1. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Add any other words ...


1. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Add any other words you need.

a. I haven*t had this _____________________ at work for a long time. (day, hard)

b. So ______________________ was it that I never went back to that country again. (experience,


c. If we*d known how ___________________ it was going to be, we wouldn*t have agreed to do it.

(difficult, task)

d. It was a ____________________ as I*d seen in a long time. (moving, performance)

e. Alex has got that ___________________ he never seems to have to work hard at school. (good,


f. It was too _____________________ to turn down. (offer, tempting)

g. No matter how ____________________ you have, there*s always the risk of failure. (career,


h. I don*t think I*ll ever be as ___________________ as my brother (good, pianist)

2. Complete the sentences using the words in bold in the correct order.

a. Have you seen my _______________________________ boots anywhere? I*m sure I left them

here. (black, climbing, leather)

b. They*ve got some ______________________________________________ shoes in the sale at

Derbyshire*s. (ballet, fantastic, pink, Russian, silk)

c. Didn*t the bride look lovely in that _____________________________________ dress?

(beautiful, cotton, cream, wedding)

d. Does Spencer still drive that ___________________________________________ car of his?

(blue, foreign, ugly)

e. It*s hard to imagine that such a ________________________________________ frog is so

important to the local environment. (Amazonian, green, tiny)

3. Complete with an appropriate comparative or superlative form of the words in the

box. Add any other words you need.

demanding 每 few 每 funny 每 hard 每 long 每 observant 每 reliable 每 slight 每 ugly - valuable

a. I thought this week*s programme was far _____________________ last week*s, so it*s definitely


b. My new laptop is ___________________________ my old one, but I suppose it was quite cheap

so I shouldn*t be surprised.

c. Jim Carter knows what he wants from employees, and I don*t think I*ve ever worked for _______

______________________ manager.

d. Because of its internal structure, diamond is _______________________ substance known.

e. Beside the house, there stood ____________________ tower block I had ever seen.

f. If the conflict goes on any ______________, more people are going to lose their lives.

g. ________________________ his Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Van Gogh*s Irises still sold for 49 million.

h. Even ________________________ amongst us soon realise when a friend has changed their

appearance in some way.

i. I*m afraid that what you*re saying doesn*t make __________________ difference to how I feel.

j. Frankly, I think ___________________ people who know about this, the better.

4. Write a new sentence with the same meaning containing the word in capitals.

1. I really do understand how you feel. QUITE


2. Nobody came to the party, which was unfortunate. UNFORTUNATELY


3. I didn*t find the match very exciting. RATHER


4. The decision was disastrous from a financial point of view. FINANCIALLY


5. This printer is of no use at all! COMPLETELY


6. I can*t see the end of the road very well. HARDLY


5. Complete the following sentences with ONE word.

1. Budapest is one of the _______________ beautiful cities in the world.

2. You haven*t really worked hard ____________ to get a higher mark.

3. This camera is _____________ the best of its type.

4. I wasn*t so much surprised _____________ shocked by the result.

5. Helen*s paintings were far and _____________ the best in the exhibition.

6. The film was ______________ bit as entertaining as I expected it to be.

7. My parents and I are on a different _______________ when it comes to taste in music.

6. Write ONE word in each gap.

In the 1950s and 60s, the tower block seemed to offer a solution to two problems. Firstly, houses built 1___________ earlier

in the century, or even in the nineteenth century, were 2_____________ longer suitable for people to live in. Secondly, an

increasing population placed a great 3______________ more strain on available space. New, vertical tower blocks, able to

house more people in a relatively small space 4_____________ a horizontal street, started to appear. The more people got

used to living in these structures, 5_____________ more they would form the heart of communities, or so the thinking went.

Initially, these blocks were 6___________ popular than the old housing they replaced. They were 7___________ and away

the 8___________ affordable alternative for many people, and they also offered excellent views.

However, these buildings soon became 9____________ attractive to residents as crime rose. It also became clear that a tower

block was 10___________ like as friendly a place to live in 11_____________ a traditional street. More often

12_________ not, residents in a tower block didn*t interact with each other on a regular basis. Although modern tower blocks

are making something 13___________ a comeback amongst young professionals, they still have a poor reputation in the minds

of many people.



a. hard a day b. frightening an experience c. difficult a task d. moving a performance e. good a

memory f. tempting an offer g. successful a career h. good a pianist


a. black leather climbing b. fantastic pink Russian silk ballet c. beautiful cream cotton wedding d.

ugly blue foreign e. tiny green Amazonian.


a.funnier than b.less realiable than c.a more demanding d. the hardest e.the ugliest f.longer g.Less

valuable than h.the least observant i.the slightest j.the fewer


1.I quite understand how you feel.

2. Unfortunately, nobody came to the party.

3. I found the match rather unexciting.

4. The decision was financially disastrous.

5. This printer is completely useless.

6. I can hardly see the end of the road.


1.most 2.enough 3.easily 4.as 5.away 6.every 7.wavelength


1.much 2.no 3.deal 4.than 5.the 6.more 7.far 8.most 9.less 10.nothing 11.as 12.than 13.of


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