Need health insurance? Many people can enroll now

Need health insurance?

Many people can enroll now

Many people can get coverage through Maryland Health Connection, Maryland's official health insurance marketplace, any time of year.


Have you recently experienced a major life event?

Some changes in your income or household mean you can enroll or change plans.

Getting married or divorced

Moving to Maryland, or some moves within Maryland


Becoming pregnant or having/adopting a baby

Losing existing health coverage

Turning 26 and moving off of your parent's insurance plan

Certain changes in income, if you're already enrolled


Even if you already have coverage through Maryland Health Connection, it's important to tell us about changes so you receive the right coverage and financial help.

Learn more at lifechanges

| ? 2022 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange MHC039_042022

Need health insurance?

Many people can enroll now

2. Are you eligible for Medicaid? You can enroll in Medicaid year-round if you qualify, even if you haven't experienced a major life change.


You may be eligible for Medicaid if your monthly income is up to approximately:

If your household size is this


Children (MCHP)

Children (MCHP Premium*)

Pregnant Women

















































Each person add






You Pay






Effective February 1, 2022 *Premium cost is per family/household each year.

Get ready to apply

If you think you may qualify to enroll now, have these items on hand: Birth dates for each household member applying for coverage S ocial Security numbers or document numbers for each household member applying for coverage, if

they have an SSN or other document number E mployer and income information for everyone in your household (including pay stubs, W-2 forms or

tax forms) Citizenship or immigration information for anyone applying for coverage Information about any job-related health insurance available to your household Photo ID, if you're applying in person


We use the information you provide in your health coverage application only to determine your eligibility for tax credits and health coverage through Maryland Health Connection. For more information, see our Privacy Notice.

Apply now

Visit to enroll or find free help near you. Call us at 1-855-642-8572. Deaf and hard of hearing use Relay service. Download our free mobile app, Enroll MHC.

| ? 2022 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange MHC039_042022


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