In Jesus Christ, In Yah’shua

Spreading The Good News !

The material included in this site I have selected from thousands of pages of writings. Much of the work is reserved for future books as the books are a progressive work to bring one closer to The Light of Truth...The Lampstand !

I have been granted much while sitting at The Feet of The Lord, My Teacher and My Rabbi. Most importantly I have been granted a new life along with Life Eternal for which I will be forevermore grateful. My heartfelt desire is to share both the sadness and the joy that comes with following A New Path ! It is indeed the path established By The Father Through The Son ! Difficult at best is the struggle against this flesh that wants to do what it wants to do. More and more of me is His...I look forward to the More, while the less in me must bow low enough to fall to the ground and die. The thorns in my thigh are those ways yet my ways that I must win victory over every day, day after day to stay the course. The beauty in The Truth is that in the knowledge thereof I can be aware of those things that get in the way of The Lord's Will for me! In this my awareness I become strengthened for I am weak...and in my weakness I am made strong...the way of a humble servant indeed! Yet it is not I that accomplish these things, No, it is His Spirit that guides me every day for I have only the day. Now I worry not about the past for the past has passed. The past is there for my coming to grips with the ways of the world that could not and did not work. I am no longer driven by my past fears and needs that emerged there from. It is The Holy Spirit that rules in my frail, war torn heart and soul. It is The Deliverance of The Lord that has brought me to this place, this time and granted me a voice.

Thus I now stand on this rooftop granted me and cry out to all of you, my brothers and sisters that there is indeed

There Is Indeed GOOD NEWS

In Jesus Christ, In Yah'shua!

The Scriptures are not of another time for another time...They are Timeless ! The Word of God is there for us, not against us !

Yet we must struggle to come close to the mirror to be found In Them and In Him Who Is Our Lord And Savior. These things are not to be taken lightly as soberness and vigilance come not by way of ignorance. The Ways of The Lord are not to be found in many, they are to be found in the few that are willing to go to deep places trusting that He Is The Light into each one of our worlds. I can say that this time with The Lord has cost much (everything) yet yielded riches that cannot be counted. The Promises Made are true, there for me and you !

I have been the fumbling man, the blind one and the sheep lost. No longer are these things to be found in me as I have been Found By One Far Greater ! What was once darkness and storms is now Light and Stillness In that He Is There and Knows all that you have been through...the things that man cannot see within his brethren. We have Hope In Christ, In Yah'shua that is A Flame that once lit within the heart of His children cannot be extinguished. Raise up your small candles that have been blown out and trust that He Will Light them with The Light of His Love ! Be not afraid to be loved for it is His Love that drives out all fear ! There were two trees in The Garden: it is now time to depart from the wrong one ! May we seek to take back what our forefathers and the world has auctioned off for mere earthly rewards. May we seek The Kingdom First, The Will of Yah, God The Father in all things that all things may return into proper alignment between we His people and He Our God...Let us remember that Life Is In Him, not us!

Be ye a people encouraged with hope in Me... Sayeth The Lord!

Please feel free to print any materials from this web site and share The Good News if you are led to do so. I encourage you to do so...this applies to writings, art and music to be found in this site. It was given freely so I share it with you freely... The leaves from The Tree of Life are for our healing that we may once again be nations set apart unto The Lord...Amen!

With The Love in this little heart and The Light of The Lord granted me, this candle ye to re-light your hopes In Our MESSIAH!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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