Weight Training: Steps to Success, 3E

Weight Training: Steps to Success, 3E

Test Questions and Answers

Fundamentals of Weight Training


The three types of muscle tissue are _____________, _____________, and _____________. (skeletal, smooth, cardiac)


List one explanation for why muscles get bigger. Individual fibers become thicker; they hypertrophy.


What term describes muscle size increases?

a. atrophy

b. hypertrophy

c. tonus

d. strength

What type of muscle activity produces the greatest muscle soreness?

a. positive

b. multijoint

c. concentric

d. eccentric

What factor is most responsible for strength gains observed during the first few weeks of training?

a. changes in the nervous system

b. increases in muscle mass

c. type of muscle fiber changes

d. increases in the number of muscle fibers


The muscle tissues of males and females have essentially the same ability to exert force. True.

Incorporating days of rest into a training program is as important as the training days themselves. True.

The caloric values of a gram of protein, carbohydrate, and fat are 4, 9, and 9, respectively. False: The caloric values are 4, 4, and 9, respectively.

Weight training provides the best type of training to increase one’s cardiovascular training status. False: Aerobic activities involving continuous muscular activity for 15 minutes or more are more effective for developing cardiovascular fitness.

Contrary to popular opinion, weight training offers an effective method for losing weight. True.

When performing stretching exercises, the stretched position should be held for two minutes. False: A time of 6 to 10 seconds is recommended.

Locks should be attached to a bar when performing free-weight exercises. True.

Variable resistance machines create the greatest load at your muscle’s weakest point in the exercise. False: They create the greatest load at the muscle’s strongest point.

Step 1 Understanding the Basics of Lifting and Training


When using correct technique to lift the bar off the floor, focus on the following four factors: _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________. (back flat, hips low, elbows straight, eyes looking straight ahead)

In the correct preparatory position for lifting the bar from the floor, the bar is _______________

_____________________________. (close to the shins)

When you lift the bar off the floor, your back position should be ________________. (flat)


During the pull from the floor to the shoulders,

a. the bar should brush the thigh.

b. the bar should be momentarily held at the knees.

c. the bar should be brought forward of the knees.

d. the heels should be elevated.

The thigh-to-shoulder phase is also called the

a. first pull.

b. catch.

c. rack.

d. second pull.

When the bar reaches the shoulder,

a. the legs should be parallel and the knees flexed.

b. the legs should be parallel and the knees straight.

c. the dominant leg should be forward and the knees straight.

d. the nondominant leg should be forward and the knees straight.

When returning the bar to the floor, the bar should be

a. moved quickly to the floor.

b. kept close to the thighs and shins.

c. kept forward of the knees.

d. moved slowly to the thighs and quickly from there to the floor.

The best time to breathe out during a weight training exercise is

a. when you reach the sticking point.

b. at the peak of acceleration.

c. at the peak of deceleration.

d. when reaching the easiest point of execution in the exercise.

When spotting someone, one of the most important rules to follow is to

a. follow the bar.

b. keep your hands on the bar throughout the exercise.

c. grasp the bar halfway through each repetition.

d. count the reps out loud.

The proper grip to use when spotting the bench press is

a. neutral.

b. reverse.

c. supinated.

d. closed.


As the bar is pulled off the floor, the heels should be elevated and balls of the feet in contact. False: The heels need to remain in contact with the floor to create a stable lifting position.

Exercises performed over the face or shoulder and with a barbell on the back require a spotter. True.

When your heels raise up as the bar leaves the floor, the weight is placed on the balls of the feet. True.

Keeping the bar close to the thighs during the floor-to-thigh phase reduces the stress on the lower back. True.

As the bar swings forward of the knees, stress increases on the lower back. True.

Your hips should remain high during the bar’s return to the floor. False: To avoid placing a lot of stress on the lower back, the hips should remain low.

Step 2 Selecting Exercises and Setting Training Loads


The number of methods for determining warm-up and trial loads in step 2 is __________. (two)

Experienced trainees should use the _____________ method for determining warm-up and trial loads. (second)

Inexperienced trainees should select __________ exercise(s) in steps 3 through 8. (one)


The goal for the number of repetitions to be performed with the trial load is

a. 3 to 5.

b. 6 to 12.

c. 12 to 15.

d. 15 to 20.

The trial load is used in practice procedure 4 to establish the

a. training load.

b. warm-up load.

c. two-for-two rule.

d. correct load adjustment.

Perform exercises so that the concentric and eccentric phases of movement last

a. 2 and 4 seconds, respectively.

b. 4 and 2 seconds, respectively.

c. 4 and 4 seconds, respectively.

d. 6 and 4 seconds, respectively.


Coefficients should be multiplied by the warm-up load to determine the training load. False: Coefficients should be multiplied by the body weight of the trainee.

Coefficients used for determining warm-up and trial loads should not be used for males and females weighing 175 and 140 pounds, respectively. True.

Throughout this step, the letters FW are an abbreviation for the word forward. False: FW is an abbreviation for free weight.

Loads determined using coefficients should be rounded off to the nearest 5-pound increment. True.

Step 3 Chest Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 3. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 3 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 4 Back Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 4. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 4 is designed to strengthen the __________________



Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 5 Shoulder Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 5. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 5 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 6 Arm Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 6. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 6 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 7 Leg Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 7. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 7 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 8 Abdominal Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 8. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 8 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 9 Total-Body Exercises

Answers will vary depending on the exercise(s) selected by the student. Compare answers to the information provided in step 9. The following questions should be answered for each exercise selected in this step.


The exercise you selected in step 9 is designed to strengthen the __________________ muscle(s).


Describe the initial body position for performing the exercise selected in this step.

At what point should you breathe out in the exercise selected?


The grip used with this exercise is the _______________ grip.

a. supinated

b. pronated

c. open

d. neutral

The load for the exercise selected in this step should result in

a. 1 to 3 repetitions.

b. 4 to 6 repetitions.

c. 7 to 9 repetitions.

d. 8 to 12 repetitions.


The exercise selected should be performed in a slow, controlled manner.

A spotter should be used in this exercise.

An effort should be made to increase bar velocity during the initial phase of this exercise.

Step 10 Training With a Standard Program


Starting with workout 5, the number of sets should increase to _____________. (three)

Apply the two-for-_______ rule to keep repetition numbers where they should be. (two)

After workout 18, you should complete tasks described in steps _____, _____, and _____. (11, 12, 13)


In workouts 2 through 4, you should perform _____ sets.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

You should perform ___________ repetitions in each weight training exercise.

a. 3 to 5

b. 6 to 12

c. 12 to 15

d. 15 to 20


Allow no more than three days of rest before the next workout. True.

Until workout 5, the length of the rest period between sets is 30 seconds. False: The length of the rest period should be 60 seconds.

Record information onto your workout sheet using the guidelines in table 10.1. True.

The quality of the technique used to perform each repetition is more important than the number of repetitions. True.

The exercises in step 9, if used, should be performed first during a workout. True.

Step 11 Applying Program Design Principles


An example of a pull exercise is a______________________. (biceps curl, lat pull-down, bent-over row, seated row, bent-arm chest fly, or hang clean)

An example of a push exercise is a______________________. (bench press, chest press, seated press, standing overhead press, triceps press, or push press)

An example of a total body exercise is a ________________________. (hang clean or push press)


To train in a particular manner for a particular outcome is the principle of

a. progressive overload.

b. specificity.

c. overload.

d. use or lose.

What does the phrase “back-to-back sets” refer to?

a. an exercise arrangement

b. a phase in exercise execution

c. a program to vary intensity

d. a and b

Which exercise should not be performed before completing the bench press?

a. biceps curl

b. triceps extension

c. squat

d. hamstring curl

How would you characterize incorporating the progressive overload concept into a weight training program?

a. Keep the loads the same.

b. Perform fewer sets.

c. Gradually increase loads in each workout.

d. Perform different exercises each day.

Which is a common term used to describe an individual’s best one-time, all-out effort?

a. best lift

b. best effort

c. one repetition maximum

d. none of these

What are the relative terms that should be used when comparing the loading for strength, muscular endurance, and hypertrophy, respectively?

a. light, medium, heavy

b. heavy, medium, light

c. medium, heavy, light

d. heavy, light, medium

Which is one of the most significant concepts related to providing the stimulus for strength improvements?

a. Perform many repetitions in each set.

b. Overload the muscles.

c. Perform 10 repetitions per set.

d. Perform multiple sets.


The number of repetitions that should be performed in the third set of a muscular endurance program is 12 to 20. True.

The recommended rest period length between sets for a hypertrophy program is two minutes. False: Rest period length should be 30 to 60 seconds.

Step 12 Manipulating Program Variables to Maximize Results


The two types of weight training exercises described in step 12 are ___________ and ________. (core, other)


What is the rationale for varying the intensity of training? Varying intensity allows time for the muscles to recover.

List three ways in which the workout intensity of a training day can be increased. Increase repetitions, increase load, shorten rest periods, increase the number of sets, increase the number of exercises or the number of multijoint exercises.


What term refers to a program that features upper-body exercises three days a week and lower-body exercises on alternate days?

a. aerobic program

b. split program

c. super sets program

d. powerlifting program

Which phrase best describes the exercise arrangement used during the beginning weeks of class?

a. small muscle groups, then large muscle groups

b. single joint and multijoint

c. upper body and lower body

d. push and pull

Which muscle group(s) is (are) associated with core exercise?

a. biceps

b. shoulders

c. back

d. b and c

The key to success in the pyramid method of training is the use of

a. progressively heavier loads in successive sets.

b. heavy loads at the start and light loads later in the workout.

c. one set, then increasing to three sets per workout.

d. three sets the first week, four sets the second week, five sets the third week, and so on.

If George bench-pressed 200 pounds (90.5 kg) for six repetitions in his third set on two consecutive workouts of his pyramid strength program, how much should he lift in his next workout?

a. 185 pounds (83.75 kg)

b. 195 pounds (88.25 kg)

c. 200 pounds (90.5 kg)

d. 205 pounds (92.75 kg)

What is the length of the rest period between exercises during a compound set?

a. 30 seconds

b. 3 to 5 minutes

c. 30 to 90 seconds

d. no rest should be allowed

If Bob completed 10 repetitions in two consecutive workouts in the first set of a pyramid strength program, how much should he increase the load in his first set of the next workout?

a. 2.5 pounds (1 kg)

b. 5 pounds (2.25 kg)

c. 10 pounds (4.5 kg)

d. load should stay the same

Which exercise should be performed after the biceps curl in a superset?

a. triceps extension

b. dumbbell biceps curl

c. bench press

d. squats


Challenging yourself to lift heavy in each workout produces the best results. False: For your muscles to recover and get stronger, you should vary the intensity of training. Avoid lifting heavy every training day.

Within and between workouts, load variations are designed to provide time for the muscles to recover. True.

Step 13 Creating Your Program


List the types of weight training programs described in step 13. Muscle endurance, toning, strength, hypertrophy, strength/hypertrophy.

What should be considered before selecting the exercises for your program? Your training goals, the equipment available, and your experience.


Should core or assistance exercises be performed first in a workout?

a. core

b. assistance

Which is the best guide to follow when selecting exercises for a beginning weight training program?

a. upper-body exercises only

b. one exercise for each large-muscle group

c. lower-body exercise only

d. small-muscle group initially, then large-muscle groups as time permits

Which phrase describes the arrangement of the exercises listed in this order: lat pull-downs, seated press, biceps curls, and triceps extensions?

a. small- to large-muscle group exercises

b. push-to-pull exercises

c. triceps exercises after upper-body pressing exercises

d. a and b

The bent-over row and the lat pull-down primarily train which body area?

a. chest

b. shoulders

c. back

d. biceps

Which exercise is designed to develop the shoulders?

a. triceps extension

b. biceps curl

c. seated/standing press

d. lat pull-down

Decisions concerning the number of sets and number of repetitions to perform should be based primarily on the

a. goal(s) of the program.

b. length of rest periods needed.

c. type of equipment available.

d. number of training days per week.

If Michelle can perform a 1RM with 60 pounds in the seated press, and her goal is muscular endurance, what is an appropriate load for her to use in the second set?

a. 40 pounds

b. 45 pounds

c. 50 pounds

d. 55 pounds

What is the desired amount of rest between sets if muscular strength is the goal?

a. 30 seconds or less

b. 1 minute

c. 2 minutes

d. 3 minutes

Which is a good description of the work–rest periods when muscular endurance is the desired outcome?

a. short work–long rest

b. medium work–medium rest

c. long work–short rest

d. long work–long rest


A strength and hypertrophy program should include loads equaling 67 to 80 percent of the 1RM. False: Loads used should equal 67 to 85 percent of the 1RM.

The back squat is an example of a core exercise. True.


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