God Is • Session 2 Lessons for the Leader El Shaddai

God Is ? Session 2

Lessons for the Leader

How do you recognize the power of God in your life? In what ways has God worked in your life and allowed you to see His almighty power? ? Read Exodus 14:1-4. Why do you think God

wanted the Egyptians to understand His power? Have you ever felt you were wandering in a desert when God did something that completely changed your outlook on life? What lessons did you learn? ? Read verses 5-14. How do you think the Israelites thought God would teach the Egyptians He was God (verse 4)? Why do you think the Israelites were so ready to go back to Egypt? Reread verse 14. When was the last time you were quiet and let God fight for you? What happened? How did you see God's power at work? ? Read verses 15-31. Place yourself in the midst of the Israelites. What would you feel? What would you say? Would you trust God? Why? Notice God worked in an unusual manner to keep the Israelites safe. What unusual means has God used to protect you? Reread verse 31. Consider all the events in Egypt that led to the Israelites' exodus. Why do you think it is at this point Scripture says the people feared and believed in God? How slow are you to recognize the power of God at work? How many times does it take before you believe and trust in God? Why? ? Think about the power of God at work in the lives of the children you teach. In what ways have you seen God minister to the children? What can you teach children about the power of God? How does your lifestyle say, "I serve the Almighty God"?

What do these symbols mean?

Application Activities Format:

1t Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large

group plus 20-minute Application Activities format.

Large Group Format:

1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large

group only format.

El Shaddai

Focus Passage: Exodus 14 Key Bible Verse: Exodus 9:16 Life Application

I can recognize and trust God's power in my life.

Session at a Glance

Introduction to Worship (8 minutes) Greet the Children Chart "Which Is More Powerful?"

Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes) Sing "New Doxology" Sing "Day After Day"/Receive Offering/ Pray Introduce the Session Show "Joey B." Video #1 Introduce the Bible Story Read a Bible Story Poem Review the Bible Story Make Life Application Discuss the Name El Shaddai Discuss the Key Bible Verse Share Testimony Sing "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)"

Application Activities (20 minutes) Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

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Introduction to Worship

1tGreet the Children

2tChart "Which Is More Powerful?"

Pull It Together

Scissors, glue, paper ? Print and copy "Powerful Things" (CD) (1 per


Teacher Tips

? Accept all opinions about the list order. ? Invite each group to discuss why they placed the

items in the particular order.

? Form groups of three to four children. ? Distribute "Powerful Things" and supplies. ? Guide the children to cut apart the cards. ? Explain: "Based on your group's opinion, glue

the items on your paper from least to most powerful." ? Invite the children to compare their lists. ? Allow the children to vote on which items they feel are the least and most powerful.


3 Sing "New Doxology" (DVD, 3 minutes)

4tSing "Day After Day" (DVD, 3 minutes)/

Receive Offering/Pray

5tIntroduce the Session (2 minutes)

Pull It Together

2 poster boards, marker ? Make a poster of the definition of power ("having

control, authority, or influence over things; the ability to act or do"). ? Write El Shaddai on the other poster board.

? Ask: "When you hear the word power, what do you think about? What makes something powerful? How does a person gain power?"

? Display definition. ? Select a child to read aloud the definition. ? Discuss the definition. ? Say: "Today we will learn to recognize God's

power and how we can trust His power in our lives."

6tShow "Joey B." Video #1 (DVD, 7 minutes)

? Ask: "What kinds of things scare you?" ? Say: "Let's watch what happens when Joey is

frightened." ? Show the video. ? Ask: "What did Joey learn about God?" ? Say: "Joey learned that God is more powerful

than anything. In today's Bible story, we will discover how the Israelites learned about God's power as they watched Him work."

7 Introduce the Bible Story (2 minutes)

Pull It Together

Blankets, tents, sleeping bags, camping gear ? Set up the worship area as a camping site.

? Ask: "Have you ever camped out? Do you like to camp out? If so, why?"

? Continue: "Imagine our group is moving from one campsite to another. We do not have cars or other modern ways to travel--we have to walk. When we move, we have to pack up everything and carry it with us. How would you feel?"

? Ask: "What would you do if you came to a river without a bridge? Or, what would you do if an army was chasing you?"

8tRead a Bible Story Poem (8 minutes)

Pull It Together

Napkins; pita bread, broken crackers, or matzah ? Post an allergy chart of the foods. ? Print and copy "Bible Story Poem" (CD) (1 per

reader). ? Enlist 2 adults to read aloud the poem.

Teacher Tip

Tell the story of God parting the Red Sea if you choose not to use the poem.

? Wash hands and distribute the snack item.

The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea

Based on Exodus 14

[Read aloud the "Bible Story Poem" with great feeling and emotion.]

El Shaddai

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Reader One (R1): God led Moses back to Egypt to plead "Pharaoh, let My people go!" Time after time, again and again Though Moses begged, Pharaoh said, "No!" Plague after plague, woe after woe Pharaoh had enough, and let God's people go

Reader Two (R2): From Egyptian slavery the Jews were free

Godled them in the desert toward the Red Sea God made a promise to protect and to care When life for the Israelites just did not seem fair

R1: God led the people along the way With a pillar of cloud to follow during the day He gave them a pillar of fire at night This helped to assure them everything would be alright

R2: After all they'd experienced, Pharaoh changed his mind

He thought, Who'll do all the work now? That Pharaoh--so unkind!

Pharaoh needed workers to make bricks and do as he said What had he been thinking? What was going through his

head? Pharaoh ordered an army after them, not knowing they

would all soon be dead

R1: The Egyptians chased the Israelites with chariots and horses

The Israelites saw the army coming in the distance and cried to Moses

"Why? Oh why?" "Did you bring us to the desert to let us die?"

R2: The Israelites were afraid and felt trapped between the sea and army

They escaped slavery just to end up like this? How could this be?

The sea was in front of them and Pharaoh's army behind, and they cried, "What will we do?"

Moses said, "We are not trapped. Trust and believe. God will fight for you."

R1: The Egyptians' power was no match for God The Lord told Moses to lift his staff and stretch out his arm You see, there was no need for the Israelites to be

alarmed! Though they felt like running away, this was no time to

depart! When Moses lifted his staff, God blew a mighty wind and

pushed the water apart

R2: After traveling through all of the desert sands Through parted waters, the Israelites walked onto dry land God parted the Red Sea so they would know "We can trust Him to make a way, just watch and see"

R1: The story is not over, Pharaoh should have let it be Pharaoh's army mistakenly entered the sea Godtold Moses to reach out his hand over the sea once

again Moses obeyed and the walls of water fell over the army of

Egyptian men

R2: Pharaoh's chariots and horsemen were swept away by a mighty flood

God's people were saved that day Always remember God will make a way For in the Israelites' darkest hour Goddemonstrated His great love and almighty power!

9tReview the Bible Story (4 minutes)

Pull It Together

Worship Guides, pencils ? Print "Red Sea" Teaching Picture (CD). Display.

? Call attention to the teaching picture. ? Ask: "Why did Pharaoh decide to send his army

after the Israelites? What happened when the Israelites reached the Red Sea? How was God's power demonstrated? What did the Israelites learn about God's power?" ? Distribute Worship Guides and pencils. ? Direct children to complete "Stay on the Trail."

10tMake Life Application (3 minutes)

? Ask: "Does God have power to do things in our lives? In what ways has God worked in your life?"

? Guide the children to complete "God's Power Can..." Discuss the answers.

11tDiscuss the Name El Shaddai (3 minutes)

? Display the "El Shaddai" poster (from step 5). ? Ask: "What name do you see on the top of your

Worship Guide? (El Shaddai) What does the name El Shaddai mean?" (Almighty God) ? Call attention to the El Shaddai poster. ? Select a volunteer to read aloud "El Shaddai." ? Say: "God showed some of His power by parting the Red Sea and saving the Israelites." ? Continue: "Look at the list of items you glued when you came in. Are any of these items more powerful than God? How does it make you feel to know God has more power than anything?"

12tDiscuss the Key Bible Verse (4 minutes)

? Guide the children to open their Bibles to Exodus 9:16.

? Select a volunteer to read aloud the verse. ? Discuss how people tell about God's power

around the world.

13 Share Testimony (2 minutes)

? Invite an adult to share how she recognizes and trusts God's power in her life.

14 Sing "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)"

(DVD, 3 minutes)

15tTransition to Application Activities or


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(Large Group Only Format)

16 Play "Match and Tell" (6 minutes)

Pull It Together

Giant Game Floor Mat*, scissors, construction paper, marker ? Print "Match and Tell" (CD). Cut on dotted lines. ? Insert 1 part of each word in every game pocket. ? Write the numbers 1-20 on the construction paper

(1 number per page). Place the papers in the pockets covering the "Match and Tell" word pieces. ? Display the mat.

"Match and Tell" Words

? Moses ? Red Sea ? Pillar of Cloud ? Pharaoh ? Israelites ? Chariots and Horses ? Staff ? Dry Land ? God's Power ? Exodus 9:16

? Call attention to the mat. ? Explain: "Hidden behind these numbered

pages are some words from our Bible story. The words are not complete. You must select two numbers and see if the pieces fit together to form a word. If the pieces form a word, your team gains a point. If you can tell me how the word relates to the Bible story, your team will earn an additional point." ? Guide the children to form teams. ? Select a team to choose two numbers. Reveal the pieces behind the numbers. If the pieces match, invite the team to state how the word relates to the Bible story. If they do not match, replace the paper and select another team to choose. ? Play as time permits.

17 Sing "Ancient Words" (DVD, 3 minutes)

18 Dismiss the Children to Their Parents


(Application Activities Format)

16tSing "Ancient Words" (DVD, 3 minutes)

17tShare Application Activities (5 minutes)

? Invite the children to share their Application Activity experiences. ttArts and Crafts--Beaded Bookmarks ttDramatic Play--Trust Cheer ttGames--"Move the Water" ttExploration and Discovery--Different Forms of Water Paintings

18tDismiss the Children to Their Parents

God Is ? Session 2

Worship KidStyle Children's Edition Leader Guide, Volume 1 ? 2013 LifeWay. Page 4 of 20

Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time.

Pull It Together

Thin ribbon, letter craft beads (multiples of these letters: b, e, i, l, r, o, p, s, t, u, v, w), scissors, ruler ? Cut the ribbon in

12-inch strips. ? Make a sample


Teacher Tips

? Provide multiple sets of the letters.

? Write the words Power, Trust, and Believe on separate sheets of paper to help younger children know how to spell them.

Worship Through Arts and Crafts

Beaded Bookmarks ? Ask: "What does it mean to trust? Why do you trust people? Do you trust

God? Did the Israelites trust God? How did God demonstrate His power to the Israelites?" ? Review the Bible story, key Bible verse, and life application statement. ? Invite the children to discuss how they see God's power in the world. ? Say: "We can all use reminders to trust God. Let's make bookmarks to use in our schoolbooks." ? Distribute the supplies. ? Guide the children to tie a knot about 1 inch from one end of the ribbon. ? Explain: "Decide which word to place on your bookmark. You may include Power, Trust, or Believe. Place the letters to spell your word in the correct order on the end of the ribbon without the knot. Slide the beads beside the knot. Tie another knot directly beside the beads to hold them in place." ? Assist as needed. ? Share about a time you trusted in God's power. ? Invite the children to make additional bookmarks to share with friends. ? Pray, thanking God for His power and the way He works in the lives of people.

Pull It Together

Materials to use in creating a cheer

Teacher Tip

Suggest the children use the name El Shaddai in their cheer.

Worship Through Dramatic Play

Trust Cheer ? Ask: "What does it mean to trust? Why do you trust people? Do you trust

God? Did the Israelites trust God? How did God demonstrate His power to the Israelites?" ? Review the Bible story, key Bible verse, and life application statement. ? Invite the children to discuss how they see God's power in the world. ? Say: "Let's create a cheer to help people remember to trust God's power." ? Guide the children to brainstorm ideas for their cheer. ? Write out and practice the cheer. ? Invite the children to make props as needed. ? Prepare to share the cheer in Wrap-Up. ? Share about a time you trusted in God's power. ? Pray, thanking God for His power and the way He works in the lives of people.

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