Faculty Notes


College of Criminal Justice and Security

Faculty Notes

CJHS/410 Version 2

Mental Health and Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice


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Course Revision History

|Revision Date |Revision Details |

|08/15/2013 |Original course created and published. |

Week One

Human Services and Criminal Justice

• Describe human service delivery, mental health services, and crisis intervention within the criminal justice system.

• Identify characteristics necessary to effectively deliver mental health and crisis intervention services.

• Explain the role of government in promoting crisis intervention and mental health services.

Administrative Notes

• Adapt the grading guide templates, located on the faculty website, as needed.

• Distribute the course syllabus. Discuss policies, procedures, expectations, and assignments.

• Provide directions for locating the program handbook on the student website.

• Preview the learning objectives and content for this week.

• Preview the major assignments for the course, week by week. Include suggested times to start preparation for these assignments.

• Discuss the role of Learning Teams in the course, highlighting the specific demands for each modality.

• Facilitate the formation of Learning Teams.

• Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.

Important Notes

• This week the human service delivery system is examined and the role that mental health and crisis intervention play within the criminal justice system is also explored. The criminal justice system itself is a human service delivery system, where various services are delivered to individuals, families, and groups each day. As a human service delivery system, there are several components within the criminal justice field: the police, the courts, corrections, probation and parole. Each of these subsystems provides mental health services and crisis intervention in various forms. The criminal justice system and its workers serve as agents of government. The individual roles of the staff assigned to these subsystems require a unique set of characteristics and skills that are required to effectively deliver the complex services and are unique to each subsystem.

Content Outline

1. Human services and criminal justice

a. Describe human service delivery, mental health services, and crisis intervention within the criminal justice system.

1) Describe human service delivery

a) Human services

1) Mental health services

2) Crisis intervention

b) Delivery systems

2) Criminal justice system as human service delivery mechanism

a) Define how the criminal justice system works with other systems that deliver human services

b) Define a crisis and provide examples

1) Disasters

2) Terrorist attacks

3) School shootings

4) Crime scene

c) Crisis intervention within the criminal justice system

1) Interacting with victims of sexual assault

2) Interacting and responding to victims of domestic violence and offering referrals

3) Mental health services and criminal justice delivery

1) Mental hygiene laws and their requirements

2) Taking into custody those who are apparently mentally ill and may be a danger to themselves or others.

b. Identify characteristics necessary to effectively deliver mental health and crisis intervention services.

1) Innate characteristics

2) Skill-based characteristics

3) Compassionate and active listening

4) Sympathy and empathy (their differences)

c. Explain the role of government in promoting crisis intervention and mental health services.

1) Criminal justice practitioners are agents of the government

a) Law enforcement

b) Officers of the court

c) Corrections

2) Social contract (definition and description)

3) Public safety role

a) Protection and service

b) Due process

Assignment Overview

This week students select a mental health or crisis intervention human service delivery system within criminal justice, such as a domestic violence program within a police department. Other mental health or crisis intervention services may include juvenile delinquency programs, substance abuse programs, crisis intervention services for child abuse victims, services provided to families of homicide victims, and others. Students should be encouraged to search for programs, crisis interventions services that operate within the criminal justice field, such as law enforcement, courts, or corrections. After selecting a program, students will write a paper that describes the services provided, the general characteristics and skills needed to effectively deliver mental health and crisis intervention services, and how the skills and characteristics needed vary from an agent of the government to a social worker or mental health practitioner.

The purpose of the assignment is to illustrate that crisis intervention and mental health services are provided throughout the criminal justice system. It is sometimes assumed that criminal justice is related to crime fighting alone and that there is a separation of human services from criminal justice services. This assignment raises student awareness that the role and responsibility of government is to ensure the delivery of such services within law enforcement, the courts, and correctional settings.

Alternative Learning Activities

PBS Video: “The Released”

Related Course Objective

• Describe human service delivery, mental health services, and crisis intervention within the criminal justice system.

Online Instructions

Post a task asking the students to watch “The Released” Frontline video on the PBS website (). Note. This link takes you directly to the PBS website, which means you will leave the university site. Facilitate a class discussion by asking students some or all of the following questions about the video:

• Why do you think so many people are diagnosed with mental illness in the criminal justice system? Why do you think so many offenders in the criminal justice system suffer from mental illness?

• How would you define a successful release from prison?

• According to those who work with the prison population, what factors should exist to ensure a successful release from prison?

• Why do you think there is such a high rate of recidivism (repetition of criminal behavior) for offenders with mental illnesses?

• What were the deinstitutionalization policies of the 1970s?

• Identify at least two arguments in favor of deinstitutionalization.

• Identify at least two arguments against deinstitutionalization.

• Why do you think that so many offenders with mental illness find themselves homeless after their release from prison?

• How does being homeless impact their mental health care?

• What factors account for William Stokes having stayed out of jail for seven months while Jerry Tharp, Lynn Moore, Keith Williams and Bennie Anthony were all re-arrested within a few months of their release from prison?

Ground Instructions

Ask students to watch “The Released” Frontline video on the PBS website (). Note. This link takes you directly to the PBS website, which means you will leave the university site. Facilitate a class discussion by asking students some or all of the following questions about the video:

• Why do you think so many people are diagnosed with mental illness in the criminal justice system? Why do you think so many offenders in the criminal justice system suffer from mental illness?

• How would you define a successful release from prison?

• According to those who work with the prison population, what factors should exist to ensure a successful release from prison?

• Why do you think there is such a high rate of recidivism (repetition of criminal behavior) for offenders with mental illnesses?

• What were the deinstitutionalization policies of the 1970s?

• Identify at least two arguments in favor of deinstitutionalization.

• Identify at least two arguments against deinstitutionalization.

• Why do you think that so many offenders with mental illness find themselves homeless after their release from prison?

• How does being homeless impact their mental health care?

• What factors account for William Stokes having stayed out of jail for seven months while Jerry Tharp, Lynn Moore, Keith Williams and Bennie Anthony were all re-arrested within a few months of their release from prison?

Week Two

Law Enforcement as First-Line Service Providers

• Describe the role that law enforcement officers play as first-line service providers of mental health and crisis intervention.

• Identify the typical calls for service that involve mental health services and crisis intervention.

• Analyze the crisis intervention and mental health services strategies utilized by law enforcement.

Administrative Notes

• Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week.

• Discuss and approve the Learning Team Charter.

• Check on the progress of Learning Team projects.

• Preview the learning objectives and content for this week.

• At the end of the week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week.

• Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.

Important Notes

• This week, students explore the role of law enforcement as first-line service providers. Through the influence of the media, many people may view the role of law enforcement as strictly a crime fighting function. Research indicates that the majority of policing is service related where officers are providing crisis intervention and delivering a social service related function. Many of the 9-1-1 calls are past crimes where victims are in crisis and looking for intervention. Calls for service may include lost children or elderly, sick or injured individuals, motor vehicle accidents, disputes, past crimes, responding to emergency calls for people with mental illness who may be in danger, and others. The critical role that law enforcement plays as first-line service providers is crucial and the effectiveness of such crisis intervention delivery can make the difference in the lives of victims and citizens each day. The social contract requires the effectiveness of such service delivery in the philosophy that the police promise to protect and serve the community with integrity.

Content Outline

1. Law enforcement as first-line service providers

d. Describe the role that law enforcement officers play as first-line service providers of mental health and crisis intervention.

1) Part of the social contract of serve and protect

2) Policing styles

a) Watchman style

b) Legalistic style

c) Service style

3) Policing functions

a) Order maintenance

b) Enforcement

c) Service

4) Between 70- and 75% of police calls are calls for service

5) Service role of policing

e. Identify the typical calls for service that involve mental health services and crisis intervention.

1) Encounters between law enforcement and people with mental illness

a) Often take more time

b) Require special training and skills

c) Depend on availability of community mental health resources

d) Involve repeat contacts

e) Can be volatile

f) Usually imminent danger necessitating action

f. Analyze the crisis intervention and mental health services strategies utilized by law enforcement.

1) Purpose

a) To improve officer safety

b) To redirect patients from judicial system to the healthcare system

c) To increase access to mental health treatment

2) Crisis intervention teams (CIT) program


1) Police officer

2) Mental health practitioner

a) Psychiatric nurse

b) Psychologist

c) Psychiatrist

3) Social worker

3) Mental hygiene law

a) Varies state to state

b) Officer discretion

c) Apparent mental illness and danger to self or others

d) Voluntary verses involuntary custody

e) Psychiatric emergency room verses jail

The Memphis (Tenn.) Police Department reported that in the three years before implementing a CIT program the rate of injuries to officers responding to “mental disturbance calls” was 0.035 per 1,000 events (equal to one in 28,571 events). In the three years following program implementation, this rate decreased to 0.007 per 1,000 events (equal to one in 142,857 events). Other types of disturbance calls, including domestic violence calls, did not show a similar trend during this period. The Memphis (Tenn.) Police Department’s CIT program reported that during its first four years, the rate of referrals by law enforcement officers to the regional psychiatric emergency service increased by 42 percent.


Dupont, R. and Cochran, S. (2000). Police response to mental health emergencies-barriers to change. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law. 28 (3). 228-244.

Assignment Overview

In this week’s Learning Team assignment, the team selects a future trend of crisis intervention and mental health services within the law enforcement system and creates a 7- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation about the selected trend with detailed speaker notes. Encourage students in the team to include an overview of the trend, how the trend will affect the practice of crisis intervention within law enforcement, and how the trend will affect the practice of mental health within law enforcement. Other areas to discuss are the potential law enforcement challenges associated with the trend and any recommendations on how law enforcement can proactively address the trend, including training, policy, and practice.

This assignment directly relates to all this week’s objectives by having students describe the role that law enforcement has in the delivery of human services. It also assesses whether students can identify the calls for service that are in the area of crisis intervention and mental health. By analyzing the trends in crisis intervention strategies, students will be able to illustrate how law enforcement is engaged in mental health service delivery at various levels in their work.

Alternative Learning Activities

Gideon Bush Case Review

Related Course Objective

• Describe the role that law enforcement officers play as first-line service providers of mental health and crisis intervention.

Online Instructions

Ask students to research the 1999 Gideon Bush Case from New York. You may also want to provide a link to the case for the students if possible. Ask students to review the facts of the case and the criminal and civil rights issues. As a team discuss each of the various stakeholders involved with the case, such as the victim’s family, law enforcement officers involved in the shooting, and the public near the scene. Consider each of the potential conflicting views, motivations, intended outcomes, and interests. As a team also consider and answer the following questions:

• Where are the stakeholders in agreements?

• Where are the stakeholders at odds?

• How could the tragic death of Gideon Bush been avoided?

• If NYPD had a CIT program do you think the outcome would have been different? If so explain how.

Facilitate a class discussion about the case while making sure the absence of a CIT program is covered.

Ground Instructions

Ask students to research the 1999 Gideon Bush Case from New York. You may also want to provide a link to the case for the students if possible. Ask students to review the facts of the case and the criminal and civil rights issues. As a team discuss each of the various stakeholders involved with the case, such as the victim’s family, law enforcement officers involved in the shooting, and the public near the scene. Consider each of the potential conflicting views, motivations, intended outcomes, and interests. As a team also consider and answer the following questions:

• Where are the stakeholders in agreements?

• Where are the stakeholders at odds?

• How could the tragic death of Gideon Bush been avoided?

• If NYPD had a CIT program do you think the outcome would have been different? If so explain how.

Facilitate a class discussion about the case while making sure the absence of a CIT program is covered.

Week Three

Mental Health Addictions

• Describe characteristics of mental health issues and mental health disorders.

• Describe characteristics of addiction and substance abuse.

• Assess the relationship between addiction and crime.

• Analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing intervention and rehabilitation to substance abuse offenders and persons with mental illness.

• Identify the applied intervention and rehabilitation strategies utilized by criminal justice professionals.

Administrative Notes

• Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week.

• Check on the progress of Learning Team projects.

• Preview the learning objectives and content for this week.

• At the end of the week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week.

• Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.

Important Notes

• This week, students examine the characteristics of mental health and identify the various mental health disorders that criminal justice professionals may encounter. Examining positive mental health is important to completely understand the spectrum of mental health. Individuals entering into the system sometimes fall into the category of mental illness and/or addiction, and while their behavior may be criminal in nature, it may be motivated by their mental disorder or substance use. This week the unique characteristics of mental disorders, addiction, and substance use and abuse is identified and described in the context of the criminal justice system. There is a strong connection between crime and substance use, substance abuse, and addiction. There is a large proportion of users in some aspect of the criminal justice system. Rehabilitative and treatment options verses punitive initiatives are discussed this week to identify effective applied intervention strategies.

• This week, there is a mandatory discussion question. The following question must be presented to students, because it reinforces objective 3.1:

o What specific types of mental health disorders are encountered in a criminal justice setting? What are the characteristics and dynamics of these mental health disorders? DQR: 3.1

Content Outline

1. Mental health and addictions

a. Describe characteristics of mental health issues and mental health disorders.

1) What is mental health?

2) Characteristics of positive mental health

a) Stability

b) Mastery

c) Self confidence

d) Normal alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior

e) Resiliency

f) Cognitive understanding

g) Appropriate perception

h) Positive coping strategies

i) Healthy interpersonal interactions and relationships

3) Characteristics of mental illness and mental health disorders

a) Effects of the illness

1) Sustained abnormal alterations associated with distress and impaired functioning

a) Thinking

b) Mood

c) Behavior

2) The effects of mental illnesses include

a) Disruptions of daily function

b) Incapacitating personal, social, and occupational impairment

c) Premature death

3) Common mental illnesses in adults are:

a) Anxiety

b) Mood disorders

c) Personality disorders

4) Common criminal justice related mental illnesses are:

a) Borderline personality disorder

b) Anti-social disorder

c) Psychosis

d) Sociopath

e) Psychopath

b. Describe characteristics of addiction and substance abuse.

1) Dependence on chemical substances

a) Tolerance

1) Increased amount

2) Decreased effect

b) Withdrawal

c) Persistent desire or repeated unsuccessful attempt to quit

d) Much time to obtain, use, recover

e) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced due to substance

f) Using despite adverse consequences

2) Substance abuse

a) Recurrent use resulting in failure to maintain and fulfill major role obligations

b) Recurrent use in physically hazardous situations

c) Continued use despite persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems

c. Assess the relationship between addition and crime.

1) Crime-related use

a) Illegal possession

b) Sale

c) Trafficking

d) Prostitution

e) DWI

d. Analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing intervention and rehabilitation to substance abuse offenders and persons with mental illness.

1) Criminal justice system professionals

a) Probation officers (clients who are on probation)

b) Parole officers (clients on parole or supervision)

c) Police officers responding to persons with mental illness and substance abuse

d) Drug court officers

e) Mental health court officers

f) Social workers within the criminal justice system

e. Identify the applied intervention and rehabilitation strategies utilized by criminal justice professionals.

1) Intervention and rehabilitation strategies

a) Drug court strategies

1) Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing

2) Non-adversarial approach

3) Promote public safety

4) Protect due process

5) Provide access to continuum of treatment and rehabilitation services

6) Ongoing judicial interaction and collaboration

7) Monitoring and evaluation

b) Mental health courts

1) Develop a system of care for mentally ill defendants

2) Integrate and link community-based mental health care system

3) Work with CIT

a) Memphis model (crisis intervention teams)

In 2004, 17% of state prisoners and 18% of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs. These percentages represent a slight increase for federal prisoners (16% in 1997) and a slight decrease for state prisoners (19% in 1997).

In 2002 about a quarter of convicted property and drug offenders in local jails had committed their crimes to get money for drugs, compared to 5% of violent and public order offenders. Among state prisoners in 2004 the pattern was similar, with property (30%) and drug offenders (26%) more likely to commit their crimes for drug money than violent (10%) and public-order offenders (7%). In federal prisons property offenders (11%) were less than half as likely as drug offenders (25%) to report drug money as a motive in their offenses.


U.S. Department of Justice (2006, October). Drug Use and Dependence, State and Federal Prisoners, 2004. Bureau of Justice Statistics (NCJ 213530). Washington, DC: Author.

U.S. Department of Justice (1997, January). Substance Abuse and Treatment, State and Federal Prisoners, 1997. Bureau of Justice Statistics (NCJ 172871). Washington, DC.

Assignment Overview

In this week’s assignment students are asked to create a Crisis Intervention (CIT) Program for the City of Kelsey, which is located in the University of Phoenix Virtual Organization site. Students are encouraged to refer to the Memphis model as a resource to see how others have successfully incorporated the Memphis model (CIT Program). This assignment directly relates to all of this week’s objectives by having students create a CIT Program for a fictitious city. Based on specific objectives, students analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing intervention and rehabilitation to substance abuse offenders and persons with mental illness and identify the applied intervention and rehabilitation strategies used by criminal justice professionals.

Alternative Learning Activities

PBS Film: “The New Asylums”

Related Course Objective

• Describe characteristics of mental health issues and mental health disorders.

Online Instructions

Ask students to watch “The New Asylum” Frontine video on the PBS website (). Note. This link takes you directly to the PBS website, which and you will leave the university site. Facilitate a class discussion by asking students some or all of the following questions about the movie.

• What percentage of the U.S. jail and prison population is diagnosed with mental illness?

• Why do you think many individuals with mental illness end up behind bars? What are the major causes? What are some possible preventions?

• What percentage of the female prison population is diagnosed with mental illness?

• What is the racial breakdown of mental illness in prison?

• Do the inmates with mental illness serve longer or shorter sentences than the general inmate population?

• Do individuals with mental illness have higher recidivism rates than the general inmate population?

• What's being done to address recidivism?

• How difficult is it to provide mental health care inside a prison?

• What is segregation and how does it affect those with mental illness?

• What are communities doing to tackle this problem?

• At the national level, are there any efforts underway to help people with mental illness who are in prisons and jails?

• What can citizens do to improve the treatment of those with mental illness, especially those in prisons and jails?

Ground Instructions

Ask students to watch “The New Asylum” Frontline video on the PBS website (). Note. This link will take you directly to the PBS website and you will leave the university site. Facilitate a class discussion by asking students some or all of the following questions about the movie.

• What percentage of the U.S. jail and prison population is diagnosed with mental illness?

• Why do you think many individuals with mental illness end up behind bars? What are the major causes? What are some possible preventions?

• What percentage of the female prison population is diagnosed with mental illness?

• What is the racial breakdown of mental illness in prison?

• Do the inmates with mental illness serve longer or shorter sentences than the general inmate population?

• Do individuals with mental illness have higher recidivism rates than the general inmate population?

• What's being done to address recidivism?

• How difficult is it to provide mental health care inside a prison?

• What is segregation and how does it affect those with mental illness?

• What are communities doing to tackle this problem?

• At the national, level are there any efforts underway to help people with mental illness who are in prisons and jails?

• What can citizens do to improve the treatment of those with mental illness, especially those in prisons and jails?

Week Four

Family Systems in Crisis

• Identify types of family systems in crisis.

• Describe the effect of family systems in crisis on the criminal justice system.

• Analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing mental health services and crisis intervention to individuals and families in crisis.

• Identify the applied intervention strategies for families in crisis utilized by criminal justice professionals.

Administrative Notes

• Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week.

• Check on the progress of Learning Team projects.

• Preview the learning objectives and content for this week.

• At the end of the week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week.

• Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.

Important Notes

• This week, students examine the various types of families in crisis that may be found in the criminal justice system. It is important to remember that at every phase of the system (law enforcement, courts, corrections, probation and parole) individuals and families in crisis may be looking to these subsystems for intervention and services. The term “families in crisis” is a general term that may include issues of domestic violence, elders in crisis, children in crisis, women in crisis, and adolescents in crisis. It is critical to understand that these families in crisis are served better when criminal justice professionals understand the unique situation of victims or perpetrators of domestic violence, victims or perpetrators of sexual assault, elderly, children, and adolescents in crisis. Identifying effective intervention strategies at each level is crucial to the resolution of such crisis.

Content Outline

1. Family systems in crisis

a. Identify types of family systems in crisis.

1) Married persons

2) Domestic partners

3) Children and families

4) Elderly and families

b. Describe the effect of family systems in crisis on the criminal justice system.

1) Domestic violence

a) Prevalence, dynamics, and factors

b) Offender and victim characteristics

c) Mandatory arrest policies

d) Shelters, resources, and referrals

e) Domestic violence officers

2) Abused, neglected, maltreated children

a) Extent of the problem

b) Child Welfare and Dept. of Children and Families

c) Mandatory reporters

1) Police officers

2) Social workers

3) Medical professionals

d) Family court case management

e) Parental rights and revocation

f) Foster care system

3) Juvenile delinquency

a) Juvenile court

b) PINS warrants

c) Juvenile justice system

d) Drug use

e) Gang membership

4) Sexual assault and rape

a) Victim advocacy

b) Rape crisis hotlines

5) Elder abuse and maltreatment

a) Extent of the problem

b) Silver alerts

c) Mandatory reporting

c. Analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing mental health services and crisis intervention to individuals and families in crisis.

1) Police officers , prosecutors, social workers in the criminal justice system

a) Missing persons (elderly, children, juveniles)

b) Domestic violence reports

c) Sexual assault reports

d) Juvenile delinquency

e) Child abuse reports

2) Protection, safety, referral

d. Identify the applied intervention strategies for families in crisis utilized by criminal justice professionals.

1) Domestic violence program

2) Sexual assault hotlines and services

3) Elder care and services

4) Youth programs

5) D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) & G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training).

Assignment Overview

For the individual assignment students are asked to select a program in the criminal justice system from one of the following areas for research: domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and juvenile delinquency. Guide students to select different programs from the other members of the team to generate a better team discussion. After the program is selected, students will write a paper that addresses the type of family system in crisis and how the program is designed to help them. Other important aspects to be discussed are: the mission of the program and how it is designed, how services are delivered and the intervention strategies used, and how the program is evaluated for its effectives. Encourage students to support their presentation with empirical research in regards to program effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

In this week’s Learning Team assignment students will review a team member’s Program Report. After reviewing another team member’s report, the team will discuss the similarities and differences of the selected programs particularly in regards to the family system the program addressed, interventions used, and effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the program. Reviewing another team member’s work and having a team discussion provides students an excellent opportunity to expand their knowledge base and be exposed to programs and information other than what they researched.

It is important that students learn about the various programs, interventions, and program success so they are prepared to help people in need. The ultimate goal is it ensures the person in need is in a safe environment. It is important that students understand the different programs so they know when to apply the proper help for the people in need. Collaborative services are discussed in greater detail in future courses.

Alternative Learning Activities

Week Four Assessment

Related Course Objective

• Analyze the role of criminal justice professionals in providing mental health services and crisis intervention to individuals and families in crisis.

• Identify the applied intervention strategies for families in crisis utilized by criminal justice professionals.

Online Instructions

Provide each student with the assessment questions listed below. Advise students that these questions are used to determine an understanding of the week’s topics and are not a graded activity.

1. In general, crime has decreased within the last few decades; however, the rate of domestic violence and sexual assault remains the same.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

2. Laws aimed at protecting elders from abuse are similar to the laws that protect children from abuse and neglect.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

3. Research shows that batterer intervention programs are successful in changing perpetrators’ attitudes and behavior.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

4. Returning to the perpetrator is a sign that the victim is not ready to accept help for domestic violence.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

5. Most rape happens at night in unguarded places (like parking garages).

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

6. A single experience of child or adult sexual assault is not likely to lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

7. Seeing or hearing the abuse of a parent is not as damaging to children as being physically abused.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

8. About half of all batterers are frequently abusive but do not usually cause significant injury to their partners.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

9. A main goal of domestic violence services is to support a victim of violence to safely leave the perpetrator.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

10. An advocate’s job is to choose the services and resources that a survivor should use.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

Facilitate a class discussion about the assessment questions, in particular any questions that the majority of students missed. Be sure to cover the concepts in class and guide students towards understanding the correct answer(s).

Ground Instructions

Provide each student with the assessment questions listed below. Advise students that the questions are used to determine an understanding of the week’s topics and are not a graded activity.

1. In general, crime has decreased within the last few decades; however, the rate of domestic violence and sexual assault remains the same.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

2. Laws aimed at protecting elders from abuse are similar to the laws that protect children from abuse and neglect.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

3. Research shows that batterer intervention programs are successful in changing perpetrators’ attitudes and behavior.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

4. Returning to the perpetrator is a sign that the victim is not ready to accept help for domestic violence.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

5. Most rape happens at night in unguarded places (like parking garages).

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

6. A single experience of child or adult sexual assault is not likely to lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

7. Seeing or hearing the abuse of a parent is not as damaging to children as being physically abused.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

8. About half of all batterers are frequently abusive but do not usually cause significant injury to their partners.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

9. A main goal of domestic violence services is to support a victim of violence to safely leave the perpetrator.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

10. An advocate’s job is to choose the services and resources that a survivor should use.

a. True

b. Don’t know

c. Not true

Facilitate a class discussion about the assessment questions, in particular any questions that the majority of students missed. Be sure to cover the concepts in class and guide students towards understanding the correct answer(s).

Week Five

Critical Incidents, Emergency Preparedness, and Crisis Intervention

• Identify the various types of critical incidents and their physical, financial, and societal effect on victims, first responders, and communities.

• Analyze the psychological effect on victims, first responders, and communities from critical incidents.

• Describe crisis intervention strategies for criminal justice professionals responding to critical incidents and inter-agency coordination initiatives.

• Develop a comprehensive crisis intervention plan of action for responding to critical incidents from a criminal justice perspective.

Administrative Notes

• Answer any content or logistical questions resulting from the previous week.

• Check on the progress of Learning Team projects.

• Preview the learning objectives and content for this week.

• At the end of the week, review key content points and preview the content of the next week.

• Ensure that you have received all assignments that are due.

Important Notes

• This week, students examine critical incidents (manmade and natural) and identify the physical, financial, and societal effects of such incidents on victims, first responders, and communities. Some major critical incidents include 9/11, Oklahoma City Bombing, school shootings, hurricanes, earthquakes, and plane crashes. The physical, psychological, and economic effect that such incidents can have on individuals and communities is enormous and traumatic. First responders and criminal justice professionals find themselves at the heart of response in most cases and inter-agency coordination, intervention strategies, and emergency preparedness is critical.

Content Outline

1. Critical incidents, emergency preparedness, and crisis intervention

a. Identify the various types of critical incidents and their physical, financial, and societal effect on victims, first responders, and communities.

1) Traumatic and catastrophic events

a) Natural

1) Flood

2) Storm

3) Earthquake

4) Tsunami

b) Man-made critical events

1) Terrorism

2) Mass violence

3) Hazardous material accident

2) Impact on victims, responders, communities

a) Physical

1) Death toll

2) Injuries

3) Property damage

4) Medical need and vaccines

5) Water, food, shelter needs

6) Power and gas outages

7) Physiological outcomes

b) Psychological

1) Cognitive interruption

2) Emotional imbalance

a) Anxiety

b) Anger and rage

c) Fear and terror

d) Depression

e) Guilt

f) shame

c) Behavioral

1) Substance abuse

2) Work productivity

3) Relationship conflict

4) Aggression and crime

5) Apathy

d) Economic

1) Unemployment

2) Loss of home

3) Loss of transportation

4) Loss of communication

e) Spiritual

1) Disbelief in higher power

2) Questioning life’s meaning

b. Analyze the psychological effect on victims, first responders, and communities from critical incidents.

1) Victims

a) Shock

b) Anger

c) Confusion

d) Questions

e) Depression

f) Anxiety


2) Responders


b) Depression

c) Anxiety

d) Substance abuse

e) Relationship conflict

3) Communities

a) Loss of identity

b) Family assistance center

c) Red cross

c. Describe crisis intervention strategies for criminal justice professionals responding to critical incidents and inter-agency coordination initiatives.

1) Goals of crisis intervention

a) Save lives

b) Prevent injuries

c) Protect property

d) Protect environment

2) Emergency management plan of action

a) Prevention

b) Mitigation

c) Preparation

d) Response

e) Recovery

d. Develop a comprehensive crisis intervention plan of action for responding to critical incidents from a criminal justice perspective.

1) Local, state, federal and private (NGO)collaboration

2) Evaluate available resources


b) US Department of Health & Human Services

c) National Guard

d) Centers for Disease Control

e) Surgeon General

f) Red Cross

g) State Office of Mental Health

h) Faith-based organizations

Assignment Overview

This week’s Learning Team assignment directly relates to all this week’s objectives by having students create a presentation that involves a Crisis Intervention Plan that will be presented to the chief of police. The plan details an Interagency Mental Health and Crisis Intervention Response Plan. Students should consider demographics, resources, department needs, and the community while creating the plan. Encourage students to look at other departments’ Crisis Intervention Plans for Critical Incident Response for reference.

In this week’s individual assignment student develop a framework for an ideal psychological support agency to respond to a national catastrophic event. The report should include the size of the agency, qualification and skills of the employees, services provided, key component of the agency, and how the agency can work with other organizations and what role the criminal justice system would play in this agency. Although agencies are working towards the same goal in general, it is important that students understand the different agencies they might work with in the future to serve and protect a specific group of people in need. As they gain better knowledge of the people they will be working with, they will be able to respond to an emergency faster

Alternative Learning Activities

School Shooting Response Review

Related Course Objective

• Describe crisis intervention strategies for criminal justice professionals responding to critical incidents and inter-agency coordination initiatives.

Online Instructions

Ask each learning team to review the New Hampshire policy for human service organizations collaborative response to school shootings on the New Hampshire government website ().

Also instruct learning teams to research the 2013 Newtown Connecticut Shady Hook Elementary School Incident online. After reviewing both, instruct teams to discuss the following questions:

• Identify each Human Service Delivery member’s role in responding to this incident (law enforcement, school officials and staff, emergency responders, coroner, clergy, and so on).

• What services were provided and to whom?

• What went right? What worked?

• What may have not worked? What could have been improved?

• Did the school policies and procedures assist or impede the response and delivery of services?

• Based on the New Hampshire plan, how could the elements of the plan have been beneficial in the Newtown incident? What elements of the Newtown response are already present in the New Hampshire plan?

Instruct learning teams to post a summary of the team discussion in the classroom. Facilitate a class discussion by responding to the discussion summaries posted by the teams. End the discussion while focusing on what can be done to mitigate the violence and death toll in future school shootings.

Ground Instructions

Form teams of 3 to 5 students. Ask each team to review the New Hampshire policy for human service organizations collaborative response to school shootings on the New Hampshire government website ().

Also instruct teams to research the 2013 Newtown Connecticut Shady Hook Elementary School Incident online. After reviewing both, instruct teams to answer the following questions:

• Identify each Human Service Delivery member’s role in responding to this incident (law enforcement, school officials and staff, emergency responders, coroner, clergy, and so on).

• What services were provided and to whom?

• What went right? What worked?

• What may have not worked? What could have been improved?

• Did the School policies and procedures assist or impede the response and delivery of services?

• Based on the New Hampshire plan, how could the elements of the plan been beneficial in the Newtown incident? What elements of the Newtown response are already present in the New Hampshire plan?

Facilitate a class discussion in which groups share their responses to the questions above. End the discussion while focusing on what can be done to mitigate the violence and death toll in future school shootings.


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