Divine Embo ment

Divine Embodiment

Affirmation Series

These powerful affirmations help you remember who you are as a majestic creator being of light, love and tremendous wisdom. Keep affirming your greater self as you step into the magnificent expression of who you really are. Your brain gradually rewires itself to the brilliant reflection you are projecting. Your cellular biology will respond and begin creating new neural pathways for consciousness expansion. Include the affirmations in your daily spiritual practice. Affirm with bold strength and divine conviction.


Ego Transcendence

By and through the power of God, I invoke a complete recalibration of my ego complex into the oneness vibration. I ask that a great surge of universal light intelligence now move in, through and around my multi-body matrix, stimulating maximum synergy and fusion. Divine Presence, please activate the deepest embodiment of compassionate love and personal sovereignty in my life expression. May this vibrational shift within me radiate out to help accelerate the most profound revelations of unified awareness in every sphere of life. Thy Will be done.

* My entire energy hologram is recalibrating into the oneness vibration. * I am allowing the ego to relax and step aside so that another, more advanced intelligence can take the reins. * To fully embody my expressive potential, I am allowing the death and dissolution of the ego's hold to happen. * I am dissolving the monkey mind and its control over my free will.


* Calling Divine Will to me creates an enormous infusion of spiritual energy into my life that supersedes the will of the ego and awakens new realizations.

* I am consciously merging with the greater Will, so that this holy determination becomes the pure mirror of my thought energy.

* When I regard all aspects of my uniqueness as part of one, unified whole, then that whole can flow through me and support me.

* I am learning how to thrive as a divinely inspired human expression. This is a rich inner experience, which reflects as holistic integrity and absolute wholeness.

* I am empowering my personal sovereignty by authentically expressing who I truly am and how I choose to express.

* I fully accept everyone based on his or her authentic soul expression that is experiencing life in this unique schoolroom called Earth.

* Compassionate love is the basis for all of my decisions. My love is all-inclusive and radiates to all of life.

* I am removing the fear driven perceptions and the electrically charged responses exerted by the ego and its drive to be the controller over thought.

* I am letting go of all attachment to self-identity and perceived self-importance.

* With my inner awareness as the only guide, I am letting go of the need to confirm my identity and forward movements through external resources.

* I am learning how to consistently regard the bigger picture and from the wholeness of life. My body is now recalibrating into this vibrational resonance.

* Any and every way that my vision and dreams reflect to me the understanding of my unified self is reflected in my external world.



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