The Empowered Abundance Prayer

[Pages:2]The Empowered Abundance Prayer

Divine Creator God/ Goddess, Angels and Archangels, My Divine Self, the Guides of Light and Manifestation, the Ascended Masters, and the powers of Universal Divine Love, Joy, Freedom, and Abundance:

I AM now declaring and affirming the outer manifestation of my Divine Inheritance of Peace, Joy, Freedom, Fulfillment, and Joyful Abundance.

I AM now receiving all I require to fulfill my life path, my Ascension, and my expression of Divine Will.

I AM now accepting the Divine Truth and daily reality of my complete Abundance and True Wealth, on all levels of life.

I AM giving thanks daily for an Abundant supply of money and other joyful forms of Abundance, including a reliable, permanent, steady, independent monthly income of ___________ a month [speak the desired amount] in ways that support and empower my life purpose.

This or something better!

I AM giving thanks daily for ALL Debt Dissolved Now, in Divinely Perfect Ways! There IS no debt. I AM Free!

I AM claiming now the beauty and power of my complete understanding of how truly wealthy, blessed, healthy, and powerful I AM.

I AM generous with all, including myself.

I AM open to receiving and giving.

I AM open to healing all aspects of my consciousness on all levels.

I AM hereby dissolving for all time, all blocks and obstacles between me and my Divine Inheritance of Complete Abundance.

I AM empowered now with the Divine ability to create exactly what I require for my life work and life path.

I AM creating and receiving those tools, resources, connections, and situations required for the fulfillment of my life path and life work.

I AM taking time each day to envision my higher good and the good of all on this planet-- the new reality of the fifth dimensional New Earth.

I AM working with energy, and allowing a higher flow of energy throughout my entire being.

I AM able to manifest my highest visions.

I release the illusion of lack and limitation on all levels of thought, emotion, etheric energies, and experience.

Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy

I banish them now from my life and consciousness, for all time. BE GONE! I Command and Draw Forth! I Command and Draw Forth! I Command and Draw Forth My True Wealth and Complete Abundance in All Areas of My Life! I AM the Divine Manifester of My New Life. I Now Naturally Draw to Me All I Desire for Joyful Fulfillment of My Higher Path. I AM! I Give Thanks! It is done. It is done. It is done! So be it. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. And so it is. I AM the light, the light I AM. ~ Caroline Oceana Ryan Abundance For All: The Lightworker's Way to Creating Money and True Wealth (Fifth Dimensional Life Series Book 1)

Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy


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