I-Search Research Proposal

I-Search Research Proposal

Group Members: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Group Research Topic of Interest: _____________________________________________________________________________________

A brief justification for why you selected this topic:




|Essential Question: |

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|K (know) |W (want/need to know) |L (learned) |

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In the introduction to this I-Search paper identifies the essential question (use the research prompt as a guide) and it clearly states the purpose of the paper while justifying the relevance of the topic. Next, the introduction should explain how the paper is organized. Remember this is a group writing project therefore functioning collaboratively is required. Using “we” in this section is completely acceptable and necessary. It is important that you be thorough with all the parts in the introduction. Notice the heading for this section and the other ones that follow. Also, notice that the paper is double spaced with one inch margins in standard 12 font type. This section should roughly be about a page in length.

What We Know

After selecting a topic, but before conducting any formal research, write a section in which you explain to the reader why you selected the topic, what you think you know, what you assume, or what you imagine about your topic. Then, come up with a list of things that you want to learn, and that will aid in addressing the essential question.

The Search Process

This section is a narrative about the research process step by step. It is acceptable with in this section to write something like “We started off by evaluating the provided information about childhood obesity, but found it necessary to extend our research to other resources. We decided to talk to the high school librarian regarding other relevant sources. The librarian we spoke with directed us to some great resources which I found to be very useful in the completion of this project.” This would continue until the group completely described their journey through the completion of this paper. It is perfectly acceptable to describe all the successes and challenges endured along the way. Because it is written as a narrative, the group may use “We” throughout this section as well. Use research notes taken in class to aid the group’s ability to remember the research process. Having research notes available and fully explaining them in this section should provide more than enough information to write at least a full page for this section. This section should also include the names of all collaborators and a clear explanation of everyone’s role in this group assignment.

What We Learned

This is the only section that will look like a traditional research paper. “We” should not be used in this section because you are explaining what the “experts” had to say according to the research. Parenthetical documentation should be used as necessary like in any other research paper. As always, MLA format rules apply to paraphrasing, quotations, and documentation. This part of the I-Search project should be pretty lengthy (at least a page) as proof of the extensive research the group has done. Keep in mind that the legitimacy of each source should be of concern especially if the source was found online. At least five sources should be used, and only two of which can be from the articles provided in class. No general encyclopedias or are to be used as official sources. You may use them (this includes Wikipedia) to give you ideas but you cannot use them as one of your five sources. To be thorough for this section of the paper, try to focus on three or four major findings from the research (claims, causes, solutions) and then expand upon each. It should be obvious in this section that as a group extensive research took place. This can easily be accomplished by focusing on the quality of information presented. This section should also mention and explain any areas that would have explored if time would have allowed.


This last section of the paper allows for reflection on the things that have been learned over the course of this project. Questions that must be answered in this section include: What is the biggest thing that we learned from this project? Were we able to answer the Essential Question? How does / will the learned information effect future decisions or behavior? How did the group like this type of project as compared to a traditional research project? Did it have value? Using the word “We” is okay once again in this section because the group is reflecting and expressing personal thoughts. This last section should also be around a page in length.

Works Cited

All entries are to be done in MLA format. The following are reminders:

• Entries are not numbered.

• Entries are listed in alphabetical order based on the first letter that appears in the proper MLA format of the source.

• Entries are double spaced and indented after the first line as needed.

• All sources should be credible.

• Although not mandatory, student should try to vary the types of sources used to hit their topic from a variety of angles. This is a necessary part of good research.

• All sources used must be listed. Minimum of five needed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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