

| If yes, indicate website or attach the RFP/RFA | |

|Have you contacted this public official or public agency and/or received support from this official or | |

|agency before? | |

| |

|If yes, attach a separate sheet with details, including the date(s) and details of your previous contact/support. For a funded project, |

|include a description of the project, the period for which you were funded, and amount of funding you received. |

No proposal will be considered without the following

Department Chair’s approval:

Signature ____________________________________ Date_____________

Dean’s Approval:

Signature ____________________________________ Date_____________

CC: Office of the Provost

Relevant Dean and/or Office

Robert Buckley, Director of Research

Meredith Halpern, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications

Jayne Rosengarten, Executive Director of Development


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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