Gospel Singing - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Gospel Singing!!! [pic]

By: Monique Ford

Third Grade Teacher

Easton Elementary School

My life has taken a turn for the best because of gospel singing. I began singing gospel music at a very young age in my home church located in New Jersey. I n the beginning I never knew I could sing, until one day at choir rehearsal the director ordered me to try a lead part in a song. My reaction was“ I can’t sing”. The director began to sing the part I was supposed to learn. I then began to sing the words that were given to me. After rehearsal the director told me to take the words of the song home and learn them for the coming Sunday. Oh no!I thought I just can’t do this. So, I practiced and practiced the rest of the week. I had bags under my eyes looking like a droopy the dog due to I staying up practicing and hoping that I was singing the song correctly.

Finally, the day that I was to sing my first solo arrived. The pianist began playing and I began to quiver all over. I nervously waited for my cue before I began to sing. I opened my mouth and began singing. As I sang the words flowed automatically which was a good thing because all I could think about was sitting down. The people in the audience began to stand and clap at the same time. I must be doing a super job I thought as melodies released my mouth. I finally finished the solo. After service everyone complimented me on how well I sang. I was flabbergasted and very much overwhelmed. To this day I am still singing gospel music because of the positive reaction I received after sing that day.

Another reason why I am still singing is because of the confidence that has been instilled in me over time. Without confidence I would not be able to sing a song and sing it well. With the help of the audience my confidence level has increased a great deal. I now can practice with ease and go to sleep at night. Now when I sing, I sing as if I know what I am singing. My facial expressions no longer show doubt or even fear. I no longer tremble while the pianist is playing the introduction. I am completely at ease with myself as well as my singing. Relaxation is another reason I am singing. I have learned to make myself at home when I am in front of people. Through relaxation I am able to reach the audience in more of a melodic way. I have come to realize that when I used to be afraid to sing in front of people I received a response of sympathy because they knew I was afraid. Now, when I sing the audience can tell that I am relaxed. Therefore, I receive a response that I know comes from their heart.

Because of my singing talent many doors have been opened. I have been asked to record in a studio with many gospel singers.

Today, I am in the process of going into the studio with a group I sing with called Sanctification. Through Sanctification I plan on doing a solo project of my own.

All of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me would not and could not be possible without the help of God.



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