Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter

Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Chapter Meeting Minutes

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Johns Hopkins University

9601 Medical Center Drive

Rockville, MD 20855

10:30am – 1230 pm

Call to Order: Following the Ritualistic Opening, President Alissa Bonner called the meeting to order at 10:50 AM. A quorum was established at that time. She asked officers to limit their reports to five (5) minutes and committee chairs to limit their reports to three (3) minutes.


Adoption of Agenda – Soror Alissa Bonner:

The Social Action Committee is not reporting today.

Motion: Soror Diane Black moved to adopt the agenda as amended.

Second: Soror Maria Kersey. Vote: 88 in favor, 0 opposed Motion carried.

Minutes from September 2019 Chapter Meeting – Soror Darlene Goodman-Mims: Soror Goodman-Mims gave a brief report on the Recording Secretary’s training from last month. She highlighted the role of the Recording Secretary and described the format for meeting minutes. Other highlights will be presented over the new few months. Soror Joan Brown submitted a few minor edits.

Motion: Soror Cheryl Prejean-Greaux moved to accept the minutes with changes.

Second: Soror Erma Withers Vote: 87 in favor, 0 opposed Motion carried.

Review of Correspondence - Soror Stephanie Cummings Carr: The following correspondence was sent to the chapter:

- The sorors of Nu Phi Chapter thank the chapter for the generous donation which allowed two of the chapter’s members to attend their first convention.

- The family of Soror Effie Moore thanks the chapter for support during her transition. The family wished to continue their support to PVAC.

- Invitation to attend the AKA Theta Omega Omega Chapter’s 50th Anniversary on November 9th at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda.

- Monumental Women for the Arts will sponsor a Master Class Series at Blair High School for students interested in pursuing expertise in the Arts, Nov 2nd and Dec 7th, 8:30am – 11:30 am both days.

Officers’ Reports:

President – Soror Alissa Bonner: The Eastern Regional Fall meeting will be held on October 26th from 8:00am – 4:30pm on the campus of the State University of New York at Purchase. Business attire required.

Soror Rosia Blackwell Lawrence, Eastern Regional Director, will bring greetings at the Public Meeting of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. 58th Atlantic Regional Leadership Conference. The event will take place at 7pm on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Hilton Baltimore. Sorors are encouraged to attend and wear red.

The Maryland Statewide Founders Day will be held January 25, 2020 at the Bethesda North Marriott. The ticket is $90. The theme is “Celebrating the Vision of Twenty-two Phenomenal Women.” Attire is black, no pants. Soror Marylyn Strickland is the ticket captain.

The chapter photo will be taken immediately following the meeting. The photographer will be available to take individual photos for $20 each.

The chapter newsletter will be sent during the week of October 28th and will profile PVAC past presidents and the key achievements during their administration. Please send other items of interest to Soror Cummings Carr.

The Executive Board voted to proceed with membership intake and to bring the vote before the chapter. All sorors were notified of the intent to vote in accordance with the Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake. We will watch the mandatory video, “Preparing for Membership Intake - Ready to Vote”, under Unfinished Business, then proceed with a motion and vote on whether to proceed or not to proceed with membership intake. If the chapter votes to proceed with Membership Intake, nominations for the Minerva Circle will occur immediately following the vote.

First Vice President – Soror Daphne Page-Reaves: Soror Page-Reaves welcomed the following visiting sorors: Soror Rachel Weinberger, initiated in Nu Eta Chapter, currently a member of Phoenix Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter, invited by Soror Crystal Goodman; Soror Christine Handy, initiated at Old Dominion University, invited by Soror Cheryl Vault.

Thanks to Soror Mindy Golatt for purchasing the breast cancer bracelets.

Membership Services conference call was held on Thursday, Oct 10th. The committee discussed plans to implement the following activities over the next several months: Delta DEARS recognition on November 9th; with special acknowledgement to DEARS who have been a member for at least 60 years; Holiday Party in December; Love Month in February; and Founders Day in January-March. We will also have Delta Internal Developments (DIDs) and many other sisterhood bonding activities. Soror Page-Reaves will also roll out the Delta Love Train this year – an initiative that will include visits to sorors who are in need.

Thanks to Sorors Lia-Beth Moore, Lana Mosby, Anna Riley, Ramona Brown, and Shannon Powell for hosting the Sisterhood Round-Up in September.

Happy Birthday to all sorors born in October.

Second Vice President – Soror Danita Johnson: Breast Cancer Awareness Delta shirts are available for purchase. Soror Johnson will forward the email for those interested in purchasing.

The Delta Authors Directory has been released in the Sisters Only Portal. Registration for the Red Pages Directory has been extended to 31 October. The Red Pages Directory will highlight sorors’ businesses and non-profits.

Soror Johnson is seeking a chair and co-chair for the Physical and Mental Health Committee. There will be a meeting with all program chairs immediately following the chapter meeting.

Financial Secretary – Soror Annie Ahmed

Soror Ahmed participated in the Fiscal Officers training webinar on October 10th. Receipts are available for sorors who have paid for various events.

Financial Secretary’s Report for September 1-30, 2019

General Operating: Receipts: $2480 Disbursements: $885

Scholarship: Receipts: $6000 Disbursements: $0

Named Scholarship: $3000 (never deposited into our account, mailed directly to recipient)

Service Checking: Receipts: $20,000 Disbursements: $0

Financial Members: 146

Treasurer – Soror Chandra Holloway

Treasurer’s Report for September 1-30, 2019

Total Assets: $86,090.29

General Operating: $41,831.85

Service Checking: $29,750.21

Scholarship: $9125.00

Service CD: $5383.23

Soror Holloway participated in the Fiscal Officers’ training webinar on Oct 12th as well. She discussed the steps included in the dues transmittal process and asked sorors to allow 30-45 days for this process to be completed. Sorors should also allow 30 days to be reimbursed after vouchers are submitted. The best way to reach Soror Holloway is via email at treasurer@ with a copy to hollowaylawoffice@.

The budgeted amount for the meeting space is currently $1000 which aligned with what was available at the time the budget was approved last sorority year. Soror Holloway is recommending that the line item for the meeting space be increased from $1000 to $4000 to meet the chapter’s contractual obligation for the meeting space.

Motion: Soror Maria Kersey moved that we accept the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee to increase the meeting space line item from $1000 to $4000.

Second: Soror Sabrina Hampton Vote: 91 for, 0 against Motion Carried.

Arts and Letters – Soror Jeanette Conrad-Ellis: The Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter (MCAC) has invited PVAC sorors to a Red Carpet viewing of “Harriett”, on Nov 1st at the Regal Majestic Stadium theater from 7-9:30pm. An Event Brite link will be sent for ticket purchase. Sorors are encouraged to wear paraphernalia.

The Arts and Letters Committee will host its first book club of the year on November 9th at JHU immediately following the chapter meeting. There will be a discussion on “Lead From the Outside” by Stacey Abrams. Additional information will be in the newsletter.

Delta Authors Volume V and Pride in our Heritage merchandise are available in the Sisters Only Portal

Fundraising – Soror Lana Mosby: Soror Mosby thanked Soror Cathy Troutman for another successful HBCU Crab Feast. Thanks to her leadership, we raised over $37.000. Each of the following universities received $1000 for scholarships: University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Hampton, Howard, Tennessee State, and NC Central. Thanks to In two years, the chapter has given over $20K in scholarships to HBCUs. The chapter is in need of a crabfeast committee chair for this year.

National Pan-Hellenic Council – Soror Shannon Powell: The National Pan-Hellenic Council Montgomery County (NPHCMC) will sponsor the 9th Annual HBCU College Fair at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church on Saturday November 2nd from 9am – 2pm.

Soror Maria Kersey has joined the Panhellenic Committee and has tickets available for a chance to win a 50-inch TV, a laptop, or a $100 gift card. Winners will be announced on Dec 8th at Lucky Stripes located at Montgomery Mall.

NPHCMC has partnered with Lead4Life to sponsor a Food Drive and a Thanksgiving dinner for juveniles located at Alfred Noyes Children’s Center. Various items will be accepted at the November Chapter meeting, including gift cards. PVAC has committed to providing 50 gift cards worth $10 each.

Technology Committee – Soror Sabrina Hampton: The Members Only Section is back online and has the voucher and Jot form uploaded. (The Jot form is used to request promotion materials.) The minutes and other information will be uploaded to the Members Only Section in the future. Please contact the tech team at tech@ if there are issues with logging in. Committee Chairs are asked to provide reports to the tech team by 6pm on the Wednesday prior to the chapter meeting.

Unfinished Business:

The chapter viewed the mandatory video “Preparing for Membership Intake: Ready to Vote.”

Soror President answered questions regarding the chapter’s service area, Minerva Circle election, and the budget should we vote to have Membership Intake. At the moment, there is no budget to cover those expenses.

Motion: Soror Sabrina Hampton moved that we vote to proceed with Membership Intake. Second: Soror Danita Johnson Vote: 78 in favor, 12 opposed. Motion Carried.

Nominating Committee – Soror Claudia Herbert: Soror Herbert explained the nominating process and the qualifications to be nominated to the Minerva Circle (must have been a member of the chapter for the past two years, must have been a member of a committee for the past two years, and must be knowledgeable of Delta’s policies and procedures); she also discussed the duties and commitment of the Minerva Circle. Soror Herbert discussed the highlights of the overall process.

Soror President presided over Nominations for the Minerva Circle.

Nominations were opened for Leader of the Minerva Circle. Soror Sheila Robinson and Soror Anna Riley were nominated. Hearing no additional nominations, Soror President declared the nominations closed.

Nominations were opened for the Keeper of the Muses and Graces. Soror Crystal Goodman and Soror Maria Kersey were nominated.

Motion: Soror Avis Russell moved to close nominations for the Keeper of Muses and Graces. Second: Regina Small Vote: 80 in favor, 0 opposed Motion carried

Nominations were opened for Convener of the Odyssey Experience. Soror Debra Thomas and Soror Nicole Murray Lewis were nominated.

Motion: Soror Diane Black moved to close nominations for Convener of the Odyssey Experience. Second: Danita Johnson Vote: 89 in favor, 0 oppose Motion carried

Nominations were opened for the nine Jewels. The following sorors were nominated:

Phymeon Lyles, Darlene Goodman-Mims, Daphne Page-Reaves, Ronnie Watkins, Shirley Malone, Lia-Beth Moore, Stephanie Cummings Carr, Joan Brown, Felecia Alexander, Felicia Gibson, Chona Manuel, Cathy Troutman, Pamela Byrd, Shannon Powell, Quiana Dawson, and Marylyn Strickland.

Motion: Soror Mae Walton moved to close nominations for the nine Jewels. Second: Soror Benetta Waller. Vote: 88 in favor, 0 oppose Motion carried.

All nominations were presented to Soror Herbert who read the names of each nominee.

Soror President discussed next steps for the process which includes certification of the vote to be submitted to the Regional Director, confirmation of eligibility of the nominees, slate presented to the Executive Board, concluding with a vote for members of the Minerva Circle at the November chapter meeting.


Soror Lyles – There will be a Soil Collection Ceremony and Reception on November 3rd from 3-5p in Poolesville, MD. Poolesville is one of three (3) documented lynching sites and is the location where George Peck was lynched.

Soror Waller - A representative from the Board of Elections is available today outside of chapter meeting to accept change of residence information or to take applications to work at the polls during the 2020 election cycle.

Soror Tijani – In the event we acquire more members prior to the Rush, the final number of candidates that we can take will increase as well.

Soror Bonner – National Urban League is hosting a tele-townhall on the 2020 Census on Oct 22nd. Stacey Abrams is one of the speakers. Registration is on the Urban League website.

Motion: Soror Sabrina Hampton moved to adjourn.

Second: Soror Danita Johnson

Vote: 82 in favor, 0 opposed Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm, followed by the Ritualistic Closing Ceremony.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Darlene Goodman-Mims



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