Business Address: Department of Health and Kinesiology

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX  77843-4243


Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Molecular Genetics)

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2000-2002

Doctor of Philosophy (Exercise Physiology)

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1995-2000

Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1998-2001

Bachelor of Arts (Chemistry)

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1987-1991


Assistant Professor

Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University 2005-present

Intercollegiate Faculty of Nutrition, Texas A&M University 2006-present

Visiting Assistant Professor

Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh 2003-2007

Assistant Professor

School of Exercise Leisure and Sport, Kent State University 2002-2005

Teaching Fellow

Health, Physical, Recreation Education Department, U. of Pittsburgh 1995-1999

Graduate Research Assistant

Human Energy Research Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh 1995-1999

Research Specialist

Brain, Behavior & Immunity Center, University of Pittsburgh 1993-1994


Professional Membership

2000-present American Physiological Society

2000-present American Association for the Advancement of Science

2000-present Researchers Against Inactivity and Disease (RID)

1995-present American College of Sports Medicine

1995-2005 American College of Sports Medicine (Mid-Atlantic Region)

2008-present American College of Sports Medicine (Texas Region)

Journal Reviewer


Journal of Sport Sciences

Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise

Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology

Physiological Genomics

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

British Journal of Sports Medicine

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences

Book Reviewer

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. First edition of Exercise Physiology: Integrated from Theory to Practical Application by William Kraemer and Steve Fleck (2007-2008).


2008-2010 Mayor’s Council on Fitness, College Station TX

2008-2009 Search Committee, Sports Management, TAMU

2006-2007 Student Research Week, TAMU, In-field Judge

2005-2006 Applied Exercise Physiology Committee, TAMU

2005-2006 Exercise Physiology Search Committee, TAMU

2004-2005 Institutional Review Board, Kent State University

2003-2004 Curriculum Committee, School of Exercise Leisure and Sport

2002-2004 Graduate Studies Committee, School of Exercise Leisure and Sport

2002-2004 Commencement, School of Exercise Leisure and Sport

2004 Participant, National Study of Postsecondary Faculty

2002-2004 Volunteer research host: Frontiers in Physiology, Undergraduate

Summer Research fellowship programs, American Physiological Society

2003 Majors Fair, School of Exercise Leisure and Sport

2003 Faculty Observer- Faculty Senate Kent State University

2003 Visibility (Marketing) Committee, School of Exercise Leisure and Sport

2003 Science Fair Judge, Fuchs Mazeri Middle School

1998-2002 Institutional Review Board, University of Pittsburgh


2008 A&M Consolidated High School Girls Cross-Country, Sports Nutrition

2004-present Consultant/Expert, , skeletal muscle/aging

1996-1999 Consultant, Contributing Author, Three Rivers Rowing Association


2007 Research Career Enhancement Award, American Physiological Society

2007 Montague- Center for Teaching Excellence Award Nominee

2004 Kent State University Mortar Board Faculty Mentor recognition

2004 Kent State University Honors College Faculty recognition

2003 Kent State University Teaching Scholar

2002 Travel award:. “Genomics: A Unified Approach To Solving Diverse Problems In Health And Disease." Sponsored by the FASEB MARC Program ($1,000.00).

2001 Post-Doctoral Poster Award, Genome and Hormone Conference, American Physiological Society ($250.00).

1999 Outstanding student, University of Pittsburgh Honors Convocation

1998 Outstanding student, University of Pittsburgh Honors Convocation

1998 Doctoral Fellowship Award, School of Education, ($5,000.00)

1997 Doctoral Fellowship Award, Health, Physical, Recreation Education Dept., ($2,500.00)

1997 Doctoral Fellowship Award, School of Education, ($2,500.00)



Grant Title: Differential Proteomics Approach to Identification of Novel Proteins Systemically Released from Contracting but not Resting Skeletal Muscle

Principal Investigator: Steven Riechman

Agency: J.L. and Sydney Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance Pilot grants

Type: Intramural

Description: The purpose of this study is to identify endocrine factors released from skeletal muscle.

Grant Title: Muscle as an Endocrine Gland: The role of contracting muscle on hepatic glucose output.

Principal Investigator: Jim Fluckey

Role: Co-Investigator

Agency: J.L. and Sydney Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance Pilot grants

Type: Intramural

Description: The purpose of this study test identified endocrine factors released from skeletal muscle on hepatic glucose output in a rat model.

Grant Title: Influence Of Clinical And Nonclinical Factors On Diabetes Outcomes: A Bi-National Comparison Of Mexican Migrants And Mexican-American Immigrants

Principal Investigator: Ranjita Misra

Role: Collaborator

Agency: PIMSA

Type: Extramural

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine environmental factors associated with racial differences in diabetes risk.

Ph.D. Training Program in Critical Areas of Space Life Sciences

Principal Investigator: Joanne R. Lupton

Role: Collaborator/Mentor

Agency: National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Federal, 01/01/06-12/31/11

Description: The goal of this Ph.D. training program is to develop scientists capable of solving three of the most critical problems in space life sciences: bone loss, muscle wasting, and cosmic radiation.

Grant Title: Specialty potato as an effective delivery mechanism for bioactive carotenoids and anthocyanins to promote energy balance - an integrated approach

Principal Investigator: Jairam Vanamala

Role: Collaborator

Agency: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Description: This project will identify practical and appropriate post-harvest treatments and processing methods that have minimal effects on the content, composition, bioavailability and energy-balance-promoting efficacy of carotenoids and anthocyanins-rich potatos. These studies include a human clinical trial.


Grant Title: Development of Ultrasound Elastography Technologies to Quantify the Effects of Hydration on Muscle Tissue Function

Principal Investigator: Raffaella Righetti

Role; Co-Investigator

Agency: NSBRI

Grant Title: Novel Ultrasound Technologies for Imaging Tissue Hydration State in Cancer Patients

Principal Investigator: Raffaella Righetti

Role; Co-Investigator

Agency: NIH, R21

Grant Title: Development of Novel Ultrasound Technologies for Imaging and Quantifying the Hydration State of Biological Tissues

Principal Investigator: Raffaella Righetti

Role; Co-Investigator

Agency: Department of Defense

Grant Title: Effects of Eccentric-Biased and/or Concentric-Biased Exercise Training on Anabolic Potential, Muscle Mass and Functional Neuromuscular Performance during Simulated Microgravity

Principal Investigator: Jim Fluckey

Role; Co-Principal Investigator

Agency: NSBRI

Recent UnFunded Submissions (2006-2008)

Grant Title: Statins, Dietary Cholesterol, and Resistance Exercise Training: Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy verses Myopathy

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: American Heart Association, National and Texas Affiliate

Type: Grant In Aid, 07/01/08-6/30/10, $125,000

Description: This study will examine the effect of statins and dietary cholesterol on skeletal muscle hypertrophy in men and women age 60-69.

Grant Title: “Statins, Dietary Cholesterol, and Resistance Exercise Training: Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy verses Myopathy”

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman (10% effort)

Agency: NIH

Type: R21 03/01/08-02/28/10, $275,000

Description: This project seeks to determine the interaction of statins and dietary cholesterol on muscle hypertrophy responses to resistance training in 50-69 year old men and women.

Grant Title: Effects of Dietary Protein and Cholesterol and Flywheel Training on Muscle Strength, Neural Activation, Mass and Anabolic Potential during Simulated Microgravity

Principal Investigator: James Fluckey/Steven Riechman

Agency: National Space Biomedical Research Institute

Type: Program Project, 3/01/08-2/28/12, $1,250,000

Description: This study proposes to examine skeletal muscle responses (whole body to molecular) to variable nutrition and training paradigms to optimize performance in astronauts.

Grant Title: Metabolic Syndrome among Young Adult Indians and Indian Americans

Principal Investigator: Ranjita Misra

Role in project: Co-investigator

Agency: National Institutes of Health (NICHMD)

Type: RO3, 09/01/07-8/30/09, $100,000.00

Description: This study will provide important descriptive behavioral, environmental, anthropometric, and clinical parameters in Asian Indian adolescents at risk for metabolic syndrome.

Grant Title: Effects of Dietary Protein Timing and Dietary Cholesterol on Muscle protein Synthesis, Hypertrophy and Function following Standard or Portable Flywheel Training

Principal Investigator: Stephen Crouse

Role in project: Co-investigator (Overall), Principal Investigator (Project 1 of 3) (15% effort)

Agency: Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program, Department of Defense (Army)

Type: Program Project, 01/01/07-12/31/10, $1,250,000

Description: This study proposes to examine skeletal muscle responses (whole body to molecular) to variable nutrition and training paradigms to optimize performance in soldiers.

Grant Title: The effects of milk protein versus whey and casein on rates of protein synthesis and anabolism after an acute bout of dynamic resistance exercise”

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: National Dairy Council

Type: Industry, 01/01/07-12/31/07, $20,000

Description: This study will employ the novel deuterium method for determination of protein synthesis rates following acute exercise with various protein manipulations.

Grant Title: Hybrid Group Model Study

Principal Investigator: Chris Ruud, MD

Agency: Livestrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation

Type: Evolution, 07/01/07-6/30/09, $50,000

Description: This study will examine the effect of clinical visits including physical activity and nutrition education, social support, on drug and lifestyle compliance for breast cancer survivors.

Grant Title: Anabolic Milk: The Effects of Milk versus its Protein Isolates on Total Muscle Protein Synthesis and Anabolic Signaling in Response to Resistance Exercise

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: National Dairy Council

Type: Extramural, 07/01/07-6/30/08, $50,000

Description: This study will test the hypothesis that milk will result in significantly greater total protein synthesis compared to whey or casein during the recovery from exercise.

Grant Title: Validation of EchoMRITM for faster, more sensitive, non-radiation measure of body composition changes with an Exercise/Milk weight loss/muscle gain intervention

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: National Dairy Council

Type: Extramural, 07/01/07-6/30/08, $50,000

Description: This study will test the hypothesis that post exercise whole milk will be superior for weight loss and muscle gain than whey supplement or control.

Grant Title: Exercise determinant of responder status to Egg cholesterol consumption

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association

Type: Industry, 08/01/07-7/31/09, $25,000.00 (no salary support)

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine acute interactions of dietary cholesterol and exercise on blood cholesterol and muscle responses.

Other Projects

Title: "Triglycerides, Women and HRT (Effects of common genetic variations)"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Description: This study is an ancillary of a NIH funded randomized clinical trial on 500 postmenopausal women aged 52-62 on hormone replacement therapy in which participants will undergo aggressive non-pharmacological intervention (physical activity and diet induced weight loss) to reduce measures of sub-clinical cardiovascular disease and risk factors. We will study whether genetic variation affects the responsiveness of this clinical intervention.

Title: Molecular Basis for the Lipid Response to Acute Exercise

Principal Investigator: Nic Greene, Stephen F. Crouse

Role: Co-Investigator

Description: This study is will examine the serum and skeletal muscle lipid response to acute exercise to further understand exercise induced lipid alterations.


Grant Title: Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduate Students (SROP)

Principal Investigator: Jasmin Nwachokor, Steven E. Riechman

Agency: FASEB MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers)

Type: Extramural, 06/01/07-8/30/07, $2,000

Description: This funding will pay for accommodations for Ms. Nwachokor to work on the clinical trial being conducted in the laboratory in Summer 2007.

Grant Title: "Egg cholesterol consumption, blood cholesterol and skeletal muscle hypertrophy"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association

Type: Industry, 11/01/05-10/31/07, $40,000.00 (no salary support)

Description: The purpose of this study is to confirm the role of dietary cholesterol in skeletal muscle hypertrophy and identify potential mechanisms of action.

Grant Title: Effect of Cholesterol on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Protein Synthesis in Rats.

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman, Heath Gasier (Advisee)

Agency: J.L. and Sydney Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance

Type: Intramural Pilot grant, 05/01/06-4/30/07

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the role of dietary cholesterol in skeletal muscle hypertrophy with exercise and validate the deuterium method of protein synthesis.

Grant Title: Effect: The effects of immediate post exercise protein ingestion on protein synthesis and mRNA translation after an acute bout of resistance exercise

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman, Heath Gasier (Advisee)

Agency: Gatorade Sport Science Institute

Type: Extramural, ACSM/Industry, 11/01/06-10/30/07, $1,500.00

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine protein synthesis rates following acute resistance exercise.

Title: PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy following resistance exercise training

Principal Investigator: Mark Newman, Fredric L. Goss (Advisor)

Role: Co-Investigator

Agency: College of Education, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Intramural, 04/01/06-8/30/07, $1,500

Description: This study is will examine the effect of genetic variations in the mTOR pathway on muscle hypertrophy with resistance training.

Grant Title: "Genetic Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Aging"

Principal Investigator: Robert E. Ferrell

Role in project: Co-investigator (15% effort)

Agency: National Institutes of Health

Type: RO1, 09/01/02-8/30/07, $2,215,000.00

Description: This project will assess 150 gene variants in 3000 subjects of the NIH funded Health ABC study for association to muscle and bone phenotypes during normal aging.

Grant Title: “Skeletal Muscle Production and Release of Interleukin-15”

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman (no salary support)

Agency: Life Fitness Inc.

Type: Michael L. Pollock Memorial Research Grant 07/01/04-6/30/05, $5,000.00

Description: Quantify changes in skeletal muscle Interleukin 15 in the interstitium using microdialysis in the vastus lateralis muscle of 12 young healthy men during dynamic exercise at 75% of peak power using the Krogh ergometer modified for one-legged knee-extensor exercise.

Grant Title: “Pilot- Molecular Epidemiology of Resistance Exercise Training II-Nutrition”

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: Novartis

Type: Material support

Description: Novartis has provided nutritional supplementation for MERET II research study to optimize muscle mass gains. Extensive nutritional assessment will determine both macro- and micronutrient covariates that may contribute to hypertrophic variance.

Grant Title: "Dietary cholesterol and markers of skeletal muscle breakdown and recovery"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: Kent State University Research Council

Type: Intramural, 10/01/04-5/31/05, $2,440.00

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine whether dietary cholesterol affects markers of rhabdomyolysis.

Frontiers in Physiology Professional Development Fellowship

Principal Investigator: Steven J. Wood

Role: Mentor

Agency: American Physiological Society, $5,000.00

Grant Title: "Paraplegics/Immune Function and Exercise"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Research grant, 5/1/95-4/30/96, $1,500.00

Grant Title "Beta-endorphin/Perception of exertion with Exercise"

Principal Investigator: Ibrahim Dabayebeh

Role in project: Co-investigator

Agency: School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Research grant, 5/1/97-4/30/98, $1,000.00

Grant Title: "Predictors of Rowing Performance"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: Concept II Inc.

Type: Research Grant, 7/01/97-6/30/98, $1,600.00

Grant Title: "Exercise Endozepine Response: Antagonist Effect on Anxiety"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Research grant, 5/1/98-4/30/99, $1,500.00

Grant Title: "Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor and Strength" 5 P60 AR44811-04 SUB: 0007

Principal Investigator: Robert E. Ferrell

Role in project: Co-investigator (100% effort)

Agency: Multipurpose Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases Center (MAMDC),

Type: Developmental and Feasibility Project, 10/01/99-9/30/01, $88,092.00

Description: This grant provided salary support to conduct "The Molecular Epidemiology of Resistance Exercise Training (MERET) Study ". This project trained 154 college students for ten weeks and assessed variance in strength, muscle and the association to several genetic variations.

Grant Title: "A Novel Stimulus of Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Release"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: Obesity and Nutrition Research Center, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Pilot/Feasibility research grant, 01/01/01-12/31/01, $22,150.00

Description: The goals of this project are to determine the role of IL-15 released from skeletal muscle in stimulating growth hormone release from the pituitary. These funds support assessment of sequence variation in the IL15R( in relation to muscle growth in MERET.

Grant Title: " A Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) receptor ( genotype relation to obesity"

Principal Investigator: Stephen M. Roth

Role in project: Co-investigator

Agency: Obesity and Nutrition Research Center, University of Pittsburgh

Type: Pilot/Feasibility research grant, 01/01/01-12/31/01, $22,150.00

Description: This project aims to assess sequence variation in the human CNTF( gene, and determine the role of polymorphisms in the response of body composition to strength training.

Grant Title: "Interleukin-15 regulation of growth hormone secretion"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: Immunex Corporation

Type: Material Transfer Agreement, 07/20/00-12/01/01, $2,000.00

Description: This project aims to support the hypothesis that IL-15 stimulates growth hormone release by administration of IL-15 in mice (in vivo) and murine pituitary culture (in vitro).

Grant Title: "Microarray Analysis of Hypertrophic Skeletal Muscle"

Principal Investigator: Steven E. Riechman

Agency: General Clinical Research Center (GCRC 5 M01 RR00056), University of Pittsburgh

Obesity and Nutrition Research Center (ONRC), University of Pittsburgh

Type: (GCRC) Clinical research support, 01/10/01-01/10/02, $48,000.00

(ONRC) Pilot/ Feasibility grant, 08/01/01-07/31/02, $11,500.00

Description: This study collected a time series of muscle biopsies before and after 10 weeks of high intensity resistance exercise in young men and women.


REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (students in bold)

1. Shurin, M., A. Kusnecov, S.E. Riechman, B.S. Rabin. Effect of a conditioned aversive stimulus on the immune response in three strains of rats. Psychoneuroendocrin. 20: 837-49, 1995.

2. Zhou, D., N. Shanks, S.E. Riechman, R. Liang, B.S. Rabin. IL-6 potentiates IL-1 and stressor induced HPA axis activation and restraint stress induced immune suppression. Neuroendocrin. 63:227-236, 1996.

3. Dorman J., C.H. Bunker, S.E. Riechman, et. al. HLA-DQ locus of the human leukocyte antigen complex and Type I Diabetes Mellitus: a HuGe review (Review). Epidemiologic Reviews. 22:218-27, 2000.

4. Robertson RJ, F.L. Goss, N.F. Boer, J.A. Peoples, I.M. Dabayebeh, N.B. Millich, G. Balasekaran, S.E. Riechman, J.D. Gallagher, T. Thompkins. Children's OMNI scale of perceived exertion: mixed gender and race validation. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 32(2): 452-8, 2000.

5. Roth S.M., M.A. Schrager, R.E. Ferrell, S.E. Riechman, E.J. Metter, N.A. Lynch, R.S. Lindle, and B.F. Hurley. CNTF genotype is associated with muscular strength and quality in humans across the adult age span. J. Appl. Physiol. 90: 1205-1210, 2001.

6. Goss, F., R. Robertson, S.E. Riechman, R. Zoeller, I. Dabayebeh, N. Moyna, N. Boer, J. Peoples, K. Metz. Effect of potassium phosphate supplementation on perceptual and physiological responses to maximal graded exercise. Int. J. Sport Nutr., 11: 53-62, 2001.

7. Riechman, S.E., R.F. Zoeller, G. Balasekaran, R.J. Robertson. Prediction of 2000 M rowing performance in females using indices of anaerobic and aerobic power. J. Sport Sciences 20: 681-687, 2002.

8. Roth, S.M, M.A. Schrager, E.J. Metter, S.E. Riechman, J.L. Fleg, B.F. Hurley R.E. Ferrell. IGF2 genotype and obesity in men and women across the adult age span. Int. J. Obesity 26(4): 585-587, 2002.

9. Riechman, S.E., R.E. Schoen, J.L. Weissfield, L. F. Thaete, A. M. Kriska. Association of physical activity and visceral adipose tissue in older women and men. Obesity Res.10:1065-1073, 2002.

10. Riechman, S.E., T.J. Fabian, P.D. Kroboth, R.E. Ferrell. Steroid sulfatase gene variation and DHEA responsiveness to resistance exercise in MERET. Physiol Genomics, 17:300-306, 2004.

11. Riechman, S.E., G. Balasekaran, S. M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell. Association of Interleukin 15 Protein and Interleukin-15 Receptor Genetic Variation to Resistance Exercise Training Responses. J Appl Physiol 97: 2214–2219, 2004.


12. Zoeller RF, SE Riechman, I. Dabeyehbeh, G. Balasekaran. Relation between muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in persons with thoracic-level paraplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 86: 1441-6, 2005.

13. Andrews R, SE Riechman, DA MacLean. Protein Intake for Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training in Seniors. Int J Sports Nutr 16: 362-372, 2006.

14. Riechman, S.E., R. Andrews, D.A. MacLean. Statins and Dietary and Blood Cholesterol are Associated with Increased Mass Following Resistance Training. J Gerontol Med Sci. 62: 1164-1171, 2007.

15. Gearhart RF, Lagally KM, Riechman SE, Andrews RD, Robertson RJ. RPE at Relative Intensities following 12-Weeks of Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills 106:893-903, 2008.

16. Gearhart RF, Lagally KM, Riechman SE, Andrews RD, Robertson RJ. Strength Tracking using the OMNI Resistance Exercise Scale in Older Men and Women. Accepted March 2008. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

17. Riechman, S.E., R. Andrews, D.A. MacLean. Response to letter to editor for Statins and Dietary and Blood Cholesterol are Associated with Increased Mass Following Resistance Training. J Gerontol Med Sci.2008.

18. Riechman, SE, CW Lee, G Chikani, CW Chen. Cholesterol and Skeletal Muscle Health. World Rev Nutr. Accepted, 2008.

MANUSCRIPTS in Review or Preparation

1. Riechman, SE, HG Gasier, RD Andrews, D Kean, S Guigiere, S Hammer. The effects of acute dietary cholesterol intake on attenuating eccentric muscle damage. In preparation.

2. Gasier HG, M Wiggs, SE Riechman, J Fluckey. The effects of chronic resistance training on protein synthesis and regulators of mRNA translation in Rats. In preparation.

3. Gasier HG, M Wiggs, SE Riechman, J Fluckey. A protein: carbohydrate containing beverage following an acute bout of resistance training does not/does increase fractional rates of protein synthesis in humans. In preparation.

4. Gasier HG, M Wiggs, SE Riechman, J Fluckey. Chronic resistance training in rats results in an increase in protein synthesis when measured by 2H2O. In preparation.

5. Gasier HG, M Wiggs, SE Riechman, J Fluckey. An in vivo comparison of flooding-dose versus 2H2O methodologies when examining protein synthesis. In preparation.

6. Misra R, Riechman SE, Shinde S, Coraza I, Villanueva J, Anzueto G, Chandra P, A Balasubramanyam. Glucose Intolerance among HIV-Infected Patients: Effects of Ethnicity and Immunologic Response to Treatment. In preparation.

7. Lee TV, Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G, Chen V, Riechman SE. Does Post Exercise Protein Reduce Total Protein Needs for Optimal Skeletal Muscle Responses to Resistance Training in Older Adults? In preparation.

8. Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G, Riechman SE. Does dietary cholesterol increase cardiovascular risk in exercising people? A randomized placebo-controlled trial. In preparation.

9. Riechman SE, Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G. Dietary Cholesterol and Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. In preparation.

10. Newman M, Riechman SE, Ferrell RE. Effect of common genetic variation in the mTOR signaling pathway on muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance training. In preparation.


1. Nelson, L.E., A.W. Kusnecov, D. Zhou, A.V. Armfield, S.E. Riechman, B.S. Rabin. Modulation of the effect of conditioned stress on splenic mitogenic response. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, 1994.

2. Nelson, L.E., A.W. Kusnecov, D. Zhou, A.V. Armfield, S.E. Riechman, B.S. Rabin. Diazepam ameliorates the effect of conditioned stress on splenic mitogenic response. First World Congress on Stress, 1994.

3. Zhou, D., N. Shanks, S.E. Riechman, R. Liang B.S. Rabin. IL-6 potentiates restraint stress induced immune suppression. First World Congress on Stress, 1994.

4. Riechman, S.E., M. Shurin, K. Ackerman, B. Rabin. Norepinephrine release in the spleen mediates stress-induced immune suppression in Lewis rats. First World Congress on Stress, 1994.

5. Zhou, D., N. Shanks, S.E. Riechman, R. Liang, B.S. Rabin. IL-6 potentiates IL-1 and stressor induced HPA axis activation and restraint stress induced immune suppression. Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, 1994.

6. Moyna, N.M., D. Zhou, M.H. Fernstrom, H.R. Goldberg, S.E. Riechman, B.S. Rabin. The role of nitric oxide in modulating the functional alterations in spleen lymphocyte function during moderate intensity exercise. Res. Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, 1994.

7. Bodner, J.D., N.M. Moyna, H.R. Goldberg, S.E. Riechman, R.J. Robertson, M.F. Muldoon, B.S. Rabin. The effect of aerobic fitness level on psychological induced alterations in blood lipids. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27(5):S20, 1995.

8. Moyna, N.M., J.D. Bodner, H.R. Goldberg, S.E. Riechman, R.J. Robertson, B.S. Rabin. The effect of aeorbic fitness level on psychological induced alterations in immune function. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27(5):S129, 1995.

9. Zoeller, R.F., S.E. Riechman, I. Dabayebeh, R.J. Robertson, F.L. Goss. Selected indices of peripheral muscle function and strength as correlates of endurance performance in paraplegics. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28(5):S144, 1996.

10. Zoeller, R.F., S.E. Riechman, I. Dabayebeh, R.J. Robertson. Hemodynamic responses to peak arm-crank exercise in thoracic level paraplegics. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 29(5):S84, 1997.

11. Zoeller, R.F., S.E. Riechman, I. Dabayebeh, F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson. Exercise prescription for thoracic level paraplegics. 11th International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity, Quebec City, Canada, May, 1997.

12. Riechman, S.E., R.F. Zoeller, G. Balasekaran, F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson. Prediction of 2000 M rowing performance in females using indices of anaerobic and aerobic power. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30(5):S275, 1998.

13. Goss F.L., R.J. Robertson, S.E. Riechman, R.F. Zoeller, I. Dabayebeh, N.M. Moyna, J. Peoples, K. Metz. Effect of oral phosphate supplementation on perceptual and physiological responses to maximal graded exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30(5):S220, 1998.

14. Riechman, S.E., I. Dabayebeh, G. Balasakaran, F.L. Goss, R.J Robertson. Absense of a beta-endorphin mediating effect for RPE and mood at submaximal exercise intensities. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference, 1998.

15. Riechman, S.E., I. Dabayebeh, G. Balasakaran, F.L. Goss, R.J Robertson. Absense of a beta-endorphin mediating effect for RPE and mood at submaximal exercise intensities. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 31(5):S263, 1999.

16. Dabayebeh, I., S.E. Riechman, G. Balasekaran, F.L. Goss, N. Moyna, K. Metz, C. Baker, R.J. Robertson. Effect of aerobic exercise at various sub-maximal intensities on circulating beta-endorphin concentrations. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 31(5):S1303, 1999.

17. Riechman S.E., R. Witt, C. Meckes, G. Balasakeran, F. Goss, S. Lephart, J. Fernstrom, R.J. Robertson. Exercise anxiolysis is mediated through temperature regulation by endogenous benzodiazepines. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(5):S40, 2000.

18. Dabayebeh, I., S.E. Riechman, G. Balasekaran, F. Goss, R.J. Robertson. State anxiety following 25 minutes of cycle ergometer exercise at various aerobic exercise intensities. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32(5):S401, 2000.

19. Riechman S.E., G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, B. Hurley. Magnitude Of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Augmented By Interleukin-15 Receptor SNP Genotype. FASEB J. 15(4): A485, 2001.

20. Roth, S.M., M.A. Schrager, S.E. Riechman, R.E. Ferrell, E.J. Metter, J.L. Fleg, B.F. Hurley. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) genotype and body composition in men and women across the adult age span. FASEB J. 15(4): A485, 2001.

21. Riechman, S.E., G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, R.J. Robertson, B.F. Hurley. Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) genotype is associated with skeletal muscle responses to strength training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33(5): S270, 2001.

22. Balasekaran G., R.J. Robertson, S.E. Riechman, F.L. Goss, K. Danadian, S.A. Arslanian. Effect of Dihydrotestosterone therapy on VO2max, body composition and physical development in adolescents. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33(5): S32, 2001.

23. Roth, S.M., M.A. Schrager, S.E. Riechman, R.E. Ferrell, E.J. Metter, J.L. Fleg, B.F. Hurley. Does IGFII genotype predict BMI and body fat in men and women across the adult age span? Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33(5): S323, 2001.

24. Riechman, S.E., T.J. Fabian, P.D. Kroboth, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell. DHEA/DHEAS responses to strength training in men and women: influence of a polymorphic marker in the x-linked steroid sulfatase gene. The Physiologist. 44(4): 279, 2001.

25. Roth, S.M., M.A. Schrager, S.E. Riechman, E.J. Metter, J.L. Fleg, B.F. Hurley, R.E. Ferrell. The IL6 G-174C promoter polymorphism and body composition in adult men and women. FASEB J. 16(4): 2002.

26. Riechman, S.E., G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, B.F. Hurley. Fat Loss With Strength Training Is Associated To Interleukin-6 G-174C Polymorphism In Men And Women. FASEB J. 16(4): 2002.

27. Riechman S.E., T.J. Fabian, P.D. Kroboth, G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, R.J. Robertson, B.F. Hurley. Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor Polymorphisms are Associated with Plasma DHEA and Cortisol Responses to Strength Training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34(5): S131, 2002.

28. Newman, M.A., S.E. Riechman, G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell, R.J. Robertson, B.F. Hurley. Age, Birth Control, Strength Training Activity Associated to Lean Mass Gain with Strength Training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34(5): S281, 2002.

29. Riechman, S.E., G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell. ACE Gene Variation and Resistance Exercise Training Responses in MERET. FASEB J. 17(4): A941, 2003.

30. Doe, V.H., S.E. Riechman, G. Balasekaran, S.M. Roth, R.E. Ferrell. Resistance Exercise Training Responses in African American verses Caucasian. FASEB J. 17(4): A1271, 2003.

31. Smith, AW, CJ Rogers, S.E. Riechman, RE Schoen, J Weissfeld, A Kriska. Physical Activity and Colorectal Adenoma Risk Among Older Adults. Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2004.

32. Riechman S.E., G Balasekaran, Robert E Ferrell. UCP3 Exon 5 Gene Variation and Resistance Exercise Training Responses in MERET. FASEB J 18(4): 2004.

33. Riechman SE, G. Balasekaran, R.E. Ferrell. Calcineurin Gene Variation and Resistance Exercise Training Responses in MERET. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 36(5): S271, 2004.

34. Bowman JM, SB Hammer, RD Andrews, SA Giguere, SE Riechman. Blood Pressure Responses to Resistance Training in 60-69 Year Old Men and Women Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 37 (5):S439, 2005.

35. Riechman SE, G Balasekaran, RE Ferrell. CETP Gene Variation and Cholesterol Response Resistance Exercise Training in MERET. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 37 (5): S165, 2005.

36. Fascione JM, DA Michel, SB Hammer, SE Riechman. The Association of Foot Arch Height and Running Performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 37 (5): S153, 2005.

37. Riechman SE, RD Andrews, DA MacLean. Dietary and Blood Cholesterol and Statins increase hypertrophy with Resistance Training. FASEB J 19: 902.11, 2005.

38. Andrews RD, SE Riechman, DA MacLean. Optimal protein intake for skeletal muscle hypertrophy with resistance training in 60-69 year old men and women. FASEB J 19, 902.2, 2005.

39. Andrews RD, HG Gasier, SE Riechman. Body composition changes inconsistent with classic energy balance models: a case report. Maryland Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, March, 2006.

40. Riechman, SE, Andrews RD, MacLean DA. Increased Dietary Cholesterol is Associated to Greater Increases in Hip Bone Mineral Density with Resistance Training in Seniors. FASEB J 20: 237.16, 2006.

41. Balasekaran G, Mayo MJ, Riechman SE, Grantham JR, Kammerer CM, Govindaswamy V, Ferrell RE. Obesity Gene Variation on Effect of Large Exercise-Induced Weight Loss on Body Composition and Fat Distribution in Obese Males. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 38 (5): S337, 2006.

42. Riechman SE, Kean D, Andrews RD, Gasier H, Hammer S. Dietary Cholesterol Alters Recovery from Eccentric Muscle Damage in Humans. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 38(5): S368, 2006.

43. Gearhart RF, Lagally KM, Riechman SE, Andrews RD, Robertson RJ. Leg Press Strength Tracking Using The Omni Resistance Exercise Scale In Older Men And Women. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 38 (5): S503, 2006.

44. Gasier HG, Wiggs MP, Swift, JM, Oliphant, D, Riechman SE and Fluckey JD. Plateau effects of resistance exercise result from over-expression of eIF4E-BP1. FASEB J, 20, 2007.

45. Riechman, SE, Gasier HG. Effect of Dietary Cholesterol on Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training: Randomized Double Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 39(5): 2007.

46. Balasekaran G. Robertson RJ. Mayo MJ. Riechman SE. Grantham JR. Kammerer CM. Govindaswamy V. Ferrell RE. Effects of Gene Variation on Exercise-Induced Weight Loss, Body Composition and Fat Distribution in Obese Males: 2498: Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 39(5): 2007.

47. Gearhart RF Jr. Lagally KM. Riechman SE. Andrews RD. Robertson RJ. Assessment of Relative Strength Pre- and Post-Resistance Training using the OMNI Resistance Exercise Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 39(5):S25, 2007.

48. Misra R, Balasubramanyam A, Riechman SE, P Chandra. Ethnic Differences in Glucose Intolerance among HIV-Infected Patients with Dyslipidemia. Society of Behavioral Medicine 2008.

49. Gearhart R, Lagally K, Riechman S, Andrews R, Robertson R. Comparison Of The Relative Weight Lifted At Target Omni-Res RPE Between Older And Younger Adults. MWACSM conference October 2007.

50. Lee TV, Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G, Chen V, Riechman SE. Does Post Exercise Protein Reduce Total Protein Needs for Optimal Skeletal Muscle Responses to Resistance Training in Older Adults? EB 2008.

51. Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G, Riechman SE. Does dietary cholesterol increase cardiovascular risk in exercising people? A randomized placebo-controlled trial. EB 2008.

52. Riechman SE, Lee CW, Gasier HG, Chikani G. Dietary Cholesterol and Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. EB 2008.

53. Gasier, HG, SF Previs, TV LEE, V Chen, MP Wiggs, SE Riechman, JD Fluckey. A comparison of 2H20 and Phenylalanine flooding dose methodlogies to investigate protein synthesis rates in rats. EB, 2008.

54. Chandra P, Misra R, Riechman S, Shinde S, Coraza I, Villanueva J, Lewis D, Sekhar R, Balasubramanyam A. Low CD4+ T-lymphocyte count is associated with glucose intolerance among HIV-infected patients on highly-active antiretroviral therapy. Baylor College of Medicine Research Symposium, 2008.

55. Gasier, HG, SF Previs, TV LEE, V Chen, MP Wiggs, SE Riechman, JD Fluckey. A comparison of 2H20 and Phenylalanine flooding dose methodlogies to investigate protein synthesis rates in rats. Integrative Biology of Exercise, 2008.


International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, Sattelite Conference on the Columbus Concept. “Cholesterol and Skeletal Muscle Health”. October 7-9, 2008, Geneva, Switzerland.

Impacto de la Nutrición y Bienestar en la Salud, 2er. Simposio Internacional. “METABOLIC SYNDROME: From Molecular Bases to Clinical Presentation and its’ integrated approach.” Tecnológico de Monterrey, Escuela de Medicina. March, 2008.

Impacto de la Nutrición y Bienestar en la Salud, 1er. Simposio Internacional. “Aging, Nutrition and Exercise in Health and Disease.” Tecnológico de Monterrey, Escuela de Medicina. January, 2007.

Intercollegiate Faculty of Nutrition Seminar Series, TAMU, February, 2006

Division of Kinesiology Seminar Series, TAMU, October 2005

Linnea Henderson Research Symposium, School of Nursing, Kent State University, Research Teams of the Future. “Student Involvement in Faculty Research: A win win for research teams.” 10/18/2004.

Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Conference on Aging, Columbus, OH. “Sarcopenia and Healthy Aging.” 9/2004.

Rehabilitation & Health Center, Inc. Crystal Clinic. Practical Application of Clinical Nutrition. “The importance of building muscle mass in the aged population.” 4/2004 (presented by Elizabeth A. Roth).

The Department of Human Genetics Seminar Series, University of Pittsburgh. “The Molecular Epidemiology of Resistance Exercise Training Study.” 1/2002.


Surprise - Cholesterol May Actually Pose Benefits, Study Shows. Keith Randall. Tuesday, January 08, 2008.

August is National Sandwich Month. Keith Randall, United Press Syndicate, 2008.

The Baby Boomer Tuneup. Andrea Petersen, Wall Street Journal, D1, March 8, 2005.

Riechman Investigates Effects of Aging on Muscle Loss. Nancy Hoyt, The Gerontology Center Newsletter, Spring, 2004.

Researcher looks to explain muscle loss in elderly. Mike Dadich, Kent Stater, Fri. December 5, 2003.

Genetics just doesn’t understand equality. Identical exercise, diets don’t guarantee equal results. Diane Evans, The Akron Beacon Journal, July 24, 2003.

Born to be a Couch Potato: It Could be in your genes. Research probes why some get less out of exercise; Mom’s eye, Dad’s inertia. Andrea Petersen, Wall Street Journal, Tues. July 15, 2003.


Undergraduate teaching: years role Institution

Directed Research Study 2005-2008 Primary TAMU

Exercise Physiology 2005-2007 Primary TAMU

Senior Exercise Practicum 2003 Primary KENT

Measurement and Evaluation 2002-2005 Primary KENT

Individual Investigation 2002-2005 Primary KENT

Directed Research Study 1996-2002 Primary PITT

Exercise Physiology 1998 Primary PITT

Human Physiology 1997-1998 Section PITT

Graduate teaching:

Directed Research Study 2006-2008 Primary TAMU

Physiology of Strength and Conditioning 2007-2008 Primary TAMU

Applied Exercise Physiology 2006-2008 Primary TAMU

Kinesiology Seminar 2007 Primary TAMU

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology 2004 Section KENT

Research Processes in Exercise 2003-2005 Primary KENT

Physical Activity Epidemiology 2003-2004 Section PITT

Research Seminar in Exercise Science 2002-2005 Section KENT

Individual Investigation 2002-2005 Primary KENT

Research Design in Exercise Science 2001-2002 Section PITT

Exercise Specialist Workshop§ 1998-1999 Section PITT

Directed Research Study 1996-2002 Primary PITT

Advanced Exercise Physiology 1996-1999 Section PITT

Advanced Laboratory Techniques 1995-1999 Section PITT

§ (American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Specialist certification)

Teaching Scholars Program: As a member of this program in 2003-2004, I participated in bimonthly meetings on advanced teaching techniques with other scholars. I also attended two conferences on College Teaching (Lilly, Miami and Lilly, Pomona) and presented “Engaging Today’s Students”, a collaborative effort of KSU Teaching Scholars.

Graduate Gerontology Certificate: I serve on the Advisory Committee for the Graduate Gerontology Certificate program, a joint program between Kent State and Akron University. The committee oversees the admissions standards, program requirements, strategic planning and marketing, evaluates students applying for admission, and helps to resolve students’ dilemmas.

Curricular Development: Central role in the overhaul of the undergraduate, master’s and Doctoral program in Exercise Physiology (2002-2004). Contributed an interdisciplinary graduate course in Physical Activity Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh.

Senior Exercise Program Director: Directed the activities of the KSU senior exercise program, a service outreach program, that serves 50-70 men and women over the age of 60 (2002-2003).

Laboratory Coordinator: Coordinated operations in the Human Energy Research Laboratory. Maintained lab supplies and equipment for classes and research (1996-1999).

University of Pittsburgh Wellness Program: Conducted weekly stress testing, lipid profiling, body composition, dietary evaluation, and exercise prescription. Coordinated regular university-wide health seminars. 200 active participants (1995-1999).

Fitness Center Administration: Directed campus fitness facilities including purchasing and maintaining equipment and managing employee training, scheduling, and payroll (1995-1999).


Doctoral Students

Steve Bui, Exercise Physiology, TAMU 2008-

-recipient Merit Scholarship

Mats Nilssen, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2008-

Steve Martin, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2007-2008

Jong Hee Kim, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2007

Micheal Wiggs, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2007-

Nic Greene, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2007-

Teak V. Lee, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA 2007-

-recipient of National Space Biomedical Research Institute Fellowship

Gentle Chikani, Nutrition, TAMU, PA 2007-

Changwoock Lee, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA, 2006-

Heath Gasier, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA 2005-

-recipient of a Navy Physiologist Fellowship

Mark Newman, University of Pittsburgh, Exercise Physiology, 2004-2008

Hyo-Bum Kwak, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2006-2007

Greg Miller, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2006-

Stephen Hammer, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2005 PA

Ronald Otterstetter, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2004

David Kean, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2005

Master’s Students

Krupa Mehta, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA, 2007-2008

Aaron Carbugn, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, 2007-

Andrew Hauch, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA, 2007-

Jordan Perkins, Nutrition, TAMU, PA, 2007-

Vincent Chen, Exercise Physiology, TAMU, PA, 2007-

Ryan Andrews, Exercise Physiology, Human Nutrition, Kent State University, 2005 PA

Sean Giguere, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2005 PA

Karen Filkens-Sanders, Gerontology, Kent State University, 2004

Vicki Doe, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2004

Elizabeth Roth, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2004

Leigh Murray, Exercise Physiology, Kent State University, 2004

Connie Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh, Epidemiology, 2003

Ashley Smith, Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh, Epidemiology, 2003

Undergraduate Research Supervision

Nicolwala, Hormuz, TAMU Health, 2008

Skinner, Lee, TAMU, 2008

Comer, Kearra, TAMU, 2008

Niemeyer, Joshua Hunter, TAMU, 2008

Onwuchekwa, Kelechukwu, TAMU, 2008

Powers, Nicole Lynn, TAMU, 2008

Smith, Quinton Ross, TAMU, 2008

Endsley, Daren M, TAMU, 2008

Abbe, Erica, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Johnson, Christina, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

North, Kristin, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Davis, Julie, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Gustafson, Sarah, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Rutherford, Kyndall, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Santos Farías, Azalea, Nutrition, Monterrey, Mexico, 2007

Browder, Shaunta, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Schrier, Kelton, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Slaughter, Jace, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Cook, Courtney, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Shantz, Heather, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Nwachokor, Jasmin, Biomedical Sciences, TAMU, 2006-2007

-recipient Minority Access to Research Careers, Summer Research Opportunities Program

Garza, Romeo, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Grisham, Lindsey, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Meuth, Meredith, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006-2007

Mikeska, Ashley, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Newton, Josiah, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Startzell, Brianna, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Stephens, Lisa, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2007

Oliphant, David, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Kristek, Holly, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Allenson, Stephanie, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Hall, Haley, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Harpster, Bryan, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006-2007

Kemp, Amanda, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Konesheck, Eric, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006-2007

Richter, Christopher, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Salisbury, Mara, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Starnes, James, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Whitehead, Coby, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Bordeaux, Jennifer, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Crowell, Stacy, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Griffin, Aaron, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Lassmann, Danielle, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Beauchamp, Ryan, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Carroll, Gabrielle, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Dickerson, Patrick, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Gully, Eric, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Kenny, Denise, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

-recipient Distinguished Honor Graduate

Washburne, Elizabeth, Kinesiology, TAMU, 2006

Amber Kerg, Exercise Science, Honor’s College, Kent State University, 2004, PA

Tabari Lott, Exercise Physiology, Alcorn State University, McNair Scholar, 2004

Stephanie Greene, Health Studies, Honor’s College, McNair Scholar, Kent State, 2004-2005

Stephanie Bremer, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004-2005, PA

Hadley Pruszynski, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004-2005, PA

Ray Galluci, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003-2004, PA

Jon Bowman, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003-2005 PA

Jeanna Fascione, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004 PA

Danielle Michel, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004 PA

Neil A Buckosh, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004

Bridget Gabel, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004 PA

Emily Flamos, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2004 PA

Heather Day, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003 PA

Jennifer Eckel, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003 PA

Heather Francis, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003 PA

Terry Genet, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003 PA

Heather Scharver, Exercise Science, Kent State University, 2003 PA

Sherrie Devito, Biological Sciences, Wooster College, 2002

Melissa Bagash, Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 2002


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