Welcome to East Lumberton SUNDAY MORNING

Welcome to East Lumberton

We gather today as children of our heavenly Creator. Please know that whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are welcome in God's house. May every heart be warmed by God's presence. Let us show love and kindness towards one another. If you are visiting for the first time, please stop by the welcome center in the vestibule to get a visitor's packet, so that we can get to know

you better!


Monday & Wednesday-Rev. Cameron Lewis (910) 374-8941 Tuesday & Thursday-Rev. Michael Bowen (910) 736-6170 Friday & Saturday-Rev. Michael Bowen (910) 736-6170


Dot Pittman (704-577-8105)

Weekly Willing Workers

DEACONS OF THE WEEK Harold Phillips (739-9796) & Roger Pittman (738-7816)


7/5: Perry Dudney &

7/12: John Fairfax &

Will Futrell

Barry Williamson

For your safety, please know we have a security team in place for all services.

Birthday Celebrations

July 5th- July 11th

5th Candace Britt 6th Evita Sanderson-Fields

Mallie Walters 7th Jackie Richardson

Jan Monroe Cody Weibe Ethan Adams Dakoda Dickson Jacob Steffes 8th Catherine Thompkins

LaVon Taylor Lisa Reaves 9th Randall Graham Lilly-Ann Walters 10th Jonathan Jones Kinlee Campbell Dustin Cashwell 11th Cathy Lee Malisa Capps

This Week's Family Discussion Starters (Pre-K ? Youth): - Is it hard or easy to follow rules? Why? - Who needs Jesus ? rule-followers or rule-breakers? Why? - What surprises you about Jesus' teachings?


"Follow The Leader" Hebrews 13:17

Theme: "The Pastor & The Church"

I. The Pastor In The Church (v. 17a-17e) A. The Office Of The Pastor (v. 17a-17b) 1. People Are To Obey His Rule (v. 17a) 2. People Are To Offer Him Respect (v. 17b) B. The Obligations Of The Pastor (v. 17c-17e) 1. They Are Called To Be Ministers For Jesus (v. 17c-17d) a. The Seriousness Of The Calling (v. 17c) b. The Specifics Of The Calling (v. 17d) 2. They Are Called To Be Mindful Of The Judgment (v. 17e) 3. They Are Called To Measure Up To The Job

II. The People In The Church (v. 17f-17g) A. They Need To Be Considerate (v. 17f) 1. The Delight They Ought to Bring 2. The Discouragement They Ought To Bypass B. They Need To Be Careful (v. 17g)


"All Good Things Must Come To An End" Hebrews 13:18-25

Theme: "The Conclusion Of The Book Of Hebrews"

I. The Prayer That Is Rendered (v. 18-19) A. The Request For Prayer (v. 18a) 1. His Honest Testimony (v. 18b) 2. His Hard Trials (v. 19)

II. The Person That Is Revealed (v. 20-21) A. The Peace Of God (v. 20a) B. The Provision Of God (v. 20b) C. The Power Of God (v. 21a) D. The Praise Of God (v. 21b)

III. The Proposition That Is Requested (v. 22) IV. The People That Are Respected (v. 23-25)

A. He Salutes The Servant (v. 23) B. He Salutes The Shepherds (v. 24a) C. He Salutes The Saints (v. 24b) D. He Salutes The Savior (v. 25)



9:00 AM Drive-In Worship Service

11:00 AM Blended Worship Service

6:00 PM Evening Worship






7:00 PM Prayer Meeting

7:45 PM Bulletin Deadline

Tithes and Offerings

The ushers will bring offering buckets to each car during the 9:00 AM Drive-In

Worship Service. During the 11:00 AM worship service, there will be offering plates

by the front door and on the Evergreen Street side. You can also give your offerings

online through our mobile app, on-line website, text "GIVE" to (760) 856-8168, mail

or bring your offerings to the church in person during regular office hours.

201 Whiteville Avenue Lumberton, NC 28358

(910) 739-3358 eastlumberton@ eastlumbertonbaptist

July 5, 2020

Church Theme - Having 2020 Vision: Seeing the World through the Eyes of Jesus

John 4:35-38

Staff Directory

Senior Pastor

Assoc. Pastor for Families

Minister of Senior Adults

Worship Team Leader

Worship Team

Ministry Assistant Treasurer Custodian Groundskeeper

Rev. Michael S. Bowen (910) 736-6170 Rev. Cameron Lewis (910) 374-8941 Rev. J. Vernon Britt (910) 301-0909 Mr. Matthew Horne (910) 734-4356 Mr. Larry Cooke & Mr. Shon Anderson Ms. Janet Taylor Ms. Katherine Stout Mr. Jeff Pait Mr. Scott Ellis




Call to Worship

"God Bless America"

Invocation & Welcome

Randy Graham

Offertory Hymn Offertory

"I Feel Like Traveling On"


Message in Song

Ryley Floyd


"Follow The Leader" Hebrews 13:17

Rev. Michael S. Bowen

Hymn of Commitment

"He Touched Me"

Belinda Locklear








Call to Worship

"God Bless America"


Invocation & Welcome

Deacon of the Week

Message in Song

Shon Anderson

Congregational Hymn "I Feel Like Traveling On"


Message in Song

Ryley Floyd


"Follow The Leader" Hebrews 13:17

Rev. Michael S. Bowen

Hymn of Commitment "Wherever He Leads I'll Go"







The church office will be closed on Monday, July 6th in observance of

Independence Day.

Final Judgement

As of now, The Final Judgement is still scheduled for November 6th-8th and November 13th-15th. If you would like to be involved, please contact Pastor Bowen if you have not already done so.

Sermon CD's On the table in the hallway is a case of CD's of sermons Pastor Bowen has preached. Please feel free to take as many as you would like.




Call to Worship

"America the Beautiful"

Hymn 630

Invocation & Welcome

Deacon of the Week

Fellowship Chorus "We Have Come Into His House"

Hymn 361

Message in Song

Shirley Britt

Congregational Hymn

"The Lily of the Valley"

Hymn 189

Message in Song

Jennifer Davis, Belinda Locklear, Jay Willoughby


Rev. Michael S. Bowen "All Good Things Must Come To An End"

Hebrews 13:18-25

Hymn of Commitment "Have You Been to Calvary"

Hymn 324




God Bless America


God Bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her Thru the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans, white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home.

God bless America, My home sweet home. Repeat Chorus

I Feel Like Traveling On


Verse 1: My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on, Nor pain nor death can enter there, I feel like traveling on.

Chorus: Yes I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on, My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on.

Verse 2: Its glitt'ring tow'rs the sun outshine, I feel like traveling on, That heavenly mansion shall be mine, I feel like traveling on.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3: Let others seek a home below, I feel like traveling on, Which flames devour or waves o'erflow, I feel like traveling on.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 4: The Lord has been so good to me, I feel like traveling on,

Until that blessed home I see, I feel like traveling on. Repeat Chorus


PHASE 2 OF THE RE-OPENING OF OUR CHURCH!! Starting next week, all of our evening services will resume inside. We will still have our Drive-In service through July 12th, at 9:00 AM. On July 19th, the 9:00 AM Traditional Service will be moved inside as well. The 11:00 AM Blended Service will remain inside. Sunday School and Wednesday night suppers will resume in the near future.

1. If you attend any of the inside services you have to either wear a mask or sit six feet apart unless you are family.

2. Nursery will ONLY be provided for the 11:00 AM worship service so we encourage families with babies to attend that service.

3. There will be NO children's church at 11:00 AM. 4. There will be no classes for youth or children on Wednesday night,

youth and children will sit with their families in the sanctuary. 5. On-line services will still be available for all services except the early

service for those who aren't ready to enter the building. 6. The Sanctuary Choir will not resume until the mask restriction is lifted.

The praise team will still lead us in all services. 7. We will be following all of the health guidelines for all of these services. 8. We will ONLY be using the front doors and the side door on the prayer

garden side for our handicapped. An usher will be there to open and close the door for you. All other doors will be locked. 9. Please use ONLY the restrooms behind the sanctuary because the educational portion of our building will be closed. 10. Please use the sanitizer dispensers that are conveniently located on the walls in the vestibule and the hallway. 11. Please try to abide by social distance rules as you are being seated. 12. All of the hymn books, papers and pens are removed from the pews. 13. We ask that people drop their offerings in the offering plates by the front door and on the Evergreen Street side as they are entering or leaving the sanctuary to avoid passing the plates. 14. During the welcome time we ask that people refrain from personal contact. 15. We ask all those who are sick or have a compromised immune system to please remain at home for the time being for your own safety. 16. We will not be seating anyone before 10:30 AM to give us time to fully sanitize the sanctuary for the 11:00 AM service. 17. Please do not congregate in sanctuary or hallways before or after services. 18. We NEED families to sit together to maximize our space. For example, we don't want parents' downstairs while their teenage kids are in the balcony.

New Sermon Series: Sunday Evenings Starting next Sunday, July 12, the Pastor will begin a new study on Sunday nights through the book of 1 John. Join us each Sunday night as we journey through this book together and learn about practical Christianity.

Nominating Committee Survey The nominating committee has provided surveys to find out where you would like to be considered to serve in the new church year. You may receive a form during Drive-in Church or pick one up in the sanctuary. Also, if you would like to serve in any area not on the survey please feel free to add to your sheet. Please check all areas of interest and turn into the office or place in offering plate no later than Sunday, July 19th.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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