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I AM The Resurrection & The Life John ch11Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” This week we look at the 5th big “I am” statement of Jesus in John’s Gospel, and today we’re going to jump straight in. Read through John chapter 11. What stands out to you the most?Enter the storyThe genuine love of JesusIn John 11:25-26 Jesus will make one of the biggest ultimate claims which has far reaching implications, and yet the context for his claim is incredibly personal and intimate. What do we learn of Jesus’ relationship to Lazarus, Mary and Martha in verses 3, 5-8, 11, 33-36, 38?When you read this story, do you read it against the background of the great personal danger that Jesus faced in going to be with his friends? Read verses 6-8, 16, 45-54. What do the circumstances around Jesus’ visit to his friends reveal about Him?Lazarus was not called to become an apostle, nor did he go on to author any of the New Testament books. Instead, he lived in the relative obscurity of Bethany and was simply a faithful friend of Jesus and Jesus loved him. How do you see Jesus’ humanity beautifully portrayed in this passage? Do you feel that Jesus has this same kind of deep intimate care for you?The genuine love for JesusThe household of Martha, Mary & Lazarus was clearly one that loved Jesus very much. They often gave him hospitality and demonstrated extravagant generosity towards him at times (eg: verse2). As soon as trouble came into their home they also immediately knew that the best thing to do was to take it to Jesus.Is your home a place where Jesus is central? How so?Is your first response in times of trouble to turn to Jesus? How do you understand Thomas’ comment in verse 16? Do you think he is being sarcastic, fatalistic or demonstrating a deep commitment to go where Jesus goes despite the cost?The desire for our timingRead verse 6-7 & 17, and then Martha’s response to Jesus’ arrival in verse 20-21 and Mary’s response in verses 28-31. Why did Jesus not immediately set out upon hearing the news of Lazarus’ illness? (try v4 & 14-15 & 42 if stuck)The sisters were probably right that things would have turned out differently had Jesus been there. However, they would have missed out on the most amazing revelation of the glory of God displayed through Jesus. Can you share a time where God’s timing turned out to be hard but better than your timing?Are there things in your life right now that you feel you are waiting for?Jesus IS the resurrection and the lifeHow is Jesus’ claim in v25-26 more than just talk? How does Jesus back up his claim here in John 11 and elsewhere as recorded in the Scriptures?How is Lazarus’ return to life different to Jesus’ resurrection and our final resurrection?Jesus says that that the one who believes in him will live “even though they die” (v25) and then says the next verse that the one who believes in him “will never die” (v26). How do you understand what Jesus is teaching here?In what sense do we participate in Jesus’ resurrection before we die? (Romans 6:4-11; Ephesians 2:4-7; Colossians 3:1)How can the way we live as Christians reflect the truth that we have been united with Jesus who is ‘the resurrection and the life’?What role does hope for future resurrection play in your life? In what ways do you feel it should play a bigger influencing role?How is this ‘I am’ saying truly good news to all humanity? How should Jesus’ teaching here be reflected in the way we do evangelism and share our faith with others? BeliefGo through John chapter 11 again and spot every time that belief/believe/faith is mentioned explicitly or implicitly. Why is belief so important?How does this fit with John’s expressed purpose in writing his Gospel (John 20:31)?The question Jesus asked in John 11:26 is in many ways still the question he asks today: “do you believe this?” How have you felt God speak to you through the study and through the message on Sunday? Are there ways of thinking or behaving that need to be readjusted in light of John 11?Spend some time praying for those who have not yet believed, and for us who have – that we might fully trust in, and live in light of, all the promises of Jesus received through faith. ................

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