The Balance Careers

Janet Lau123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 · 555-555-5555 · janet.lau@ September 1, 2018Margaretta LeeAcme Office Supplies123 Business Rd.Business City, NY 54321Dear Margaretta,I was so sorry to hear about the death of your sister. I know how close you were to her, not just as sisters, but also as best friends. I am so sad for your loss.While nothing that I can say will make you feel better at this time, I would like you to know that I am here for you and available if you need me. A family death brings a lot of new responsibilities and I can help.I’ll be happy to babysit for your kids if your regular caregiver is unavailable. I’m also happy to make phone calls to friends and family or help you make arrangements. I plan to bring over several casseroles that may help tide your family through the funeral and all of the following activities so you don’t have to worry about cooking.I’ve spoken with Jessica and Sarah and they are also planning to bring food over. All of us are just looking for a word from you so that we can help you through this tough time. If you’re just looking for a shoulder to cry on, we are also available.Is there anything that you have hanging over your head at work that we can help you out on? We’ll be happy to pitch in here, too. Just let us know what you need.Again, my deepest sympathy to you and your family during this sorrowful time. Please let me know how I can help.Warmly,Janet ................

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