Quiz 3: Lessons 7-10 Slangman

Quiz 9: Lessons 7-10 Slangman ESL 063 Friday, June 2, 2006


I. Dictation. You will hear reduced forms, but write in grammatically correct English.

1. You shouldn’a skipped class.

2. Wanna go out tonight?

3. Would’ja get a grip!

4. Yer goin on a blind date?

5. I woulda been bored out of my mind.

II. Matching. Match each literal meaning in bold to its corresponding slang word or phrase.

A. flunk B. fender bender C. blew D. rush hour

E. under the weather F. can’t stand G. no way H. nerd

I. as sick as a dog J. dump

__F__ 6. She really dislikes him because he always lies to her.

__E__ 7. You look a little sick today.

__B__ 8. I got into a minor car accident this morning.

__J__ 9. She’s going to end her relationship with her boyfriend.

__H__ 10. Dan is really boring and he doesn’t have many friends. He’s a social misfit.

__D__ 11. No one wants to drive during the time when most drivers are on the road at

the same time.

__A__ 12. You will fail this class if you don’t do your homework.

__I__ 13. I was extremely sick last week.

__G__ 14. You won the lottery! That’s impossible!

__C__ 15. Steve did extremely poorly on his math test yesterday.

II. Fill in the Blank. Write the correct words in the blanks.

bounce back hop in cram crush

what’s up passed out make-up pot holes

totaled love at first sight

16. John _PASSED OUT____________ after running 8 miles in 90 degree weather.

17. I haven’t studied for my finals yet. I really need to _CRAM______________ tonight.

18. _HOP IN_________________! Let’s go for a spin!

19. _WHAT’S UP______________ with your arm? Why is it bruised and swollen?

20. We fell in love instantly. It was _LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT____________.

21. I hate driving on this road. It has too many _POT HOLES_______________.

22. I’ll _BOUNCE BACK___________ from the flu in no time.

23. I missed the test yesterday; can I do a _MAKE-UP_________________ test?

24. He _TOTALED_______________ his car last week, so now he has to buy a new one.

25. I think he has a _CRUSH___________________ on me. He follows me everywhere.

IV. Extra Credit. Write the antonym (opposite) of each phrase, using another phrase from Slangman.

to blow a test TO ACE A TEST

to feel under the weather TO BE IN THE PINK

to dump someone TO TIE THE KNOT

to have a crush on someone TO BE UNABLE TO STAND SOMEONE


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