Bible Timeline Online: bible timeline 1250 AD – 1500 AD

1250AD ? 1300AD

Bible World History Timeline 1250 AD ? 1500 AD

1300AD ? 1400AD

1400AD ? 1500AD

to 1275

to 1300

to 1325

to 1350 to 1375

to 1400

to 1425

400 BC ? 1500 AD: Zapotecs (Monte Alban, Mixtla)

Chimu people Incas expand to

expand in Peru the central Andes



Acampitchitli chosen King of Aztecs 1370

Maya revival

following collapse

of Chichen Itza Aztec city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) on Peublo people gathers in large


an island of Lake Texcoco 1325

towns 1400

Mayan Civilization 300-1300

Viracocha becomes eighth Inca

to 1450 to 1475

to 1500

Aztec Empire 1400-1519

Inca Empire 1438-1538 Inca emperor Viracocha dies 1438

Reign of Aztec emperor Montezuma I

conquer Eastern Mexico 1440-1460

Inca city Machu Picchu built Peru 1450

Collapse of Chimu culture in Northern

Peru 1470's

Amerigo Vespucci South America 1499

Rule of Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl 1486-1502

Materialism and Pantheism becomes

John Wycliff 1328-1384 Wycliff declares

papacy anti-Christ 1378

Renaissance adds impetus to

Aztec empire at height in Mexico

Columbus discovered America Oct 12, 1492 Henry VIII born 1481

Martin Luther denounced the sale of indulgences: taught the doctrine of

justification by faith. 1483-1546

Melancthon b. 1497. (Luther's co-worker)

Osman invades

Osman born 1259

East Rome

Jews driven from England 1290

The Ottoman Empire founded 1299 Lombards Franks Huns Burgundians Saxons

Order of Dominicans Order of Austin Friars

Boniface VIII 1294

Turkey pushed as far as the Danube 1336

Wycliff's Bible 1383

First siege of Constantinopl

e 1422

Turkish domain in Europe 1357

Jews driven from France 1395 Crusaders are defeated

Bajazet at Niopoli in 1396

Constantinople taken by the Mohammedans


Knights of St. John defends Rhodes 1480 Jews driven from Spain and Sicily

1492 Cypress ceded to


Clement V 1305 Pope's residence changes to Avignon (Fr.) Pope dependent of

France 1309

Alexander V 1410

Eugene IV 1431

Nicholas V Paul II



1464 Inquisition 1480

Three Popes claim Vicarship of God

Alexander VI


Sundjata Keita; Mali's Lion Prince

1217-1260 Store Houses of

Zimbabwe constructed 1250 Yoruban culture


Osmans take Gallipoli 1253

John XXII 1316-1334 Mansa Musa pilgrimage to

Mecca 1324-1325


into East

Rome(Nicomedia) Osman on Danube



John XXIII 1415

Swahili cities rise

As Mali Empire declines 1400s

European slave trade


Portugal takes

the Azores

Kingdom of Kongo


(modern Zaire)

Fall of Granada 1492

Osmans take Adrian


Osmans as far as Hungary 1402

Osmans take Smyrna 1426

Osmans take Eprius 1436

End of Latin Empire 1261 Seventh Crusade


Mongols fail to subdue Japan


Mongols Rule 1280

Marco Polo in China 1300 Yuan Dynasty Kubla Khan (Mongol)

Christianity introduced 1307

Osmans make Walladila

Tributary 1416


Fall of

Fall of

East Rome Constantin

1449 ople 1453


1368-1644 Ming Dynasty the legal form until 1912

?1999 Amazing Bible Timeline |

?1999 Amazing Bible Timeline |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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