Pronouns Paper 1 - Pearson


Fill in the blanks using the present perfect tense and the words given. You can use each word once only.

Miss Wong: OK, group B. (____________ you ____________ your project on

zoo animals (____________ ?

Lucy : Phew! Yes, we’ve (____________ finished, Miss Wong. Just in time! Claire (________________________ the picture.

Claire : Yes, and Lucy (________________________ a zoo keeper.

Miss Wong : How about you, Sandy?

Sandy : I’m going to give the presentation at the end. I (____________ already ____________ what I’m going to say!

Molly : And I (________________________ Sandy prepare for the presentation, Miss Wong.

Miss Wong : Good! You’re the last group to complete your project. All the other groups have (____________ finished.

|Answer Key |

1 Have, finished 2 yet

3 just 4 ’s painted / has painted

5 ’s interviewed / has interviewed 6 ’ve / have, practiced

7 ’ve helped / have helped 8 already


Lucy and her mum are going hiking. Complete the conversation using the present perfect tense and ‘just’, ‘already’ or ‘yet’.

Mum : OK, Lucy, when you (________________________ (finish) your breakfast, we can go.

Lucy : Great! I can’t wait to go hiking! I (____________ already ____________ (check) the weather. It should be sunny all day.

Mum : (____________ you ____________ (pack) your bag (___________ ?

Lucy : Yes, I’ve (____________ done it. I did it before I went to bed last night!

Mum : Good. I (________________________ (cook) some pasta for our picnic. I (________________________ (invite) your cousin, Paul, to come hiking too!

(sound of doorbell)

Lucy : Oh, I think he’s (____________ arrived!

|Answer Key |

1 ’ve finished / have finished 2 ’ve / have, checked

3 Have, packed 4 yet

5 already 6 ’ve cooked / have cooked

7 ’ve invited / have invited 8 just


Fill in the blanks using the present perfect tense and the words given. You can use one

of the words more than once.

Kevin : Oh Dad! I’m worried about the homework I have to do this weekend.

Dad : (____________ you ____________ the picture (___________ ?

Kevin : No, I haven’t. I (________________________ a story in English. I’ve (____________ finished it!

Dad : Good! ( ____________ you ____________ the sums (____________ ?

Kevin : Yes, I have. They were easy! I’ve (____________ made the model too. I did that first!

Dad : Well, do your General Studies homework next. Then draw the picture.

Kevin : Good idea, Dad! Oh, but I’m really hungry.

Dad : Don’t worry! I (____________ already ____________ you some sandwiches. I’ll go and get them.

|Answer Key |

1 Have, drawn 2 yet 3 ’ve written / have written 4 just

5 Have, done 6 yet 7 already 8 ’ve / have, made


Fill in the blanks using the present perfect tense and the words given. Write one word in each blank.

|Answer Key |

1 yet 2 ’s / has, done 3 ’s / has, thrown

4 already 5 ’s / has, blown 6 ’s / has, found

7 ’s / has, already, swum 8 just


Complete the conversation using the present perfect tense. Write one word in each blank.

Host : So, our first guest is the famous runner Sam Hung! Sam, (___________

___________ ___________ ___________ (be) on a TV show?

Sam : Yes, I’ve been on TV shows (___________ ___________ !

Host : Great! (___________ ___________ ___________ have you run in an Olympics?

Sam : I (___________ ___________ (run) in an Olympics (___________ !

Host : Wow, (___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ (win) a medal?

Sam : No, I (___________ ___________ won a medal.

Host : As an athlete you must travel a lot. (___________ ___________ ___________ have you been to other countries to run?

Sam : I (___________ ___________ (be) to other countries to run four times!

Host : Really? Oh, I’m sorry. Time’s up! Thanks for coming on the show, Sam.

|Answer Key |

1 have, you, ever, been 2 three, times 3 How, many, times

4 ’ve / have, run 5 twice 6 have, you, ever, won

7 ’ve / have, never 8 How, many, times 9 ’ve / have, been


Sue is talking to her friend, John, about places in Hong Kong. Complete the

conversation using ‘How many times’ and the present perfect tense.

Write one word in each blank.

Sue : So, (___________ you ___________ ___________ (be) to the Peak?

John : Yes, I have.

Sue : (___________ ___________ ___________ have you been there?

John : I’ve been there (___________ – once at night and once in the daytime!

Sue : Great! (___________ you ___________ ___________ (see) the pandas at Ocean Park?

John : Oh, no. I (___________ ___________ ___________ (see) the pandas there. I really want to go and see them!

Sue : (___________ you ___________ ___________ (visit) any outlying islands?

John : I’ve been to Lamma once. But I (___________ ___________ ___________ (visit) Cheung Chau.

Sue : Cheung Chau is nice but Lamma is my favourite!

John : (___________ ___________ ___________ have you been to Lamma?

Sue : I’ve been there (___________ ___________ ! I went twice a long time ago, and once more last year!

|Answer Key |

1 have, ever, been 2 How, many, times 3 twice

4 Have, ever, seen 5 ’ve / have, never, seen 6 Have, ever, visited

7 ’ve / have, never, visited 8 How, many, times 9 three, times


Paul and Mary are in a restaurant. Complete the conversation using the present perfect

tense or the simple past tense and the words given. You can use each verb once only.

Mary : Hi Paul, sorry I’m late. I (____________ lost on the way! (____________ you ____________ your food yet?

Paul : No, I (____________ . Here’s the menu.

Mary : Thanks. I (___________________________ to this restaurant before. This is my first time.

Paul : Oh, I’ve been here many times! I first came here (____________ 2008. I think the restaurant has been open (____________ 2006.

Mary : What did you have the last time?

Paul : Hmm … I (____________ chicken salad a month (____________ . It was delicious.

Mary : I’ve never eaten Italian food before. I can’t wait! I’m so hungry because I (____________ basketball this afternoon. I’ve played in the school team (____________ two years. I love it but it’s tiring!

|Answer Key |

1 got 2 Have, ordered 3 haven’t / have not

4 ’ve never been / have never been 5 in 6 since

7 had 8 ago 9 played

10 for


Max is in his favourite shop. Complete the conversation using the present perfect tense

or the simple past tense and the words given. You can use each word once only.

Max : How long have you had this shop, Mr Wong?

Mr Wong : Well, I (____________ this shop (____________ 1991, but I (________________________ in this area for much longer than that.

Max : Wow, you (________________________ a shopkeeper (____________ 20 years! Have you ever had any famous customers?

Mr Wong : Oh, lots! One day a singer, Elsie Tyler, came to the shop and we (____________ friends! We’ve been friends (____________ 2006! She loves my shop.

Max : I only started shopping here one year (____________ , but I love it too.

|Answer Key |

1 opened 2 in 3 ’ve lived / have lived 4 ’ve been / have been

5 for 6 became 7 since 8 ago


Mike is writing his blog. Complete the sentences using the correct tenses and ‘since’ or ‘for’. You can use one of the verbs more than once.

|Answer Key |

1 visit 2 ’ve lived / have lived 3 for

4 play 5 ’ve played / have played 6 help

7 ’s been / has been 8 since


Nina is giving a talk in assembly. Complete the sentences using the correct tenses and ‘since’ or ‘for’.

|Answer Key |

1 ’ve been / have been 2 since 3 give

4 ’ve visited / have visited 5 since 6 sing

7 ’ve worked / have worked 8 for 9 practise


Present perfect tense

paint finish help interview practise

just yet already

Present perfect tense

Present perfect tense

make do draw write

just yet already

Present perfect tense

throw find swim blow do

just yet already

Welcome back to the show! So, have John and his team mate, Peter, finished the challenge (____________ ? Let’s see what John (___________ ________________ ! Well, he (___________ ________________ the ball into the basket. And he has (____________ climbed through the tunnel. I think he did that first. He (___________ ________________ up the balloons. He (___________ ________________ the flag too! It was hidden behind the boxes! And let’s see what else he has done. He (___________ ____________ ________________ through the water. And look! Now John has (____________ given Peter the flag …

Present perfect tense

ever never






Present perfect tense

ever never twice … times

Present perfect tense


since ago for in

play order be get have

Present perfect tense

open become be live

since for in ago

Present perfect tense

play live visit be help

My week!

I (___________________ my grandparents in Kwai Chung on Saturdays.

They (________________________ there (____________ twenty years.

On Mondays I (____________ football for the school team.

I (________________________ for the team since

last year! I (____________ with the housework on

Wednesdays and Fridays because Mum is very busy.

She (________________________ a nurse

(____________ 2004.

Present perfect tense

Hello, everybody. As some of you may know, I (__________________ (be)

a famous singer (____________ 2006. I often (____________ (give)

concerts in different countries. I (________________________ (visit)

many different countries (____________ 2007. I always (____________

(sing) with a piano player and a guitarist. We (______________________

(work) together (____________ three years. Some people think being a

singer is easy, but I (____________ (practise) for three or four hours every



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