Video Worksheet: Mesopotamia: Return to Eden


Video Worksheet ~ Mesopotamia: Return to Eden

1. What were the three main civilizations of Mesopotamia?

a. Babylon, Assyria, Sumer b. Israel, Egypt, India

c. China, Japan, Mongolia d. Peru, Mexico, Panama

2. What was the oldest of these civilizations?

a. Assyria b. Babylon

c. Sumer d. Utah

3. The _________ Crescent is where Mesopotamia was located

a. Green b. Lush

c. Happy d. Fertile

4. The Bible was always been read in two ways:

a. critically, with joy b. spiritually, historically

c. sadly, with real intent d. intensely, with a smile

5. In 1868, what black stone tablet was found?

a. Moabite Stone b. Bible Stone

c. Urimm and Thummim d. the Ka’ba

6. Why was the stone so significant?

a. it had 3 languages on it that helped archeologists read other historical texts

b. it was a meteorite

c. it held archeological evidence of a biblical story

d. it looked pretty

7. What happened to the stone?

a. it was protected by the king’s warriors

b. it was locked in a stone vault

c. it was thrown into the ocean as a sacrifice

d. it was blown up

8. Where were the Israelite captives taken?

a. Assyria b. Babylon

c. the tower of Babel d. the Nile

9. In Babylon, the bible first became ______

a. the basis for ancient history

b. a religious text c. a book

d. a way of living

10. Babylon was the first civilization to have

a. a king b. running water

c. a peasant working class d. a written legal document

11. What was this legal document?

a. Hammurabi’s code b. the Text of Laws

c. the Constitution d. Baconurabi’s code

12. What civilization existed in the 7th century before Christ?

a. Babylonians b. Assyrians

c. Mesopotamians d. Egyptians

13. How would Assyrians destroy the cities they conquered?

a. utterly b. kindly

c. with a smile d. brutally

14. How would you describe the Assyrians?

a. kind and merciful b. understanding

c. negotiable d. violent and gruesome

15. ______ was a biblical city found in Assyria

a. Jerusalem b. Ur

c. New York d. Nineveh

16. Assyrian queens were buried with

a. gold bracelets and crystal goblets

b. their children

c. their servants

d. custom made gold shoes

17. More than _________ years ago the Sumerians lived in the land of Mesopotamia

a. 2 thousand b. 6 thousand

c. 5 hundred d. 5 thousand

18. Archeology is the science of __________

a. artifacts b. rocks

c. rubbish (trash) d. ancient civilizations

19. Wooly claimed he had found evidence of the biblical

a. flood b. Old Testament

c. New Testament d. ten commandments

20. What happened to the servants of the Sumerian king when he died?

a. they partied

b. they mourned his death everyday for a month

c. they all took poison and died too

d. they lived long and prosperous lives


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