The Florida Bar

FORM 1.912.SUBPOENA FOR DEPOSITION(a)For Issuance by Clerk.SUBPOENA FOR DEPOSITION(For Personal Appearance)THE STATE OF FLORIDA:TO ……….YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear before a person authorized by law to take depositions at ………. in ………., Florida, on .....(date)....., at ………. (a.m./p.m.), for the taking of your deposition in this action. If you fail to appear, you may be in contempt of court.You are subpoenaed to appear by the following attorney, and unless excused from this subpoena by this attorney or the court, you must respond to this subpoena as directed.YOU .....(Deponent Name)..... ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN PERSON to testify as a witness before a person authorized by law to take depositions for the above styled action at the date, time, and place as follows:Date (include weekday): ..........Time: ..........a.m./p.m.Address (include City, State, Zip Code): ..........(please check one)a. _____You are to appear in your individual capacity. Unless the court orders or you agree otherwise, the deposition must occur only in: (1) the county where you reside; or (2) the county where you are employed or transact business in person; or (3) at such other convenient place as may be fixed by court order. (Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.410(e)(2)).b. ____ You must?designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons who consent to do so, to testify on the business or other entity’s behalf and may state the matters on which each person designated will testify. The person(s) you designate must?testify about matters known or reasonably available to the organization. The Party / Attorney requesting this deposition must set forth with reasonable particularity the matters for which the designated party shall be questioned. (Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.310(b)(6)).This deposition is intended for use in a court proceeding pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.330 and Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.535. It will be recorded stenographically or by electronic devises and visual recording. At the deposition, you will be asked questions under oath. Questions and answers are recorded stenographically and as otherwise indicated in this subpoena at the deposition; later they are transcribed for possible use at trial. You may read the written record and change or modify any answers before you sign the deposition. You MUST appear as detailed above UNLESS you make an agreement with the Party / Attorney who has directed issuance of this subpoena. If you have any questions about this subpoena, contact the Party / Attorney BEFORE the date you are required to appear at the following:Name of Party / Attorney: ..........Florida Bar Number (if applicable) .........Address: .... (include city, state, zip code).....Telephone No.(s): ......... Fax No. .........E-mail Address(es): .........DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPOENA / FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT(Name of Clerk) As Clerk of the CourtBy As Deputy Clerk Name of Party / Attorney: ..........Address (include City, State, Zip Code): .........Telephone No.(s): ......... Fax No. .........E-mail Address(es): .........Florida Bar Number (if applicable) .........Any minor subpoenaed for testimony has the right to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times during the taking of testimony notwithstanding the invocation of the rule of sequestration of section 90.616, Florida Statutes, except on a showing that the presence of a parent or guardian is likely to have a material, negative impact on the credibility or accuracy of the minor’s testimony, or that the interests of the parent or guardian are in actual or potential conflict with the interests of the minor.If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact [identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number] at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.(b)For Issuance by Attorney of Record.SUBPOENA FOR DEPOSITION(For Personal Appearance)THE STATE OF FLORIDA:TO ……….YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear before a person authorized by law to take depositions at ………. in ………., Florida, on .....(date)....., at ………. (a.m./p.m.), for the taking of your deposition in this action. If you fail to appear, you may be in contempt of court.You are subpoenaed to appear by the following attorney, and unless excused from this subpoena by this attorney or the court, you must respond to this subpoena as directed.YOU .....(Deponent Name)..... ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN PERSON to testify as a witness before a person authorized by law to take depositions for the above styled action at the date, time, and place as follows:Date (include weekday): ..........Time: ..........a.m./p.m.Address (include City, State, Zip Code): ..........(please check one)a. ____You are to appear in your individual capacity. Unless the court orders or you agree otherwise, the deposition must occur only in: (1) the county where you reside; or (2) the county where you are employed or transact business in person; or (3) at such other convenient place as may be fixed by court order. (Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.410(e)(2)).b. ____ You must?designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons who consent to do so, to testify on the business or other entity’s behalf and may state the matters on which each person designated will testify. The person(s) you designate must?testify about matters known or reasonably available to the organization regarding the above styled case. The Party / Attorney requesting this deposition must set forth with reasonable particularity the matters for which the designated party shall be questioned (Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.310(b)(6)).This deposition is intended for use in a court proceeding pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.330 and Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.535, and will be recorded stenographically or by electronic devises and visual recording. At the deposition, you will be asked questions under oath. Questions and answers are recorded stenographically and as otherwise indicated in this subpoena at the deposition; later they are transcribed for possible use at trial. You may read the written record and change or modify any answers before you sign the deposition. You MUST appear as detailed above UNLESS you make an agreement with the Party / Attorney who has directed issuance of this subpoena. If you have any questions about this subpoena, contact the Party / Attorney BEFORE the date you are required to appear at the following:Name of Party / Attorney: ..........Address (include City, State, Zip Code): .........Telephone No.(s): ......... Fax No. .........E-mail Address(es): .........Florida Bar Number (if applicable) .........DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPOENA / FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURTDATED on ………._____________________________________(Signature of Attorney)EXECUTED ON BEHALF OF THECIRCUIT COURT OF THE ____________________________________________________________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT(Name of Attorney) Attorney for ……….………..Address: ..........Florida Bar No. ……….Telephone: ..........Email: ..........Any minor subpoenaed for testimony has the right to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times during the taking of testimony notwithstanding the invocation of the rule of sequestration of section 90.616, Florida Statutes, except on a showing that the presence of a parent or guardian is likely to have a material, negative impact on the credibility or accuracy of the minor’s testimony, or that the interests of the parent or guardian are in actual or potential conflict with the interests of the minor.If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact [identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number] at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call mittee Notes1996 Amendment. Form (b) was added to comply with amendments to rule 1.410.2013 Amendment. The notice to persons with disabilities was amended to make the procedure for obtaining accommodation consistent with the procedure required in court proceedings. ................

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