2019 List of Covered Drugs/Formulary

2019 List of Covered Drugs/Formulary

Aetna Better HealthSM Premier Plan

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) is a health plan that contracts with Medicare and Michigan Medicaid to provide

benefits of both programs to enrollees. For more recent information or other questions, please contact Aetna Better Health Premier Plan at 18556765772 (TTY: 711),

24hoursaday,7daysa week.


H8026_19_004_DRUG LST FINAL ACCEPTED Updated 08/2018

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan | 2019 List of Covered Drugs (Formulary)


This document is called the List of Covered Drugs(alsoknownastheDrugList).Ittellsyouwhich prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs and items are covered by Aetna Better Health Premier Plan. The Drug List also tells you if there are any special rules or restrictions on any drugs covered by AetnaBetterHealthPremierPlan.Keytermsandtheirdefinitionsappearinthelastchapterofthe Member Handbook.

Table of Contents

A. Disclaimers ......................................................................................................................................................III


B1. What prescription drugs are on the List of Covered Drugs? (We call the List of Covered Drugs the "Drug List" for short.).............................................................IV

B2. Does the Drug List ever change?.........................................................................................................IV

B3. What happens when there is change to the Drug List?.....................................................................V

B4. Are there any restrictions or limits on drug coverage? Or are there any required actionstotaketogetcertaindrugs?...................................................................................................VI

B5. Howwillyouknowifthedrugyouwanthaslimitationsoriftherearerequired actionstotaketogetthedrug?...........................................................................................................VI

B6. What happens if we change our rules about some drugs (for example, prior authorization (approval), quantity limits, and/or step therapy restrictions)?................................VI

B7. HowcanyoufindadrugontheDrugList?...................................................................................... VII

B8. WhatifthedrugyouwanttotakeisnotontheDrugList? ........................................................... VII

B9. WhatifyouareanewAetnaBetterHealthPremierPlanmemberandcan'tfind your drug on the Drug List or have a problem getting your drug?............................................... VII

B10.Canyouaskforanexceptiontocoveryourdrug? ........................................................................ VIII

B11.Howcanyouaskforanexception? ....................................................................................................IX

If you have questions, please call Aetna Better Health Premier Plan at 1-855-676-5772

(TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call is free. For more information, visit



B12.Howlongdoesittaketogetanexception? .......................................................................................IX B13. What are generic drugs?.......................................................................................................................IX B14. What are OTC drugs? ............................................................................................................................IX B15. Does Aetna Better Health Premier Plan cover OTC non-drug products? ......................................IX B16. What is your copay? ...............................................................................................................................X B17. What are drug tiers? ..............................................................................................................................X C. List of Covered Drugs.....................................................................................................................................XI D. List of Drugs by Medical Condition ...............................................................................................................1 E. Index of Covered Drugs ..............................................................................................................................136

If you have questions, please call Aetna Better Health Premier Plan at 1-855-676-5772

(TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call is free. For more information, visit



A. Disclaimers

This is a list of drugs that members can get in Aetna Better Health Premier Plan.

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and Michigan Medicaidtoprovidebenefitsofbothprogramstoenrollees.

ATTENTION:IfyouspeakSpanishorArabic,languageassistanceservices,freeofcharge,are available to you. Call 18556765772 (TTY: 711),24hoursaday,7daysaweek.Thecallisfree.

Si habla espa?ol o ?rabe, tiene a su disposici?n servicios de idiomas gratuitos. Llame al 18556765772 (TTY: 711), las 24 horas del d?a, los 7 d?as de la semana. Esta llamada es gratuita.

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You can also get this document for free in other formats, such as large print, braille, or audio. Call 18556765772 (TTY: 711),24hoursaday,7daysaweek.Thecallisfree.

IfyouwishtomakeastandingrequesttoreceivematerialsinalanguageotherthanEnglishorin an alternate format, you can call Member Services at 18556765772 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have questions, please call Aetna Better Health Premier Plan at 1-855-676-5772

(TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call is free. For more information, visit



B. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers here to questions you have about this List of Covered Drugs.YoucanreadalloftheFAQ tolearnmore,orlookforaquestionandanswer.

B1. What prescription drugs are on the List of Covered Drugs? (We call the List of Covered Drugs the "Drug List" for short.)

The drugs on the List of Covered Drugs that starts on page 1 are the drugs covered by Aetna Better HealthPremierPlan.Thesedrugsareavailableatpharmacieswithinournetwork.Apharmacyisin ournetworkifwehaveanagreementwiththemtoworkwithusandprovideyouservices.Wereferto thesepharmaciesas"networkpharmacies."

? Aetna Better Health Premier Plan will cover all medically necessary drugs on the Drug List if:

? your doctor or other prescriber says you need them to get better or stay healthy, and ? youfilltheprescriptionataAetnaBetterHealthPremierPlannetworkpharmacy.

? Aetna Better Health Premier Plan may have additional steps to access certain drugs (see

question B4 below).

You can also see an up-to-date list of drugs that we cover on our website at michigan or call Member Services toll-free at 18556765772 (TTY: 711), 24hoursaday,7daysaweek.

B2. Does the Drug List ever change?

Yes. Aetna Better Health Premier Plan may add or remove drugs on the Drug List during the year.

We may also change our rules about drugs. For example, we could:

? Decide to require or not require prior approval for a drug. (Prior approval is permission from

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan before you can get a drug.)

? Add or change the amount of a drug you can get (called "quantity limits"). ? Add or change step therapy restrictions on a drug. (Step therapy means you must try one drug

before we will cover another drug.)

For more information on these drug rules, see question B4.

Ifyouaretakingadrugthatwascoveredatthebeginning of the year, we will generally not remove or change coverage of that drug during the rest of the year unless:

? anew,cheaperdrugcomesalongthatworksaswellasadrugontheDrugListnow,or ? we learn that a drug is not safe, or ? adrugisremovedfromthemarket.

If you have questions, please call Aetna Better Health Premier Plan at 1-855-676-5772

(TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The call is free. For more information, visit




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