People call Him 'God' because they do not know His ... - Yahshua Ministries

Where did the Trinity Doctrine come from?

Several hundred years after the Apostle Paul lived, the Catholic institution came up with the `Nicene' and `Athanasian Creeds' which forced believers to accept the unscriptural `Trinity Doctrine' or face condemnation, excommunication and worse. These Catholic Creeds condemned all non-Trinitarian people! Because of these `creeds,' multitudes of people were tortured and put to death! And for what reason? Because they held on to their belief that, "Yahweh is One" ...not three. This fact alone should have `sounded the alarm' in the Christian world concerning this false doctrine!

What about the Protestant Church?

"At the time of the Reformation, the Protestant Church took over the doctrine of the Trinity, without serious examination."

New International Encyclopedia; 1916 Ed.; Vol. 23; p 47, 477)

Trinitarians teach people to worship and pray to `three persons'

Here is an exact quote from a `Trinitarian' website:

"So our one God is present in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the doctrine of the Trinity. It is appropriate to worship all three, and we should be careful to ensure that our worship of one person of the Trinity does not overshadow our worship of any other person of the Trinity."

The Catholic Pope Francis, told people on January 11, 2015...

"We usually pray to Jesus," Francis said. "When we pray the `Our Father,' we pray to the Father. But we don't pray so much to the Holy Spirit. It is so important to pray to the Holy Spirit," he said.

Catholics, as well as many Protestants, are teaching their followers they should worship and pray to three separate entities! This is totally unscriptural and is in fact, paganistic.


YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA What do these names mean?

YAH - is the Almighty Father's name. (Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Revelation 19:1-6 Hallelu-YAH)

YAH-weh - is the Almighty Father's name with a `descriptor' added. The descriptor 'weh' means, `The Self-Existent one' (I AM). YAH-weh means, `YAH - The Self-Existent one'.

YAH-shua - In the New Testament,YAH now combines His name with His highest descriptor `shua', which means `is salvation'. YAH-shua means, `YAH is Salvation'. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

Why using His name `YAH-shua' and not the term `God' is important.

When we Believers, lift up and proclaim the name Yahshua, we are proclaiming allot! Not only in the eyes of our Savior, but to all the world around us! We are specifically, and correctly, identifying the one true Almighty of scripture.

When a person uses the name Yahshua, (YAH is salvation) they are proclaiming what that name means, that YAH, the Almighty Father, is our Savior who was manifested in flesh to die for our sins.

Sadly, when people use the generic term `god', they are completely eliminating YAH's name and the glory due Him as being our Savior. Furthermore, they are using the same generic term used by false religions around the world when speaking of their deities.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Believer's would start calling the Him by His Name and not the generic term `God'?

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People call Him `God' because they do not

know His name

Question: Why do Christians, even Pastors, use the word `God' all the time, instead of using the Almighty's actual name?

Answer: While the word 'God' is used throughout the Bible, it was never intended to replace the Almighty's name. (As you will soon read, the very word `God' is a mistranslation and should not have been used). Sadly, most Christians do not know His name and therefore use the generic term`God' instead. There are two main reasons for this:

1. The Almighty's original Hebrew name has been nearly `transliterated' out of existence.

2. With the advent of the `Trinity Doctrine', people became understandably confused, asking the question, `If the Almighty is `three persons' in one being, what is HIS singular name?'

If we could go back in time...

If we could go back in time and ask the disciples, "Would you take us to see Jesus?" They would have gotten a puzzled look on their face and said, "Who?" You see, the disciples never knew the Messiah by that name. They would have said, "Please come, we want you to meet Yahshua, the Messiah!" The name Yahshua, is pronounced like "Joshua" with a "Y." The emphasis remains with the Almighty's name `Yah', in the first syllable.

The History of the name `Jesus'

For nearly fifteen hundred years after our Savior walked the earth, the world had never heard the name `Jesus'.

The name `Jesus' first appeared in the King James Version revision of 1769, 243 years ago as an anglicized transcription of the Latin name `Iesus' (KJV of 1611) which is a translation of the Greek name `Ieousus.'

By 1769, our Saviors true `Heaven sent', Hebrew name Yahshua, had been *transliterated three times, in three different languages!


The first, from Hebrew to Greek. The second, from Greek to Latin. The third, from Latin to English. *transliterate means: To write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language.

The words `God' and `LORD'

You may be amazed to learn that the words `God' and `LORD' are not Scriptural words at all.

The King James translators erred in translating the Old Testament Hebrew word `Elohim', and the New Testament Greek word `Theos'. Both of these words mean, `Mighty One' in English, however, the translators incorrectly used the unscriptural and paganistic word `God' instead.

Look at the meaning of the word `God' according to these three sources: The Encyclopedia Britannica; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics and The Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged:

`GOD' is the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship, applied to all the superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies, and various kinds of idols.

The King James translators made another translation error regarding the name of the Almighty. They changed the name "Yahweh", to the Anglo-Saxon word, `LORD'. According to `New Unger's Bible Dictionary', the word `LORD' that we see in the Old Testament, should have been translated as Yahweh. Unger's states regarding this translation error:

"Yahweh... This is used as a proper name of the Almighty and should have been retained in that form by the translators." Translators have mistranslated the name of the Almighty by calling Him, "LORD," instead of "Yahweh".

Why were these words mistranslated?

When the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) was translated in A.D. 1611, the translators used the words common to European people. Instead of translating these words properly by using the Hebrew or Greek meaning, the translators replaced the true meaning of the Scriptural words, with words already common to their London English vernacular.


What is the Almighty's Name?

King David tells us plainly in Psalm 68:4 that the Almighty's name is YAH. David writes:

"Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, and rejoice before Him."

The Almighty's name is YAH in the Old Testament but, does the Almighty, as Savior, still have the name YAH in the New Testament? YES! In the Old Testament, when you see YHWH (YAH-weh) or LORD; it is proclaiming the Almighty's name YAH, which is followed by a `descriptor'. The descriptor is the word `weh', which means, "The SelfExistent one" (I AM). So, the name YAH-weh means: `YAH - The Self-Existent one'.

YAH, waited to give us His highest name until He came to us Himself in the New Testament! YAH, now combines His name with His highest `descriptor'. This descriptor is the Hebrew word `SHUA', which means "is salvation". When you combine the Almighty's name YAH, with the word SHUA, (YAH-shua) it means, "YAH is salvation"!

The Almighty Father proclaims His highest name to us as Savior! This is why `Yahshua' is the name which is above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

The Trinity Doctrine and it's harmful effects

Contrary to scripture, the `Trinity Doctrine' teaches that the Almighty is not ONE person, but that He is one being comprised `three persons'. People naturally find it difficult, if not impossible to relate to a `three person' being. Honestly, who can understand or relate to one being with `three persons' in it? No one!

When the `Trinity Doctrine' came... confusion came. People were confused about which person they should pray to; and what was His singular name since He was comprised of `three' persons?

Because Trinitarians have been wrongly taught that the Almighty is `three persons' in one being, they are in a *conundrum concerning the Almighty's name. Understandably they are perplexed asking, "What is His singular name if He is `three' persons"? For example, if all three of these `persons' were gathered together, (as they are often portrayed in Trinitarian paintings) what would His singular name be?

Because of this confusion, His name `YAH-shua' is seldom, if ever used and has been replaced by the generic term `God'.

"To remove the name is to extinguish the person" "In the Scriptures there is the closest possible relationship between a person and his name, the two being practically equivalent, so that to remove the name is to extinguish the person." Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary

p. 571 (1964)

Regrettably, most Trinitarian pastors, teachers, authors and believers have simply resorted to using the term `God' in place of His Name.




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