Biomolecule EOC like quiz questions

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Part I - EOC Review Questions

1. Baby food manufacturers sometimes use proteases in their products. Proteases catalyze the breakdown of the proteins in these foods,

making digestion easier for infants. Proteases are which of the following types of molecules?

A. enzymes

B. fatty acids

C. hormones

D. monosaccharides

2. Although there are a limited number of amino acids, many different types of proteins exist because the

A. size of a given amino acid can vary.

B. chemical composition of a given amino acid can vary.

C. sequence and number of amino acids is different.

D. same amino acid can have many different properties.

3. The graph below shows the rate of activity for the enzyme catalase at different temperatures.

Catalase helps convert hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water. The rate of catalase activity is

directly related to the percent increase in oxygen. Based on the graph, which of the following

conclusions can be made about the functioning of catalase?

A. Catalase works best at 34°C.

B. Catalase is destroyed at 34°C.

C. Catalase cannot function at 51°C.

D. Catalase functions most efficiently at 51°C.

4. Which terms would most likely be included in the explanation of the production of starch in a potato?

a. proteins, hydrolysis, and amino acids c. protein synthesis, urea, and deamination

b. photosynthesis, glucose, and dehydration synthesis d. fatty acids, glycerol, and respiration

5. Label the molecules below as a carbohydrate, lipid, protein, or nucleic acid:

6. A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base form the building blocks of which organic compound?

A. carbohydrates

B. lipids

C. nucleic acids

D. proteins

7. Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are biomolecules that serve many functions and can be chemically broken down and

restructured. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following?

A. Polymers of smaller subunits

B. Sequences of sugars

C. Lipids of large molecules

D. Nucleotides of DNA

8. Each of these represents a different biomolecule. Which of the following is a carbohydrate?

9. Which biomolecule is properly matched to its monomer?

A. nucleic acid : amino acid

B. polypeptide : 1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids

C. lipid : nucleotide

D. carbohydrate : monosaccharide

10. Nucleic acids are biomolecules. Which of the following is the function of nucleic acids?

A. Serve as the primary structural unit of biological membranes

B. Serve as energy storage

C. Store and transmit genetic information

D. Serve as biological catalysts

11. One function of lipids is to store energy. What is another function of lipids in the human body?

A. To form plasma membranes

B. To make energy from the sun

C. To control chemical reactions

D. To provide quick energy for the cell

12. The molecule in the diagram plays what role in the body?

A. Releasing energy

B. Forming part of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA

C. Storing fat

D. Controlling blood glucose levels

13. Why is maintenance of a constant blood pH critical for body processes?

A. Blood with a high pH helps prevent cancer.

B. Enzymes work best within a narrow pH range.

C. The production of vitamin C by skin cells requires low pH values.

D. Some bacteria thrive in very acidic conditions.

14. Organisms living in a bog environment must be able to tolerate nitrogen-poor acidic conditions. Bog plants such as the Venus flytrap

and sundew are able to obtain their nitrogen by attacking and consuming insects. These plants produce chemicals that break down

the insects into usable compounds. These chemicals present in the bog plants that break down the insects mentioned in the reading

passage are most likely—

A. hormones.

B. lipids.

C. enzymes.

D. carbohydrates.

15. Line B in the given graph represents the reaction with an enzyme added to substrates. How did the enzyme affect the reaction?

A. Increased the activation energy

B. Increase the energy change

C. Lowered the energy change

D. Lowered the activation energy

16. Which statement is a valid conclusion based on the information in the graph below?

A. Temperature can influence the rate of action of an enzyme.

B. The maximum rate of human respiration occurs at about 57°C.

C. Growth can be controlled by enzyme action.

D. The maximum rate of human digestion occurs at about 45°C.

17. Which of these supports the cell theory as it is stated today?

A. New cells are produced by division of existing cells.

B. All organisms are composed of more than one cell.

C. Cells must contain a nucleus.

D. Not all cells are alive.

18. Under a microscope, a series of cells are observed that lack membrane-bound internal organelles. Which of these is the most likely cell


A. Plant cell

B. Animal cell

C. Eukaryotic cell

D. Prokaryotic cell

19. A student observes that a type of eubacteria contains chlorophyll. Which of these does this type of bacteria have in common with


A. It is photosynthetic.

B. It contains vascular tissues.

C. It contains mitochondria.

D. It is heterotrophic.

20.Students research unicellular, prokaryotic organisms that live in harsh environments such as volcanic hot springs, brine pools, and

anaerobic black organic mud. Which of these groups are the students most likely researching?

A. Protista

B. Archaebacteria

C. Eubacteria

D. Plantae

21. Which cellular organelle is responsible for packaging the proteins that the cell secretes?

A. cytoskeleton B. cell membrane C. lysosome D. Golgi apparatus

22. Which of these best completes the concept map below?

A. an animal cell B. a prokaryotic cell C. a virus D. a plant cell

23. In which of the following ways does a bacterial cell differ from an animal cell?

A. A bacterial cell is much larger than an animal cell.

B. A bacterial cell has more mitochondria than an animal cell.

C. A bacterial cell has RNA for its genetic material, whereas an animal cell does not.

D. A bacterial cell does not have membrane-bound organelles, whereas an animal cell does.

24. Scientists believe that the first organisms that appeared on Earth were prokaryotic. Which of the following best represents what the

cell structure of these organisms may have looked like?

25. Which of the following describes plant cells but not animal cells?

A. The nucleus contains the chromosomes.

B. The ribosomes assist in protein synthesis.

C. Plastids store starch made during photosynthesis.

D. Mitochondria produce energy through respiration.

26. If a cell’s lysosomes were damaged, which of the following would most likely occur?

A. The cell would produce more proteins than it needs.

B. The cell would have chloroplasts that appear yellow rather than green.

C. The cell would be less able to break down molecules in its cytoplasm.

D. The cell would be less able to regulate the amount of fluid in its cytoplasm.

27. Which statement is not a part of the cell theory?

A. Cells are the basic unit of structure of living things.

B. Cells are the basic unit of function of living things.

C. Cell parts such as chloroplasts are selfreplicating.

D. Cells come from preexisting cells.

Name _______________________________________________________________ Date __________________Per ___________

EOC Review Questions – Part II

1. If an animal cell is placed in distilled water, it will swell and burst. The bursting of the cell is a result of which biological process?

A. active transport

B. enzyme activity

C. osmosis

D. respiration

2. The cell membrane of the red blood cell will allow water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and glucose to pass through. Because other

substances are blocked from entering, this membrane is called

A. perforated.

B. semi-permeable.

C. non-conductive.

D. permeable.

3. The plasma membrane of a cell consists of

A. protein molecules arranged in two layers with polar areas forming the outside of the membrane.

B. two layers of lipids organized with the nonpolar tails forming the interior of the membrane.

C. lipid molecules positioned between two carbohydrate layers.

D. protein molecules with polar and nonpolar tails.

4. In most simple multicellular plants and in hydra, transport throughout the organism is a result of diffusion through

A. tracheal tubes

B. vascular tissue

C. gastrovascular cavities

D. cell membranes

5. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling decreases. Which has occurred?

A. The swollen gums have absorbed the saltwater solution.

B. The saltwater solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums

C. The salt in the solution has moved against the concentration gradient

D. The water in the gums has moved from a high to a low concentration of water.

6. Which is an example of osmosis?

A. potassium ions moving in and out of an animal cell

B. carbon dioxide moving into the leaf cells of a plant

C. oxygen moving into the bloodstream from the lungs

D. water moving into the root cells of a plant

7. The diagram shows a section of a cell membrane that includes a channel protein.

The function of this protein is to —

A. strengthen the outer boundary of the cell

B. connect reproductive cells during fertilization

C. allow certain substances to enter or leave the cell

D. exchange organelles or chromosomes between specialized cells

8. Which of these is the best model of a prokaryotic cell?

9. Loriciferans are microscopic multicellular animals that live in various marine sediments.

Scientists have discovered genera of Loriciferans in a deep-sea habitat that lacks

oxygen. Before this discovery, some prokaryotes and some unicellular eukaryotes were

known to inhabit anaerobic environments. Among the newly discovered Loriciferans is

Spinoloricus sp. nov., which is pictured below. Scientists determined that organisms of

the genus Spinoloricus were eukaryotes and not prokaryotes because Spinoloricus

cells have –

A. flagella

B. hereditary material

C. cell walls

D. nuclear membranes

10. Melinda had two slides of unknown cells. She recorded her observations of each one

on the chart below. According to the information in the given chart, what type of cell

is cell X?

A. bacteria cell

B. prokaryotic cell

C. plant cell

D. animal cell

11. The simplicity of prokaryotic cells prevents them from

A. growing and reproducing.

B. responding to their environment.

C. forming specialized tissues and organs.

D. moving through their environment.

12. Which of these is a function of the cell membrane in all cells?

A. Producing cellular nutrients

B. Maintaining homeostasis

C. Neutralizing chemicals

D. Preserving cellular wastes

13. A student put together the experimental setup shown to the right. The

selectively permeable membrane is permeable to both types of solute

molecules shown. How would you expect the molecules to change over

time in the diagram?

A. Both types of molecules will move to reach equilibrium.

B. All of Molecule D will move to side B.

C. All of Molecule C will move to side B.

D. There will be no change over time.

14. The diagram below shows animal and plant cells placed in 3 different types of

solutions. What type of solution is represented by diagram C ?

A. Isotonic

B. Hypertonic

C. Hypotonic

D. Hydrotonic

15. A student placed 2 eggs in vinegar to dissolve the egg shells. In order to investigate osmosis, he then placed the equal-sized eggs in

the solutions listed in the table.

What can you conclude about the solutions from the change in mass of the eggs?

A. Corn syrup is a hypotonic solution and distilled water is a hypertonic solution.

B. Corn syrup is a hypertonic solution and distilled water is a hypotonic solution.

C. Corn syrup is a hypertonic solution and distilled water is an isotonic solution.

D. Both corn syrup and distilled water are isotonic solutions.

16. The image to the right represents a cell with a semipermeable membrane.

The process of osmosis would explain the net movement of water into a cell if the

initial percentage of –

A. protein was 35% inside the cell and 30% outside the cell.

B. water was 95% inside the cell and 90% outside the cell.

C. water was 90% inside the cell and 95% outside the cell.

D. protein was 30% inside the cell and 35% outside the cell.

17. The diagram below shows how a paramecium maintains

homeostasis. A paramecium normally lives in a

hypotonic environment in which water continually

diffuses into the cell. To maintain homeostasis, the

paramecium must pump out large amounts of water

using its contractile vacuole. If the paramecium is

placed in this hypotonic environment, which of the

following will occur?

A. Water will diffuse into the paramecium.

B. Water will diffuse out of the paramecium.

C. Salt will be pumped out of the paramecium by the vacuole.

D. Salt will be pumped into the paramecium by the vacuole.

18. The diagram below represents a white blood cell engulfing some bacteria

Which of the following statements is true in regards to this process?

A. This represents exocytosis (active transport) and requires energy.

B. This represents facilitated diffusion and no energy is required.

C. This represents endocytosis (active transport) and requires energy.

D. This represents diffusion and no energy is required.

19. The arrows in the diagram to the right represent the movement of materials.

This movement of materials indicated by the arrows is most directly involved in

the processes of

A. respiration and replication

B. photosynthesis and excretion

C. digestion and recycling

D. circulation and coordination

20. Which statement best describes cellular respiration?

A. It occurs in animal cells but not in plant cells.

B. It converts energy in glucose into a more usable form of energy.

C. It uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.

D. It stores energy in food molecules.

21. The diagram to the right represents a structure involved in cellular respiration. The

release of which substance is represented by the arrows?

A. glucose

B. carbon dioxide

C. oxygen


22. The diagram to the right represents events associated with a biochemical process

that occurs in some organisms. Which statement concerning this process is


A. The process represented is respiration and the primary source of energy

for the process is the Sun.

B. The process represented is photosynthesis and the primary source of

energy for the process is the Sun.

C. This process converts energy in organic compounds into solar energy

which is released into the atmosphere.

D. This process uses solar energy to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.

23. Energy from organic molecules can be stored in ATP molecules as a direct

result of the process of

A. cellular respiration

B. cellular reproduction

C. diffusion

D. digestion

24. An investigation was carried out and the results are

shown to the right. Substance X resulted from a

metabolic process that produces ATP in yeast (a

single-celled fungus). Which statement best describes

substance X?

A. It is oxygen released by protein synthesis.

B. It is glucose that was produced in photosynthesis.

C. It is starch that was produced during digestion.

D. It is carbon dioxide released by respiration.

Base your answers to questions 25 and 26 on the diagrams to the right and on your knowledge of biology. The arrow below each lettered process indicates where the process takes place.

25. Process A is known as

A. Photosynthesis

B. Fermentation

C. dehydration synthesis

D. aerobic respiration

26. Glucose is a product of

A. process A, only

B. process B, only

C. process B and process C

D. process A and process C


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