I strongly believe phrases

I strongly believe

Personal statements of belief: ? There is no doubt in my mind... ? There is no doubt for me... ? I fundamentally believe... ? It is clear to me.. ? It is beyond doubt... ? It is beyond all doubt... ? There can be no doubt... ? I believe without a shadow of a doubt... ? There is not a single doubt in my mind that... ? There is no question... ? There can be no question... ? There is no question in my mind... ? I believe, without hesitation or doubt, that.. ? I firmly believe... ? It's my strong belief that... ? It's my very firm belief that... ? It's long been my belief that... ? It's always been my view that... ? It's my conviction that... Impersonal statements of belief: ? It's undeniable... ? It is simply common sense that... ? The truth is... ? The truth of the matter is... ? The fact of the matter is... ? The facts are plain...

? Tomorrow's Class 2014


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