Experimental Design ReviewFor each of the following problem statements, identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and constants. Then write a hypothesis. How does temperature affect a football players performance?Independent Variable:__________________________Dependent Variable:__________________________Constants:__________________________________________Hypothesis: If ________________________________________________________________,then _________________________________________________________________________because ______________________________________________________________________.How does drinking juice before bed affect how many hours you sleep?Independent Variable:__________________________Dependent Variable:__________________________Constants:__________________________________________Hypothesis: If ________________________________________________________________,then _________________________________________________________________________because ______________________________________________________________________.Read the paragraphs describing an experiment. Then, answer the questions that follow.Ms. Wagner loves to eat tomatoes. She wants to plant a garden and is trying to figure out how to grow plants with more tomatoes. She plants three different pots of tomato plants and gives them different amounts of fertilizer. She keeps everything else the same (the amount of water, the amount of soil, amount of sun the plants get). For one month, she records how many tomatoes each plant produces.Independent Variable:__________________________Dependent Variable:__________________________Constants:__________________________________________Hypothesis: If ________________________________________________________________,then _________________________________________________________________________because________________________________________________________________________. A dog owner wants to test how exercise affects how his dog sleeps. His hypothesis was if the dog has more hours of exercise, then the number of hours he sleeps will increase because he used more energy exercising. His results are in the table below. Amount of ExerciseAmount of Sleep2 hours4 hours4 hours5 hours6 hours6 hoursIndependent Variable:__________________________Dependent Variable:__________________________ What conclusion can be drawn from the data above? How could this experiment be improved?Identify the independent and dependent variables and the control and experimental group for the experiments described below. 1. A study was created to test the effects of jazz on people’s sleep patterns. The hypothesis of the experiment was that if people listened to jazz music as they fall asleep, they will sleep for longer periods of time. For the experiment, 2 groups were created. One group was placed in a quiet room where they went to sleep and they were timed on how long they slept. The other group was placed in a room where jazz music played softly as they began to sleep and played throughout the night. As each group awoke, their sleep times were monitored.Dependent Variable: ______________________ Control Group: ____________________________Independent Variable: _____________________ Experimental Group: _______________________2. A study was created to test the effects of fear in children. The hypothesis was that if a were exposed to fuzzy bunnies and at the same time a loud cymbal was struck behind them, then those children would be afraid of all fuzzy things. Another group of children would be exposed to bunnies without any loud noises. The study was carried out as planned and as a result, hundreds of young children developed fear of all cute furry bunny rabbits.Dependent Variable: ______________________ Control Group: ____________________________Independent Variable: _____________________ Experimental Group: _______________________Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the data depicted this graph?The rate of digestion increases when amylase is absent.The rate of digestion decreases when amylase is present. The rate of digestion increases when amylase is present. The rate of digestion is not affected by the presence of amylase.Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the number of tadpoles in a pond?The highest increase in the tadpole population occurred between 1990-1992The tadpole population remained stable after 1995. The tadpole population slowly decreased after 1997.The tadpole population sharply decreased after 1992.Experimental Design Review KeyFor each of the following problem statements, identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and constants. Then write a hypothesis. How does temperature affect a football players performance?Independent Variable: temperature Dependent Variable: performanceConstants:same performance task, same time of day for testing, same group of players (who are at similar levels of ability), similar nutrition and sleep patternsHypothesis: If the temperature is higher, then performance will be decreased because the increased temperature may lead to dehydration and therefore lowered ability.How does drinking juice before bed affect how many hours you sleep?Independent Variable: whether or not you drinking juice before bedDependent Variable: how many hours you sleepConstants:same type of juice, same amount of juice, same bedtime, same pre-bedtime activitiesHypothesis: If you drink juice before bed, then you will sleep for fewer hours because you will wake up more frequently in the middle of the night.Read the paragraphs describing an experiment. Then, answer the questions that follow.Ms. Wagner loves to eat tomatoes. She wants to plant a garden and is trying to figure out how to grow plants with more tomatoes. She plants three different pots of tomato plants and gives them different amounts of fertilizer. She keeps everything else the same (the amount of water, the amount of soil, amount of sun the plants get). For one month, she records how many tomatoes each plant produces.Independent Variable: how much fertilizer the plants are givenDependent Variable: how many tomatoes each plant producesConstants:same amount of water, soil, sunlight; same plant speciesHypothesis: If a plant receives more fertilizer, then it will produce more tomatoes because it has more nutrients with which to grow and produce fruits. A dog owner wants to test how exercise affects how his dog sleeps. His hypothesis was if the dog has more hours of exercise, then the number of hours he sleeps will increase because he used more energy exercising. His results are in the table below. Amount of ExerciseAmount of Sleep2 hours4 hours4 hours5 hours6 hours6 hoursIndependent Variable: amount of exercise Dependent Variable: amount of sleep What conclusion can be drawn from the data above? How could this experiment be improved?Based on the data above, the amount of exercise does increase the amount of sleep. However, this experiment could be improved by testing the amount of sleep for different amounts of exercise (i.e. 1, 3, 7, 8, etc.) to ensure that the data doesn’t reach a plateau, as it appears to do. He could also include a control group of 0 hours of exercise to assess the impact of the lack of exercise on the amount of sleep. Identify the independent and dependent variables and the control and experimental group for the experiments described below. 1. A study was created to test the effects of jazz on people’s sleep patterns. The hypothesis of the experiment was that if people listened to jazz music as they fall asleep, they will sleep for longer periods of time. For the experiment, 2 groups were created. One group was placed in a quiet room where they went to sleep and they were timed on how long they slept. The other group was placed in a room where jazz music played softly as they began to sleep and played throughout the night. As each group awoke, their sleep times were monitored.Dependent Variable: how long they sleep Independent Variable: whether or not jazz music is playing as they sleep Control Group: group in a quiet room with no musicExperimental Group: group in a room where jazz music plays softly throughout the night2. A study was created to test the effects of fear in children. The hypothesis was that if a group of children were exposed to fuzzy bunnies and at the same time a loud cymbal was struck behind them, then those children would be afraid of all fuzzy things. Another group of children would be exposed to bunnies without any loud noises. The study was carried out as planned and as a result, hundreds of young children developed fear of all cute furry bunny rabbits.Dependent Variable: development of fear associated with fuzzy things Independent Variable: whether or not children were exposed to loud sound while exposed to bunnies Control Group: group exposed to bunnies without any loud noisesExperimental Group: group exposed to fuzzy bunnies while a loud cymbal is struck behind themWhich of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the data depicted this graph?The rate of digestion increases when amylase is absent.The rate of digestion decreases when amylase is present. The rate of digestion increases when amylase is present. The rate of digestion is not affected by the presence of amylase.Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the number of tadpoles in a pond?The highest increase in the tadpole population occurred between 1990-1992The tadpole population remained stable after 1995. The tadpole population slowly decreased after 1997.The tadpole population sharply decreased after 1992. ................

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