B o rni ng Cry, E LW We serve Holy Communion by inviting you to walk ...


Welcome to worship at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church! Today is Trinity Sunday, and we celebrate the mysteries of God through worship and the sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism. We learn how one Father, one Son and one Holy Spirit equals one God. Thank you for being part of this celebration of grace and worship of our Triune God.

- Pastor Diane Goulson HTLC Visitation Pastor

HUmbly we Pray

Blessed Trinity, you draw us into your circle of love and healing. Strengthen Mary Lou, Teresa P., Luke N., and those feeling disconnected by illness, addiction or social discord. Comfort the many who mourn. Bind us together Lord, with your child Aiden, as your Church, for service and love. This we pray, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.

Radio sponsor

This week, our Radio Ministry is sponsored by Tom & Karla Klingfus. Thank you for your gift of ministry to our KCHK radio listeners! If you'd like to help support this ministry, please contact Jamie or call 952-758-3513. Cost is $60 per week. Thank you for considering this important gift!




OPENING HYMN Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty! ELW #413


Aiden Bradley Jones


Borning Cry, ELW #732


God of heaven and earth, before the foundation of the universe and the beginning of time you are the triune God: Author of creation, eternal Word of salvation, life-giving Spirit of wisdom. Guide us to all truth by your Spirit, that we may proclaim all that Christ has revealed and rejoice in the glory he shares with us. Glory and praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.



John 16:12-15



Come, Join the Dance of Trinity, ELW #412






Lamb of God

O Lord, our Lord, How Majestic is your Name in all the Earth

O Living Bread from Heaven, ELW #542

Shine Jesus Shine, ELW #671


Now Thank We All Our God, ELW #839


HOLY COMMUNION: All are welcome! Every person has a place at God's table. No exceptions. All are welcome to join in this Holy Communion meal, regardless of church membership or denomination. We serve Holy Communion by inviting you to walk forward at the direction of the ushers to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. You will be handed a wafer (ask for gluten free if you'd prefer), and then choose either red wine or grape juice. Young children (under 4th grade) and others who do not commune are welcome to come forward for a blessing. If you prefer a prepackaged communion packet, they are available at the Welcome Center. Please pick it up before worship.

NURSERY: Do you have someone with you who might need to move around a bit? Make yourself at home! Check out the nursery, located next to the sanctuary. And, please feel free to wander the hallways as there are livestream feeds throughout the building.

OFFERING/ NOISY OFFERING: We invite you to give electronically (via our website or the VancoFaith App), or to place your offering in the plates at the tables near the sanctuary doors. We encourage children to experience the joy of giving by placing their offering in the metal milk can for a "noisy offering." (And honestly, it brings a smile to our faces!)

RESTROOMS: Holy Trinity has bathrooms around the building. Out of the 8 handicap accessible bathrooms, 6 are single occupancy, gender inclusive restrooms. Every restroom includes a changing table.


Financial Health as of April 30, 2022 Revenue Expenses

Revenue - Expenses

Year to Date Budget


$204,173 -$11,394

Year to Date Actual


$191,563 -$11,958


WELCOME, CHILD OF GOD: Congratulations Aiden Bradley Jones, child of Amanda & Brad Jones! Sponsors are Tyler Floden and Becca Floden. Welcome to the body of Christ and the mission we share. God bless you on your baptism day!

VBS ON THE FARM: August 1-5. Volunteers are needed - help make a difference in the lives of children from 10 area churches! Visit to volunteer, register a participant, or to learn more about this FREE, bilingual, nature-based VBS experience. Holy Trinity is providing transportation for all New Prague attendees!

NEW ARTWORK: Thank you, Darbie Berger, for creating the inspiring painting, "Embracing Diversity", and for donating another piece of inclusive artwork that hangs in the Fellowship Hall. Read Darbie's artist statement in the 6.3.22 HTLConnections.

LITTLE FREE LIBRARY: The books are back! Thank you, Racial Justice Task Force, for updating the Little Free Library of Anti-racist Books. Please return any borrowed books to the Little Library, the church office or the Welcome Center.

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: This newly formed committee seeks donations of thank you cards (handmade or purchased) and volunteers to write "thank yous" for their upcoming project. Drop donations in the Narthex (cross wall) or the church office. Questions? Contact Gina Fadden, gina@.

RIBFEST: Mark your calendars for Friday, August 5, 5-8 pm! We're partnering with our neighbors at Giesenbrau Bier Co. for an authentic biergarten. Come for delicious food from Donna & her crew (served from 5 - 7 pm), great music from Little Chicago, a silent auction, and fun activities for the kids. Visit to volunteer or purchase tickets! Tickets are also available from council members or Jamie in the office.

SUMMER WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Mark your calendars for Wed. Worship at Cedar Lake! Dinner @ 5 pm, Worship @ 6 pm.

June 22 - Blessing of the Bikes July 27 - Blessing of the Pets August 24 -Blessing of the Backpacks & Lakeside Baptism

Kids Corner


Stay up to date with the latest news from Holy Trinity! SUBSCRIBE to our weekly newsletter, HTLConnections, LIKE our Facebook page @htlcnp, FOLLOW us on Instagram #htlcnewprague, and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel HolyTrinityLutheranChurchNewPragueMN.

1300 East Main Street, New Prague, MN 56071


JUne 12, 2022 Sunday: 9 am

Share God's love for all people from one generation to the next Welcome ? Worship ? Respond


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