John Q Questions - EGHS Guth


WOC 2013


John Q: Movie Questions

An ethical dilemma is a situation that involves a conflict between two moral choices. An example would be wanting to feed your starving family, but in order to do so you need to steal some food. Should your family starve, or should you steal some bread?

The ethical questions arising from John Q are pertinent. John Q is a story about being pushed to the brink with no options left. It's a story about how far a person will go for the people they love the most. This movie deals with both moral and legal decisions. How far will one man go to protect his family?

Questions 1. What is the ethical dilemma that John Q faces in this movie?

2. Do you believe that it is ethical for hospitals to turn patients away if they don't have proper medical insurance to cover the required procedure? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that all citizens should have the right to health care when they cannot afford health insurance? Should the government provide health care? Why or why not?

4. Are the Archibalds suffering as innocent citizens under the health care system in the movie? Does that justify John's actions?

5. How are the rights of the hostages being neglected in the movie? Should their rights be taken away for the sake of the boy?


WOC 2013

6. What is the ethical dilemma that the cardiac surgeon faces at the end of the movie?

7. What is legal/moral dilemma that the two law enforcement agents face while dealing with John Q?

8. Is John Q. Archibald (Denzel Washington) a good person ? an ethical person? Explain. What is it that sets him apart from others?

9. From the hospital administrator's perspective, what are the issues at stake in the decision to not put Mikey on the transplant list? Which type(s) of conflict(s) is(are) present? Explain.

10. We've all heard, "Rules are made to be broken." Just what does this statement mean? Can you give an example from the movie John Q? Does your example relate to legal or ethical issues? Explain.


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