‘Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan

‘Hieroglyphics’ by Anne Donovan

1) How is the story narrated (in which person, who by, using what kind of language) and what effect do you think this has?

2) How does the author show the contrast between the way that Mary speaks and the way that her teachers speak? Quote as evidence.

3) It is clear to us that Mary is dyslexic, although this is never explicitly said. Write down a quote from the start of the story which shows the impact that this is having on her.

4) a) Different people respond in different ways to Mary’s difficulties. Write down in your own words (and back up with quotes as evidence) how the following characters treat her:

a) Her mother

b) The ‘Remmy wummin’ (Support for Learning teacher)

c) Her p7 teacher

d) Most teachers in secondary school

e) Mr Kelly

f) The Headteacher

g) Miss Niven

b) Write a comment explaining how each character’s response makes you feel.

5) How do other pupils start to treat Mary as a consequence of Mr Kelly’s attitude, and how does this make her feel? Quote as evidence.

6) The turning point in the story is when Mary says, ‘wan day ah couldnae take it oany longer’. How does Mary use her creative ability to rebel against Mr Kelly?

7) What does the ending of the story tell us about Mary and her strength of character? Quote as evidence.

8) One of the ways that the author shows us Mary’s intelligence is through the clever imagery which she uses in her narration. Choose three figures of speech which you feel are particularly effective and for each one:

• Show that you understand the link between the connotations of the imagery and the literal meaning of the words.

• Comment on the effect this image has i.e. how the connotation of the imagery helps to enlarge, or refine your idea of what is being described


Use the notes you have taken on the story to write an essay using the following question:


Choose a novel or a short story in which there is a character that you feel sorry for.

Explain what the story is about and show what makes you feel sympathetic towards the character.


• Name of text and writer

• Brief outline of the main concerns of the story (about one sentence)

• Reference to the key words of the question


• Your aim in the main section of your essay should be to make a series of POINTS that will help you to answer your question. Every POINT that you make should contribute to answering your question i.e. how the author makes us feel sympathy for Mary.

• Use approximately six key points to answer your question, taking a new paragraph for each one.


• Use a clear topic sentence to introduce the POINT that you are making at each stage of your argument.

• You should give some CONTEXT to establish its place in the story i.e. beginning / middle / end

• Now quote / paraphrase some EVIDENCE to back up your point

• ANALYSE / EVALUATE that evidence. In this section you should be showing HOW the writer uses specific techniques to convey meaning and create sympathy for Mary.

• Include LINKING WORDS / PHRASES between paragraphs to signpost that you are developing an argument.

• Remember to use key question words throughout the response and relate to the task throughout.


• Use a concluding word / phrase

• Sum up your argument using key words from the question


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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