A Midsummer’s Night Dream Test Level 1 2010

A Midsummer’s Night Dream Test Study Guide May 2011

Objective (1 point each)

Identification: These characters will be in a matching section of the test.

|Lysander is in love with Hermia, but her father believes he is not the right choice for a husband. |

|Hermia is in love with Lysander. |

|Peter Quince is a carpenter and the director of Pyramus and Thisbe. |

|Oberon is King of the Fairies. |

|Demetrius is the suitor (boyfriend) to Hermia preferred by her father. |

|Hippolyta is Queen of the Amazons. |

|Puck, a little practical joker, is Oberon’s jester. |

|Cobweb is the fairy whom Bottom says he’ll call |

|to stop bleeding. |

|Theseus is the Duke of Athens, betrothed (promised) to Hippolyta. |

|Helena is a tall blonde woman in love with Demetrius. |

|Bottom is the loud-mouthed weaver who plays Pyramus. |

|Titania is Queen of fairies. |

|Egeus is Hermia’s domineering (bossy) father. |

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Quote Matching: Know the speaker of these words:

o “The course of true love never did run smooth.” (Lysander)

o “So quick bright things come to confusion.” (Lysander)

o “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.” (Helena)

o “Over hill, over dale

Thorough bush, thorough brier,

Over park, over pale,

Thorough flood, thorough fire…” (--another Fairy)

o “Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.” (Oberon)

o “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” (Puck)

o “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” (Helena)

o “The lunatic, the lover, and the poet

Are of imagination all compact.” (Theseus)

o “If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended,

That you have but slumbered here

While these visions did appear” (Puck)

Multiple Choice: For the test, you will need to complete these statements. Some words will be missing, and you’ll have to supply them from the given choices. Study these facts from the play.

• Bottom suggests that Quince write a prologue explaining that the suicide is not real so that the ladies in the audience will not be frightened.

• Bottom suggests that Snug should reassure the ladies in the audience about his role as lion.

• Snout’s clothes are smeared with plaster to show that he plays a wall.

• During rehearsal, Quince yells that the place is haunted because he sees an ass’s head on Bottom.

• When Titania has the magic nectar in her eyes, she considers Bottom handsome and wise.

• When Titania tells her attendants to “tie up my lover’s tongue,” she means “I love him but I do wish he’d shut up.”

• If a community theatre group were putting on The Miracle Worker today, Bottom would probably want to be: Helen Keller; Helen’s brother, a minor character; and in charge of advertising.

• Theseus would probably not be marrying Hippolyta if he had not defeated her in battle.

• Hermia’s father Egeus can be BEST described as hard as nails.

• If Egeus were a judge, the sentence he would be most likely to hand down to his own son, the getaway driver in a robbery where a bank teller was killed, would probably be execution.

• Because of Puck’s mistake Lysander falls in love with Helena.

• The audience is most likely to feel sorry for Helena when she responds to declarations of love by Lysander and Demetrius.

• If Hippolyta were alive today to choose a bumper sticker, she would probably prefer one that said “Stand by your man.”

• If Demetrius turned out to be an abusive husband, Helena would probably

blame herself and accept the abuse.

• If you were invited to a birthday celebration for Puck, a present he would probably LEAST enjoy getting from you would be a leather-bound set of Shakespearean tragedies. He is just not a serious guy.

• A malapropism is a mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar. Bottom uses malapropisms such as: “but I will aggravate (malapropism for moderate) my voice so that I will roar as gently as any sucking dove.”

• A foil is a person in literature that through strong contrast emphasizes certain characteristics of another character. Helena is a foil for Hermia.

• When a person asks a rhetorical question, a reply is usually not required or expected. The answer is usually obvious and the question is often asked for effect—or to express disbelief. An example is when Hermia asks Lysander: “But why unkindly didst thou leave me so?”

II. Short Answer: You will need to answer any three of the following in one or two complete, correctly formed sentences each. (10 points each)

➢ Why are Oberon and Titania angry with each other?

➢ What is special about the nectar of the pansy?

➢ How does Oberon plan to help Helena win Demetrius back?

➢ Who is Puck?

➢ Why does Lysander tell Helena he loves her?

III. Short Essay (25 points)

You will be asked to write a well-developed paragraph or two in response to one of the following topics. Offer a strong opening, at least two examples from the play, and an effective conclusion. Identify your essay choice by letter.

A. How does the story develop the theme that “Love is unpredictable”?

B. Describe the actions of at least two characters that contribute to the comic elements of this play. Be specific.

C. How does this play depict arranged marriage? Give at least two examples to support your point.

Short Essay Rubric Possible Points Earned Points

|Strong Opening | 0- 5 | |

|Two Supportive Examples | 0-11 | |

|Well-developed sentences. | | |

|Punctuation | 0-4 | |

|Neatness | | |

|Mechanics | | |

|Effective Closing | 0-5 | |

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|Total: |0-25 | |

Free Space: 5 points for good behav[pic]


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