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BEFORE filling in the blanks, please prayerfully study the 71 paragraphs and the scriptures cited with the questions. We suggest that you number the paragraphs in your book. Return your answers to us. PLEASE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. Our Canadian and International friends may make special arrangements for the postage. Your answers will be checked and returned to you for your future studies. STUDY 7 will be sent when you have completed this lesson.
1. Jesus taught his disciples that he would _C_O__M__E___ again. (John 14:3) Jesus has been with his disciples throughout the Gospel age by his _S_P_I_R__IT_____ and his _W__O__R_D____. (Matthew 28:20) When our Lord said, "I will come again.", he refered to a second ___P_E_R__S_O__N_A__L______ presence.
2. The book of Revelation was written __6_0___ years after Pentecost, and ___2_6____ years after the destruction of ____J_E_R__U_S__A_L_E__M____. Did our Lord, through John, indicate that his second presence was future from that time? _____Y__E_S_ (Rev. 22:12, 20)
3. Are all sinners converted before the second coming of our Lord? __N__O____ Only a "__L_I_T_T_L__E__ _F_L__O_C__K______" is now being selected. (Luke 12:32)
4. _P_E__R_I_L_O__U_S______ times are prevalent in the last days of the second dispensation. (2 Timothy 3:1-4) Are evil men at the present waxing worse and worse? __Y_E__S__ Our Lord's special warning to the little flock was to take _H_E__E_D_. (Luke 21:34, 35) Do all kindreds of the earth wail at the beginning of our Lord's second presence? __Y_E_S___ (Rev. 1:7)
5. Some set the time of our Lord's coming a long way off because they think it is the mission of the Church to ___C_O__N_V__E_R__T____ the world first. Is it God's plan for the church to convert the world before the second coming of our Lord? _____N_O__
6. The purpose of Christ's reign is to C_O__N_V_E_R_T_ the world. (1Corinthians 15:25) The reward of the overcoming church is to share in this _____R_E_I_G__N____. (2 Tim. 2:12; Revelation 3:21; 20:4) The world of mankind will be blessed by the ___C__H_R__IS__T____ (Head and body). (Genesis 22:18; Revelation 22:17)
7. Does witnessing to the world imply converting them? (Matthew 24:14) __N__O____ The report of Bible Societies in 1861 was that the __B__IB__L_E___ had been printed in every [major] ____L_A_N__G_U__A_G__E____ of the earth. Have all the people of the world accepted the Gospel? _______N_O__
8. The main object of the __G__O_S_P_E__L____ age is to take out a people for Christ's name. (Acts 15:14) This bride is united with our Lord at his S_E__C_O_N__D_ advent.
9. The throne of God refers to his supreme _A__U_T_H__O_R__I_T_Y_ and __R_U__L_E_R__S_H__IP_. The heavenly Father highly exalted ___J_E_S_U__S_____ and gave him a name above every name (the Father excepted). (Philippians 2:9) Does right hand in Psalm 110:1 refer to power, rulership, and authority and not to a fixed locality? __Y__E_S__ Does our Lord come to subdue all things unto himself? __Y_E__S_ (Phil. 3:21) __J_O__S_E_P_H______ was at the right hand of Pharaoh in the kingdom of Egypt. Our Lord will remain on the right hand of power during the Millennial age and ___F_O__R_E__V_E_R__. (Matt. 26:64)
10. The specific work of the first advent of Jesus was to ____R__E_D__E_E_M______ man. (1 Timothy 2:5,6) The work of the second advent is to ___R_E_S__T_O_R__E_ and ___B__L_E_S_S_____ mankind. (Acts 3:19-21) To be accounted worthy of becoming the bride of Christ, the consecrated must ________O_V__E_R__C_O__M__E______ the influences of this present evil world. (Rom. 8:37) All the families of the earth will begin to be _B_L__E_S_S_E__D_____ shortly after the full union of the bride to the _B_R__I_D_E_G__R_O__O_M___. (Rev. 19:7; 22:17)
11. The restoring of mankind did not begin immediately after the ransom price was provided because God provided for the selection of the _C_H__U_R__C_H__. The us class in Hebrews 11:40 are the fully consecrated of the _____G__O_S__P_E_L_____ age.
12. The purpose of the period between the first and second advents is for the selection and ___T_R_I_A__L_ of the church. If God had not purposed the selection of the church, the one advent of Christ would have taken place at the time of the _S_E__C_O__N_D___ advent. God designed to permit evil for ____60_0_0___ years. The ___R_E_S_T__IT__U_T_I_O__N_____ of all things will be fully accomplished by the close of the seventh thousand year period of time from the fall of Adam.
13. Has enough time been set aside for the selection of the church? Y__E_S__ Will individual blessings come to mankind after the church is complete? _Y_E__S____
14. The heaven retained our Lord until the times of __R_E__S_T_I_T_U_T__IO__N_____ of all things. (Acts 3:19-21) Are the nations angry at the time of our Lord's second coming? __Y__E_S___ (Revelation 11:18; Daniel 12:1) The mission of the church during the Gospel age is to ____P_R__E_P_A_R__E_____ herself and _P_R__E_A_C__H__ the Gospel for a witness. Was it God's time to convert the world during the Gospel age? _N_O_______
15. Up to the present only a ____F_E_W____ have intelligently heard of the only name whereby one must be saved. Only a ___F_E_W___ understand the doctrine of restitution for the world. The ___C__H_R_I_S_T_____ (Head and body members) is the promised seed. (Genesis 22:17; Galatians 3:16, 29)
16. The _W__O__R_D__ of the LORD will not return unto him void. (Isaiah 55:11) During the reign of _C_H__R_I_S_T____ the knowledge of the LORD will fill the earth. (Isaiah 11:9)
17. An election has been in progress during the _G__O_S_P_E__L_____ age as well as past ages. Free grace belongs to the _M__IL__L_E_N__N_I_A_L__/M__E_S_S_I_A__N_I_C__ age.
18. Is the church selected according to fitness and adaptability? ___Y_E_S______ The church is selected during the ________G__O_S_P__E_L______ age.
19. Since the fall of man into sin, have certain of God's favors been restricted to special individuals, nations, and classes? __Y_E__S___ The rest of mankind will be invited drink at life's fountain freely during the ____M_I_L_L__E_N_N__I_A_L______ age. (Rev. 22:17)
20. Abraham's spiritual seed is the _C_H__R_I_S_T___.
(Galatians 3:16, 29) The nation God used typically to illustrate his great work for the world was _I_S_R_A__E_L__. (Amos 3:2) At the first advent, our Lord was sent to the "__L_O__S_T____ _S_H__E_E__P_" of the house of ____I_S_R_A__E_L____. (Matthew 10:5,6)
21. Jesus tasted death for ____E_V_E__R_Y_____ _M__A_N____. (Hebrews 2:9)
22. Are some parts of the world more favored with the Gospel than others? _Y__E_S____ It is a privilege to be enlightened with the _G__O_S_P_E__L____. The plan of God for the world's salvation begins after the _C_H__U_R__C_H______ is complete.
23. The promised seed will bruise the serpent's head when the _C__H_U_R__C_H___ is complete. (Romans 16:20; Genesis 3:15) Those who are __R_E__A_D_Y____ go into the marriage at which time the second Adam and the second Eve become one. (Revelation 19:7) During the earthly phase of the kingdom (the mediatorial reign), the Spirit and the bride will say, _C_O__M__E_____. (Revelation 22:17)
24. The groaning _C_R__E_A_T_I_O__N_____ is waiting for the manifestation of the ___S_O__N_S____ of God. (Romans 8:19, 22) The living as well as those who have died will be blessed after the church is complete because _J_E_S_U__S_____ died for ___A__L_L_____. (Isaiah 35:10)
25. Will all who have died be awakened from the sleep of death? ___Y_E_S__ (1 Corinthians 15:21) The dead will be awakened from death since Jesus gave himself a ______R_A_N__S_O_M____ for ____A_L_L__. (1 Timothy 2:3-6) In the fullest sense, the prisoners of hope are those who have _D__IE__D____ as well as those who are ______C_O__N_D_E__M_N__E_D_________ to death. (Isaiah 49:9)
26. Have only a few been saints of God? __Y__E_S__ Have billions died in unbelief? ___Y_E_S___
27. The wages of sin is _D_E__A_T_H___--not torment. (Romans 6:23) All who have died in unbelief will be awakened and then come to an accurate knowledge of the __T_R_U__T_H__ . (1 Timothy2:3-6; Isaiah 11:9)
28. Do thinking Christians wish to learn the truth? _Y_E__S____ Are the teachings of Atheism, Calvinism, and Arminianism contrary to the teachings of the Bible? __Y_E_S___
29. Do the scriptures support the view of Arminianism? __N__O__ The scriptures teach that one must exercise __F_A__IT__H_____ in order to be saved. (Ephesians 2:8) Upon whom must one call in order to be saved? (Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:13) ____J_E__S_U_S___
30. Must one hear the gospel before he can believe? ______Y_E_S___ (Romans 10:14)
31. Will ignorance save men? ____N_O___ By the Law is the knowledge of _____S_I_N__. (Romans 3:20) The written law condemned the ______JE__W__S__. The light of conscience stops the ______G__E_N_T__IL__E_S__ from claiming any right to life.
32. One is guilty of __A__L_L__ if he keeps the whole law with the exception of one point. (James 2:10) Is there anyone righteous other than those who have the imputed righteousness of Christ? __N__O__ (Rom. 3:10) Can one secure eternal life by meritorious works? _N_O________
33. Many Christians are unwilling to accept the false teaching which states that infants and _H__E_A_T__H_E_N_______ go to a place of eternal torment when they die. God will not save the heathen through ______IG__N_O__R_A_N__C_E_______.
34. If ignorance saves one, should missionaries go to teach the heathen about Christ? _______N_O____ If ignorance saves one, should Jesus have died, and should his followers suffer and die with Christ? _N_O________ Is the Calvinistic doctrine even more absurd and unreasonable? ___Y__E_S__
35. Is the Bible full of the missionary spirit? _Y_E__S_______ All who do not believe at the present time will have an opportunity in due time to come to a full knowledge of the ___L_O_R__D____. One may come to God by ____F_A_I_T_H_______ in the precious blood of ___C_H_R__I_S_T___. (1 Peter 1:19) The word gospel means __G__O_O__D___ __T_I_D_I_N__G_S______.
36. Should we look at these questions just as God tells us of them? __Y__E_S___
37. The reward is given to the church during the early part of the second presence of ___C__H_R__I_S_T____. (Matthew 16:27) The unjust are punished during the day of __J_U_D__G_M__E__N_T__. (2 Peter 2:9)
38. Will God let anyone be lost from lack of having had the knowledge necessary to salvation? _N_O_________ God _L__O_V_E__D_ the world so much that he gave his dear Son to die for __M__A_N_K__I_N_D____. (John 3:16; 1 John 4:8)
39. Has every man been enlightened? __N__O___ (John 1:9)
40. For whom did Jesus taste death? __E_V_E__R_Y__ _M__A_N____ (Hebrews 2:9) The good tidings of great joy are for how many? (Luke 2:10) _____A__L_L__ _P_E__O_P_L_E________
41. The man Jesus gave himself a ransom for _A_L__L___. (1 Timothy 2:5,6) Will all in due time come to a knowledge of the truth? ____Y__E_S___
42. Does God have a due time for everything? _Y_E__S_ The due time for the church to believe is in the _G__O_S_P_E__L___________ age. An appreciation of the _R_A__N_S_O__M_________ brings responsibility.
43. Does death end all probation for the ignorant masses of the world? ___N_O____ When a man dies, does any change take place until he is awakened out of it?___N_O____ (Ecclesiastes 11:3) There is no work, device, knowledge or wisdom in the _G_R__A_V_E____. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) The order of the resurrection is Christ the ____F_I_R_S__T_F_R_U__I_T_S_____ and afterwards those who are Christ's at his presence. (1 Cor. 15:23)
44. Death came by the first_____A_D__A_M______. (1 Corinthians 15:22) The second Adam is the Lord from __H__E_A_V__E_N___________. (1 Corinthians 15:47) Will experience with evil be advantageous to man? _Y_E__S_____ Perfect __O__B_E_D__IE__N_C_E_______ will be required of those who wish to live everlastingly.
45. God will not save anyone to the uttermost unless he comes to him through ______C_H__R_I_S_T____. (1 Timothy 4:10; Acts 4:12) Will any be given life against their wills? ___N__O__ (Deuteronomy 30:19)
46. Will all people be enlightened in due time? _Y_E__S__ (Luke 2:25-32; 2:10, 11) One who remains an unbeliever will not gain ___L__IF_E____. (John 3:36)
47. Will those in the tombs be released? _Y_E__S__ (John 5:28, 29) Will hearty compliance with the laws of Christ's kingdom be necessary if one wishes to receive life? __Y__E_S____ Those who draw back or _S_I_N________ willfully after gaining full knowledge will die the _______S__E_C_O__N_D__________ death. (Hebrews 10:38,39; Revelation 21:8; Acts 3:23)
48. Does the statement to be testified in due time explain difficult texts? ___Y__E_S____ All were condemned to death because of whose transgression? _A_D__A_M__'_S____ (Romans 5:18, 19) All may gain life by accepting whom? __J_E_S_U__S__C_H__R_I_S_T__
49. All God's holy __P__R_O__P_H_E__T_S____ spoke of restitution. Is the restoration of the Jews to their own land promised? (Ezekiel 37:11-14) __Y__E_S____
50. Israel will be blind in part until the fulness of the _______G__E_N__T_I_L_E__S__________ be come in. (Romans 11:25, 26) ___IS_R__A_E__L____ is back in her land to stay. (Amos 9:14, 15; Jeremiah 24:5-7)
51. In those days (the mediatorial reign) one will die for his own _______IN__I_Q_U__IT__Y______________. (Jeremiah 31:29, 30) People now die due to Adam's __D_I_S_O__B_E_D__I_E_N_C__E_____.
52. Was Israel a typical people? _____Y__E_S__ The atonements made for Israel typified the better _S_A__C_R_I_F_I_C__E_S_______.
53. The Sodomites were very __W__I_C_K_E__D___. (Genesis 19:24) The ______J_E_W__S____ had more knowledge than the Sodomites. (Matthew 11:23) It will be more tolerable for the _S_O_D__O_M__I_T_E__S_ than for the Jews in the day of judgment. (Matthew 11:24) Was the city of Capernaum brought down to hell (oblivion)? ___Y__E_S_____
54. Will the day of judgment be a tolerable time for the people of Capernaum? ___Y__E_S____ Had the people of Capernaum sinned against more light than the Sodomites? ___Y__E_S___
55. The New Covenant will be sealed with the precious __B_L__O_O__D__ of __C__H__R_I_S_T_. (Heb. 9:22, 23) Israel and the whole _W__O_R__L_D____ will be blessed under the New Covenant. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
56. The Israelites, the Sodomites, and the Samaritans will __R_E__T_U_R__N___ to their former estate. (Ezekiel 16:48-63) In due __T_I_M__E__ they will be awakened from death and come to a knowledge of the _T_R__U_T__H___. During the Millennial reign they will be on trial for _______E_V__E_R__L_A_S_T__I_N_G_____ life.
57. Will the Amalekites have an opportunity in due time to gain life? ___Y__E_S__ Does every member of the human race have a place in God's plan? __Y__E_S__
58. Evildoers who do not repent during the Millennial reign will be utterly __D_E__S_T_R__O_Y_E__D__-- not tormented. (Acts 3:23) Were the Amalekites, Sodomites, and others already condemned to death before they were destroyed? ___Y__E_S____
59. The captivity referred to in Ezekiel 16:48-54 is their captivity in __D__E_A__T_H___. The Christ will set at __L_I_B_E_R__T_Y______ the captives. (Isaiah 61:1; Zechariah 9:11)
60. Do some find it difficult to accept these wonderful promises? __Y__E_S__ The promises pertaining to restitution are __T_R__U_E__. (Acts 3:19-21) The New Covenant will be inaugurated with ___IS__R_A_E__L____.
(Jeremiah 31:31-34) One can depend upon the promises of the heavenly Father because God is _T_R__U_E____. The precious blood of __C__H_R__IS_T_____ will seal the New Covenant.
61. Israel will be recovered from _B_L__I_N_D__N_E_S_S__. (Rom. 11:26-29) God does not change his _M__I_N_D__.
62. The ___J_E_W__S____, __S_O__D_O__M_I_T_E__S_____, Samaritans and all ___M__A_N__K__IN__D________ will be ashamed when God shows forth the riches of his favor. God was willing to give his dear Son in order that the willing and __O_B__E_D_I_E_N__T________ might gain life.
63. God has given exceeding great and precious promises to the church to enable the consecrated to become partakers of the ____D__I_V_I_N_E_____ nature. (2 Peter 1:4) The provision made for the world is perfect human ______L__IF_E______. Many in Israel were blinded by ____P_R__E_J_U__D_I_C_E_________ and _H_U_M__A__N_ tradition. Those of the church who see the dawning of the Millennial age should __T_A__K_E___ _H__E_E_D_____. (Luke 21:34)
64. The few now being selected will bless the _M__A_N__Y______ in due time.
65. The views of ____C_A__L_V_I_N_I_S_M______ and Arminianism are wrong.
66. Justice and ___L_O__V_E___ are the two essential qualities of greatness lacking in the view of Calvinism. The teaching of eternal torment is wrong because God is __L_O__V_E___. Justice is the _F_O__U_N_D__A_T_I_O__N____ of God's throne.
67. The view of Arminianism is out of harmony with the plan of ____G_O__D___.
68. Does God lack ability and foreknowledge to accomplish his benevolent designs? ____N__O____
69. Has Satan in any measure thwarted God's plans? ___N__O__ The almighty G__O_D__/C_R__E_A_T__O_R_ is in complete control of every situation.
70. The doctrines of election and free grace, taught in the Bible, are harmonious and __B__E_A_U__T_I_F_U__L__.
71. Evil, injustice, and death will be brought to an end during the second presence of __C__H_R__IS_T___. (1 Cor. 15:25, 26) Those who ____S_U__F_F_E_R_____ with Christ will live and reign with him for the purpose of blessing all mankind. (2 Timothy 2:12)
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