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Present perfect continuous with How long... ?, for, since

1 Riordina le parole per formare frasi.

film this since watching we’ve two been o’clock

We’ve been watching this film since two o’clock.

long have they how waiting been us for?

How long have they been waiting for us?

1 you long have working here been how?


2 tidying they’ve house the lunchtime been since


3 for reading hours book I’ve this been


4 long how this has shop shoes selling been?


5 Simon looking job for has since a been year last


6 long how been Suzie you going with out have?


7 going gym they that haven’t very for to been long


2 Scrivi domande con How long...? e la forma corretta del Present perfect continuous. Poi scrivi risposte con for o since e le parole tra parentesi.

you/work/here? (March)

How long have you been working here?

I’ve been working here since March.

1 it/rain? (twenty minutes)

2 Grandma/use/my laptop? (dinner)

3 they/swim in the pool? (two hours)

4 we/wait? (2 p.m.)

5 you/play/chess? (three years)

6 Ahmed and Faruk/learn/English? (they were children)

Present perfect continuous vs Present perfect

3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta: a o b.

My parents have had that car since April.

a been having b had

1 Glen’s French isn’t very good because he

hasn’t it for very long.

a study b been studying

2 We love Rome. We’ve there twice.

a been b been going

3 The girls aren’t hungry because they’ve

already lunch.

a been eating b eaten

4 I can’t find my glasses. Have you them?

a seen b been seeing

5 Jack’s to finish his homework all afternoon, but he’s still got three exercises to do.

a been trying b tried

6 How long have you that story?

a been writing b written

7 I want to use the computer, but Ben’s

online for hours.

a chatted b been chatting

4 Completa l’email con la forma corretta del Present perfect o Present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Usa le forme contratte dove possibile.


be allowed to, make, let

5 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare il dialogo.

Ethan What’s your new weekend job at the café in town like, Zoe?

Zoe It’s OK. But you aren’t allowed/made to wear what you like – they 1allow/make us wear black trousers and a horrible orange T-shirt. And they don’t 2make/let us touch food without gloves on our hands.

Ethan Hmm. Do they 3make/let you work really hard, too?

Zoe Well, it gets very busy sometimes, and we aren’t 4allowed/let to sit down in the restaurant because people can see us. But they 5make/let us go upstairs to the office for a five-minute break every hour.

Ethan Are you 6made/allowed to use the office phone to call friends?

Zoe No, they don’t 7let/make us do that. Somebody tried to phone a friend in America last week, and he nearly lost his job. They also 8made/let him pay for the call and write a letter to apologise!

Ethan That’s a bit harsh.

Zoe Maybe – but I like working there anyway. They 9allowed/let us take an hour for lunch, and the best thing about working there is we’re 10made/allowed to eat anything that we want from the restaurant!

6 Segna (() la frase corretta. Poi riscrivi correttamente quelle errate, correggendo solo una parola.

Mum doesn’t make me pierce my ears – it’s not fair!

Mum doesn’t let me pierce my ears – it’s not fair!

1 Excuse me, do we allowed to sit here?

2 My parents don’t make me go clubbing because they think I’m too young.

3 Our school is rubbish – we not allowed to wear trainers.

4 I’m angry because my sister doesn’t make me play her computer games.

5 Dad makes us wash the dishes after dinner.

6 The police let my parents show them their ID cards.


Professional skills

7 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare le frasi.

It takes time to find a job. You have to wait and

be patient/ambitious.

1 Don’t worry - Jim will be here on time. He’s very polite/reliable.

2 I don’t need any help when I’m planning things, because I’m good at working/making decisions.

3 Nicky draws and writes stories for children. She’s very creative/organised.

4 You don’t have much time to finish this job, but I know you’re good at working under pressure/as part of a team.

5 Dan’s very conscientious/enthusiastic about our idea. He loves it!

6 We have to be good at dealing with people/working to deadlines in this job because some customers can be very difficult!

7 Claire is telling you the truth. She’s very experienced/honest.

8 Traduci in inglese le espressioni relative a domande di lavoro.

fare domanda di lavoro apply for a job

1 scrivere il tuo curriculum

2 fare un colloquio

3 cercare un lavoro

4 ottenere una laurea

5 vedere un annuncio di lavoro

6 compilare un modulo (per un lavoro)

Freedom and parental control

9 Completa le frasi con i verbi dati. Non è necessario cambiare la forma del verbo.


Sam’s parents have got a lot of rules at home, and they don’t let him break them.

1 We can out late tonight because we don’t have to get up early tomorrow.

2 I can what I like to work but I need to be smartly dressed.

3 I often friends round. They like coming here.

4 Let’s clubbing tomorrow night!

5 Sally has to her mobile phone bills so she never stays on the phone very long.

6 It’s so late! I’m going to grounded when I get home!


have pay break wear stay go be


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