My Professional Teaching Credo

My Professional Teaching CredoBrandon MonnierIntro to Teaching 111Mrs. Eastman Abstract Throughout my schooling experience I have had the help of many teachers to learn that I want to become one myself. I have discovered the types of teachers that I like and the type of teacher that I want to become. There are many different techniques in teaching; I have learned some of the techniques that I would like to use in my classroom. With the help of my future teachers hopefully I can become the best teacher that I can be. I not only want to help the students that I will teach in learning but also to make a difference in their life.My Professional CredoBrandon MonnierOne of my teachers in high school said, “If you become a teacher you will never stop learning.” I hope that this is true, when you are a teacher you need to continue learning. To continue learning new methods of teaching so that my students will be able to learn from the best teacher that I can possibly be. I have had many teachers throughout high school and the beginning of college to find out that I would like to become a teacher myself. I have been able to see all sorts of different styles and techniques of teaching to help me find out the teacher I would like to try to become. Hopefully with the help of my past teachers and with the help of my future teachers I will be able to become the best teacher that I can possibly become. When I first realized that I wanted to become a teacher I was a junior on highs school. I was interning for a special needs class, for Mrs. Blair. I realized it when I found out that you can make a huge difference in their lives. When I would walk into the class their faces would light up and come talk to me. I learned a lot from Mrs. Blair. I learned that you not only need to help them learn but you also need to help them have fun. I would help some of the students’ one on one, and you have to have a great deal of patience which I believe I have. From the many teachers that I have been able to learn from throughout the years, I have observed that students seem to learn more and become more interested in learning when the classroom environment is more relaxed and they can have fun, while still learning. When you get the students involved as an entire class, whether it be playing a game or in a class discussion, they seem to become more interested in what you are trying to teach. I will need to figure out what kind of learners I have in my classroom to determine how I will teach them. Whether it be taking notes from a power point presentation to reading out of the book as a class to playing a game that helps them learn. I believe that I will learn as much from the students I teach as they will learn from me. I believe that grades are important but not the most important thing when teaching students. The most important thing for teaching students is what they learn from what you teach, the knowledge that they get out of what you teach. Some students do not do that good on tests or quizzes but they have a better knowledge of what you have taught than the students that do well on tests and quizzes. That is why I believe in student projects and presentations, that way you get a better feel for what they are gaining from what you’re teaching, or what they are not gaining. For those reasons I believe that the teacher needs to learn what types of student that they are teaching, so that the students get the most out of their learning experience. I will also have to find out what the most important points of the content I will be teaching are. That way I can emphasize what is important, what they really need to learn, so that they get most important knowledge that they can. What I have observed from watching my teachers and the lessons that they teach is that they cover some material more than others. They cover the material that is most important longer than the material that is semi important, which is what I most likely do also. I believe that the most important points in the content that I will have to cover will be the points that will help my student out the most in their lives. That is what teachers are supposed to do, prepare their students for life, which sometimes is scary to learn. That is why I am going to do my best at teaching the most important aspects of the content we will be covering. That way they can gain the most from the material that they can use in everyday life. As I have been examining my teachers that I have had throughout my schooling and examining myself I have realized that there is not one, but two teaching philosophies’ that fit me. Those two teaching philosophies are social reconstruction and progressivism. I believe that the content area that I will be teaching the student should come from the students’ interests and that the learning environment should be active. That way the students can use what they have learned to help them prepare themselves for the future. Students need to learn the problem solving skills that are needed to use in everyday life and in their jobs when they are out of high school. I also believe that there should not only be teacher and student interaction but also student to student interaction. The more that the students interact with their teachers and their fellow students the more they will be able to learn. They will learn just as much, if not more, from their fellow students as they will from their teachers. If there is good student to student interaction it will also help them with their problem solving abilities. I hope to be able to help the students learn from class discussions, projects, and class field trips. That way they can learn outside the walls of the classroom and school, to continue the learning experience in many different ways. Of all of the different ways people look at a teacher’s philosophy none are more important or are more valuable than the students. I want my classroom to be an active learning environment. I want my students to be excited to learn, excited to come to my class, and most of all I want my students to feel like they learned some use full knowledge. I do not want my classroom to environment to feel like the students are being pressured to learn something that they do not want to learn. I want my classroom environment to be relaxing but yet energetic at the same time. I will learn from my students, their ideas and interests will help me come up with the curriculum that I will have in my classroom, while still covering the main points and most important parts of the curriculum. With the help of my past teachers I have learned that I would like to become a teacher. I have seen many different techniques and styles of teaching, with being able to observe all of these different techniques and styles I believe I know the type of teacher I would like to become. I want to be able to make a difference in my student’s lives and for them to be able to get the most out of what I teach them. One of my teachers once said, “If you become a teacher you will never stop learning.” With the help of my future teachers and with teachers I will work with I hope to become the best possible teacher that I can be for my students. ................

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