The Ebionite/Nazarene movement was made up of the mostly Jewish/Israelite, followers of John the Baptizer, and later Yahshua, who were concentrated in Palestine and surrounding regions, and led by

"James the Just," oldest brother of Yahshua, flourishing between the years 30-80 CE.

Luke 21.20: 20 But when ye see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that her desolation is at hand. 21 Then let them that are in Judaea flee unto the mountains; and let them that are in the midst of her depart out; and let not them that are in the country enter therein.

70 C.E. Nazarenes aka

N5'/1tz0/a20r7i3m Fled to Pella


The church of Rome claims the church was built on Peter and the false doctrine of "Apostolic Succession". IS THERE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION? NO. READ ON: Click for Article:

Matthew 16.18: 18 And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter (petros- pebble) , and (BUT) upon this rock (petra- rock) (Yahshua speaking of Himself) I will build my assembly; and the gates of Hades (the grave) shall not prevail against it. The Assembly was built on the ROCK- Yahshua ha Moshiach. Peter was a pebble. Throughout the Tanach Yahweh is referred to THE ROCK. The Renewed Covenant makes reference to the Tanach and Yahshua is called THAT ROCK, NOT PETER

1st C1e/1n/2t0u0r0y

1 C.E.

2nd C5/e21n/2tu10r0y

100 C.E.

3rd C10e/9n/2tu20r0y

200 C.E.

101 C.E.


John died of old age.


155 C.E. Polycarp killed 02.23.155 C.E. by Pope Anicetus

4th C3/e12n/2t3u0r0y

300 C.E.

5th C7/e30n/2tu40r0y

400 C.E.

6th C1e/1n/2t5u0r0y

500 C.E.

43/2156/2C3.2E5 . Council of

Nicea; Paulicians flee

to Armenia

7th C5e/2n1/t2u6r0y0

600 C.E.

8th C1e0/n9/t2u7r0y0

700 C.E.

9th C3e/1n1/t2u80r0y

800 C.E.

10th C7/e3n0/t2u90r0y

900 C.E.

11th C1e/1n/3t0u0r0y

1000 C.E.

12th C5/e21n/3tu10r0y

1100 C.E.

13th C10e/9n/3tu20r0y

1200 C.E.

14th C3/e11n/3t3u0r0y

1300 C.E.

15th C7/e31n/3tu40r0y

1400 C.E.

16th C1e/1n/3t5u00ry

1500 C.E.

17th C5/e21n/3t6u0r0y

1600 C.E.

18th C10e/9n/3tu70r0y

1700 C.E.

19th C3/e12n/3tu80r0y

1800 C.E.

20th C7/e31n/3tu90r0y

1900 C.E.

21st C1e/1n/4tu00r0y

2000 C.E.

31 C.E.




197 C.E. Polycrates contends with Pope Victor I

over 14th of 1st month for P'sach


For more information on the rest of the Apostles see this link:

A Paulician named Constantine of

Mananelli in early 600's C.E. was martyred by a

"Simeon" who later repented and became

leader of the Paulicians.

By 9th century C.E. the

Paulicians fled to Bulgaria and were called "Bogomils"

"Waldenses" Peter Waldo

1176 C.E.

"Lollards" John Wycliffe 1324-1384 C.E.

"Petrobusians" Peter de Bruys

1110 C.E.

1250 C.E. Gregorius of Bergamo wrote about the Nazarenes as being the "Pasagani"

"Arnoldists" Arnold of Brescia

1155 C.E.

"Hussites" John Huss 1369-1415 C.E.

"Albingeses" French town of Albi

7th Day Baptists 1617

William Miller Circa 1839

Messianic Movement 100's of Independent

Assemblies and Synagogues

Matthew Simon Dalmatov Circa 1550

Beginning of "Molokans"

Subbotniki and Molokan Information:


Word/ Subbotniki2001c.pdf

Gilbert Cranmer 1842

Ellen G. White 7th Day Adventists


Assemblies of Yahweh

Man1y /G1r/o4u0p0s 0


Modern Molokans from 1850:

Andrew N. Dugger

1906 Church of God 7th Day

John- regarding the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit: I John 2.27: And as for you, the anointing which ye received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any one teach you; but as his anointing teacheth you; concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, ye abide in him.

History, legend, myth and rumor reports a confusing story for these various groups. One thing is certain, they were considered "heretics" by the church of Rome. Some of these groups are reported to have believed and followed questionable doctrines. Some were labeled "Judaizers". We post them in this timeline for further study.

There are many more groups to add as time allows. The doctrines of many of these groups are not fully known other than their enemies' claim they kept an earlier form of Christianity.

C.O. Dodd and A.N. Dugger Circa 1937

Sacred Names Movement and Feast Days

II Timothy 2.15: (Keeping in mind the Sciptures of the time were the Tanach and the Apostles did NOT teach against the Word) Give diligence to present thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.

Proverbs 30.5-6: 5 Every word of Eloah is tried: He is a shield unto them that take refuge in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, Lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Ecclesiastes 12.12-14: 12 And furthermore, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13 This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear Elohim, and keep his mitzwah; for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For Elohim will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

For a very detailed Time Line of the Church of God Movements (7th Day) Click Link: (1830-2004 History of Several Sabbath keeping Groups)



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"When the facts concerning a conspiracy theory come to the light of day, it is no longer a theory"

B'rone ben Y'kov Eli' bat T'sion

Monitoring the advancement of the NWO and the Mark of the Beast; current events as they apply to

prophecy and the return of Y'shua ha Moshiach


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