UNIT TWO - Pure Country 4-H



Chapter 1 Cat Origins

Chapter 2 Cat Breeds with Breed Chart

Chapter 2A Breeds Body & Coat Types

Chapter 3 Cat Characteristics

Chapter 4 Selecting a Kitten or a Cat

Chapter 5 Feeding and Nutrition

Chapter 6 Health Care

Chapter 7 Emergencies and First Aid

Chapter 8 Traveling with your Cat

Chapter 9 Vocabulary

Chapter 10 4-H Information

UNIT TWO - Intermediate

There are several editions of this book so page numbers (& spellings) may be slightly different.

Chapter One – Cat’s Origins

1. What was the earliest ancestor of the cat called?


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2. How long ago did the Myacis inhabit the earth?

40 – 50 million years ago

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3. Describe _____ characteristics of the Myacis.

• Size of lynx --Long slender body

• Long tail --Short legs

• Retractable claws

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4. How did the Dinictis differ from the Myacis?

• Higher intelligence

• Greater agility

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5. How long did it take for the Dinictis to evolve from the Myacis?

10 million years

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6. What do we call the creature that evolved from the Myacis?


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7. In what part of the world did cats originate?


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8. How long ago were cats domesticated?

8000 years ago

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9. Where were cats first domesticated?

Ancient Egypt

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10. Give _____ facts about Bast.

• Protects cats

• Assumed shape of cat

• Goddess of night and the moon

• Protected crops

• Ensured rich harvest

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11. What did Egyptian owners of cats do when their cat died?

• Shaved their eyebrows

• Embalmed the cat

• Had a ceremonial funeral

• Buried the cat in a special ceremony

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12. List _____ ways that today’s cats are the same as ancient cats.

• Same size

• Same shape

• Keen hunting instincts

• Self-reliance

• Same purring sounds

• Same aloofness

• Same affection

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13. What were the first truly domesticated cats?

African Wildcats (felis Sylvestris libyca)

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14. How did cats first arrive in Europe?

Phoenicians and Greeks brought them on ships

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15. What happened to many cats during the Middle Ages?

• They were blamed for anything evil

• They were often burned

• Their fur was used for clothing

• They were eaten

• They were connected to witchcraft

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16. Cats are considered to be a symbol for what in China?

• Good fortune

• Peace

• Beauty

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17. What do Buddhists admire in a cat?

Meditative powers

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18. What is a common good luck charm in Japan?

Maneki Neko (beckoning cat)

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19. What is a Maneki Neko?

Figure of a sitting cat with one paw raised

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20..What does a Maneki Neko with left paw raised indicate?

Inviting customers to enter a shop

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21. What does a Maneki Neko with right paw raised indicate?

Attracts money and good fortune

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22. Why do Japanese people appreciate cats?

They enjoy simple artistic beauty and a cat is seen as a being of rare beauty

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22. What happened to cats in the 1800’s?

• They began to be accepted as household pets

• Exhibiting and breeding cats became popular

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Chapter Two Cat Breeds including Breed Chart

23. How many breeds of cats are there?

CFA currently lists 41 and other breed associations have accepted several more

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24. Where was the first cat show held?

Crystal Palace, London, England

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25. When was the first cat show held?

July 13, 1871

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26. Where was the first cat show held in the United States?

Madison Square Garden, New York City

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27. When was the first cat show held in the United States?


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28. What is the name of the first registry of purebred cats in the United States?

Cat Fancier’s Association

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29. What is a purebred (or pedigreed) cat?

Intentionally bred for certain desired qualities and usually eligible for exhibition in a show ring

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30. Name _____ criteria used to judge a household pet.

• Physical condition --Cleanliness

• Presentation --Temperament

• Attractive or unusual appearance

31. What are the three breed types?

• Natural,

• Man-made

• Mutation

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32. What is a natural breed?

• Created by nature but refined and stabilized by selective breeding

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33. What is another word for man-made breed?

• Hybrid

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34. What is a man-made breed?

Crossing two or more breeds to create a new breed

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35. Which breed has been used as a foundation breed for more new breeds than any other?


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36. What is a mutation?

A spontaneous change in the gene structure resulting in an unusual feature?

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37. Crossing two or more breeds to create a new breed results in what?

A man-made breed (hybrid)

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38. A spontaneous change in the gene structure can result in what?

A mutation

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Note: All of the following breed questions can be found in The Cornell Book of Cats, *** Second Edition, Pages 23-41 ***

39. Name _____ natural breeds.

• Persian -- Abyssinian Siamese

• Maine Coon Russian blue British Shorthair

• Birman Chartreux Egyptian Mau

• Korat Norwegian Forest Cat Singapura

• American Shorthair -- Siberian Turkish Angora

• Turkish Van Ojos Azules Sokoke

40. Name _____ Man-Made breeds.

• Burmese Bombay Chantilly (Tiffany)

• Ocicat Exotic Chausie

• Tonkinese Havana Brown Nebelung

• Himalayan Oriental Pixiebob

• Ragdoll European Burmese Savannah

• Ragamuffin Bengal Serengeti

• Burmilla California Spangle Snowshoe

• Toyger York Chocolate

41. Name _____common mutation breeds.

• Manx Scottish Fold

• Cornish Rex Sphynx

• Japanese Bobtail American Curl

• American Wirehair Balinese

• Devon Rex American Bobtail

• LaPerm Selkirk Rex

• Cymric Donskoy

• Don Sphynx Foldex

• Highland Fold Munchkin

• Peterbald Bambino

42. The Persian is considered what type of breed?

• Natural

43. Describe _____ characteristics of a Persian?

• Short, cobby body -- Short legs

• Deep chest -- Large, round feet

• Long, thick coat Snub nose

• Flat face Large, round eyes

• Small Ears Short tail

• Can be large or medium size Short, well-rounded middle

• Ruff immense and continues in deep frill between front legs

• Equally massive across shoulder/rump

44. Name the color divisions Persians are shown in.

• Solid Tabby

• Silver and golden Shaded & smoke

• Parti-color Color point (Himalayan)

• Bi-Color

45. The Burmese is considered what type of breed?


46. Describe _____ characteristics of a Burmese.

Medium size Compact, weighty body

Rounded chest and head Glossy coat

47. The Burmese was mated with which breed to become the breed now seen?


48. The Abyssinian is which type of breed?


49. The Abyssinian was allegedly developed from what?

Ticked cats from North Africa

50. Describe _____ characteristics of an Abyssinian.

Body medium long Lithe, supple, effortlessly graceful

Muscular Coat is soft, silky, fine in texture

Short coat, but long enough to accommodate 2 or 3 dark bands of ticking

51. What are the four accepted colors for Abyssinians?

• Red

• Ruddy

• Fawn

• Blue

52. Siamese are what type of breed?


53. What is the origin of Siamese?

Asian, probably Siam or Burma

54. Legends indicate the Siamese were used for what?

To guard the royal palaces and temples

55. The Siamese are considered to be the most popular cat breed second only to which breed?

Household Pets

56. What is the only accepted color for Siamese eyes?


57. Describe _____ characteristics of the Siamese.

• Brilliant blue eyes Wedge shaped faces

• Sleek, elegant Lithe, muscular, medium body

• Foreign or Oriental, tubular body Short hair

• Long legs Long tail

• Pointed (darker) facial mask, ears, tail & legs

58. How did the original Siamese differ from today’s Siamese?

They were stocky and round-headed.

59. Cross breeding of the Siamese has resulted in many current breeds.

Name _____ of them.

• Balinese Havana Brown

• Himalayan Tonkinese

• Color Point Oriental Shorthair

• Oriental Longhair Ocicat

60. What are the accepted colors for Siamese?

• Seal Point --

• Chocolate Point

• Blue Point -

• Lilac point

61. Which breed has been the foundation breed for more breeds than any other cat?


62. The Cornish Rex is what type of breed?

Spontaneous Mutation

63. Where was the original Cornish Rex discovered.

On a farm in England

64. Name _____ characteristics of the Cornish Rex?

• Small to medium body --

• Long, slender, but not tubular

• Egg shaped head -

• Large, oval-shaped eyes

• Roman nose --

• Coat more wavy than curly

65. What happens if a Cornish Rex and a Devon Rex are mated?

The kittens will not have a curly or wavy coat

66. The Manx is what type of breed?


67. The Manx originated where?

Isle of Man in the Irish Sea

68. Generally known as a tailless cat, describe the variety of tails the Manx can be have

• Rumpy (no tail) --

• Stumpy (tail stump of 1-5 inches) -

• -Longie (complete tail)

69. Which three breeds are the foundation of the Ocicat?

• Abyssinian --

• Siamese --

• American Shorthair

70. The Himalayan is a cross between which two breeds?

• Siamese --

• Persian

71. Name ___ hairless breeds

• Sphynx -

• Donskoy --

• Peterbald

72. Name ____ breeds that have curly coats.

• Selkirk Rex

• Cornish Rex

• Devon Rex

• LaPerm

73. Which breeds of cat only come in the color Blue?

• Russian Blue --

• Korat --

• Chartreaux

74. Which breed of cat is all black with big round copper eyes?


75. Which breed of cat is pointed, has blue eyes, an inverted “V” on its face, and has four white feet?


76. What is a household pet judged on?

• Physical condition

• Cleanliness

• Presentation

• Temperament

• Attractiveness

• Unusual appearance

77. The Ocicat is what type of breed?


78. Describe a Maine Coon.

• Body is medium to large --

• Muscular

• Broad chest --

• Long, shaggy, uneven coat

• Long, flowing tail

79. What type of breed is a Sphynx?


80. Describe a Sphynx’s hair.

It has thin, short hairs on its ears, muzzle and tail, but no whiskers

81. A Himalayan is what type of breed?


82. CFA classifies the Himalayan as a color point division of which breed?


83. A British Shorthair is what type of breed?


84. The Bombay can only be what color?

Jet Black

85. The smallest breed of cat is what?


86. Name _____ breeds that have spotted coats.

• Egyptian Mau --

• Ocicat

• Bengal

• California Spangle

87. Name _____ breeds that can only be color point.

• Birman

• Snowshoe

• Javanese

• Balinese

• Siamese

• Himalayan

88. An Exotic is what type of breed?


89. The Exotic was originally created by crossing which two breeds?

• American Shorthair and Persian

90. An Ocicat is a spotted tabby, with all hairs banded except where?

• On the tip of its tail

91. Describe the coat of a Cornish Rex.

• Deep even waves on its body.

Chapter Two – Cat Breeds

(only section on body types and coat types)

91. Give the three basic and two overlapping body types.

• Cobby,

• Semi-Cobby,

• Moderate,

• Semi-Foreign

• Foreign

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92. Give two examples of a breed that has a cobby body.

• Persian

• Manx

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93. Give two examples of a breed with a semi-cobby body.

• Chartreaux,

• British Shorthair

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94. Which body type is the most common?


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95. Describe a moderate body.

• Well balanced

• Medium length

• Well muscled

• No extremes

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96. Describe a cobby body.

• Heavy

• Short-legged

• Compact

• Broad-chested

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97. Describe a semi-cobby body.

• A little longer than a cobby body

• Not as broad chested as a cobby body

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98. Give _____ examples of breeds with semi-foreign.

• Abyssinian

• Japanese Bobtail

• Russian Blue

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99. Describe a semi-foreign body.

• Body stretched out but not too extreme

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100. Give two examples of cats that have a foreign body.

• Siamese

• Cornish Rex

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101. Describe a foreign body.

• Long and tubular to the extreme

• Firm and muscular

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102. Describe the original coat of a cat.

• Shorthaired brown classic tabby

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103. What are the four basic colors of a cat’s coat?

• Black, chocolate, red and white

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104. What are the dilute colors of black, chocolate and red?

• Blue

• Natural (caramel or champagne)

• Cream

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105. What are the background colors of tabbies called?

• Golden

• Silver

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106. All cats are genetically what pattern?


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107. Name _____ of the coat patterns.

• -Solid

• Tabby

• Tipped

• Bi-Color

• Parti-Color

• Pointed

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108. Describe the coat of a solid or self-colored cat.

• Entirely one color

• No tabby markings

• No white

• No changes of color on each hair

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109. What are the four basic tabby patterns?

• Classic,

• Mackerel,

• Spotted,

• Ticked

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110. Describe a hair of a tabby cat.

Each hair is banded with light and dark stripes called agouti bands or ticking. The arrangement of the bands creates the various patterns.

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111. Describe a mackerel tabby coat.

A wild-type pattern with spine lines and narrow vertical stripes on the sides

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112. Describe a classic tabby coat.

Irregular spirals and whirls create a bulls-eye effect on the sides, solid lines on the spine and a butterfly mark on the shoulders

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113. Describe a spotted tabby coat.

Broken stripes appear as spots

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114. Describe a ticked coat.

Body hairs are ticked with various shades of the main marking color and the ground color

with are no noticeable spots or stripes.

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115. Describe a patched tabby coat pattern.

It has patches of red or cream mixed with the ground colors of the body and extremities, it can

be any tabby pattern

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116. Describe a tipped coat pattern.

Each guard hair has color only on the tip with white underneath

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117. What are the three tipped coat patterns?

• Chinchilla (or shell),

• Shaded

• Smoked

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118. What is another name for the parti-color pattern?


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119. Describe a tortoiseshell or parti-color coat pattern.

Black with random patches of red which may have tabby markings

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120. Describe a calico coat pattern.

A tortoiseshell pattern with white

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121. Describe the van coat pattern.

A white coat with patches of color on the head and tail and possibly a few spots on the rest of

the body

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122. Name the three types of hairs that make up a cat’s coat.

Guard hairs, awn hairs and down hairs

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123. Describe a pointed cat pattern.

The facial mask, ears, legs, feet and tail are a darker color while the body is a pale cream, fawn or white

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124. Describe the texture of an American Wirehair’s coat.

The awn hairs are the same length as the guard hairs. Both types of hairs are curled and

crinkled, giving the coat a wiry feel.

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125. Describe the coat of a Sphynx.

It has thin, short hairs on the ears, muzzle and tail, but no whiskers. The rest of the body may

be completely hairless or have thin, short hairs up to 1/8 inch over other parts of the body.

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CLASSIC - Irregular spirals and whirls, broad and clearly defined that create a bulls-eye effect on the sides, with solid lines on spine and butterfly mark on shoulders.



TORTIOSESHELL (PARTI-COLOR) Black female cat with random patches of red is called tortioshell. Can often have tabby markings



Female cat with Tortoiseshell pattern AND white is Calico.



White cat with patches of color on the head and tail. May also have a few spots on the rest of his body


[pic] [pic]

The pattern of a pointed cat has facial mask, ears, legs, feet and tail of a contrasting darker color while body is pale cream, fawn or whilte.



Bi-Colors are cats with white. White spotting or piebalding can occur with any solid color or pattern. There can be only 1 small spot of white or cat can be nearly all white.


[pic] [pic]

Mackerel: The 'wild type' pattern with spine lines and narrow vertical stripes on the sides.


[pic] [pic]

Spotted Tabby: Broken stripes appear as spots, sometimes seeming to run together into a Mackerel pattern.


[pic] [pic]

Ticked: Body hairs are "ticked" with various shades of the main marking color and the ground color. The body is free from noticeable spots or stripes.

Chapter Three - Cat Characteristics

126. Give ___ types of cat hairs.

• Guard hairs (coarse hairs also called primary hairs or topcoat)

• Awn hairs (a type of secondary hair with bristly tips also called secondary hairs or undercoat or Underfur)

• Down hairs (fine crinkly, also called secondary hairs or undercoat or underfur)

• Sinus hairs (whiskers or vibrissae, above the eyes and carpal hairs)

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127. What are guard hairs?

Coarse hairs also called primary hairs or topcoat

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128. The topcoat is which kind of hair?

Guard hairs (or primary hairs)

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129. What are awn hairs?

A type of secondary hairs with bristly tips (also called secondary hairs or undercoat or


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130. What are down hairs?

Fine, crinkly hairs (also called secondary hairs or undercoat or underfur)

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131. What are the two types of secondary hairs?

Awn hairs and down hairs

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132. What is another name for whiskers?


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133. What are vibrissae?


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134. Where are the carpal hairs located?

On the backs of the front legs

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135. What are carpal hairs?

Whisker-like hairs on the backs of the front legs

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136. What is the best distance range for a cat’s vision?

Seven to twenty feet

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137. Why do a cat’s eyes shine in the dark when caught in a ray of light?

The backs of the eyes are lined with a mirror-like structure called the tapetum lucidum

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138. What is the tapetum lucidum

The mirror-like structure lining the back of a cat’s eyes which causes the eyes to shine in the

dark when caught in a ray of light

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139. How long do a kitten’s eyes remain closed after birth?

Seven to ten days

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140. How long does it take for a kitten’s eyes to become as keen as an adult cat?

Three months

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141. In what two ways is a cat’s hearing more acute than a human’s.

They can hear fainter sounds than we can and they can hear ultrasonic sounds, much higher

than we can.

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142. Give _____ ways a cat can compensate if it becomes deaf.

• Increased acuity in eyesight

• Increased acuity in smell

• Becomes sensitive to vibrations, “hearing with their paws”

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143. Why does a cat move its earflaps?

It directs the earflaps toward a sound so it can hear a faint sound better

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144. What is a cat’s method of recognition (of a person, food or other cat)?

Its sense of smell

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145. Name _____ areas in which a cat’s sense of smell play an important role.

• Appetite

• Behavior

• Protection

• Reproduction

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146. What does a cat do when presented with a new object?

• Thoroughly sniffs it before accepting it

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147. List _____ ways a cat may respond to catnip

• Sniffing

• Chewing

• Rubbing

• Rolling

• Meowing

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148. Where are a cat’s taste buds located?

On the front and side edges of the tongue and at the back of the tongue

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149. What are _____ functions of cat’s teeth?

• Stabbing (killing prey)

• Anchoring (holding prey)

• Cutting or tearing flesh

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150. Why is it that cats cannot crush or grind food?

No flat-crowned molars

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151. How many bones does a cat’s body have?

• 230

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152. How can you tell what a cat’s mood might be?

Its tail indicates its mood

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153. If a cat carries its tail high, what does it indicate?

The cat’s pride and contentment

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154. If a cat’s tail is extended straight out, what does it indicate?

The cat is stalking

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155. If a cat’s tail is curled against its body, what does it indicate?

The cat is scared or worried

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156. If a cat’s tail is thrusting (swishing) from side to side, what does it indicate?

The cat is angry

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157. How can you tell if a cat is scared or worried?

It wraps its tail around its body

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158. How can you tell if a cat is contented?

It carries its tail high

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159. How can you tell if a cat is angry?

It thrusts (swishes) its tail from side to side

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160. Give _____ characteristics of a cat’s hind legs.

• Longer than front legs

• Stronger than front legs

• Enables a cat to leap with great skill

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161. In what pattern does a cat move its legs when walking?

Front and hind leg on one side then on the other

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162. What enables a cat to move silently?

Thickly cushioned paws

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163. What does digitigrade mean?

Walks or runs on its toes

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164. What do we call it when an animal walks or runs on its toes?


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165. How many toes does a cat have?

Five on the front feet and four on the back

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166. What does polydactyl mean?

More than the usual number of toes

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167. What is the word describing an animal with more than the usual number of toes?


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168. What is the cat’s main method of defense?

Hook shaped claws on each toe

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169. What are the primary purposes of claws?

• Climbing

• Fighting

• Gripping

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130. How does a cat express pleasure or contentment?

By extending and retracting its claws in a pumping motion called “kneading”

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131. What is “Kneading”?

Extending and retracting its claws in a pumping motion

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132. What do you call the pits in the skin from which cat’s hairs grow?


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133. What are follicles?

Tiny pits in the skin from which hairs grow

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134. How young can a kitten have developed a sense of taste?

• One day

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135. How do cats react to the taste of sweet things?

• They do not taste sweet things

• Their digestive system is sensitive to sugar and eating sugar may make them ill

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136. What happens when a cat is given cow’s milk?

They develop diarrhea because they cannot tolerate the lactose (milk sugar) in the milk

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137. What is lactose?

Milk sugar

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138. Which is the least important sense in a cat?

The sense of touch

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139. Give _____ sensations that are a part of the sense of touch.

• Gentle touch

• Heavy pressure +++

• Warmth

• Cold

• Pain

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140. Which parts of the cat are especially sensitive to touch, warmth and cold?

Nose and paw pads

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141. Give _____ things the paw pads are important for.

• Sensitive to touch * Sensitive to warmth

• Sensitive to cold * Investigate texture, size and shape

• Maintain posture * Detect vibrations

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142. Why are whiskers important?

• Investigate nearby objects

• Sensitive to air currents

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143. How much time does a cat spend sleeping?

• Two-thirds of the time

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144. Give _____ things that a cat’s self-grooming accomplishes.

• Keeps itself clean

• Stimulates skin glands to produce waterproofing

• Temperature regulation

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145. Why do cats groom themselves more in warm weather?

• They are unable to sweat, so saliva becomes a substitute for the cooling effect of sweat.

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146. What does a cat do when falling?

Turns its head to an upright horizontal position so the rest of the body will follow, and it will

land on its feet

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147. Name two things that purring may indicate.

• Contentment

• Pain

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148. Where are the sinus hairs located?

• Muzzle, above the eyes and back of the lower foreleg

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149. What do we call the sensitive hairs located on the muzzle, above the eyes and back of lower foreleg?

• Sinus hairs

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150. Where are carpal hairs especially important?

• When grasping wriggling prey

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151. Why are cats unable to focus very well on nearby objects?

• Because of the size and shape of the lens in their eye

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151. What is a cat’s most important sense?

• Eyesight

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152. How does purring occur?

A vibration arises in a major blood vessel in the chest and is transmitted to the cat’s upper air passages, resulting in the purring sound.

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153. At what age do cats play?

From three we eks of age through old age

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Chapter 4 – Choosing a Cat or Kitten

154. List _____ things to look for when choosing a kitten

• Outgoing personality

• Not fearful or hostile

• Clear eyes, no excessive watering

• Cool, damp nose, no discharge

• Lustrous shine to fur, no mats

• Clean ears, no signs of mites

• Clean white teeth

• Pink gums

• No skin irritations

• No sign of fleas

• No sign of diarrhea

• Not too thin or too fat

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155. What is a pedigree?

A paper showing names and registration numbers of the parents of a purebred kitten and

whether there are any champions in the kitten’s background.

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156. Describe the best way to pick up a kitten.

Place one hand under the kitten’s chest and use the other hand to support the hindquarters.

Hold kitten close to your body.

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157. List _____ things you can do to make a kitten’s first night in a new home more comfortable.

• Leave a night light on

• Put a small stuffed animal in bed with the kitten

• Make sure the room is warm enough

• Make sure the room is draft-free

• Make sure it can find its food and water dishes and the litter box

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158. What are the best methods of punishment for a cat?

• A loud NO!

• A squirt from a water pistol

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159. Give _____ basic needs of a cat.

• Warm place to live

• Fresh water

• Proper food

• Dry bed

• Companionship

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160. Give _____ reasons why it is better to keep a cat indoors.

• May wander away

• May produce unwanted kittens if not spayed

• Exposure to disease

• Exposure to parasites

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Chapter Five, Feeding and Nutrition

161. Give _____things that could happen if a cat is not fed properly.

• More susceptible to disease

• More susceptible to infection

• Problems with growth

• Problems with reproduction

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162. Which nutrient is particularly important for cats?

• Protein

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163. What is the best source of protein?

• Meat, fish or eggs

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164. Which amino acid is important for cats?

• Taurine

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165. What could happen if a cat does not receive taurine in its diet?

• It could become blind

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166. What kind of diet does a cat need?

High protein with vitamins and minerals

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167. Name the four major types of cat food.

• Dry

• Canned maintenance

• Raw

• Canned specialty

Page 18 Column 2 Paragraph 2

168. Name _____ advantages of dry food.

• Can be left all day for cat to nibble as it pleases

• Economical

• Complete Nutrition

• Helps keep teeth clean by reducing tartar build-up

• Helps keep gums healthy by reducing tartar build-up

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169. Why is commercial cat food better for your cat than table scraps?

Table scraps are generally inadequate while commercial food has been developed after careful

research and is nutritionally balanced

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170. List _____ word(s) to look for when checking a label for nutritional value.

• Scientific

• Complete

• Balanced

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171. What does the law require if a label states the food is “scientific”, “complete” or “balanced”?

It must provide a completely balanced diet for cats of all ages from kitten to senior cat

including pregnant or lactating females

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172. Why is it important to force a cat to drink water even if it refuses?

To prevent dehydration

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173. Why does a kitten need even more protein than an adult cat?

Because it insures proper growth and strong teeth and bones

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174. How often should a kitten be fed during its first year

Two or three times per day

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175. What may happen if a kitten is given too much milk?

It has a laxative effect (diarrhea)

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176. At what age is a kitten considered to be an adult?

• 12 months (one year)

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177. What should a kitten be fed when it reaches 12 months of age?

• Maintenance diet

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178. What is the average life span of a cat?

• 14 years

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179. Why should older cats be encouraged to drink water?

Increases kidney function

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180. How can you tell if a cat is overweight?

• Cannot feel its ribs easily

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181. What should you do to reduce a cat’s weight?

• Reduce calories

• Increase exercise

• Have veterinarian choose the best program

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182. Why are vitamins and minerals added to canned specialty cat foods?

Meat, by itself, is not completely nutritious.

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183 Why are raw diets difficult to manage?

It may be difficult to maintain a well-balanced diet and provide appropriate nutrients needed

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184. What does the Body Condition Score determine?

Helps owners determine the appropriate weight for their cat

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185. Describe the body condition of a cat that has a score of 1.

Ribs are prominent and easily felt, no fat cover, pelvis and shoulder blades easily felt, very thin

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186. Describe the body condition of a cat that has a score of 2.

Bones are raised with minimal tissue between skin and bones, underweight

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187. Describe the body condition of a cat that has a score of 3.

Ribs are visible and easily felt, shoulder and pelvis can be felt, but with enough tissue to not

make them protrude, ideal weight

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188. Describe the body condition of a cat that has a score of 4.

Ribs are difficult to see or feel through moderate fat cover, slightly sagging abdominal fat pad,

over weight

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189. Describe the body condition of a cat that has a score of 5.

Ribs are not visible and difficult to feel through fat cover, cat has a prominent sagging

abdominal fat pad, obese

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Chapter Six, Health Care

190. When health checking your cat, list _____ things you should look for in the cat’s mouth.

• Color of gums

• Broken teeth

• Tartar on teeth

Page 23 Column 1 Paragraph 1

191. When health checking your cat, list _____ things you should look for in the eyes.

• Discharge

• Discoloration (red or yellow)

• Third eyelid (nictitating membrane) showing

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192. What do you call the cat’s third eyelid?

• Nictitating membrane

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193. Where do you find a cat’s nictitating membrane?

• In the eye

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194. List _____ things you should look for when checking a cat’s ears.

• Clean

• redness

• Dark waxy accumulation

Page 23 Column 1 Paragraph 1

195. List _____ things you should look for while brushing or combing your cat’s fur.

• Unusual lumps

• Swelling

• Hair loss

• Fleas

• Ticks

• Cat’s weight

• Condition of fur

Page 23 Column 1 Paragraph 1

196. What are a cat’s vital signs?

• Respiration, pulse, temperature

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197. How many breaths per minute does a healthy cat take when resting?

• 20 – 30

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198. What happens to a cat’s breathing when it is ill?

• The breaths become shallower and more rapid

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199. How do you check a cat’s respiration rate?

Observe the cat when it is resting quietly. One rise and fall of the chest equals one breath.

Count the breaths for 30 seconds, then double that amount for the respiration rate.

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200. What is the normal resting pulse rate of a cat?

• 112 to 160 beats per minute

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201. How do you check a cat’s pulse rate?

Lightly press against the inside of an upper hind leg on the femoral artery. Count the beats for

30 seconds and double the figure for the pulse rate.

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202. What is a cat’s normal temperature?

100.5 to 102.5 degrees

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203. What should you do if a cat’s temperature reaches 108 degrees?

• Immediately cool it off in a cold-water bath

Page 23 Column 2 Paragraph 1

204. How do you check a cat’s temperature?

Have someone restrain and comfort the cat. Shake down a rectal thermometer and lubricate

it with petroleum jell, mineral oil or cooking oil. Insert the thermometer into the anus, twisting

slightly to relax the muscles. Insert so the bulb is aimed straight at the head and goes in about

one inch. Leave in about two minutes. Remove, wipe off and read.

Page 23 Column 2 Paragraph 1

205. Name _____ diseases, in addition to rabies, that 4-H cats are generally required to be immunized for.

• Panleukopenia Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

• Feline Calicivirus Feline Chlamydiosis

Page 24 Column 1 Paragraph2 – Column 2 Paragraph 1

206. What is another name for panleukopenia?

• Feline infectious enteritis

• Feline Distemper

Page 24 Column 1 Paragraph 3

207. At what age should a kitten be immunized for panleukopenia?

• Six weeks, then boostered 3-4 weeks later

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208. How often should an adult cat be immunized for panleukopenia?

• Once per year

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209. What are the three most common upper respiratory diseases in cats?

• Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

• Feline Calicivirus

• Feline Chlamydiosis

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210. What is another name for Feline Chlamydiosis?

• Pneumonitis

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211. What causes Rhinotracheitis?

• A herpes virus

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212. What is another name for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis?

• Feline herpes

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213. What causes Chlamydiosis?

• A rickettsia

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214. What is a rickettsia?

A cross between a virus and a bacterium

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215. What causes Calicivirus?

• A virus similar to the human cold virus

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216. How are the upper respiratory illnesses transmitted?

Direct contact

Airborne drop0lets

Contaminated cages, dishes or litter boxes

Page 24 Column 2 Paragraph 1

217. How long can viruses live outside a cat’s body?

24 hours to 3 days

Page 24 Column 2 Paragraph 1

218. Name _____ symptoms of upper respiratory disease.

• Sneezing

• Coughing

• Watery discharge from eyes and/or nose

• Loss of appetite

• Weight loss

• Listless and weak

• Depression

• Fever

• Mouth and tongue ulcers

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219. At what age should kittens be immunized against the upper respiratory diseases?

Six weeks and boostered 3-4 weeks later

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220. How often should an adult cat be immunized against the upper respiratory diseases?

• Once per year

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221. Which animals are susceptible to rabies?

All warm-blooded animals including humans

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222. What causes Rabies?

A virus

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223. How is rabies transmitted?

Through a bite wound or through a break in the skin through which saliva may enter the body

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224. What are the three stages of rabies symptoms?

• Prodromal stage

• Excitatory stage

• Paralytic stage

Page 25 Column 1 Paragraph 1

225. Give _____ symptoms of the prodromal state of rabies.

• Uneasiness

• Anxiety

• Irritability

• Sensitive to light

• Sensitive to noise

• May stop eating and drinking, yet urinate frequently

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226. Give _____symptoms of the excitatory state of rabies.

• Becomes excited

• Becomes aggressive

• May have difficulty swallowing

• Loud noise or sudden movement may send into a biting, scratching frenzy

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227. What happens during the paralytic stage of rabies?

Body becomes progressively paralyzed, starting at the head and neck, then death

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228. What is “furious” rabies?

The excitatory state is prolonged and the paralytic stage is very short

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229. What is “dumb” rabies?

Very few symptoms of the excitatory stage, but the paralytic stage is very long

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230. When should a kitten be vaccinated against rabies?

• No younger than three months

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231. How often should an adult cat receive a rabies immunization?

Once a year or once every three years, depending upon which vaccine is given

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232. What causes Feline Leukemia?

A type of virus called a retrovirus

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233. What is the major fatal infectious disease found in cats today

Feline Leukemia

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234. How is the feline leukemia virus transmitted?

By saliva, feces and urine

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235. If a cat is exposed to feline leukemia, one of three things will happen. List them.

• It will not become infected

• It will become infected, but will develop immunity

• It will develop symptoms after an incubation period of anywhere from a few weeks to several years

Page 25 Column 2 Paragraph 2

236. Give _____ symptoms of feline leukemia.

• Anemia * Fever

• Vomiting * Diarrhea

• Breathing Problems * Tumors

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237. What are the tumors associated with feline leukemia called?


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238. What should you do if your cat tests positive for feline leukemia?

Keep it isolated from all other cats

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239. If your cat tests negative for feline leukemia, what can you do?

Immunize yearly

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240. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is similar to what disease in humans


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241. What is the best way to prevent feline immunodeficiency virus disease?

Keep cat indoors

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242. If a cats test negative to feline leukemia but has symptoms of that illness, what other disease might be suspected?

Feline immunodeficiency disease

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243. What is peritonitis?

Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal cavity or chest cavity

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244. What causes Feline Infectious Peritonitis

A corona virus

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245. What causes Feline Infectious Anemia?

A bacteria called rickettsiae

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246. What causes the spread of feline infectious anemia?

Blood sucking insects, usually fleas

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247. How do you treat feline infectious anemia?

Antibiotics for three weeks

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248. Feline Urologic Syndrome can be either of two illnesses. What are they?

• Cystitis

• Urolithiasis

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249. What is cystitis?

Inflammation of the urinary bladder

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250. What is urolithiasis?

Formation of stones in the lower urinary tract

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251. Which type of cat is most likely to develop feline urologic syndrome?

Neutered males

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252. What may happen if a cat is not treated for feline urologic syndrome right away?

Uremic poisoning, kidney failure and death

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253. What are causes of feline urologic syndrome?

Bladder inflammation

High concentration of minerals in the urine

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254. What can cause a high concentration of minerals in a cat’s urine?

Feeding a diet high in minerals (ash) especially magnesium

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255. Give _____ symptoms of feline urologic syndrome.

• Bloody urine

• Frequent urination

• Inability to urinate

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256. List _____ ways to help prevent feline urologic syndrome

• Encourage more exercise

• Prevent obesity

• Keep the litter pan clean

• Feed a low magnesium diet

• Always have fresh water available

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257. What is a parasite?

An organism that lives in or on another animal

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258. Which internal parasite is the most common?


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259. What is another name for a roundworm?


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260. Give _____ symptoms of roundworms in a kitten.

• Failure to thrive

• Dull coat

• Round potbellied appearance

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261. How are roundworms transmitted?

Eggs are passed in feces, contaminating the ground or litter box

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262. How can you tell if an adult cat has roundworms?

• Check feces for eggs

• Cat may pass a few spaghetti-like worms in feces

• Cat may vomit a few worms

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263. How can you prevent tapeworms?

• Eliminate fleas from the cat

• Eliminate fleas in the house

• Do not allow cat to hunt and eat rodents

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263. Roundworms and tapeworms are the most common worms found in cats in our state. Give _____ other worms which are much more rare.

• Hookworms

• Lungworms

• Heartworms

• Whipworms

• threadworms

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264. What are the two most common diseases caused by protozoa?

• Coccidiosis

• Toxoplasmosis

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265. Why is it that a pregnant woman should not clean a cat’s litter box?

They can become infected with Toxoplasmosis, which can cause birth defects or miscarriage

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266. What are the four most common external parasites?

Fleas, ticks, mites, lice

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267. List _____ things that may happen if an infestation of ear mites is left untreated.

Loss of balance --bacterial infection

Loss of hearing --Blocked ear canal

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268. What is the cat’s most common parasite?


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269. What is the lifetime of a flea?

One year

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270. What are the four life stages of a flea?

Egg, larva, cocoon, adult

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271. What is military dermatitis?

Skin disorder caused by allergy to flea saliva

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272. How are lice transmitted?

• Direct contact with infected cat

• Contact with bedding or grooming equipment recently used by infected cat

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273. Where are ticks usually found on a cat?

Around the ears, neck or between the toes

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274. What is the best way to remove a tick?

Use a large tweezers to grasp the head of the tick as close to the cat’s skin as you can get and

gently pull straight out

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275. How can you treat a cat you suspect has a hairball?

Give it lubricants such as mineral oil to help the cat get rid of it by vomiting or passing with


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276. How can you prevent hairballs?

Frequent brushing and an occasional dose of lubricant such as the oil from a can of tuna

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277. What causes abscesses?

Bacteria from other cat’s teeth and claws are injected into the skin through puncture wounds

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278. How do you treat an abscess?

A veterinarian will open it up so it can drain, then give antibiotics and keep it clean

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279. What causes ringworm?

A fungus

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280. What are the symptoms of ringworm?

Circular patches of hair loss with scaling and crusting on the skin

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281. How do you prevent the spread of ringworm?

Treat all other animals as well as the infected cat

Sanitize, disinfect or destroy anything that the cat has come in contact with

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282. What are some good disinfectants to use when trying to prevent spread of disease or parasites?

Alcohol or diluted household bleach

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283. What could happen if a cat has diarrhea longer than 24 hours?

It could become dehydrated

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284. What is spaying?

Surgical removal of ovaries, oviducts and uterus of a female cat

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285. At what age should a female cat be spayed?

Six months

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286. What are _____ advantages of spaying a female cat?

• Prevents unwanted kittens

• Lessens the chance of mammary tumors, which adds to the longevity of the cat

• Eliminates the restlessness, nervousness, rolling and noisy crying of recurring heat periods

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287. What is neutering?

Surgical removal of the testes, epididymis and vas deferens of the male cat

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288. At what age can a male cat be neutered?

Any time after six months of age

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289. How do unaltered male cats “mark their territory”?

They spray urine that has a strong odor

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290. At what age will an unaltered male cat begin to spray?

About ten months

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291. List _____ advantages to neutering a male cat.

Cannot impregnate a female cat

Lessens desire to roam and get in fights with other cats

If done before it begins to spray, the cat usually will not develop the habit of spraying

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292. What is the procedure that is done to declaw a cat?

The end bone of the toe, which holds the claw and nail bed, is clipped off at the joint

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293. How long does the life cycle of a flea last?

From a few weeks to over two years

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294. What is the best way to prevent external parasites?

Once-a-month topical products

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295. How long should a person wait to take a cat to a veterinarian if it has persistent vomiting or diarrhea?

24 hours

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296. What is tail gland hyperplasia?

A skin disease caused by overactive sebaceous glands along the top of the tail, resulting in


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297. What is feline acne?

A common skin disease, with blackheads forming on the chin and lower lip, caused by failure

to clean its skin

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298. What may cause deafness?

• Aging

• Serious head injury

• Disease of the ear

• Congenital

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299. What is plaque?

A soft material formed by food particles and bacteria that builds up on the teeth

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300. What happens if plaque is not removed from the teeth?

It becomes calcified and causes gingivitis

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301. What is gingivitis?

Inflammation of the gums

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302. What happens if gingivitis is not treated?

Causes a constant low level infection leading to kidney disease or heart disease

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303. What is the most common form of heart disease in a cat?

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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304. What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

A genetic disorder where the heart muscle grows too big and cannot pump blood effectively

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305. What is the leading cause of death in older cats?

Kidney disease

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306. What are signs that a cat may have kidney disease?

The cat drinks and urinates excessive amounts

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307. Which cats are most vulnerable to diabetes?

Overweight and/or elderly

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308. What causes hyperthyroidism?

A tumor on the thyroid gland

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309. Why are cheat grass and foxtails a danger for cats?

The seeds (awns) have a barb at the point which can penetrate the cat’s skin and are difficult

to pull out

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Chapter 7 – Emergencies and First Aid

What are the first things you should do if you cat is injured?

• Restrain gently with a blanket or towel

• Comfort with soothing tones and call it by its name

• Take to a veterinarian

Page 34 Column 1 Paragraph 3

How do you move an injured cat?

Place a blanket or towel just behind the cat. Place one hand under the shoulder and one hand

under the flanks and lift just enough to move onto the blanket. Place in a box on car seat beside

you so you can control it and prevent further injury

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What is shock?

A state of circulatory collapse

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Give _____ things that can cause shock?

Severe accident Loss of blood

Heart failure Toxins

Injury to nervous system

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How do you control bleeding?

Apply pressure to the bleeding area with a folded pad of clean cloth. Take to a veterinarian.

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How do you treat burns?

Run cool water over the burned area, keep the burn covered with cool, moist compresses, take

to a veterinarian

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What do you do if a cat has a broken bone?

Keep cat quiet and restrict motion. If bleeding, apply pressure at a point between the injury

and the heart. Take to a veterinarian.

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What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

• Panting

• Rapid breathing

• Salivating

• Vomiting

• Loss of alertness

• Warm, dry skin

• Rapid heartbeat

• High fever

• Collapse

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What do you do in case of drowning?

Immediately hold cat upside down to drain water out of lungs, then apply artificial respiration

until cat starts breathing on its own. Wrap in a warm blanket. Take to a veterinarian

Page 36 Column 1 Paragraph 1

What should you do if a cat has suffered frostbite?

• Take to a warm place

• Apply warm (not hot) moist compresses to area, do not rub

• Antiseptic cream may be applied to keep skin from drying or peeling

• Take to a veterinarian

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What should you do if a cat has been bitten by a poisonous snake?

• Put ice or an ice pack around the wound

• Keep cat quiet

• Take to a veterinarian

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Give _____ symptoms of poisoning.

• Drooling

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Listlessness

• Labored breathing

• Trembling

• Convulsions

• Collapse

Page 36 Column 2 Paragraph 1

Give _____ of the most common things poisonous to cats.

• --Household disinfectants --Nicotine products

• --Detergents --Insects

• --Antifreeze --Medications

• --Household plants --Aspirin

• --Rat or insect poison --Acetaminophen

• --Lye --Alcoholic beverages

• --Paint --Flea products made for dogs

• --Turpentine --Spoiled food

• --Drinking water from chemically treated toilets

Page 36 Column 2 Paragraph 1

Give _____ symptoms that may indicate a cat has swallowed something dangerous.

Vomiting -- Restlessness

Salivation -- Dehydration

Cramped walking -- Signs of discomfort

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What are the symptoms of shock?

Weak, rapid pulse - Drop in body temperature

Pale mouth and gums Rapid breathing

Depression Sudden gentleness

Page 34 Column 2 Paragraph 3

How do you treat a puncture wound?

Try to cover the wound with an airtight seal, using plastic or gauze

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How do you treat a minor cut that does not need stitches?

Wash it out and apply First Aid Ointment (for animals)

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How do you treat a cat for smoke inhalation?

Remove from smoky area, apply artificial respiration, treat for shock, keep in fresh air, have

veterinarian check for pneumonia

Page 35 Column 1 Paragraph 3

How do you treat heat stroke?

Immediately reduce the temperature by wetting the entire cat except for the head, using the

coldest water available. Wipe the water from the fur and apply fresh water. Repeat this about

twice per minute. Stop treatments when cat’s temperature reaches 103 degrees. Have

veterinarian check cat to determine if oxygen therapy is needed to prevent brain damage.

Page 35 Column 2 Paragraph 1

What should a person do if a cat is having a convulsion?

Do not handle the cat during a convulsion except to wrap it in a soft towel or blanket to

prevent it doing damage to itself or being scratched, then take to a veterinarian

Page 35 Column 2 Paragraph 2

What are zoonoses?

Diseases that humans can get from animals.

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Name _____ zoonoses a person can get from a cat?

Toxoplasmosis Ringworm

Cat Scratch Fever Rabies

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Chapter 8 – Traveling With Your Cat

If you must travel away from home, what is the best thing to do with your cat?

Leave it at home under the care of a neighbor or place it in a boarding kennel

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If you must travel with your cat, how can you prepare the cat ahead of time?

Place it in a carrier and take on short local trips. If the cat suffers motion sickness, discuss

prevention methods with your veterinarian.

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How often should you let your cat use the litter pan while on a long trip?

Every 3-4 hours

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When traveling with your cat, what should you do with it when you first arrive at your lodging?

Place litter pan and cat in the bathroom and close the door while you are unloading the car.

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While traveling with a cat, give _____ instances when you should confine it to a carrier.

• While traveling in the car

• Overnight when in a room

• Whenever you leave the room

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Chapter 9 – Vocabulary

** Note: All of the following questions are from pages 38 and 39.**

What is an abnormality?

Something unusual, not typical or average

What does abort mean?

Expelling kittens from the uterus before they are able to live

What is an amino acid?

The primary material of protein

What is anatomy?

The primary structure of the body or any of its parts

What is an ancestor?

the stock from which an animal has descended; forefather

What is an anesthetic?

A drug that stops pain

What is an antibody?

A substance produced by white blood cells that helps fight illness-causing agents such as


What is artificial respiration?

Forcing air into and out of the lungs of an animal that is not breathing

What are bacteria?

Microscopic organisms that can produce disease

What is a breed?

A group of cats with similar, defined characteristics and related ancestry

What is cardiovascular?

Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels

What does carnivorous mean?

Meat eating

What is a characteristic?

a distinguishing feature or quality

What is the circulatory system?

Organs and tissues involved in circulating blood through an animal

What is conformation?

The body form of a cat, including size and shape, characteristic of its breed; type

What is conjunctivitis?

Inflammation of the membrane lining the inner eyelid and eyeball

What does contagious mean?

Able to be passed from one animal to another

What is a convulsion?

Twisting of the body caused by a violent muscle contraction

What is dehydration?

Loss of water or moisture

What does digestible mean?

A substance that can be converted by the body to be used for nourishment

What does discriminate mean?

To note or observe a difference

What is a disease?

A condition of the body in which there is incorrect function due to heredity, infection, diet or

environment; illness; sickness

What does domesticate mean?

To tame; to change from wild to household or family use

What is frostbite?

Inflammation of the flesh caused by exposure to extreme cold

What is gingivitis?

Inflammation of the gums

What is a hybrid?

The result of a mating between two different breeds

What is immunity?

Protected from a particular disease

What is incubation?

The period of time between infection and showing signs of disease

What does indigenous mean?

Originating in a particular region or country

What is infection?

Affected with disease-producing germs

What is an infestation?

Overrun by a large number of something troublesome, like fleas

What is an inflammation?

Redness, swelling, heat and/or tenderness of a part of the body

What does ingesting mean?

Taking into the body, such as food or liquid

What does isolate mean?

Keep separate from other animals

What does lactating mean?

Producing milk

What is lithe?

Flexible or limber

What does longevity mean?

the length or duration of life

What does lubricate mean?

To make slippery or smooth

What is malnutrition?

Food materials not properly balanced or not enough to be taken in and utilized effectively

What is a mucous membrane?

The lining of an inner part of the body that produces mucous

What is the musculature?

The system of muscles of the body

What is a mutation?

The change of a characteristic caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome

What does obese mean?

Extremely overweight

What is physiology?

The processes or functions of a body or a part of the body

What is pigmentation?

Coloration of the skin

What is a progenitor?

An ancestor or forefather

What is a protein?

A substance made up of amino acids required for all life processes in animals

What is regurgitation?

Return of partially digested food from the stomach to the mouth

What is reproduction?

The natural process by which new individuals are created

What is retractable?

Able to be drawn back

What is salivating?

Producing watery fluid in the mouth

What is sedentary?

Sitting or resting a great deal with little exercise

What is a seizure?

A sudden attack characterized by fits or convulsions

What is self-mutilation?

To injure or disfigure oneself

What does spontaneous mean?

An unplanned result coming from a natural process

What does susceptible mean?

Capable of becoming ill or injured

What does symptom mean?

A sign or indication of a disease or disorder

What is a tranquilizer?

A drug that has a calming effect

What is a vaccination?

The implanting of a disease in an animal by the introduction of germs or a virus, as through a

puncture, in order to produce a milk form of the disease, thereby securing immunity

What is a virus?

A disease-producing microorganism that causes many of the most serious cat diseases and

cannot be treated with antibiotics

What do we call something that is unusual or not typical or average?


What is the primary material of protein?

Amino acids

What do we call the structure of the body or any of its parts?


What do we call a drug that stops pain?


What do we call the substance produced by white blood cells that helps fight illness causing agents such as bacteria?


What do we call the forcing of air into and out of the lungs of an animal that is not breathing?

Artificial respiration

What is the microscopic organism that can cause disease?


What do we call a group of cats with similar, defined characteristics and related ancestry?

A breed

What is the word that means pertaining to the heart and blood vessels?


What is the word meaning a distinguishing feature or quality?


What is the word meaning meat-eating?


What do we call the inflammation of the membrane lining the inner eye and eyeball?


What do we call the loss of water?


A substance that can be converted by the body to be used for nourishment is said to be what?


What is another word for an illness or sickness?


What do we call the inflammation of the flesh caused by extreme cold?


What do we call the inflammation of gums?


What do we call the result of a mating between two different breeds?


What do we call the protection from a particular disease?


What do we call the period of time between infection and showing signs of disease?


What do we call redness or swelling of a part of the body?


What do we call the producing of milk?


What is another word for flexible or limber?


What do we call the length or duration of life?


What is the word meaning to make slippery or smooth?


If food materials are not properly balanced or there is not enough to be taken in and utilized effectively, what occurs?


What do we call the change of a characteristic caused by a change in a gene or chromosome?


What is the document that records the line of ancestors of a purebred animal called?


If we are studying the processes or functions of a body or a part of the body, what are we studying?


What is the coloration of skin called?


What is another word for ancestor or forefather?


What do we call a substance made up of amino acids?


If an animal’s ancestors are all from the same recognized breed, what do we call that animal?


What is the return of partially digested food from the stomach to the mouth?


What is the natural process by which new individuals are created?


What is the system pertaining to breathing?


If an animal is producing water fluid in its mouth, we say it is doing what?


If an animal is sitting or resting a great deal with little exercise, we say it is what?


What is a sudden attack characterized by fits of convulsions?


What do we call the unplanned result coming from a natural process?


What do we call a sign or indication of a disease or disorder?


What is a drug that has a calming effect?


These questions come from the Welcome to 4-H material

Where in the world can you find 4-H programs?

In all 50 states and in 82 other countries

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What do the 4-H colors stand for?

• Green: life, springtime, youth

• White: fresh, clean

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When is the 4-H Pledge said?

At the beginning of a meeting

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4-H in our state is part of which two organizations?

Washington State University and United States Department of Agriculture

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Name three kinds of people who help bring 4-H to the members?

• Extension Agents,

• 4-H Leaders

• Friends of 4-H

Page 3 Column 2 Paragraph 7

When did 4-H begin?

In the early 1900’s

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There are seven programs from which projects may be selected. Name _____ of them.

• Animal Sciences

• Expressive Arts

• Family Living

• Mechanical Sciences

• Natural Resources

• Social Sciences

• Plant Sciences

Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 3

What are the three types of 4-H program groups?

• 4-H Clubs

• Special Interest Groups

• School Enrichment Groups

Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 1

What are the four types of leaders?

• Club,

• Project

• Activity

• Teen

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What does the Extension Agent do?

• Plans county programs

• Furnishes project material

• Helps leaders organize clubs and special 4-H groups

• Trains 4-H leaders

• Coordinates county events

Page 5 Column 2 Paragraph 4

What do the 4-H Specialists at Washington State University do?

• Train 4-H Agents and Leaders

• Develop and maintain new and existing programs

Page 6 column 1 Paragraph 1

What are some of the projects in the Animal Sciences program?

• Dairy,

• Livestock

• Companion animal

• Veterinary science

Page 5 column 1 Paragraph 3

What are some of the projects in the Expressive Arts program?

• Creative arts,

• Performing arts

Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 3

What are some of the projects in the Family Living program?

Introduction to Family Living, Clothing, Foods and Nutrition, Money Management

Page 5 Column 1 Paragraph 3

What does the club president do?

Is in charge of club meetings and keeps them orderly

Page 8 Column 2 Paragraph 1

How does exhibiting project results help a member?

• --Shows others what they are doing

• --Helps members find where they can improve

• --Gives a sense of pride and accomplishment

Page 6 Column 2 Paragraph 4

“Welcome to 4-H” lists 14 different activities in which members can learn by taking part. Name _____ of them.

Project work 4-H Camp Demonstrations (public presentations)

Record Keeping 4-H Exchanges Know Your Government

Recreation Club Projects 4-H Teen Forum or Conference

County Contests Exhibits National 4-H Congress

National 4-H Conference International 4-H Youth Exchange

Page 6 Columns 1 & 2

What are the four parts of a good 4-H Club meeting?

• Opening,

• Business,

• Education,

• Fun

Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 7

What occurs during the opening part of a 4-H Club meeting?

• Call to order,

• Pledge of Allegiance,

• 4-H Pledge

Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 7

What is done during the business part of a 4-H Club meeting?

Roll call, Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Committee Reports, Old Business, New


Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 7

What happens during the education part of a 4-H Club meeting?

*Programs *Demonstrations *Talks *Films *Speaker

Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 7

What happens during the “fun” part of a 4-H Club meeting?

Recreation, Group Singing, Skits, Entertainment, Refreshments

Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 7

Besides ribbons and premium money, what are some other forms of recognition common in 4-H?

• Certificates of Completion

• Medals

• Achievement Pins

• Scholarships to camp, state conferences and national events

Page 9 Column 2 Paragraph 2

What is the difference between a club meeting and a project meeting?

At a club meeting, members talk about what they plan to do as a group. At a project meeting,

members work on their projects

Page 8 Column 1 Paragraph 6

What is the proper way to make a motion during a meeting?

Raise your hand and when called on, say, “I move that ----“

Page 9 Column 1 Paragraph 1

If a member makes a motion during a meeting, what must happen before it can be discussed?

Another member must second the motion

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Why is project work important?

• It helps members gain knowledge and skills and learn to take responsibilities

Page 6 Column 1 Paragraph 3

Why is it important to do demonstrations (public presentations)?

• Members show and tell others about what they have learned and this is the first step toward helping others and developing leadership

Page 6 Column 1 Paragraph 3

What are the benefits of recordkeeping?

• Members keep track of what they are learning

• Develop a business sense

• Write their 4-H Story

What is the proper way to make a motion?

Raise your hand and when called on, say, “I move that ----“.

Page 9 Column 1 Paragraph 1

A. “Welcome to 4-H” lists 14 different activities in which 4-H members can learn by taking part. Name _____ of them.

• Project work

• 4-H Camp

• Demonstrations (Public Presentations)

• Recreation

• Record Keeping --4-H Exchanges

• Know Your Government

• Club Projects

• Exhibits

• 4-H Teen Forum or Conference

• County Contests

• International 4-H Youth Exchange

• National 4-H Congress

Page 6 Columns 1 & 2


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