Bishop Allen Academy Religion Department

HRE 1O1 Course Overview – Scripture Unit

|Unit and Lesson|Overall Expectation |Specific |Learning |Activities and |Assessment/ |

|Number | |Expectation |Goal |Materials |Evaluation |

|1.1 |- Explain the |- Demonstrate an |- We will learn how|- pp. 214-216 |- 1.1 Bible Book Shelf |

| |relationship between |understanding of |the bible is the |- Jesus is in every |handout (posted on the |

| |Scripture and Divine |Sacred Scripture as |Word of God |book of the bible: |Google Doc) |

| |Revelation (CCC |divinely inspired |expressed in human | |

| |§51-141). |literature, the word |terms. |m/watch?v=cZ5aYoSr3Hg | |

| | |of God expressed in |- We will learn |- What is the Canon of| |

| | |human terms. |about how the bible|Scripture?: | |

| | |- Identify the canon |is organized into | |

| | |of Sacred Scripture as|different parts. |m/watch?v=IiI4ScLuGL4 | |

| | |defined by the |-We will learn how |- How is Sacred | |

| | |Catholic Church as 27 |to use the bible. |Scripture to be read? | |

| | |books in the New | | |

| | |Testament and 46 books| |m/watch?v=w4FEqNx1Z9E | |

| | |in the Old Testament. | |- Why does Sacred | |

| | | | |Scripture Teach | |

| | | | |Truth?: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |m/watch?v=aJdtyKNblO8 | |

| | | | |- 1.1 ppt | |

| | | | |- 1.1 Bible Book Shelf| |

| | | | |handout | |

| | | | |-1.1 Bible Book Shelf | |

| | | | |Google Doc | |

|1.2 |- Explain how the |- Demonstrate |- We will learn |- pp. 217-219 |- 1.2 Biblical Time |

| |message of Scripture |knowledge of Scripture|about how the bible|- The Bible in 5 |activity (posted on the |

| |informs and challenges|as the saving history |is a story about |Minutes 3MC: |Google Doc) |

| |society (CCC §1878- |of God’s activity in |God saving his | 1.2 Journal #1 |

| |1939). |the life of the people|people. |m/watch?v=cdQktpR7r20&|(Evaluation) |

| | |of Israel and of the |- We will learn how|list=PLNIHpJHEPEMG6AKL| |

| | |early Christian |the bible teaches |5lCXqmwrFUzugAZ8e&inde| |

| | |community. |us about life and |x=4 | |

| | |- Understand that |Social Justice. |- The OT told in 5 | |

| | |Scripture deals with | |minutes: | |

| | |the ultimate questions| | |

| | |of life and offers a | |m/watch?v=I400jhY2DF0 | |

| | |religious | |- Animated explanation| |

| | |understanding of these| |of the Messiah: | |

| | |questions based on the| | |

| | |formative events in | |m/watch?v=3dEh25pduQ8 | |

| | |the history of God’s | |- 1.2 Biblical | |

| | |people. | |Timeline activity | |

| | | | |-1.2 Biblical Timeline| |

| | | | |Google Doc | |

| | | | |- 1.2 Journal #1 | |

|1.3 |- Describe the |- Identify the various|- We will learn |- pp. 220 - 231 |- 1.3.1 Scriptural |

|(3 days) |development of oral |types of literature |about the different|- Book of Genesis |Literature Google Doc |

| |and written traditions|found in Scripture |types of writings |Overview Part 1: |- 1.3.2 Exit Card |

| |in Scripture using |(e.g., poetry, drama, |that are found in | 1.3.3 Genesis Stories |

| |historical, literary |song lyrics, recorded |the bible. |m/watch?v=KOUV7mWDI34 |Google Doc |

| |and critical |preaching, myth, saga,| |- Book of Genesis Part| |

| |approaches. |parables, fables, | |2: | |

| | |stories of calling, | | |

| | |stories of heroism and| |m/watch?v=VpbWbyx1008 | |

| | |villainy, historical | |- Gen 1.1 - 2.4 | |

| | |narratives, | |- Gen 2.4-25 | |

| | |collections of laws, | |- Gen 3.1-24 | |

| | |wisdom literature, | |- Gen 4.1-18 | |

| | |epistles, and Gospels)| |- Gen 6.11-9.17 | |

| | | | |- Gen 11.1-9 | |

| | | | |- Gen 12.1-3, 15.1-21 | |

| | | | |- 1.3.1 Scriptural | |

| | | | |Literature group work | |

| | | | |- 1.3.1 Scriptural | |

| | | | |Literature Google Doc | |

| | | | |- 1.3.2a ppt and | |

| | | | |1.3.2b ppt | |

| | | | |1.3.2 Exit Card | |

| | | | |1.3.3 Genesis Stories | |

| | | | |Group Work | |

| | | | |1.3.3 Genesis Stories | |

| | | | |Google Doc | |

|1.4 |- Demonstrate a |- Demonstrate |- We will learn |- Exodus 20.1-21 |- 1.4 Exit Card |

|(2 days) |familiarity with an |knowledge of major |about the Sermon on|- Matt 5.1-7.28 |- 1.4 Assignment #1 |

| |ability to retell key |stories and events in |the Mount and the |- Book of Exodus Part |(Evaluation) |

| |biblical narratives |Scripture (the Sermon |Sinai Covenant and |1: | |

| |(the Sermon on the |on |how they connect to| |

| |Mount, the Sinai |the Mount, the Sinai |our Christian |m/watch?v=0uf-PgW7rqE | |

| |covenant) that |covenant), and discuss|faith. |- Book of Exodus Part | |

| |illustrate God’s |the Christian faith | |2: | |

| |faithful covenant |with reference to | | |

| |relationship with a |these passages. | |m/watch?v=b0GhR-2kPKI | |

| |chosen people and the |- Locate key | |- The Beatitudes: | |

| |community’s response |Scriptural passages | | |

| |to this relationship. |(e.g., the Ten | |m/watch?v=wxWCspyE7lg | |

| | |Commandments, the | |- 1.4 Commandments and| |

| | |Beatitudes). | |Eight Beatitudes | |

| | | | |handout | |

| | | | |- 1.4 Commandments and| |

| | | | |Beatitudes ppt | |

| | | | |- 1.4 Exit Card | |

| | | | |- 1.4 Assignment #1 | |

|1.5 |- Express connections |- Critique |- We will examine |- Did Jesus Throw Out |- 1.5 Media Connection to |

| |between the |contemporary values |the connection |the 10 Commandments : |the 10 Commandments and 8 |

| |relationships |with the teachings |between message of | Google Doc |

| |described in biblical |found in the Gospels. |the bible and our |m/watch?v=T313TfZ4w1w | |

| |events and their |- Communicate a |lives. |- The Do Over | |

| |own life experiences. |genuine understanding | | |

| | |of the Beatitudes and | |m/watch?v=l4j-nMbvz-k | |

| | |the Ten Commandments, | |-1.5 Media Connection | |

| | |and their relevance to| |to the 10 Commandments| |

| | |Christian life. | |and 8 Beatitudes | |

| | | | |activity | |

| | | | |-1.5 Media Connection | |

| | | | |to the 10 Commandments| |

| | | | |and 8 Beatitudes | |

| | | | |Google Doc | |

|1.6 | | | |- 1.6 Scripture Unit |- 1.6 Test Question |

| | | | |Test Review |Template |

| | | | |- 1.6 Test Question | |

| | | | |Template | |

|1.7 | | | | |- 1.7 Scripture Unit Test |


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