January 12, 1997 Copyright © 1997 Robert C

January 12, 1997 Copyright © 1997 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

Climaxing centuries of medical research, an "accident" re–discovery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1990 resulted in a reliable, positive, reproducible and recently patented (U.S. #5,188,738) cure for "incurable" diseases including AIDS, cancer, gulf war syndrome, biological warfare plagues plus emerging viruses. Essentially it consists of passing microcurrents (50-100 microamps) through flowing blood, which is now proven to eliminate all infections and quickly restore damaged immune systems. This appears to have been suppressed because electromedicine instead of pharmaceuticals drastically limits cartel profits and re–empowers patients’ sovereignty over all diseases. Strangely, it was never again mentioned except in Science News, March 30, 1991, pg. 207. …

Hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children receiving state-of- the-art medical care die traumatically and financially stressed every year with "incurable" diseases. [The patents proving the effectiveness of blood electrification against all infectious agents require blood to be removed from the body. But this research tool provides an opportunity for mild electrification without puncturing the skin. The current reaches the blood through the skin by placing electrodes over the two arteries (not veins) on the wrist which are closer to the skin surface. Researchers are offered an opportunity to experiment in their efforts to restore health privately.] It may be vastly superior to antibiotics and other known treatments, since electrification when properly applied has no side effects …

Cancer treated by currently acceptable allopathic techniques (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy) costs an average of $375,000 but patients seldom survive five years. … An optimally functioning immune system has long been known to eliminate cancer, yet cancer is generally treated as a separate disease. [Live blood cell analysis indicates electrification may stimulate the immune system.] But you may never see electrification mentioned in a politically correct or establishment–serving media. … The author has spent several years researching all aspects of electrification and can suggest do–it– yourself apparatus and simple techniques which theoretically safely eliminate all pathogens, bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus, and germs which devastate health and are immune system destroyers. … Many previously dying patients have come forward now completely well and symptom free. Anyone can do this for himself if his unconscious death–wish agendas or disbelief in new discoveries or blind faith in the medical "priesthood" are overcome. If the user assembles his own system from scratch, everything should total about $150 minimum up to $450 maximum depending on elaborateness for this one–time investment. … If working instruments are purchased from manufacturers this cost could be more. After this one–time initial outlay, out–of–pocket operating costs (replacement batteries) will be only about [$10] per patient per complete cure or almost nothing with rechargeables. Everyone using electrification should experience dramatic health benefits immediately, even if not knowingly afflicted. Common colds can be [halted quickly].

All four synergistic and essential elements are …

1) Building or acquiring a functioning battery–powered blood electro–purifier that attaches externally to the Radial and Ulnar artery pulse points on one wrist. Improvement may be experienced within three weeks with daily electrification of two hours.

2) A very simple and inexpensive instrument for making any quantity of Ionic Silver Colloids for pennies ensuring anyone an intact secondary immune system.

3) A high–intensity MAGNETIC PULSER which destroys any residual germinating or incubating pathogens in lymph and other organs by inducing back e.m.f. in tissue consequently preventing self re– infection.

4) An OZONATOR easily made with tropical fish store components to charge drinking water with 03. Ozone comfortably detoxifies by oxidation any wastes which the body must eliminate while regaining perfect health.


• Do NOT use wrist–to–wrist with subjects using cardiac pacemakers. Any electrical signals may interfere with "demand" type heart pacers and cause malfunction. Single wrist/forearm locations should be acceptable.

• Do NOT use on pregnant women, while driving or using hazardous machinery.

• Users MUST avoid ingesting anything containing medicinal herbs, foreign or domestic, or potentially toxic medication, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, laxatives, tonics, garlic, etc. and certain potentially toxic vitamins for several days before starting because blood electrification can cause electroporation which makes cell membranes pervious to small quantities of normally harmless chemicals in plasma. The effect is the same as extreme overdosing which might be lethal.

"Electroporation: A General Phenomenon for Manipulating Cells and Tissues:" J.C. Weaver, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:426–435 (1993). Effects can mimic increasing dosages many fold. Both the magnetic pulser and blood purifier causes electroporation.

• Do NOT place electrodes over skin lesions, abrasions, new scars, cuts, eruptions, or sunburn. Never put bare metal on skin.

• Do NOT advance output amplitude to uncomfortable levels. …

• Avoid ingesting alcohol 24 hours before using.

Important Note:

• Drink an 8 oz. glass of distilled water 15 minutes before and immediately following each session and drink at least four additional glasses daily for flushing during "neutralization" and for one week thereafter. This is imperative. Ignoring this can cause systemic damage from unflushed toxic wastes.

• When absolutely essential drugs must be ingested, do so a few minutes after electrification then wait 24 hours before next session. This lets drug residues decay to minimum levels in plasma before re–electrifying.


The patents on which Bob Beck’s blood electrification device is based indicate that microcurrents of electricity neutralize all pathogens in blood in the laboratory. When we wear the Silver Pulser or use the Magnetic Pulser, we’re attempting to neutralize pathogens while the blood and lymph are still in our bodies. With the Silver Pulser, the electrodes must be placed accurately in order for the electricity to penetrate the arteries. Some have mistaken the blue veins showing on the wrist for arteries. Arteries are pulse points and do not show like veins.

In addition, blood in the body is not in a sterile controlled laboratory and, therefore, is subject to all the conditions that affect it—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Unless we make life changes, our cells will still be subjected to the stressors that created the disease condition.

What have we learned from our experience and your feedback using the Beck protocol? Are three or four weeks long enough? Most of you report definite improvement after three weeks.  Three weeks, however, is not usually long enough to clean up the blood and lymph and strengthen the immune system to the point it will fly when the use of the units are stopped. Dr. Carla Bozajeski, a naturopathic physician with extensive experience using the Beck units, says she asks all her patients to devote at least 90 days to a therapy.

Many of us are learning we need to use the Silver Pulser, the Magnetic Pulser and sip colloidal silver for many weeks before taking a break. As well, drinking freshly ozonated water is now an ongoing lifestyle habit for us. Those who do experience dramatic results within three to four weeks have usually already made the necessary changes in their lives to regain health. In these cases, the Beck protocol has been the boost needed to overcome their problem. One example is the fellow who found drinking freshly–made colloidal silver allowed his body to shuck off all the debilitating symptoms of Lymes Disease. It hasn’t been so easy for others. His testimonial stated that he had made lifestyle changes and had been working to keep his body healthy for many years prior to the tick bite. His immune system was strong enough so the colloidal silver was all his body needed to regain health.

William’s testimonial is another dramatic example. After three weeks of using the Silver Pulser, the MAGNETIC PULSER and drinking colloidal silver, a blood test indicated he was free of any cancer. Both before and after using the units, however, he made major changes in his life: lightened his work load, moved to a brighter home, and accepted the love and support of friends. 

In Noreen’s battle with HIV, she was at death’s door when she made major changes to her diet and lifestyle. She attributes her success in regaining her health to the use of the Silver Pulser and Magnetic Pulser. She continues to do all within her power to improve her health. She has come to accept that health is a journey and that life is to be lived to the fullest each day.


How can I see improvements?

Blood cell analysis using a darkfield microscope is a graphic way to see the improvement in your blood. The blood and lymph systems are two of the main components of the immune system. They are dynamic not static. That means these fluids are either getting ‘cleaner’ or ‘dirtier’ on a day–to–day basis and either strengthening or weakening our immune system. While using the Silver Pulser and/or the MAGNETIC PULSER, Darkfield analysis shows improvement in the blood. Once you stop using the units, if you are not maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the blood will again become a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Gaining and keeping better health is a lifestyle. It takes more than a commitment of a few weeks.

Chart your progress: Another way to see the changes. List your health issues before starting the program no matter how small. After one month check your list for improvements.

Should I take food supplements while using the units?

We pass along Dr. Beck’s warning about electroporation with every Pulser. Electroporation (greater permeability of the cell walls) is created more by the Silver Pulser than the MAGNETIC PULSER. Electroporation is only in effect while using the units. The cell walls go back to normal quickly after a session. The warning is there because substances in the blood while using the units penetrate the cells more readily—having the potential to  be multiplied 20 times or more. Colloidal silver and ozonated drinking water do not create electroporation.

We feel it’s important to continue to give the body the nutrients it needs. We continue to take food supplements—even herbs while using the units. We make sure the supplements we take are natural sources rather than higher potency or synthetic sources. If you have any doubt about the potential toxicity of a food supplement or herb if it is magnified, consult a knowledgeable health practitioner.

Electroporation is being researched by the pharmaceutical industry as a tool to drive drugs into the cells and make them more effective. This is the main reason for Dr. Beck’s warning.

In the hands of amateurs, most drugs—pharmaceutical or recreational—will be even more toxic if magnified. If you want to use the units while on a mild prescription drug, Bob Beck suggests in his workshop handout, to take the medication shortly after a session and then wait 24 hours before the next session to give time for the drug to be reduced in the blood. We still don’t recommend using the Beck devices if taking any prescription drugs. See a health professional for advice. It is wise to heed the warning for nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and sugar as well.

What about maintenance? After using the units for several months initially, it is probably wise to establish a maintenance schedule. Some report they use the units for four weeks every six months as maintenance, others one week every month or one or two days a week. The Pulsers are research units so experiment to discover what works best for you.

The Beck protocol is proving to be a valuable tool for many of us on our journey to better health.


Theoretical Blood Neutralization

Blood Electrification/Immunity Restoration with Microcurrents

Excerpts from a Research Paper by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

Based on:

• Patented medical research that has not been pursued.

• Case studies that indicate virus, bacteria or other pathogen–

related diseases may be eliminated.

• A technology that allows individuals to take back their

power and take responsibility for their health.

• A technology that uses micro–currents of electricity for in

vivo blood electrification.

This research instrument is made available for those who take full responsibility for their own health and understand they are undertaking personal research to determine the effectiveness of this technology for their purposes.

Revised November, 1998

Users taking any medications, herbs, some vitamins or garlic should minimize these substances in blood for at least two days before starting and avoid other agents including coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, medications, recreational drugs, etc. during the several weeks of use because of electroporation. 


Take Back Your Power!

March 20, 1997

Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened.

Winston Churchill

Dear fellow researcher, (HIV only)

This "theoretical" information is free. But before you start, you may wish to get a PCR test (count of active HIV cells in blood) and a second one several months after completion of neutralization. Some show dramatic drops, a few show negative HIV counts. However in most cases symptoms vanish or decrease dramatically regardless of test results. HIV’s role in AIDS is still controversial.

Several subjects (but not all) have shown a NEGATIVE PCR test (polymerase chain reaction; K. Mullis,) after completion indicating no more active HIV detectable in blood. But it's normal for common HIV antibody tests to remain the same even after complete remissions, just as you will always carry specific antibodies if you've once had childhood diseases like measles, chicken pox, or mumps. … other virus– or pathogen– related diseases may improve or vanish with electrification and silver colloid ingestion, plus ozone water detoxification.

This very slight and mild electrification of your blood does not kill any viruses or harm normal cells. Instead, the minute currents appear to alter and inhibit the ability of the outer protein layer of the virus to attach to lymphocytes receptor sites and interrupts the reverse transcriptase process. This is thought to block the binding of the HIV virus with the host cell (Thymic–T lymphocyte; CD4 T–helper cells) so the virus is considered in effect to be neutralized, immobilized and eventually eliminated from the body. Rate of recovery is the product of current intensity multiplied by time of exposure.

(Kaali; with Lyman and Merkatz; 1994 paper.) This communication describes a safe and tested procedure for interrupting HIV reproduction. But you MUST avoid ingesting any medications or medicinal herbs, domestic or oriental, during blood treatments since blood electrification causes electroporation of cell membranes and can thus cause tremendous increase of molecular transport into cells resulting occasionally in extreme and toxic overdosing.

Allow several days to permit body to eliminate herbs, garlic, and other potentially toxic medications, vitamins, or supplements, leaving their traces in your blood at time of electrification. (See J.C. Weaver, Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:426–435; 1993.)

With AIDS, be prepared for a temporary initial DROP in T– cell count due to lysing (dissolution) of previously infected white cells by treatment–destroyed HIV and its subsequent scavenging by macrophages since tests count both healthy and infected cells. Also some patients do not test PCR negative. Practically all, however, will experience a drastic decrease in symptoms. T–cell counts (T4) may recover and continue to rise dramatically after a time since tests count both healthy and infected cells.

When discussing your recovery, please refer to all data and claims as "hypothetical" to avoid entanglement with FDA and legal constraints forbidding use of the word "cures" or non approved modalities.

If you follow instruction precisely, avoiding toxic medications, and de–toxify properly YOU may be symptom free in a few months, safely and surely. We have numerous reports of complete recoveries when all instructions are followed.

Please share your results with me so as to assist others. Your name will not be used. We still have nothing for sale. So you have nothing to lose since there is nothing to purchase except a few parts.

With highest regards, and good luck!

Bob Beck


. If subject feels sluggish, faint, dizzy, headachy, nauseous, bloated or has flu–like symptoms after exposures, reduce number of pulses per session and/or shorten applications of electrification. If detoxing becomes disturbing, proceed even more slowly.

Symptoms may include fever, giddiness, dizziness, headaches, light–headed vagueness, nausea, skin rashes, eruptions, itching, boils, coughing, kidney and liver discomfort, aches, general malaise, inflammations, frequent urination and sluggishness. But remember it’s far better to force wastes out of your system than leaving stored where they may have been hiding for years. Drink more water—preferably ozonized—to speed waste oxidation and disposal. … To reduce de–toxification problems, start slowly at first—about 20 minutes per day.

. To avoid shock liability, use only batteries with blood cleaner. Do NOT use any line–connected power supply, etc with blood electrification device. …

Health professionals: Avoid nicotine addicts, and other unconsciously motivated death–wishers and their covert agendas of "defeat the healer." Tobacco, the most damaging (4½ times more addictive than heroin) and deadly substance of abuse known, disrupts normal cardiovascular function.  Secondary gains and hidden agendas (sympathy/ martyrdom, work avoidance, free benefits, financial assistance, etc.) can play large roles with many AIDS patients. "Recovery guilt" as friends are dying has even precipitated suicide attempts masked as "accidents." Avoid such entanglements since many have unconscious death wishes. …

. True vegetarian diets are missing essential amino acids absolutely necessary for the successful rebuilding of AIDS–ravaged tissues. Make sure your patients get all amino acids.



Saturate cotton electrode covers before each use in a solution of sea salt (not table salt) containing a few drops of Colloidal Silver for disinfectant.

[Note: Celtic salt is not necessary for this application.] Store for reuse. Use wrist strap to hold electrodes securely over arteries. Electrodes should closely conform precisely along blood vessels [arteries], not skewing ever so slightly over to adjacent flesh. This insures better electrical conductivity paths to circulating blood and insures very low skin impedance. (~2000...).


• Rinse and blot dry electrodes and skin after each use.

• NEVER allow bare metal to touch skin as this will cause burns manifested as small red craters that heal slowly.

• Electrodes can be covered by wrapping three or four turns of 100% cotton flannel around rods and securing with thread.


Locate blood vessel paths (NOT to be confused with acupuncture, Chapman, or pressure points) on either wrist and forearm by feeling for maximum pulses. Scrub skin over chosen sites with mild soap and water or alcohol swab. Position each electrode lengthwise precisely along same branch of Radial artery.

An 7" long, 1" wide elastic stretch–band with two 1¼" lengths of ¾" wide Velcro® sewn to ends of opposite sides makes an excellent wrist band for holding electrodes snugly in place. Locate same artery ~2" below elbow crease by pulse. Use a second ~9½" stretch– band for the other electrode placed ~6" from first at upper forearm. OR place wet electrodes between ulnar and radial pulse points on opposite sides on inside of same wrist.

With electrode cable unplugged, turn switch ON and advance amplitude control to maximum. See that the red and green light emitting diodes flash alternately. This verifies that polarity is reversing ~4 times per second and that batteries are still good. When LED's don't light, replace the battery. Confine exactly over blood vessels. Apply drops of salt water to each electrode's cotton cover … to combat evaporation and insure optimum current flow. [It is not necessary to use celtic salt on probe covers.]


Now rotate amplitude control to minimum (counter–clockwise) and plug in electrode cable. Advance dial slowly until feeling a "thumping" and tingling. Turn as high as tolerable but don't advance amplitude to where it is ever uncomfortable. Adjust voltage periodically when acclimating to comfort level after several minutes.

It is normal to feel different sensations with time. You may notice little or no sensation at full amplitude immediately, but feeling will begin building up to maximum after several minutes at which time amplitude must be decreased. Typical adapted electrode–to– electrode impedance is on the order of 2000.... Typical comfortable input (to skin) is ~3mA, and maximum tolerable input (full amplitude) is ~7mA however this "reserve" margin although harmless is unnecessary and can be uncomfortable. Current flowing through blood is much lower than this external input because of series resistances through skin, tissue and blood vessel walls, but 50 to 100 .A through blood is essential.


Apply blood electrifier for about two hours daily for ~2 months. Use judgment here. The limiting factor is detoxification. Carefully monitor subject's reactions (discomfort, catarrh, skin eruptions, weeping exudites, rashes, boils, carbuncles, coated tongue, etc.)

With very heavy infections, go slower so as not to overload body's toxic disposal capability. Drinking ozone–bubbled water oxidizes wastes and speeds detoxification. With circulation–impaired diabetics, etc. you may wish to extend session times. Again, have subjects drink lots of water. Recent changes in theoretical protocol, being currently tested suggest following up the three weeks of treatments with a 24 hour per day (around the clock) continuous electrification of blood for two days to deal a knockout blow to the remaining HIV's 1.2 day life cycle. (Alan Perelson, Mar. 16 '96 "Science" Journal.) Remember to re–moisten electrodes regularly. If you absolutely must ingest prescription drugs, do so immediately after turning off instrument and allow 24 hours before next treatment to let chemical concentrations in blood plasma decay to lower levels.

Note: Remember, if subjects ever feel sleepy, sluggish, listless, nauseous, faint, bloated or headachy, or have flu–like reactions they may be neglecting sufficient water intake for adequately flushing toxins. We interpret this as detoxification plus endorphin release due to electrification. Let them rest and stabilize for ~45 minutes before driving if indicated. If this detoxing becomes oppressive, treat every second day. Treating at least 30 times should "fractionate" both juvenile and maturing HIV and all other disease pathogens to overlap maximum neutralization sensitivity windows and interrupt "budding" occurring during the unwanted cells' development cycles. Treatments are shown to safely neutralize other viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and microbes in blood.

See US patents #: 5,091,152 5,139,684 5,188,738 5,328,451 3,753,886 4,524,079 4,665,898 and others as well as numerous valid medical studies which are presently little known or suppressed.

Exact Means And Methods For Eliminating Infectious Diseases And Cancer Copyright © 1998 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. January 14, 1998

(The complete process is described here in detail to allow anyone to use this research instrument to determine efficacy and insure that blood electrification will never again be "lost" or suppressed.)

What You Do.

1) Apply salt-water moistened electrodes over Ulnar and Radial arteries on opposite insides of same wrist. A Velcro and elastic strap holds electrodes in place. You must electrify blood for two hours every day for at least three weeks. This should not interfere with other activities. As your blood circulates normally, enough will be flowing along this path in the forearm until most blood in your body is eventually treated by the 50 to 100 microampere current flowing internally. About 3 to 5 milliampere is necessary at the skin to overcome resistive losses through tissue before current reaches blood.

2) Drink 8 to 16 Oz of 3 to 5 ppm self–made Silver Colloid daily. Colloids are shown to easily control opportunistic infections. This gives you a second intact immune system. Colloids can be generated in the same water while ozonizing.

3) Apply your MAGNETIC PULSER for about 20 minutes daily by positioning and pulsing coil over lymph nodes and internal organs. Pulse each time it recharges at several second intervals. Pulses of high intensity time–varying magnetic flux generate a measurable back e.m.f. in adjacent tissue thus neutralizing any residual germinating and incubating pathogens. Without this step, sufferers have been known to sometimes re–infect themselves. Conventional permanent magnets positively will not work.

4) Drink as much ozonated drinking water as you can comfortably ingest daily. You must generate fresh ozone yourself each time and drink immediately since O3 has a half–life of only a few minutes. All known pathogens and cancers are anaerobic. O3 aids their elimination by oxidation and speeds your detoxification and recovery with no discomfort. Consuming O3 water flushes neutralizing pathogens, wastes and toxins from your system.


… But subjects must assume responsibility for their own health—a "heresy" in today's society conditioned to look for answers only to a medical establishment that has no current knowledge remotely promising "cures" for numerous other well known fatal diseases.

These "theoretical solutions" are being disclosed under constitutional freedom of speech guarantees in spite of extensively organized hostile opposition to non–pharmaceutical or inexpensive cures. Data can be legally offered only as "theoretical" and no medical claims can be made or implied. "See your health professional!" Anyone at his discretion and assumed responsibility should be free to build, use (on himself) and network his "research" results. …

Non–FDA approved devices are illegal to use within the USA except via little known FDA loopholes. Researchers are allowed to use anything on patients if safe, they build it themselves and don't sell them.

(*Code of Federal Regulations 21 § 807.65 subsections {d} & {f}. See actual text below.) Although we will offer technical updates and always welcome feedback from users, please respect the writer's privacy and never attempt to contact him for additional help, advice or construction information. Everything users need to know is included herein. …

* Excludes and exempts from regulation: "(d) Licensed practitioners, including physicians, dentists, and optometrists, who manufacture or otherwise alter devices solely for use in their practice."

"(f) Persons who manufacture, prepare, propagate, compound, or process devices solely for use in research, teaching, or analysis, and do not introduce such devices into commercial distribution."

Use of this device therefore appears legal and exempt from FDA regulations when you construct it yourself for research and/or use in your own practice. But double–check your local, county and state regulations for possible exceptions.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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