I see trees of green, red roses too; I see them bloom, for me and you ...

嚜澠 see trees of green, red roses too; I see them bloom, for me and you

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

~ Robert Thiele and George Weiss

Dear Friend:

May 2017

This year, I was glad to see the signs of spring. Even though we experienced a mild winter, spring*s renewal is always

rejuvenating, calming, and inspiring. We all could use that right now given our world*s challenges.

This is the wonder and beauty of nature at her best. Re-emerging from the darkness of her slumber to reawaken in song

and color. From the red of the robin*s breast to the pale whites, pinks and blues of spring*s early wildflowers, to the light

green finery of the emerging leaves and grasses.

Spring*s beauty reminds us that nature is a powerful force of creativity that not only deserves our attention, which we

gladly give it at this time of year, but also our gratitude. For where else could we escape the confines of our homes and

offices that offers the breath of fresh air and delight of warmer days than out in nature?

We now know that nature is not only emotionally restorative but that it also helps to improve our health the more we

experience trees and other green things. Therefore, it behooves us to make sure those places are available for all of us,

now and into the future.

This is what the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy (SMLC) offers to our members. As a member, you are part of a

larger movement that sees the intrinsic value in nature as well as the public health and recreational benefits, while also

preserving what remains of our local landscape to provide needed wildlife habitat and natural places to enjoy.

This year SMLC is experiencing a renewal of our own. We are actively pursuing a higher level of funding to increase our

operating capacity for local land conservation. We are also continuing our quest to bring our operational standards in

line with industry best practices. This will help ensure that the lands we protect today are around forever.

You can help make this renewal a success! Conservation takes all of us 每 and you can do your part with a gift of renewal today.

As you consider all that SMLC contributes to bettering our local communities and our lives, I hope you are not only

inspired to continue your support but also to grow your gift in 2017. Thank You!


Photo by Charles Scott

Jill A. Lewis

Our Mission...

The Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy conserves natural

land and open space - including forests, wetlands, meadows,

agricultural lands, and places of scenic beauty - to provide

habitat for wildlife and to enrich the lives of people.

Our Board of Directors...

Mary Ericson 每 President

Bill Secrest 每 Vice President

Bryan Collett 每 Treasurer

James T. Weiner 每 Secretary

Michelle Andrzejak 每 At-Large Officer

Don DeMallie

Mitch Hall

Richard Kent

James McIntyre

Jack R. Smiley

Jonathan Trevathan

Contact Us...

Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy

8383 Vreeland Road

Superior Township, MI 48198

734-484-6565 ? 734-484-0617 (fax) ?

This letter is printed on 30% recycled paper.

Photo by Charles Scott





Superior Township, MI 48198

8383 Vreeland Road

Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy

Photo by Chris Fielding

"local land conservation".

Spread the word about SMLC*s good work and

invite others to join you in participating in

3. Tell your family and friends.

Pledges can be payable over the next

2 years starting with a payment on the

pledge before 12-31-17. All pledges should

be paid in full no later than 12-31-18.

2. Make a generous pledge today.

Use the enclosed envelope to mail your gift to

SMLC or make a secure credit card donation at


1. Make a generous donation today.

What YOU Can Do


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