[Your Church’s Name] PRAYER WATCHWeek Beginning – April 20, 2015DAY 1:[PRAISE]1?Come,?let us sing for joy?to the?Lord;????let us shout aloud?to the Rock?of our salvation.2?Let us come before him?with thanksgiving????and extol him with music?and song.3?For the?Lord?is the great God,????the great King?above all gods.4?In his hand are the depths of the earth,????and the mountain peaks belong to him.5?The sea is his, for he made it,????and his hands formed the dry land.6?Come, let us bow down?in worship,????let us kneel?before the?Lord?our Maker;7?for he is our God????and we are the people of his pasture,????the flock under his care.Psalm 95:1-7?Father, we are grateful that You are the Rock of our salvation!? Thank You that You are our Creator, the one who made everything and who holds everything together – from the mountains to the seas.? Our only response is to bow in worship.? We give thanks to the Lord of the heavens!? With thanks in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.We Bow Down by Twila ParisYou are Lord of the Heavens and Lord of my life?Lord of the land and the sea?You were Lord of Creation before there was time?And Lord of all lords You will beWe bow down and we worship You, Lord?We bow down and we worship You, Lord?We bow down and we worship You, Lord?Lord of all lords You will beYou are King of the Heavens and King of my life?King of the land and the sea?You were King of Creation before there was time?And King of all kings You will beWe bow down and we crown You the King?We bow down and we crown You the King?We bow down and we crown You the King?King of all kings You will be 2:[THANKSGIVING]And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7.The Peace of GodDo you have the peace of God inyour heart and in your life?The peace of God is such a comfort to us.When we have the peace of God withus always, we can go on fromday to day.We know that God will alwaysbe with us no matter what.He will lead us and show usthe right way.Yes, He will lead us on towardHeaven’s Gates.If God is in your heart and life,you will have the peace of God.Please ask God into your life today.Do you have the peace of God in yourheart and life?The peace of God!Father, how grateful I am to have Your peace, for I am in Christ, and Christ is in You. Secure I am, though the world has become so perilous. I will lean all the more into the bosom of my Shepherd, MY Shepherd, Jesus. He leads me on, on toward Heaven’s Gates. Amen.DAY 3:[CONFESSION]Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2Carry Each Other’s BurdensWe need to carry each other’s burdens,we are sure this is right.Our Lord tells us to do this, we knowthat there is a reason.We all need a shoulder to lean on,no matter what comes to us.When we are tired, lonely andhave lost our way, we can speakto the One Who knows where we aregoing and will take us there.This way we can carry each other’s burdens right up to our Lord.Father, forgive us where we try to carry our burdens alone, or fail to share the load of other’s burdens, or fail to carry other’s burdens to You in prayer. In those times when I bear heavy burdens, shape my heart after the heart of Jesus, the One Who bore all our sin burdens on the cross. I want to be like Jesus. Amen.DAY 4:[INTERCESSION]A Prayer for America by Beth Moore?Father in Heaven,We lift our eyes toward Your Throne, where You reign in righteousness.Your Word assures us that when Your people cry out in sincerity and humility, You will never turn a deaf ear to us.We call upon You now, seeking Your forgiveness and favor.Look over this fevered landscape and heal us, Lord.Drop knees to the floor and raise eyes to the sky, for we know where our help comes from.Unite these States again in devotion to You, and blur every dividing line.Do not give us over to our sins. Give us, instead, over to passionate prayer that moves Your heart.“May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You.”In the Name of our Lord and Savior,AmenDAY 5:[INTERCESSION]You, heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down.? Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the LORD, have created it. Isaiah 45:8?Heavenly, Father, rain down Your righteousness on us.? Let Your salvation be known at [your church’s name]; let the people of [your church’s name] grow in Your gift of grace and salvation.? Let this place be known as a spiritual nursery where people are born into faith and grow in their faith.? Let [your church’s name] be all that You have created us to be.? In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. ................

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