Teacher - Houston Independent School District

Teacher: Chapman Houston Independent School District Westside High School

Subject: English I-PAP Secondary Lesson Plan Sheet Week of: Oct. 21-25, 2013

|Day |H.I.S.D. Objectives |Student Objectives |Teaching and Enrichment Activities |List Resources and Materials |Hm Wk |

| | |SWBAT: |Do First: Grammar Review/Journal Prompt-Identify a specific |-Student Journals | |

| |ELA.9.13B Structure ideas in a |-evaluate how authors create |“app” and explain how it is beneficial to users. |-LTF Activity | |

| |sustained and persuasive (logical) way |rhetorical appeals |Review: Thesis Statements |-Writing Coach | |

| |(e.g., using outlines, note taking, |-determine the author’s purpose of a |Lesson of the Day: Analyzing the rhetorical appeals | | |

| |graphic organizers, lists) and develop |persuasive piece |Activity 1: LTF- Understanding the Appeals activity | | |

| |drafts in timed and open-ended | | | | |

| |situations that include transitions and| | | | |

| |the rhetorical devices used to convey | | | | |

| |meaning. | | | | |

| |ELA.9.15A.iii Write an analytical essay|SWBAT: |Do First: Grammar Review /Journal Prompt-Explain how to make a|-Student Journals |Identify and analysis |

| |of sufficient length that includes a |-demonstrate their mastery of |good impression. |-English I-PAP skills-based |rhetorical strategies from The|

| |controlling idea or thesis. |rhetorical devices and appeals |Review: Analyzing Figurative Language |quiz |Great Imagination Heist |

| | |-create an outline for their |Lesson of the Day: TEK Mastery |-LTF materials | |

| |ELA.9.15A.i Write an analytical essay |rhetorical analyses |Activity 1: SOAPSTONE Review | | |

| |of sufficient length that includes |-create an introductory paragraph to |Activity 2: Create an outline for rhetorical analysis | | |

| |effective introductory and concluding |their rhetorical analysis essays |Activity 3: Introductory Paragraphs | | |

| |paragraphs and a variety of sentence | | | | |

| |structures. | | | | |

| |ELA.9.15A.iv Write an analytical essay |SWBAT: |Do First: Grammar Review/Journal Prompt-Write an essay |-Student Journals |Dialectical Journals |

| |of sufficient length that includes an |-revise introductory paragraphs |explaining which factors must be considered when making a |-Writing Coach | |

| |organizing structure (e.g. |-create the body paragraphs to their |career choice. |-LTF materials | |

| |inductive/deductive, compare/contrast) |rhetorical analyses |Review: Introductory Paragraphs | | |

| |appropriate to purpose, audience, and | |Lesson of the Day: Literary Analysis | | |

| |context. | |Activity 1: Creating Body Paragraphs (Analysis) | | |

| |ELA.9.15A.v Write an analytical essay | |Activity 2: Check dialectical journals | | |

| |of sufficient length that includes | | | | |

| |relevant information. | | | | |





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