P a g e | Joshua 1 Paulina Shepherd

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Joshua 1

Paulina Shepherd

This evening we are going to start our study of Joshua.

From Exodus chapter 3 to the end of Deuteronomy we have been studying the ministry of the man Moses.

He was God's chosen servant to lead the nation of Israel out of their bondage, and establish them as a nation.

Moses was an amazing man to follow through scripture, the first five books were most likely written from his hand.

Moses revealed himself in a true and honest light.

We read his story, and his many weaknesses and failures, and the reader is never really brought to the place of honoring Moses to greatly.

Because as with every hero of our faith, Moses died, he was buried, and the story of man's redemption continues on.

God's story is the main theme throughout the Bible.

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And we are never able to get to attached to man in God's narrative.

We are all just tools in His mighty work.

God buries His workers, but His work goes on." Wiersbe

And as God's story continues in our journey through the Old Testament, we will come to the next leader that God will use.

Joshua, who according to 1 Chronicles 7:27, was the first born male to Nun.

Joshua and Caleb are all that is left of those over 20 who left Egypt and witnessed the spectacular power of God.

Now, because Joshua was the firstborn, this means on that first Passover in Egypt, his life was in danger from the death angel.

But Joshua's family's faith, and their act of applying the blood of the lamb and their door posts would have meant salvation for young Joshua.

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We saw in the writings of Moses, that Joshua's parents named him Hoshea at first, which means `salvation.' Numbers 13:8

But over time Moses changed his name to Joshua, which means `Jehovah is salvation.'

Joshua is the Hebrew for the Greek Jesus.

This mighty leader would share the name of the Messiah, and will serve as a picture of Jesus the Christ.

Remember Moses, represents the Law, and the Law came up short to provide salvation, the law was a revealer of sin, but not a remover of sin.

Jesus' work on the cross is what brings salvation, and Joshua will take the nation of Israel into the Promise Land, which serves as a picture of successful Christian living.

Some, and especially in the old hymns make crossing the Jordan a picture of heaven, but that is not accurate, because immediately after they cross that river, they will go to war, and that war is a picture of

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the war we are in daily with principalities and our unseen enemy while walking with Jesus in this life.

Now, this man Joshua has been prepared by God for this epic conquest through the Promise Land.

We saw early on in Israel's history, just about two weeks after the Israelite's Exodus, Joshua led in the battle against the Amalekites and prevailed, as Aaron and Hur assisted Moses in interceding from the mountain top.

Moses was a prophet and a lawgiver, but Joshua emerged as a general and showed that he had great military skills.

After that battle, it surely seems like it was a testing ground to test young Joshua, and prepare him for his destiny.

God used it as a stone of remembrance for him to remember.

After that battle it reads in...

Ex 17:14 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of

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Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven."

Joshua was also a man of great courage, and remember it was only he and Caleb, out of the twelve spies who were willing to go face the enemy, in spite of the giants and mighty armies in the land.

We also saw of this chosen leader, that he was a servant, he was referred to as Moses' assistant or servant.

Joshua had insight that no other Hebrew was privileged to have, he even accompanied Moses on Mount Sanai, while the people rebelled below around the golden calf.

And all throughout the wilderness journey God was preparing Joshua for the ministry and to be Moses' successor.

After the 40 years of wondering, Joshua was confirmed once again in his victories over Og and King Sihon just on the East Side of the Jordan.


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