Tuesday ▪ November 14, 2017 ▪ 7:00 p.m.

648 S Hideout Way, Monticello, UT

Items 1-4 were part of the Municipal Building Authority Meeting held prior to this City Council Meeting.

5. Call to Order - The regularly scheduled meeting of the Monticello City Council was called to Order by Mayor Tim Young, at 7:08 p.m. The following persons were present for all, or portions of the meeting.

City Officials

Mayor Tim Young

City Council

Blaine Nebeker – not present

Sanford Randall

Steven Duke

George Rice

Nathan Chamberlain

City Recorder: Cindi Holyoak

City Manager: Douglas Wright

City Golf Pro: Tyler Ivins


Eric Niven, Tom Wigginton, David Ketron, Kathleen Ketron, Tyler Hall, Bernie Christensen

6. Invocation/Opening Remarks - Mayor Tim Young invited anyone in the audience or the governing body to offer a prayer or opening remarks. A prayer was given by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain.

7. Minutes Review/Approval - The minutes were emailed with the agendas.

MOTION was made by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain to approve the minutes of the Monticello City Council meeting held on October 24, 2017. The motion was seconded by Councilman Steven Duke and passed unanimously.

8. Public Comment

Bernie Christensen said she is concerned about the deer population, and asked if anything can be done. Mrs. Christensen said the cemetery care taker told her the deer are a big problem at the cemetery. Mayor Young said it is a valid concern and there are people who bring this issue up every year. Mayor Young explained that in the past the City has entered an agreement with the DWR to have 60-80 deer removed from inside the city limits, but this year the DWR informed Mayor Young that they will no longer be removing deer. Other options are being explored and the local DWR agents are very helpful. DWR agent, David Ketron said this year is out of the ordinary, due to an early freeze which killed the acorns, so they have come in to town to find food. He said a few deer have been collared in town and data from those collars showed some of them move out during the winter. The issue is state wide, so the State has said there needs to be a better plan. Mayor Young said there will be a meeting this winter for a long-term plan. Mr. Ketron said the deer cannot be moved out of the area due to chronic wasting disease which has been found in this herd. He also said it would help if people would refrain from feeding them.

9. Payment of Bills - Questions and answers were directed to the following bills:

MOTION was made by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain to acknowledge review of the payables as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman George Rice and passed unanimously.

10. Consider 2017 Municipal Election Canvass

The election canvass was included in the packet for review. City recorder reviewed the document as follows:

Provisional Ballots:

No provisional ballots were submitted.

Official Register Book:

Ballot numbers were entered into the register as they were received from the voters.

Statement of Disposition of Ballots:

919 Ballots mailed

556 counted ballots

60.5% voter turnout

2 ballots were unqualified due to lack of signature

1 ballot was received after the deadline (post-election day)

After the audit process was completed, with no irregularities found, Mayor Tim Young declared the following City Council elections: Dan Hunter & Bayley Hedglin for Council, and Tim Young for Mayor.

Council member Four- Year Term Votes

George Rice 392

Bayley Hedglin 276

Dan Hunter 273

Mayor Four- Year Term

Tim Young 370

Craig Leavitt 163

I Cindi Holyoak, certify that this information is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge.


/s/Cindi Holyoak, Recorder, CMC

This document was reviewed and approved by the Monticello City Council on November 14, 2017.

/s/Tim Young, Mayor

/s George Rice, Council Member

/s/Nathan Chamberlain, Council Member

/s/Steven Duke, Council Member

/s/Blaine Nebeker, Council Member

11. Golf Pro Season Report

Tyler Ivins gave the Council a spreadsheet of sales statistics to review. He said previously, the revenue amounts included gift certificates but now the report is more accurate. For 2017, there was a $3,000 increase in revenue. Rounds are comparable to last year. He said discounted or promotional rounds are offered with a Western Slopes card. This gives a 6-12 dollar discount. Last year the Hideout sold 408 of those rounds, generating $11,000. Councilman Steven Duke asked how many of those people stay in town. Ivins said a majority are staying in Monticello or Moab at least 1 night and most of them play 2 rounds. UGA rounds are discounted Tuesday – Thursday at 30 dollars and generated over $2500.00. Groupon discounts show up as a zero-cost item, but the Hideout gets paid from Groupon. These discounts generated 348 rounds. Ivins said it has brought a lot of people to the area that wouldn’t have come otherwise. He said many are coming from Salt Lake and the Wasatch front. Ivins said the numbers have stayed pretty steady, increasing a little every year, and that rates have not been increased for 5 years. He included a comparison spread sheet with rates for other courses. These comparisons showed the Hideout is lower than Moab and Cortez on most rates and a lot lower on the season pass rate. The other courses also charge a daily fee with the season pass. Ivins said it would be hard to define locals and non-locals for discounted local rates. He said 70 percent of the rounds are played on the weekends, so increasing the weekend rate will help the most. There was discussion about the tournament fee being increased also since there are a lot of tournaments. Ivins said the tournament fees have not been increased for 5 years either. He said the daily fee for the season pass holder seems like it would help a lot as many pass holders play many rounds. Councilman Rice said he doesn’t play golf but if you buy a season pass, a daily fee doesn’t seem right. Ivins said he sells about 58 season passes, 15 – 20 are junior passes and 90 – 95 percent get a cart pass. Official proposals will be brought for consideration before the end of the year.

MOTION was made by Councilman George Rice to Postpone this item until further notice. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain and opened for discussion.

Councilman Blaine Nebeker – not present

Councilman George Rice - Aye

Councilman Sanford Randall - Aye

Councilman Nathan Chamberlain – Aye

Councilman Steven Duke – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

12. City Christmas Party

The party is tentatively scheduled for December 15 at 6:30 p.m.

13. 2016-17 Audit Review

Manager Wright said the formal audit has not been received but he offered a brief review. He said there were 5 repeat findings from last year and many of the issues were outstanding transfers from fund to fund which have not been processed. He said new Public Treasury Investment Fund (PTIF) accounts have been opened to meet some of the audit requirements. There was an issue with the system and sales tax reporting, which caused the City to submit more than was collected. The collecting and reporting process has been fixed. The long-term debt issues will also be cleaned up. Manager Wright said once the full audit report is received, it will be reviewed, line by line.

14. Property on Taylor Lane

David Ketron met with the council to discuss a property issue.  He and his business partner would like to sell their storage unit business but have discovered that the property lines in the area are incorrect.  A 25-foot-wide by 492-foot section of property was deeded to the City by Rigby Wright in 1987 for the purpose of a road.  The section is not where the road is located but on the property where the storage units are.  Mr Ketron requested that the City deed the property back to the Wrights and suggested that the City should explore the possibility of working with the other property owners to obtain the property where the road is located. Manager Wright will approach the 3 property owners to discuss the situation.

15. Travel Policy

Manager Wright drafted a policy based on the State’s human resource policy He included a form that can be filled out by the employee. He said his goal was to standardize the policy and that based on his experience, the suggested rates are very reasonable. He said the travel rate is a little lower than the IRS rate, but employees are choosing to take personal vehicles rather than city vehicles. Councilman Rice asked about the Hyundai that was purchased to help with the travel budget. Manager Wright said he doesn’t know about the reasons behind the purchase of the vehicle, but he chooses to take his own vehicle because he travels about more and does not feel comfortable running personal errands in a city car. Councilman Rice asked if employees should be compensated for time while traveling to meetings. Manager Wright said, according to fair labor standards, employees must be compensated for driving time and time at the meeting. He said passengers in the vehicle are not compensated outside normal work hours.

MOTION was made by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain to approve the travel policy as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Steven Duke and opened for discussion.

Councilman Blaine Nebeker – not present

Councilman George Rice - Aye

Councilman Sanford Randall - Aye

Councilman Nathan Chamberlain – Aye

Councilman Steven Duke – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

16. Consider Lease of the Old Pro Shop

Manager Wright said UDOT indicated they are moving their Moab office to Monticello, they are looking for office space, and are interested in leasing the old pro shop. He said they have considered another building at a rate of $500 per month. He said they plan to do some remodeling, to be completed at their expense, and there will be 5-6 employees needing about 10 parking places for vehicles. Manager Wright said he feels it is a great opportunity to bring employees to the City and to have the building occupied. Mayor Young and the Council agreed to have Manager Wright continue negotiating the terms of the lease agreement.

17. Senate Bill 81 and City Ordinance for Home Occupations

The proposed changes were discussed. A public notice will be completed for the actual decision on the ordinance changes.

18. Follow-Up Items:

• Mission Discovery School has a plan which is being reviewed by the State Fire Marshal. The school is getting a loan to complete the required changes. The Fire Marshal has extended the waiver until January.

• The airport fuel system is working, and the phone line is buried, but in the process, the wiring for the gate was bumped so the gate will not open. Northern Electric will be fixing it.

• Millsite agreement with Tyler Hall is being drafted and negotiated.

• Fire agreement with the State of Utah should be tabled for now. The City should focus on recruiting firemen.

• Motor Parts payment has been received.

• Easement issues with RD Carrol Property will be reviewed by Manager Wright and Nathan Langston.

• Trails grant: Recreation Director Jeremy Avondet met with Jones & DeMille to draw trails at the Millsite. The City has abandoned the idea of trails to the Discovery Center and rerouted the trail by Loyds Lake to avoid a large expense to expand the trail. Manager Wright discovered a safe sidewalk grant for $15,000 which won’t get much of the work done.

• Police Cars: Manager Wright will check on the progress. Councilman Chamberlain said he heard from Chief Black that 2 vehicles are being equipped.

19. Governing Body/Administrative Communications

No discussion.

20. Upcoming Agenda Items

18. Meetings

Public meeting Thursday at 10:30 for redistricting

19. Adjournment

MOTION was made by Councilman Nathan Chamberlain to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman George Rice and passed unanimously.

ATTEST: /s/___________________Cindi Holyoak, Recorder, CMC

Minutes APPROVED by: /s/_____________________Mayor Tim Young

DATE: 11/13/2017


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