INVOCATION: Infinite One, Lead Us toward the Only Truth, to Become the ...

[Pages:5]INVOCATION: Infinite One, Lead Us toward the Only Truth, to Become the physical Manifestation of Spirit, the Full Embodiment of the Living Christ. We Are Here to Expand Into Cosmic Consciousness With the Elementals, Devas, and Angelic Host, Through Our Individualized `I AM' Presence. Beloved, Merge Our Consciousness With a Higher Awareness of Truth and an Active Expansion and Conscious Expression of God's Impersonal Love With All Life. It Is Our Heartfelt Desire for humanity, the Elementals, Devas, and Angelic Host, to Unite and Rise In Oneness, Harmony, Joy and Happiness, Sustaining Perfection Upon Earth. Beloved `I AM', Draw Us Into the Flame of Your Light and Service! We Call Upon the Angelic Hosts Sacred Fire Purity, from the Great Central Sun and the Ascended Host to Blaze the Violet Fire In Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy to Awaken humanity, Fulfilling the Requirements of Cosmic Law. Through the Embodiment of Divine Understanding, Let Divine Love Rule to Render Its Service to All Life Upon Earth.

ST GERMAIN: It should come as no surprise that the focus on the Sacred Science of Divine Alchemy during the Piscean Age was about enriching individual destiny. Alchemy as it is commonly understood by the mainstream awareness fixates on concepts such as the Philosopher's Stone, or to put it more simply, obtaining power through anything, item or tool that is external. And yet, the Truth is that common understanding could not be farther from the Truth.

The old saying, Know Thyself has so many facets to it. The Divine Alchemist inherently knows, through connection with the `I AM' Presence, along with direct experience, that they must come to know the Self as the Philosopher's Stone; the white stone, or the elixir, from whence all creation must flow in an orderly fashion. Divine Alchemy is not for the imitator; rather, it is for the one who understands how to optimize and truly embody the Divine Pattern for Creation.

The Divine Alchemist understands that the key ideas of this Sacred Science are a co-created undertaking. Their efforts to Determine a Definite Plan ensures that all Alchemical efforts are constructive, honourable, and worthy of time and effort of the `I AM'. They understand the motive for their every creative effort. They ensure it is not the ego personality seeking to gratify the sense appetites. They turn within to answer the question of whether such effort will fulfil the Great Universal Law of Service. They do not begin unless they are certain that what they will create will evolve the Activity of God, sustaining the expansion of Perfection enlarging Itself. In short, the Divine Alchemist understands that any Alchemy can only begin when they commune with their `I AM' Presence. How else could they possibly hope to determine a worthy Plan?

And yet, this New `I AM' Authority Inception of Light Class is not just about the individual's determination. In this Age of Ceremony and Ritual the Group is also called to Co-Create, and with the same reverence that one would engage in a quest for the Holy Grail. What was hinted at as a Round Table is now being revealed for what it was always Destined to be, Circles of Christed Light.

Alchemy within the Piscean Age was both Divine Art and Science when rightfully practiced. However, Groups of New World Servers are being called to recalibrate the Laws that were tailored for the past age, so that they can fit the New Golden Age. Until one has worn a


tailored suit it is impossible to understand how right the fit is when tailored to the body. Until the Disciple-Initiates of the current time pull down, as Brother Djwhal Khul has pointed out, the Seed Idea of the New Laws for Divine Alchemy, the Progress required will not be fully embraced. Not only must new meaning be discerned, but the uses to which this Sacred Science is presently put must be translated to a Higher Dimension so that they can be correctly grounded upon New Erthe.

Past stories of Alchemy have mostly centered around individual discoveries and groups gathering to serve their own agendas. Such stories are perfectly tailored effects for the Piscean Age of the individual. However, the Groups of Divine Alchemists in Training that are now gathering, if they wish to Liberate themselves, will benefit most by embodying Divine Understanding.

There is no room in the Inn of Divine Understanding for plans and desires that do not free individuals and society from slavery, confusion and compromise. No, the Second Coming of the Christed Ones has a High calling indeed, a Transmutation from individual freedom to extol Ordained Purpose; where the Truth of Life is clear to child, woman and man; where everyone on Earth pursues understanding of themself and their destiny; where illumination is conferred by the `I AM' Presence within; where the design of Alchemical plan is contemplated in Divine Imagination far more than the wondrous science of bringing cause into manifestation from the invisible; wherein humanity is self-taught how to obtain for themselves the Divine Understanding of the Map back Home to God's Heart.

This Map though is far more than mere cartography as you know it. To read It requires the Divine Alchemist in Training to keep constantly humble and grateful, as they are immersed in the experience of being handed the Key to the Control of Natural Forces. They must think through the Heart as they allow the entwined Eternal Law and Cosmic Principles that form the very Fabric of the Map. And dancing for joy in the middle of all this dawns a realization that, thinking through the Heart is far more about surrender than it is sequence, far more about silently allowing, trusting, that `I AM' ever ready to surface old stagnant waters of emotions so that they can evaporate in the Light.

This Light though Shines upon far more than the individual's journey, both in terms of space and time. The dedication of the early Alchemists was complete, a ritualized pursuit of coordinated thought, word, movement and action. However, the ego is an old invention for both individual and group, group and society, society and species. Faced by an ever polluting and expanding collective unconscious, past pioneers within so many timelines faced persecution of reactionary forces that like the ego personality, wants only control, status quo, and chaotic sensory gratification. Even amidst such entrenched resistance they brought forth and shared with humanity proof of the achievements of their use of this Sacred Science. There was a much broader understanding than there is today.

Do not for a moment forget that what evidence exists at the top of the mainstream mind is the result of significant edits of recorded historical fact. The annotated measurement, evidence and knowledge of Cosmic Philosophy and Alchemy by Alchemists in the past Blessed the archives of the world order of their time. Take for example the Great Library of Alexandria. It's sacking and burning was far more than a lamented tragic loss of knowledge and literature. Within this great and celebrated collection of learning were stored many great documents containing such evidence of the potency of this Sacred Science that had Blessed cultures reaching back far before that time. This was a time where scholars and alchemists were collaborators or the same. This was an organism that had numerous branches where


Divine Plans were being guided and unfolded by Those such as Beloved Serapis Bey. Any summarized event, such as the Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, was but a veneer of a far great reality.

Still, many things remain the same, or have intensified. The energetic miasma, the seething vortices of humanly discordant thoughts and feelings that surround the surface of this beautiful planet have only intensified over millennia. There is no doubt that alone they have a hypnotic effect upon humanity that is hard to overstate. While the editing and redaction of past records containing Cosmic Truth have intensified the current state of humanity, the reality is that the entrenched ego personality has many tricks up its sleeve, as it were, to distract and manufacture consent.

However, the increasing momentum to seek Freedom is no accident. Even though the choking miasma is steadily being de-etherealized, thanks in part to your collective efforts around the Global Day of Independence, I wish to remind you what I previously mentioned concerning momentum. In the Discourse from Beloved Djwhal Khul, `Series 1 Part 12 - Divine Economy - Two Groups - Two Activities - Two Functions - Master Djwhal Khul, 11th December 2019', He stated, "that Sustained Effort is the Seed of Synthesis, the Cause of Achievement and that which finally overcomes Death". It is your sustained efforts, now Dear Masters, that is being called for; your sustained effort in Communing and Qualifying with your `I AM' Presence, your sustained effort in Service, and your sustained effort to know the Perfection within humanity.

The Power of Momentum that you build day by day in your Service to the EGA Divine Plan is a necessary component, and a powerful partner, for those of humanity who seek after Freedom, even as they are burdened with new creative shackles of shadow, cunningly devised by those who would love nothing more than to maintain the status quo.

However, as a Divine Alchemist in Training, you are being given certain Keys to empower your seeking Freedom with both purpose and clarity. Upon the cornerstones of Understanding, Qualifying with your `I AM' Presence, Service, and Perseverance you must day by day be conscious of your God-given freedom to Create, of the potential of the Christ within. You have been shown highlights of your Universal Purpose to develop your God-given individual talents. Already, twenty-one of you within this Group could, if you truly made up your mind about it, Commune with Me personally and embrace the role of Messenger.

In the Discourse, `Part 1 Introduction to the `I AM' Authority Inception of Light Class Studies St Germain 30th June 2020', I stated the following:

"I cannot give all Words to you all in one Discourse, but I can and have placed it in a `Capsule of Light' or `Bubble of Life' as it were, within a Program to a timed Release. These Inceptions of the Light Codes that will be activated by your own Inner Work with the Words, as you Rightfully Apply them to All God Life in Accordance with the Cosmic Laws will change your lives forever. It is there, these `Releases of Eternal Cycles', and it shall come through the Flame in Your Heart, as My Flame with your own, Supporting the Transmutation around your Threefold Flame, allowing you to Awaken in the Likeness of God. There will Be The Awakening Unto Light and Love. There will Be The Awakening Unto Your True Freedom. It is Truly the Gift from God to You as an Individualized `I AM' Presence Expression of Him, Herself."

The Capsule of Light is about you All. It will be there for as long as you take to make up your mind that you are in fact a Divine Alchemist and Messenger.


I also stated in that same Discourse that:

"I Welcome each and every one to this United Forcefield of the Inceptions of Light for the Highest Good of All Concerned and may your Journey fulfil all that you Are! Be it Known that this Science of Alchemical Transformation shared and discussed through the Volumes of the `I AM' Authority Discourses, has now, for the first time in the history of humanity, been totally activated with the `Full Radiation of Light and Sound' as the Language of Light in, through and around all of The Words of God, awaiting the DNA Encodement Activations by you within your Own Collaboration with Your Own `I AM Presence in Accordance to Cosmic and the Natural Laws of the Prime Creator. These Light Inceptions are now Anchored by the Love and Joy of Those Star Seeds of the 2nd Coming of the Adam and Lilith Kadmon Human Race ? The New Christed Ones, now Present and Active upon and within this New Erthe!"

I have told you many times now that We choose Our Words very carefully. It was no coincidence that the invitation to each of you to enter the Forcefield of the Inceptions of Light following one other than Peter claiming the role of Messenger. And it is no coincidence that the subsequent Discourse should also be from a Messenger other than Peter. After all, did I not already State the following:

"Unlike the Studies and Training that I have offered in the past, these `I AM' Authority Discourses are presented to you in an entirely different way! The Messenger, Peter, and I, along with all Those Who Participated within them, within the Elemental Grace Alliance, (EGA), have secured a New Technique, a New Formula of Approach, which has Paved a New Path in accordance with Cosmic Law, within the Higher Conscious Awareness of the New World Servers and humanity today! And they are these Higher Vibrational Frequencies or Resonance that will offer Great Inner Assistances to remain more steadfast to the Paths of Initiation and ultimately to the Point of Full Embodiment of the Christ Consciousness."

If you did not pick up upon what I was trying to show you in those words, I shall paraphrase Myself. Moving into an Age of Group Awakening requires that the Group collectively become Messengers. If you doubt yourself this is your invitation to Commune and Qualify. If you feel a spark of potential, this is your invitation to Breathe Life upon that Spark so that it becomes a Torch of Knowledge.

The early Alchemists were not nearly so unsuccessful as history would have humanity believe. Not only did they reveal scientific and philosophic breakthroughs, but they left a legacy that even the most ardent efforts of editing and suppression have not been able to completely repress. It is time now for you to recognize your ability to Express.

In times past, the Masters of Wisdom have withheld the knowledge of Divine Alchemy because unhealed internal breaches of selfishness have been the predominant factor. However, in this moment, within this Group, this rift has been healed. You have been offered the Inception of Light and are being called to Breathe the Life within you so that you can raise the Torch of Knowledge to Guide humanity.

This is the moment for you to perceive this now as God's Hour, for you to be determined in your dedication `to use the energies of today to open the doorway into the domain of the future'. You have been called upon now to step with Authority into the role you incarnated to experience, to selflessly embrace the gifts and talents you brought into this experience. A momentum has begun, one that is more than enough to balance the weight upon the Scales of Justice, and to secure for the masses true Abundance, Enlightenment, Happiness and Universal Spirituality.


`I AM' St Germain, Your Holy Brother At Your Service. May You Pass Every Test. Freedom Is Your Right! Accept It as You Will! And So It Will Be! BENEDICTION: We Are Grateful to Remember the Divine Pattern of Life. We Give Praise and Thanks to the Cosmic Christ Within Each of Us. We Are Grateful for Our Beloved Presence That Commands Our Obedience to the Cosmic Laws of All That Is of the Inner and outer World of Service to the Earth, Humanity, Elementals, Devas and the Angelic Host. We Joyfully Express Our Thanks to the Great `I AM', for Its Radiant Light and Illumination of the Eternal Cosmic Sacred White Fire Light as We Dwell Within Its Embrace.



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