[Pages:2]Coronavirus Safety Measures

PLEASE PLACE YOUR OFFERING in the offering plate at the center aisle as you come into the church. We will not be passing the offertory plates down the pews. You can also make your offering by texting HOLYSPIRITGIVE to 77977 and following the prompts on your smartphone.

AT THE EUCHARIST: Distribution of the elements will be from "standing stations" at the foot of the steps on the main floor, or for the Choir at the entry to the altar area. Parishioners are encouraged to use hand sanitizer in their pew before coming up to receive communion and when you return to the pew. Please note: "the common communion cup has never been implicated in a disease outbreak and has been laboratory tested with a variety of infectious agents provided the chalice is silver (plate is fine), wine is used (especially port, which has a higher alcohol content) and the chalice is wiped and rotated between receiving communicants." ? Bishop Marty While the above statement is true for known diseases, there is still considerable concern about sharing the common cup across the U.S. and the unknowns of this particular virus. After consultation with various leaders in the parish and discussions with my colleagues in the Lake Missoula Clericus, I have decided that starting Sunday, March 15th, we will be sharing only the bread at the distribution of Communion ? no wine. I see this as a temporary proactive step of care and support for the vulnerable in our midst and in the wider community. It is a sign of our love for one another.

Upcoming Events

"BACH AROUND THE CLOCK," a 12-hour celebration of the 335th birthday of J.S. Bach, will take place on Monday, March 23rd, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. A joint collaboration of the UM School of Music, the Missoula Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, The John Ellis Endowment for Liturgical Music, University Congregational Church and Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, the event will feature twelve hours of the music of Bach, with a multitude of musicians from the University and the Missoula community.

The first six hours (9a.m. - 3 p.m.) will take place at University Congregational Church (405 University Avenue) and the remaining six hours (3 p.m. - 9 p.m.) will take place at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, 130 S. 6th E.

Free and open to the public; all are invited to drop in and drop out as they desire.


Our Parish Life

DURING LENT THE 10:15 A.M. SERVICE MUSIC CHANGES to reflect the penitential nature of Lent. We sign the "Kyrie" (Lord, have mercy) instead of the more joyous "Gloria," we move to a more meditative "Sanctus," and we add the fraction anthem "Agnus Dei" (Jesus, Lamb of God). The settings can be found in the service music section at the front of the Hymnal. Please join us in singing them. Any form of sung or said "Alleluia" is also omitted during Lent.

Please help yourself to the 2020 LENTEN MEDITATIONS in the literature rack at the back of the church and in the parish hall. The Lenten meditations this year focus on the spiritual lives of children and how children inspire the spiritual lives of adults. Please also help yourself to Jody Thomasson's LENT WISE BOOKLETS. These booklets are a local fundraiser for AniMeals and the Hellgate Resource Center.

COPIES OF THE APPROVED VESTRY MINUTES are available at the back of the church or on a stand by the Vestry bulletin board in the parish hall or on the parish website, . A copy of the approved financial statement is posted on the Vestry bulletin board in the parish hall and is available from the church office by request.

THE NEXT DATE FOR BAPTISM will be at our Easter Vigil service on Saturday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in baptism at that time, either for yourself or for your child, please contact Rev. Terri. The deadline for the April 11 baptism date is Sunday, March 15.

FLOWERS WILL ONCE AGAIN BE SEEN ON THE ALTAR ON EASTER SUNDAY. Would you like to have flowers there on that day in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an event in your life? If you would like to give toward the Easter flowers and help beautify the church, please call the church office at 542-2167 by 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25.

2020 Lenten Series

RACE AND FAITH: Respecting the Dignity of Every Human Being--Join us on the Wednesday evenings of Lent at 7 p.m. in the church to hear speakers share their thoughts on topics such as the history of racism, privilege, and reparations. We'll end the series with a final session focused on practical communication skills, giving us tools to discuss race with friends, family, and acquaintances. Here's a look at this week's program.

Wednesday March 18th Judith Heilman, Executive Director of The Montana Racial Equity Project, will present, The Black (Non)Accrual of Wealth and Reparations. This session will study the history and causes of Black-white racial wealth inequality and the call for reparations.

A WORD ABOUT THE LENTEN POTLUCKS THIS YEAR--After thoughtful consideration and discussion, we've decided to reformat our Lenten programs. The Lenten series will not include a potluck meal this year. Please do give us feedback about this change as we are open to reinstating the potlucks next year, based on what we hear from you. This year we encourage you to eat at home and then join us for the evening educational presentation at 7:00 p.m. in the church. The program will run until 8:15, and we'll close with a brief Compline service. Childcare will be available.

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

Episcopal Relief & Development is working around the world to help children achieve their full potential through the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign. Worldwide, 155 million children under six are not reaching appropriate milestones due to inadequate nutrition and health care. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE helps children by providing access to clean water, hygiene, sanitation, and reducing the impact of disasters and building resilience. On Sunday, March 22, we will take up a collection to support this work of Episcopal Relief & Development. Special envelopes will be available in the bulletin that Sunday for your donation, or you may make a donation through our giving platform Pushpay. Just text HOLYSPIRITGIVE to 77977 and choose "Episcopal Relief & Development" from the list of funds.

Rummage Sale

A FINE LENTEN PRACTICE--The 40 days of Lent reflect the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert ? and offer us 40 days to experience spiritual practices. Perhaps you have given something up. Or, taken on something new. We hope that you are also preparing a box of 40 wonderful, but no longer needed items for this year's RUMMAGE SALE, May 1 and 2. Clothing, shoes and accessories. Books, games and toys. Hobby and craft items. Jewelry. Dishes, glassware, kitchen items and knickknacks. Linens. Small tools. Small appliances. Small furniture items. Luggage. Pet accessories. Baskets. Art. All clean, complete, useful, working, desirable items that will help Holy Spirit's realize another successful spring event. We will begin accepting your items on Sunday, April 26. Start your Lenten Rummage Box today. If you have clean, white flat sheets you could donate for the Rummage Sale set-up, please let us know. Questions? Contact Marva Gallegos (546-1611) or Betsy Holmquist (728-8546).

Youth Ministry

The next meeting of Holy Spirit's YOUTH GROUP will be tonight from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall for pizza, games, discussion and fun. Please join us!

Contemplative Lenten Program

Listening for God's voice through meditation and journaling: April 4, 2020 from 9:30 ? 11:00 a.m. Bring Lent to a close. Prepare yourself for Holy Week and Easter. Facilitator Julie Benson will lead this group through discussion and reflection to prayerfully consider God's call and direction as we enter this Holy Season of Easter. The group will meet in the Guild Room on Saturday April 4th at 9:30. If you have questions, please contact Julie at 241-8365.


The following Christian formation classes and programs offer a wide variety of educational opportunities aimed at helping us Cultivate, Challenge and Live our Faith

PLENTY COUP'S STORY: A MODEL FOR SPIRITUAL WISDOM & HEALING--Join Glenn Hladek on Sunday mornings March 15, 22, and 29 from 9:00 ? 10:00 a.m. in the Guild Room. The first session will be lecture format as we learn about Plenty Coup's story, based on the book, Radical Hope by Jonathan Lear. The second two sessions will be discussion format as the group explores Plenty Coup's experience and leadership: "When the buffalo went away the hearts of my people fell to the ground and they could not lift them up again." The group will think about questions such as: What is culture? What happens when culture faces destruction or corrosion? How does Plenty Coup offer a way out of anxiety? How can we learn from his wisdom and apply it right now in 2020? If you have questions, contact Glenn at gahtrek@.

The next meeting of the CENTERING PRAYER GROUP will be on the Third Tuesday of the month, March 17, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Guild Room. All are welcome to come and share in this meditative practice. Centering Prayer is a meditation process in which we quiet our minds and open ourselves to our God. If you have any questions, please call Jennifer Dousset at 406-880-1680 or Willie Hoffer at 541-815-9609.


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