الموقع الأول للدراسة في الجزائر

|Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria |

|Ministry of Education |

|Level: 03 AM |Third Term English Test | |

|Text: Jose Machado |

|Jose Machado is from India, but he lives with his family in Spain. He has brown eyes and fair hair. He is a tall man of forty. He is a journalist and he works for a|

|Spanish Newspaper. His wife's name is "Carmen". She is a nurse, and she works in a hospital near her house. They have got three children : one girl and two boys. |

|Jose likes eating Chinese food, playing the guitar and going to the cinema. He speaks Spanish, French and Portuguese, but he can't speak English. He would like to |

|have English lessons, but he says that he hasn't got time. |

|Every weekend, Jose takes his family to the cinema and the zoo. He likes his family very much because he is generous, helpful and patient. All his neighbours like |

|him. |

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|PART ONE: ( 14 pts ) |

|Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts ) |

|A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 02Pts ) |

|1- How many paragraphs are there in the text ? |

|2- How many sentences are there in the first paragraph ? |

|B ) ( 03 pts ) |

|1- Is Jose a doctor ? |

|2- How many members are there in his family ? |

|3- What does he do, every weekend ? |

|C ) Lexis : ( 02 pts ) |

|1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : |

|home = …………….. prefer = …………………. |

|2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to : |

|far from ≠ ……………… dislike ≠ ……………… |

|Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts ) |

|A ) Add more words to these lists. ( 03 pts ) |

|Tall |

|Short |

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|Algerian |

|Chinese |

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|Father |

|Mother |

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|B ) Ask questions on the underlined words. ( 02 pts ) |

|Salim lives in Algeria. |

|He likes playing tennis . |

|C ) Classify these verbs according to the pronunciation of their final ( s ) ( 02 pts ) |

|lives – works – takes – boys |

|/ S / |

|/ Z / |

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|Turn the page |Page : 1 / 2 | |

|PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts ) |

|Use the following information in the table to write a paragraph describing Diana. |

|Name |

|Diana |

| |

|Age |

|28 |

| |

|Nationality |

|English |

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|Job |

|Secretary |

| |

|Eyes |

|Light brown |

| |

|Hair |

|Black |

| |

|Height |

|Fat |

| |

|Hobbies |

|Reading, travelling |

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|………………………………………………………………………………...................... |

|………………………………………………………………………………...................... |

|………………………………………………………………………………...................... |

|………………………………………………………………………………...................... |

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|Finished |Page : 2 / 2 |GOOD LUCK |


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