Think tank lists - WikiLeaks

Think tank lists

(Also look for the Think Tank Directory clickable map)



Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation (UNISCI)

Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Department of International Studies, Complutense University of Madrid (Campus de Somosaguas), Carretera de Pozuelo a Humera s/n, Madrid CP 28223, Spain

tel:34-91 394 2924 fax:34-91 394 2655



International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)

494/3 Piachaud Gardens, Kandy, Sri Lanka

tel:94-8 234 892 fax:94-8 234 892


Marga Institute

93/10, Dutugemunu Mawatha, Kirillapone, Colombo 6, Western Province, Sri Lanka

tel:94-1 829 051 fax:94-1 828 597




Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm

Drottninggatan 33, 2 tr Box 591, Stockholm S-101 31, Sweden

tel:46-8 402 1200 fax:46-8 245 014


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Signalistgatan 9, Solna SE-169 70, Sweden

tel:46-8 655 9700 fax:46-8 655 9733


Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)

Lilla Nygatan 23, Box 1253, Stockholm S-111 82, Sweden

tel:46-8 696 0500 fax:46-8 20 1049


Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF)

Wallingatan 38, Stockholm SE-111 24, Sweden

tel:46-8 24 0450 fax:46-8 20 7313



Europe-Third World Centre (CETIM)

6, rue Amat, Geneva CH-1202, Switzerland

tel:41-22 731 5963 fax:41-22 731 9152


Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW-HSG)

Dufourstrasse 48, St. Gallen CH-9000, Switzerland

tel:41-71 224 2340 fax:41-71 224 2298



Center for Economics and Econometrics (CEE)

Bogazici University, 80815 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

tel:90-212 263 1530 fax:90-212 287 2453


Foreign Policy Institute (FPI)

Bilkent University, East Campus, Ankara 06533, Turkey

tel:90-312 266 2869 fax:90-312 266 2871



Name: Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies (OSI)

Activities: Socio-economic processes, political change, historical-political structures, cultural and ethnic structures.

Address: Josefsplatz 6, A-1010 Wien

Phone: 43-1-512 18 95

Fax: 43-1-512 18 95-53



Name: Austrian Society for Foreign Policy and International Relations (OGA)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, culture and religion.

Address: Vienna A-1010, Austria

Phone: 43-1 535 46 27

Fax: 43-1 532 26 05



Name: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Activities: International

Address: Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg A-2361, Austria

Phone: 43-2236 8070

Fax: 43-2236 71313



Name: United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria - Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs (AFA)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, economic issues, social issues, environment and natural resources

Address: Johannesgasse 2/2/32, Vienna A-1010,, Austria

Phone: 43-1 512 8521

Fax: 43-1 512 8521



Name: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, labor and human resource development

Address: Oppolzergasse 6, Vienna A-1010, Austria

Phone: 43-1 533 66 1011

Fax: 43-1 533 66 1050



Name: Adam Smith Institute (ASI)

Activities: Economic issues, health and welfare, education, industry policy, transport. Current projects focus on competition and market reform

Address: 23 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BL, UK

Phone: 44-171 222 4995

Fax: 44-171 222 7544



Name: Centre for Defence Studies (CDS)

Activities: Security and defense, development studies, foreign relations, political issues, regional studies, communications and information, economic issues, environment and natural resources, gender, health and welfare, social issues

Address: King's College, Unversity of London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK

Phone: 44-207 848 2338

Fax: 44-208 848 2748



Name: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Activities: Economic issues, political issues, development studies, industry policy, regional studies

Address: 90-98 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7RR, UK

Phone: 44-207 878 2900

Fax: 44-207 878 2999



Name: Centre for European Reform (CER)

Activities: International

Address: 29 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL, UK

Phone: 44-207 233 1199

Fax: 44-207 233 1117



Name: Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies (CRCE)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, economic transition

Address: 57 Tufton Street, London SW1P3QL, UK

Phone: 44-207 233 1050

Fax: 44-207 222 4299



Name: Demos

Activities: Domestic, international, particularly EU.

Address: The Mezzanine Elizabeth House 39 York Road, London SE1 7NQ, UK

Phone: 44-20 7401 5330

Fax: 44-20 7401 5331



Name: The Foreign Policy Centre (FPC)

Activities: Middle East reform, Democracy and Development, European Democracy, Risk and Security, Public Diplomacy, Global Europe, World Order After Iraq, Migration and Integration, Business and the World, China and Globalisation, Energy, The Euro, Trade, Translantic Relations

Address: 49 Chalton Street London NW1 1HY, UK

Phone: 44-207 388 6662

Fax: 44-207 388 8869



Name: Institute for Employment Studies (IES)

Activities: Labor and human resource development

Address: Mantell Building, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RF, UK

Phone: 44-1273 686751

Fax: 44-1273 690430



Name: Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)

Activities: EU environmental policy, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, regional studies, development studies, health and welfare, industry policy, political issues

Address: Dean Bradley House, 52 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AG, UK

Phone: 44 -207 799 2244

Fax: 44 -207 799 2600



Name: Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, development studies, communications and information, social issues, gender, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion

Address: 79 Wimpole Street, London W1G 9RY, UK

Phone: 44-207 935 8266

Fax: 44-207 935 3252

Website: http//.uk


Name: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, industry policy, social issues, health and welfare, education, culture and religion, communications and information

Address: 30-32 Southampton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7RA, UK

Phone: 44-20 7470 6120

Fax: 44-20 7470 6111



Name: The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)

Activities: Economic issues, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy, science and technology, social issues, transport, regulation, taxation, utilities, EU, morality of capitalism, crime prevention

Address: 2 Lord North Street, London SW1P 3LB, UK

Phone: 44-207 799 8900

Fax: 44-207 799 2137



Name: International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, regional studies, culture and religion

Address: Department of Geograpy, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK

Phone: 44-191 374 7701

Fax: 44-191 374 7702



Name: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Activities: Foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, regional studies

Address: Arundel House, 13-15 Arundel Street, Temple Place, London WC2R 3DX, UK

Phone: 44-20 7379 7676

Fax: 44-20 7836 3108



Name: New Economics Foundation (NEF)

Activities: Enterprising communities, democracy, participation, debt cancellation, corporate accountability, social enterprise, sustainable alternatives to globalization

Address: Cinnamon House, 6-8 Cole Street, London SE1 4YH, UK

Phone: 44-20 7089 2800

Fax: 44-20 7407 6473



Name: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources. Research is arranged in four groups: forest policy and environment, humanitarian policy, international economic development, and rural policy and environment

Address: 111 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JD, UK

Phone: 44-20 7922 0300

Fax: 44-20 7922 0399



Name: The Royal Institute of International Affairs

Activities: Economic issues, foreign relations, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas, Russia and Eurasia, Europe, energy and the environment, international economics and security

Address: Chatham House, 10 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LE, UK

Phone: 44-20 7957 5700

Fax: 44-20 7957 5710



Name: Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies (RUSI)

Activities: Security and defense, foreign relations, political issues, economic issues, industry policy

Address: Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET, UK

Phone: 44-207 930 5854

Fax: 44-207 321 0943



Name: Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU)

Activities: Science and technology, industry policy, environment and natural resources, communications and information policy, energy policy, knowledge management, foresight, defense industry, chemical and biological warfare

Address: Mantell Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RF, UK

Phone: 44-127 368 6758

Fax: 44-127 368 5865



Name: Social Market Foundation (SMF)

Activities: Social issues, economic issues, education, labor and human resource development, health and welfare, development studies, gender, industry policy, political issues

Address: 11 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QB, UK

Phone: 44-20 7222 7060

Fax: 44-20 7222 0310



Name: Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

Activities: Foreign relations, political issues, security and defense, regional studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources

Address: Mannerheimintie 15 A, Helsinki 00260, Finland

Phone: 358-9 4342 0717

Fax: 358-9 4342 0769



Name: World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (WIDER)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues

Address: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, Helsinki FIN-00160, Finland

Phone: 358-9 615 9911

Fax: 358-9 615 99333



Name: Center for International Prospective Studies (CEPII)

Activities: International economics, foreign trade, economic issues, environment and natural resources, financial economics, macroeconomics

Address: 9, rue Georges Pitard, Paris cedex 15 75740, France

Phone: 33-1 5368 5500

Fax: 33-1 5368 5504



Name: Centre for Studies in International Development and Economic and Social Movements (Institut CEDIMES)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, industry policy, development studies, social issues, agriculture, globalization and free market, governance, entrepreneurship

Address: 83 bis rue Notre Dame des Champs, Paris, 75006, France

Phone: 33-1 44 41 5955

Fax: 33-1 44 41 5905



Name: French Institute for International Relations (IFRI)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, social issues, European defense, WTO, globalization, EMU, strategies of multinational firms, security issues (NATO, European defense, nature of threats), economic issues (macroeconomics and trade issues, emerging markets, multinational strategies, information and communication technologies), trans-Atlantic economic and political issues, global issues such as environmental issues and natural resources, immigration, the Middle East (the peace process) and the Mediterranean, Europe-Asia cooperation, Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, Eastern European transition, EU enlargement and institutional reforms.

Address: 27, rue de la Procession, Paris 75740, France

Phone: 33-1 4061 6000

Fax: 33-1 4061 6060



Name: INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre (EAC)

Activities: All aspects of business throughout the Asia-Pacific region, more broadly defined as the analysis of organizations and markets within the context of Asia, including three large-scale projects: comparative business systems, cross-cultural management and the transformation of Asia

Address: Boulevard de Constance, Fontainebleau Cedex 77306, France

Phone: 33-1 60 724040

Fax: 33-1 60 724049



Name: Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS)

Activities: Security and defense, regional studies, foreign relations, political issues, economic issues, strategic issues, European security, world balance of power, nuclear issues, French foreign policy, arms industries, sales of arms, strategic industries, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, economic information and intelligence, international economics and commerce, European issues, Central and Balkan Europe, Spain and Hispanic America, North America, Mediterranean and Muslim world, Middle East, Turkophone world, Asian issues, Russia and CIS, sub-Saharan Africa.

Address: 2 bis rue Mercoeur, Paris 75011, France

Phone: 33-1 5327 6060

Fax: 33-1 5327 6070



Name: Bonn Institute for Economic and Social Research (IWG BONN)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, social issues, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, industry policy, regional studies, education, culture and religion, communications and information, science and technology. Main research topics include: economic and social consequences of German unification, questions of economic culture and work ethics, quantitative and qualitative demographic trends, foreign population and migration, labor market, income and wealth, social security systems and the welfare state, housing and urban planning, public finance

Address: Wissenschaftszentrum, Ahrstrasse 45, D-53175 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany

Phone: 49-228 372044

Fax: 49-228 375869



Name: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

Activities: Security and defense

Address: An der Elisabethkirche 25, Bonn 53113, Germany

Phone: 49-228 911960

Fax: 49-228 241215



Name: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Activities: Humanities, science, engineering

Address: Kennedyallee 40, Bonn 53175, Germany

Phone: 49-228 8851

Fax: 49-228 885 2777



Name: DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)

Activities: Economic issues, political issues, social issues, environment and natural resources, communications and information, energy, transport, development studies, education, gender, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, regional studies, science and technology

Address: Koenigin-Luise-Strasse 5, Berlin D-14191, Germany

Phone: 49-30 897 89 0

Fax: 49-30 897 89 200



Name: European Association of Development research and training Institute (EADI)

Activities: Development studies, gender, political issues, education, labor and human resource development, communications and information, culture and religion, economic issues, health and welfare, industry policy, regional studies, science and technology, social issues, aid policy and performance, cooperation in development and area studies training, Europe and Latin America, governance, industrialization strategies, information management, international migration, refugees and development, Mediterranean cooperation, monetary and financial affairs, multinationals and development, the rise and decline of the work system, rural and agricultural development, transformation and market economy, the urbanization process, world trade and trade policy

Address: Kaaiser Friedrich Strasse 11, Bonn 53113, Germany

Phone: 49-228 261 8101

Fax: 49-228 261 8103



Name: German Business Institute (IW)

Activities: Economic and social issues, education, labor and human resource development, industry policy, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, regional studies, communications and information

Address: Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 84-88, Cologne D-50968, Germany

Phone: 49-221 4981 610

Fax: 49-221 4981 596



Name: German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, regional studies, environment and natural resources, political issues, specifically Franco-German relations, Poland and Polish-German relations, the Czech Republic and German-Czech relations, European foreign and security policy, Russia and the CIS, East Asia and the Pacific, trans-Atlantic relations, globalization, multilateral institutions, developing countries, German-American relations.

Address: Rauchstr. 18, Berlin 10787, Germany

Phone: 49-30 254 2310

Fax: 49-30 2542 3171



Name: German Institute for International Politics and Security (SWP)

Activities: Foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, regional studies, development studies

Address: Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, Berlin 10719, Germany

Phone: 49-30 880 070

Fax: 49-30 880 07100



Name: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)

Activities: Economic issues, labor and human resource development, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, education, environment and natural resources, gender. Research has centered around projects assessing: 1) the transformation process from a socialist to a market economy in east Germany, 2) the analysis of structural change and economic development in Germany, 3) the German labor market, a research area which will continue to be one of the paramount problems of economic development, 4) regional and local economic development in east Germany, and 5) economic development in Central and Eastern European countries, as well as their repercussions for Germany and Western Europe

Address: Kleine Markerstrabe 8, Halle/Saale D-06108, Germany

Phone: 49-345 7753 60

Fax: 49-345 7753 820

Website: :


Name: Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)

Activities: Economic growth and business cycles in Europe, European integration and spatial development, international integration and spatial development, internationalization of labor markets, developing and transition economies, international financial markets, international regimes, international climate policy, economic indicators, foreign direct investment and multinational companies, migration

Address: Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, Hamburg D-20347, Germany

Phone: 49-40 428 340

Fax: 49-40 428 34451



Name: Ifo Institute for Economic Research (Ifo)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, labor and human resource development, environment and natural resources, development studies, economic forecasting and financial markets, public finance, social policies and labor markets, structural change and industries, environment, regional economics and transportation, international institutional comparisons, business surveys.

Address: Poschingerstrasse 5, Munich 81679, Germany

Phone: 49-89 92240

Fax: 49-89 985369



Name: Institute of Asian Affairs (IFA)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, foreign relations and diplomacy, social issues, development studies. In addition to studying individual Asian countries, IFA focuses on inter-regional, multinational and international relations in East and Southeast Asia; regional economic cooperation; possibilities for economic cooperation between Germany and selected Asian countries; and the causes of and solutions to political and economic turbulence in individual countries and specific regions of Asia.

Address: Rothenbaumchaussee 32, Hamburg D-20148, Germany

Phone: 49-40 428 8740

Fax: 49-40 410 7945



Name: Kiel Institute of World Economics (IfW)

Activities: Economic issues, foreign relations, industry policy, development studies, regional studies. If W's main areas of interest are business cycle analysis, focused on the theoretical and methodological foundations of explaining and forecasting short-term economic trends; analysis of economic growth, long-term structural change and employment trends in industrial countries; analysis of shifts in growth centers in the EU and the management of economic structural change; and analysis of long-term trends in industrialization and growth in developing and newly industrializing countries. Other research themes include the international monetary system and capital markets, environmental problems, international raw material markets, the use of maritime resources, and shipping and air transport

Address: Dusternbrooker Weg 120, Kiel 24105, Germany

Phone: 49-431 88141

Fax: 49-431 85853


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Name: Alfred Mozer Foundation

Activities: Political issues, communications and information, social issues, economic issues, gender

Address: PO Box 1310, Amsterdam 1000 BH, Netherlands

Phone: 31-20 551 2121

Fax: 31-20 551 2250



Name: Centre for European Security Studies (CESS)

Activities: Civil-military relations, defense organization, defense economics, legislative oversight of security structures, European security, NATO enlargement, common foreign and security policy of EU

Address: PO Box 716, Groningen 9700 AS, Netherlands

Phone: 31-50 313 2520

Fax: 31-50 313 2506



Name: Netherlands Atlantic Association

Activities: Security, defense

Address: Bezuidenhoutseweg 237-239, Den Haag 2594 AM, Netherlands

Phone: 31-70 363 9495

Fax: 31-70 364 6309



Name: Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael

Activities: International relations

Address: PO Box 93080, The Hague 2509 AB, Netherlands

Phone: 31-70 324 5384

Fax: 31-70 328 2002



Name: Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR)

Activities: Labor and human resource development, health and welfare, social issues, environment and natural resources, education, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, communications and information, development studies, economic issues, foreign relations, political issues, security and defense

Address: PO Box 20004, The Hague 2500 EA, Netherlands

Phone: 31 70 356 4600

Fax: 31 70 356 4685



Name: Transnational Institute (TNI)

Activities: Economic issues, political issues, security and defense, environment and natural resources, regional studies

Address: Paulus Potterstraat 20, Amsterdam 1071 DA, Netherlands

Phone: 31-20 662 6608

Fax: 131-20 675 7176



Name: European Institute for Risk, Security and Communication Management (EURISC Foundation)

Activities: Security and defense, foreign relations and diplomacy, political issues, civil protection, regional studies, communications and information, environment and natural resources, development studies, labor and human resource development, science and technology. Priority research areas include: NATO enlargement and RomaniaÕs membership, European Union enlargement and RomaniaÕs membership, particularly focusing on major problems regarding national security, nonmilitary risks to national and international security, security culture and the civil-military relationship

Address: PO Box 2-101, Bucharest 2, Romania

Phone: 40-1-223 3054

Fax: 40-1-312 0805



Name: Institute for World Economy (IEM)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, environment and natural resources. IEM's current research programs focus mainly on the world framework for Romania's transition to a market economy, divided into three large groupings: 1) Analysis of the economic situation and reforms in the transition to a market economy in the Eastetn European area, including the themes of privatization, foreign, investment and convertibility. 2) Analysis of the major qualitative phenomena in the world, especially the integration processes in Europe, the industrial restructuring of the main branches (food industry, machine building, chemistry, metallurgy, etc.) and the economic growth process. Stress is laid on those aspects directly or indirectly connected with the major strategic objectives of the Romanian economy, such as integration in the EU. 3) And an analysis of the main tendencies in the evolution of developed and developing countries' economies, as well as of the main international goods markets

Address: Calea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, 76117, Bucharest OP42 CP13, Romania

Phone: 40-1-410 5570

Fax: 40-1-410 5020



Name: The Institute for Urban Economics (IUE)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, social issues, development studies, gender. Today the instituteÕs projects focus on: elaborating and introducing new approaches to solving housing problems, the financing of housing and urban infrastructure, municipal management, urban land use, the municipal social safety net, and other issues of social and economic development in urban areas

Address: 12th floor, 36 Lyusinovskaya Street, Moscow 113093, Russia

Phone: 7-095 363 5047

Fax: 7-095 787 4520



Name: Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IEIE)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, industry policy, social issues, development studies, communications and information, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, problems of federalism. IEIE conducts research in two broad areas. Research Line 1 studies production dynamics, structural shifts and economic transformations in Russia, and social issues of societal and economic transformations. Research Line 2 covers issues of state and regional policy, territorial management and comprehensive development of Siberia. Other research is connected with federal programs (Low Angara region development and monitoring of economic reform in Russia) and regional programs (problem regions, economy and energy engineering in Siberia, regional migration programs)

Address: 17, Lavrentiev Prospekt, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Phone: 7-3832 300 536

Fax: 7-3832 302 580



Name: Institute of Far Eastern Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES)

Activities: Political issues, security and defense, regional studies, culture and religion, foreign relations, economic issues, development studies, education, social issues

Address: Nakhimovsky pr. 32, Moscow 117218, Russia

Phone: 7-95 124 0835

Fax: 7-95 718 9656



Name: Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)

Activities: Internationalization of production and capital, changes in foreign trade, problems of the international monetary system, external debt, theories of transition period and problems of Russia's economy in transition, activities of international coalitions and international economic organizations, comparative and regional studies (North America, Western Europe, Japan), basic trends of current international relations in the increasingly interdependent world, problems of international security, military and political confrontation and its resolution, conflict management, arms control and disarmament, economic and political problems of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, comparative socio-economic and socio-political studies of modern society, new Russia

Address: 23 Profsoyuznaya Street, Moscow 117997 GSP-7, Russia

Phone: 7-95 120 6459/120 4332

Fax: 7-95 310 7027



Name: Russian Public Policy Center (RPPC)

Activities: Regional studies, social issues, culture and religion, education, development studies, foreign relations, labor and human resource development, political issues

Address: 2,Louchnikov Lane, Moscow 101000, Russia

Phone: 7-095 206 829

Fax: 7-095 206 8579



Name: Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation (UNISCI)

Activities: Confidence-building measures in the Mediterranean, Euro-Mediterranean conference future prospects, 5+5 Group, Strait of Gibraltar, development aid as a tool for regional security, terrorism in the Mediterranean, European security, security and defense in Spain, cooperative security, new concepts of security in US policy, ATBM systems, nuclear nonproliferation, Caucasus and Central Asia, security in the Pacific Rim

Address: Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Department of International Studies, Complutense University of Madrid (Campus de Somosaguas), Carretera de Pozuelo a Humera s/n, Madrid CP 28223, Spain

Phone: 34-91 394 2924

Fax: 34-91 394 2655


Sri Lanka

Name: International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)

Activities: Security and defense, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, culture and religion, political issues, foreign relations, gender, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, science and technology

Address: 494/3 Piachaud Gardens, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Phone: 94-8 234 892

Fax: 94-8 234 892


Sri Lanka

Name: Marga Institute

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, industry policy, development studies, social issues, communications and information, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences. Specific themes include: history of ethnic conflict, saving patterns of middle and upper income households, impact of globalization and liberalization on children's well-being, economic pensions and social security in South Asia, World Summit goals for children in Sri Lanka

Address: 93/10, Dutugemunu Mawatha, Kirillapone, Colombo 6, Western Province, Sri Lanka

Phone: 94-1 829 051

Fax: 94-1 828 597



Name: Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm

Activities: Demography (in particular, forecasts), health and welfare, regional studies, gender, communications and information, development studies, economic issues, labor and human resource development, political issues, social issues

Address: Drottninggatan 33, 2 tr Box 591, Stockholm S-101 31, Sweden

Phone: 46-8 402 1200

Fax: 46-8 245 014



Name: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Activities: Armaments, disarmament and international security, defense. Research is organized into three areas: 1) Conflicts, conflict prevention and regional security (conflicts and peace enforcement; conflict prevention, management and resolution; building a cooperative security system in Europe; conventional arms control; the evolving security setting in the Caspian Sea Basin); 2) Military spending, arms production and arms transfers (military expenditures and arms production; arms transfers; conflict and small arms transfers; Internet Database on European Export Controls); and 3) Weapons of mass destruction and international security (military technology and international security; chemical and biological warfare; Arms Control and Documentary Survey)

Address: Signalistgatan 9, Solna SE-169 70, Sweden

Phone: 46-8 655 9700

Fax: 46-8 655 9733



Name: Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)

Activities: Swedish foreign security and disarmament policy, foreign and security studies, international environmental cooperation

Address: Lilla Nygatan 23, Box 1253, Stockholm S-111 82, Sweden

Phone: 46-8 696 0500

Fax: 46-8 20 1049



Name: Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF)

Activities: Economic issues, labor and human resource development, industry policy, gender, education, economic growth, labor economics, income distribution, international trade and finance

Address: Wallingatan 38, Stockholm SE-111 24, Sweden

Phone: 46-8 24 0450

Fax: 46-8 20 7313



Name: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS)

Activities: Security and defense, foreign relations, political issues

Address: Nanyang Technological University, South Soine S4, Level B4, Nanyang Avenue 639798, Singapore

Phone: 65-6790 6982

Fax: 65-6793 2991



Name: The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)

Activities: Local entrepreneurship, ethnic relations, demographic policy and trends, environmental issues, housing and urban studies, health economics, international economic, political and security relations

Address: 1 hon Sui Sen Drive, Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library Building 117588, Singapore

Phone: 65-779 2633

Fax: 65-777 0700



Name: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, social issues, security and defense, culture and religion, issues of stability and security, economic development, political, social and cultural change

Address: 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, off Pasir Panjang Road 119614, Singapore

Phone: 65-6778 0955

Fax: 65-6778 1735



Name: Centre for Advanced Studies of the University of Economics, Bratislava (CAS UE)

Activities: Education, economic issues, labor and human resource development

Address: 22 Palisady St., Bratislava 811 06, Slovakia

Phone: 421-2 5441 4521

Fax: 421-2 5441 4829



Name: Center for Economic Development (CED)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, social issues, education, labor market, Internet and information, human development, gender issues, poverty, transparency, the fight against corruption, corporate governance

Address: Bajkalska 25, 827 18, Bratislava 212, Slovakia

Phone: 421-2 5341 1020

Fax: 421-2 5823 3487



Name: The F. A. Hayek Foundation Bratislava (FAHF)

Activities: Economic issues, education, political issues, social issues, foreign relations

Address: Drienova 24, Bratislava 826 03, Slovakia

Phone: 421-2 4341 0148

Fax: 421-2 4341 0146



Name: Institute for Public Affairs (IVO)

Activities: Political issues, foreign policy, gender, public opinion, development studies, civil society, ethnic minorities

Address: Hviezdoslavovo nam. 17, Bratislava 811 02, Slovakia

Phone: 42-1 2 5441 0744

Fax: 42-1 2 5443 4015



Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)

Av. Callao 25 1-B, Buenos Aires C1022AAA, Argentina

tel:54-11 4384 9009 fax:54-11 4384 9009



Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL)

Esmeralda 130 - Pisos 16 y 17, Buenos Aires 1035, Argentina

tel:54-11 4320 1850 fax:54-11 4320 1865




EUREKA-Independent Sociological Center

Rr. Ferit Xhajko, P. 65/1, sh.2, Ap.19, Tirana, Albania

tel:355-4 230 456 fax:355-4 230 456


The Asia-Australia Institute, University of New South Wales (AAI)

University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia

tel:61-2 9385 9111 fax:61-2 9385 9220


The Australia Institute (TAI)

Garden Wing - Level 3, University House, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia

tel:61-2 6249 6221 fax:61-2 6249 6448


Australia-Japan Research Center (AJRC)

J.G. Crawford Building, Ellery Crescent, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia

tel:61-2 6215 3780 fax:61-2 6215 0767


Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA)

32 Thesiger Court, Deakin, Australian Capital Territory 2600, Australia

tel:61-2 6282 2133 fax:61-2 6285 2334


The Brisbane Institute

Level 2, 349 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia

tel:61-7 3220 2198 fax:61-7 3220 2735


Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC)

Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200, Australia

tel:61-2 6125 9921 fax:61-2 6248 0816



Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies (OSI)

Josefsplatz 6, Vienna A-1010, Austria

tel:43-1 512 18 95 fax:43-1 512 18 9553


Austrian Society for Foreign Policy and International Relations (OGA)

Hofburg/Schweizerhof/Brunnenstiege, Vienna A-1010, Austria

tel:43-1 535 46 27 fax:43-1 532 26 05


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg A-2361, Austria

tel:43-2236 8070 fax:43-2236 71313


United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria - Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs (AFA)

Johannesgasse 2/2/32, Vienna A-1010,, Austria

tel:43-1 512 8521 fax:43-1 512 8521


The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)

Oppolzergasse 6, Vienna A-1010, Austria

tel:43-1 533 66 1011 fax:43-1 533 66 1050


*** Economic issues, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, labor and human resource development.


Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS)

E-17 Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, GPO BOX 3854, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

tel:880-2 811 0759 fax:880-2 811 3023



*** Development studies, environment and natural resources, economic issues, social issues, health and welfare, education, foreign relations, gender, industry policy, labor and human resources development, political issues, regional studies


Independent Institute of Socioeconomic and Political Studies (IISEPS)

424, Moskovskaya St., 18, Minsk, Belarus

tel:375-17 222 8049 fax:375-17 222 8049


*** Political issues, economic issues, social issues, communications and information, foreign relations, culture and religion, development studies, labor and human resource development, regional studies, security and defense.

Support Center for Associations and Foundations (SCAF-Belarus)

16-301 Korolia Street, Minsk 220004, Belarus

tel:375-172 265313 fax:375-172 347129


*** Political issues, education, security and defense, foreign relations, development studies, culture and religion, economic issues, environment and natural resources, gender, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, regional studies, social issues.


Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

1 Place du Congres, Brussels B-1000, Belgium

tel:32-2 229 3911 fax:32-2 219 4151


*** Economic issues, political issues, foreign relations, energy, climate change and sustainable development, security and defense.

The European Policy Centre (The EPC)

42 Bld Charlemagne, Burssls 1000, Belgium

tel:32-2 231 0340 fax:32-2 231 0704


*** Political issues, EU reform, industry policy, foreign relations, security and defense, corporate social responsibility, global governance.

European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 (Box 4), Brussels B-1210, Belgium

tel:32-2224 0470 fax:32-2224 0502


*** Industrial relations, employment policies, social protection, economic issues, social issues.


The Bolivian Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs (CEPB)

calle Madez Arcos No.117, La Paz, Bolivia

tel:591-2 420 999 fax:591-2 421 272


*** Economic issues, political issues, development studies, social issues, science and technology, education, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development


Institute of International Relations (IRI)

Rua Marques de Sao Vicente, 225 - Casa 19 - Gavea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22453-900, Brazil

tel:55-21 3114 1557/1558/1560 fax:55-21 3114 1560


*** Political issues, foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, regional/global studies.

Liberal Institute

Rua Professor Alfredo Gomes 28 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ 22251-080, Brazil

tel:55-21 2539 1115 fax:55-21 2537 7206


*** Economic issues, industry policy, social issues, health and welfare, education, environment and natural resources


Agency for Social Analyses (ASA)

1, Macedonia Sq., Sofia 1040, Bulgaria

tel:359-2 917 0455 fax:359-2 986 1072


*** Social issues, gender, labor and human resource development, development studies, culture and religion.

Center for Strategic Studies-21st Century Foundation

12 Vitisha blvd, 4 fl., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

tel:359-2 9816130 fax:359-2 9888143



*** Economic issues, political issues, security and defense, social issues, culture and religion.

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

1 Lazar Stanev Street, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

tel:359-2 971 3000 fax:359-2 971 2233


*** Economic issues, communications and information, foreign relations and diplomacy, social issues, health and welfare

Club `Economika 2000'

PO Box 1710, 53 Dondukov Boulevard, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

tel:359-2 981 6790 fax:359-2 981 8793,


*** Economic issues, regional studies, social issues, environment and natural resources, public administration reform

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

85, Evlogi Georgiev Blvd., Sofia 1142, Bulgaria

tel:359-2 980 1059/8489 fax:359-2 980 9268


*** Economic issues, regional studies, foreign relations, education, political issues, communications and information, science and technology.

Institute for Security and International Studies (ISIS)

1c Krasno selo bl. 194, ent. B ap. 36, Sofia 1618, Bulgaria

tel:359-2-551 828 fax:359-2-551 828


*** Security and defense, foreign relations, regional studies, political issues, economic issues.


Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP)

Room 1G, Government Palace, Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

tel:855-23 722 759 fax:855-23 362 520


*** Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, development studies, regional studies, social issues, labor and human resource development.


Canadian Institute of International Affairs (CIIA)

Glendon Manor, 2nd floor, 2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6, Canada

tel:1-416 487 6830 fax:1-416 487 6831



*** Foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, development studies, regional studies, gender, culture and religion, environment and natural resources

Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN)

250 Albert Street-Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6M1, Canada

tel:1-613 567 7500 fax:1-613 567 7640



*** Social issues, labor and human resource development, health and welfare, education, family, nonprofits, social cohesion/indicators, quality of life indicators, citizen engagement, women in corporate directorates, diversity, aging.

C.D. Howe Institute

125 Adelaide Street East, Toront, Ontario M5C 1L7, Canada

tel:1-416 865 1904 fax:1-416 865 1866



*** Monetary policy, government finance, international and interprovincial trade, the environment, health care, social policy.

The Fraser Institute

1770 Burrard Street-4th Floor, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2W5, Canada

tel:1-604 688 0221 fax:1-604 688 8539


*** Economic issues, health and welfare, education, environment and natural resources, regional studies, social issues, labor and human resource development.

Institute for Policy Analysis (IPA)

140 St. George Street, Suite 707, Toronto Ontario M5S 3G6, Canada

tel:1-416 978 5781 fax:1-416 978 5519


*** Social issues.

Institute On Governance (IOG)

122 Clarence Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5P6, Canada

tel:1-613 562 0090 fax:1-613 562 0097


*** Political issues, development studies, regional studies, social issues, human resource development, communications and information technology.

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

PO Box 8500, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H9, Canada

tel:1-613 236 6163 fax:1-613 238 7230


*** Economic issues, development studies, social issues, gender, health and welfare, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources.

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

161 Portage Ave. E.-6th. Floor, Winnipeg, Manitaba R3B0Y4, Canada

tel:1-204 958 7700 fax:1-204 958 7710


***Development studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, political issues, sustainable development.

York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS)

375 York Lanes, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada

tel:1-416 736 5156 fax:1-416 736 5752


*** Security and defense, foreign relations, regional studies, social issues, gender, culture and religion, political issues, communications and information, environment and natural resources.


Citizens for Peace Foundation (FPC)

ValenzuelaCastillo 1881, Providencia Santiago, Chile

tel:56-2 244 2200 fax:56-2 244 3800

*** Crime prevention and control policies, social issues.

Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES)

Edificio ONU, Av. Dag Hammarskjold s/n Casilla 1567, Santiago, Chile

tel:56-2 201 2506/2507 fax:56-2 206 6104


*** Economic and social planning, economic issues, development studies, regional studies.


China Development Institute (CDI)

Expert Flat-Building D, Silver Lake Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

tel:86-755 241 1011 fax:86-755 241 0997


*** Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, communications and information.

Development Research Center of the State Council of PRC (DRC)

No.225, Chaoyangmen Nei Dajie, Beijing 100010, China

tel: fax:


*** Economic issues, industry policy, social issues, labor and human resource development, environment and natural resources, macroeconomics, development strategy and regional economy, rural economy, industrial economy, technology economy, foreign economic relations, social development, international cooperation.

Energy Research Institute, State Development Planning Commission (ERI, SDPC)

B14-B15F, Guohong Building, No.(A)11 Muxudi-beili, Xicheng District, Beijing,100038, China

tel:86-10 6390 8576 fax:86-10 6390 8568

Communications and information, development studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources, industry policy, regional studies.

Institute of National Economy Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (INESASS)

7/622 Huaihai Zhong Lu, Shanghai 200020, China

tel:86-21 5306 0606/2407 fax:86-21 5306 3256

*** Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues

Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWEP)

5 Jianguomennei Dajie, Beijing 100732, China

tel:86-10 6512 6105 fax:86-10 6512 6105


*** World economic theories, international trade, international finance, economic integration, development economics, world economic statistics and forecasting, international politics and strategies, comparative economics.

Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS)

No. 1, Lane 845, Julu Road, Shanghai, 200040, China

tel:86-21 5403 1148 fax:86-21 5403 0272


*** Foreign relations, security and defense, political issues, regional studies, culture and religion.


Central Policy Unit (CPU)

13/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong)

tel:852-2810-2380 fax:852-2537-9083


*** Social issues, economic issues, political issues, development studies, regional studies, communications and information, culture, education, environment, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development.

David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI)

9/F, David C. Lam Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong)

tel:852-2339 5352 fax:852-2339 5128


*** Regional studies, social issues, education, culture and religion.

The Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research (HKCER)

School of Economics and Finance , The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong)

tel:852-2547 8313 fax:852-2548 6319


*** Economic issues, industry policy, labor and human resource development, environment and natural resources.

Hong Kong Policy Research Institute (PRI)

5/F China Hong Kong Tower, 8-12 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China (Hong Kong)

tel:852-2686 1905 fax:852-2648 4303


*** Political issues, foreign relations, economic issues, regional studies.


Center for Entrepreneurship Development -ICESI University (CDEE-ICESI)

Calle 18 No122-135, Cali, Colombia

tel:572-555 1272 fax:572- 555 1706


*** Entrepreneurship Development, SME's Support Systems, Entrepreneurial Education, Management of Family business, Internet based education, development studies, education, industry policy.

Economic Development Research Center (CEDE)

Cra. 1E No. 18A-10, Bogota, Colombia

tel:57-1 332 4495 fax:57-1 332 4492


*** Economic issues, development studies, labor and human resource development, social issues, regional studies, environment and natural resources, security and defense, industry policy, gender, health and welfare, education, communications and information, science and technology, biological, agricultural and physical sciences.

The Foundation for the Superior Education and Development (FEDESARROLLO)

CALLE 78 # 9-91, Bogota, Colombia

tel:57-1 312 5300 fax:57-1 212 6073


*** Economic issues, social issues, development studies, education, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, political issues, regional studies, security and defense.


Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP)

Apartado 10025, San Jose 1000, Costa Rica

tel:506-234 1011 fax:506-225 2049


*** ICAP's main responsibility is to update information on Central American public administrations. Within the masters degree program, research is oriented towards the formulation and management of development projects, health care services and models, and public policies, and research is conducted on the government's information requirements to support trade negotiations and decision-making policies. In the public management field, research is focused on the process of modernization and reform of the public administration sector and its effects on human resources.


African Institute for Economical and Social Development (INADES)

08 BP 2088, Abidjan 08, Cote d'Ivoire

tel:225-22 40 47 20 fax:225-22 44 84 38


*** Urban issues, social issues, economic issues, education, labor and human resource development.


Institute for International Relations (IMO)

Ulica Ljudevita Farkasa Vukotinovica 2, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia

tel:385-1 4826 522 fax:385-1 4828 361


*** Economic issues, foreign relations and diplomacy, development studies, regional studies, political issues, security and defense, culture and religion, communications and information, environment and natural resources.


Center for Democracy and Free Enterprise (CDFE)

Stepanska 18, Prague 1 110 00, Czech Republic

tel:420-2 2223 2136 fax:420-2 2223 2136

*** Political issues, security and defense, foreign relations, economic issues, education.

Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute (CERGE-EI)

Politickych veznu 7, P. O. Box 882, Prague 1 CZ-11121, Czech Republic

tel:420-2 2423 0279 fax:420-2 2422 7143


*** Economic issues, regional studies, development studies, labor and human resource development, education, communications and information, environment and natural resources, gender, health and welfare, industry policy, political issues, science and technology, social issues.


Centre for Development Research (CDR)

Gammel Kongevej 5, Copenhagen V, DK-1610, Denmark

tel:45-33 85 4600 fax:45-33 25 8110


*** Development studies, economic issues, political issues, conflict, environment and natural resources, social issues, gender. Research activities fall within four research areas: agricultural development and the environment; local institutions and rural development; globalization and developing countries; and gender and social inequality. Four research programs cut across the research areas and include external researchers: globalization and economic restructuring in Africa (GLAF); local organizations and poverty alleviation (LORPA); taxation, aid and democracy - the evolution of tax systems in Namibia, Tanzania and Uganda (TAX); and aid impact - development interventions and societal processes (AID).

Danish National Institute of Social Research (SFI)

Herluf Trollesgade 11, Copenhagen K., DK-1052, Denmark

tel:45-33 48 0800 fax:45-33 48 0833


*** Social issues, labor and human resource development, economic issues, political issues, social policy, labor market policy, comparative welfare state research, children, young people and families, social integration and marginalization, labor market capacity, welfare distribution, ethnic minorities, efficiency of welfare provisions, development of cross-disciplinary theory and methods.


Institute of Economic and Technology Research (INSOTEC)

Juan Leon Mera 920 y Wilson, Quito, Ecuador

tel:593-2 550 527 fax:593-2 566 585


*** Small industry, education, environment and natural resources, industry policy, regional studies, science and technology.


Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS)

Al Galaa St., Cairo, Egypt

tel:20-2 578 6037 fax:20-2 578 6833


*** Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, communications and information.

The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES)

The World Trade Center, 1191 Cornich El-Nile 14th Floor, Cairo 11221, Egypt

tel:20-2 578 1202 fax:20-2 578 1205


*** Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, education, labor and human resource development, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources.


The Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development (EIIPD)

PO Box 393, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

tel:251-1 531955 fax:251-1 533398


*** Conflict studies, foreign policy analysis, the Nile, cross-border resources, political issues, foreign relations, economic issues, development studies, regional studies.


Name: Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, social issues, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, communications, and information, culture and religion, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, gender, political issues, regional studies, science and technology, security and defense.

Address: 31A Josif Broz Tito Ave, POBox 19010, Accra-North, GhanaPhone: 31-20 662 6608

Phone: 233-21-779364

Fax: 233-21 7736705 7176



Name: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

Activities: Foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, political issues, economic issues, regional studies. Important subjects include: European integration; the evolution of European and regional organizations; political, economic and military developments in Southeastern Europe; Kosovo; the Albanian dimension in Southeastern Europe; the Black Sea area; the Caucasus; the wider Mediterranean and Middle East region; the European architecture; the trans-Atlantic agenda; Greek foreign policy; Greek-EU relations; Greek-Turkish relations; Cyprus; American studies; Japanese studies; Asian studies.

Address: 4 Xenophontos Street, Athens 10557, Greece

Phone: 30-1 331 5022

Fax: 30-1 364 2139



Name: Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, regional studies, political issues, development studies, culture and religion, economic issues, education, labor and human resource development, social issues.

Address: 3-5 Hill Street, Athens 10558, Greece

Phone: 30-1 3312 325

Fax: 30-1 3313 575



Name: Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA)

Activities: Public participation, water protection, environmental impact assessment (EIA), Hungary and EU environmental law, NGO capacity building, public interest law, Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry (PRTR), geographic information systems (GIS), business and environment.

Address: Garay u. 29-31. I/1, Budapest 1076, Hungary

Phone: 36-1 322 8462

Fax: 36-1 322 8462



Name: Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IWE)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, regional studies, industry policy, social issues, communications and information, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, political issues, science and technology, security and defense. IWE focuses on global economic development and transformation; economic developments in Europe, especially the EU and its eastern enlargement; economic development in Japan, East Asia and Southeast Asia; monitoring national programs of economic modernization; micro-level adjustment and cooperation; infrastructure and services in the modernization process; the future of national and community level agricultural policies; the impact of socio-economic values on patterns of development; and the welfare state

Address: Orszaghaz u. 30, Budapest 1014, Hungary

Phone: 36-1 224 6761

Fax: 36-1 224 6761/ 6765/ 6769



Name: Institute of Economics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IEHAS)

Activities: Economic issues, education, social issues, health and welfare, labor and human resource development. Specifically, IEHAS conducts research in eight thematic areas. 1) Macroeconomics and economic policy: macroeconomic performance and its micro foundations in developed and emerging market economies, growth and anti-inflationary policies, tools and efficacy of monetary and fiscal policy, the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy and its place in European integration; 2) Public and institutional economics: the role of central and local government in market economies, competition policy, the transformation of public utilities, changes in property rights and the evolution of institutions in Hungary and other Central and Eastern European countries; 3) Human resources: the transformation of the Hungarian labor market, economic and institutional aspects of labor market flexibility, employment and wage policies; 4) Income formation and private consumption: changes in consumer behavior and in consumption and income patterns with special attention to age-group-related problems; 6) Microeconomics and sector economics: strategies of firms, markets and monopolies, structural policy in agriculture, market development in connection with accession to the European Union, competition and trade policy, impacts of trade liberalization; 7) Mathematical economics: developing mathematical methods for supporting research in economics; and 8) History of economic thought: comparative analysis of various schools of economic thought.

Address: Budaorsi ut 45, Budapest 1112, Hungary

Phone: 36-1 319 3651

Fax: 36-1 319 3151



Name: Social Research Center Inc. (TARKI)

Activities: Social issues, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, economic issues, education.

Address: Budaorsi ut 45., Budapest H-1112, Hungary

Phone: 36-1 309 7676

Fax: 36-1 309 7666



Name: Szazadveg Policy Research Center (SZAZADVEG) Activities: Electoral behavior, party system, election system, youth, job market, education, civic organizations

Address: Benczur 33, Budapest 1068, Hungary

Phone: 36-1 479 5280

Fax: 36-1 479 5290



Name: Centre for Policy Research (CPR)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, security and defense, regional studies, development studies, education, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, health and welfare, social issues.

Address: Dharma Marg,Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India

Phone: 91-11 611 5273

Fax: 91-11 687 2746



Name: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

Activities: Security and defense issues, India's relations with neighbors and other major powers, disarmament and nonproliferation, energy and water security, terrorism and drug trafficking.

Address: Block No.3, Old J.N.U. Campus, New Delhi 110 067, India

Phone: 91-11 617 0853

Fax: 91-11 618 9023



Name: Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi (IEG)

Activities: Economic issues, fiscal policy, trade policy, monetary policy, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, gender, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences. Major research areas include: macroeconomic analysis and policy, economic reform, studies on industry, globalization, agriculture and rural development, natural resources and environment, population and human resource development, sociology (focusing on studies relating to social change and social structure), environmental economics and health policy research.

Address: University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi 110007, India

Phone: 91-11 766 7365/7667288

Fax: 91-11 766 7410



Name: Centre for Economic Research- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2E-LIPI)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, industry policy, regional studies, environment and natural resources, communications and information, gender, labor and human resource development, political issues, social issues.

Address: WIDYA GRAHA-LIPI - 4th floor, Jln. Gatot Subroto No10, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Phone: 62-21 520 7120

Fax: 62-21 526 2139



Name: Center for Policy and Implementation Studies (CPIS)

Activities: Development studies, regional studies, economic issues, social issues, industry policy, agriculture, environment

Address: Gedung Menara ERA, 3rd Floor, J1. Seven Raya 135-137, PO Box 2920, Jakarta 10029, Indonesia

Phone: 62-21 386 1088

Fax: 62-21 386 1174



Name: Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Activities: Economic issues, security and defense, foreign relations and diplomacy, political issues, labor and human resource development

Address: Jalan Tanah Abang III/23-27, Jakarta 10160, Indonesia

Phone: 62-21 386 5532/3

Fax: 62-21 384 7517/380 9641



Name: The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS)

Activities: International politics, foreign policy and diplomacy, security and defense, regional studies

Address: Shahid Aghai St., Shahid Bahonar Ave, Tehran, Iran

Phone: 98-21 280 2671

Fax: 98-21 280 2643



Name: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS)

Activities: Security and defense policy in Israel and the Middle Eastern countries, foreign relations, diplomacy and defense economics issues, military technology. JCSS research covers all areas that touch upon Israel's strategic interests-from the peace process to the politics of the Middle East region, to domestic issues of strategic impact.

Address: The Yariv Wing, Gilman Buildin, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel

Phone: 972-3 640 9926

Fax: 972-3 642 2404



Name: The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies

Activities: Political issues, culture and religion, foreign relations, economic issues, regional studies, communications and information, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, development studies, education, gender, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, science and technology, security and defense

Address: Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

Phone: 972-3 6409646

Fax: 972-3 6415802



Name: Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI)

Activities: Political issues, security and defense, education, economic issues, regional studies, culture and religion, environment and natural resources.

Address: PO Box 932, Jerusalem 91092, Israel/Palestine

Phone: 972-2 676 9460

Fax: 972-2 676 8011



Name: The Adam Smith Society

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, political issues.

Address: Cornaggia 10, Milan 20123, Italy

Phone: 39-02 3493 2098

Fax: 39-02 3493 4094



Name: Centre for Social Studies and Policies (CENSIS)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, regional studies, social issues, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development.

Address: 2, Piazza di Novella, Roma 00199, Italy

Phone: 39-06 86 0911

Fax: 39-06 862 11367



Name: Institute of International Affairs (IAI)

Activities: Security and defense, economic issues, regional studies, the European Union (institutional developments, security/defense and immigration policy), Italian foreign policy and globalization (internationalization of the Italian economy), rules of international economics, international peace and conflict prevention, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Mediterranean and Middle East, trans-Atlantic relations, foreign relations, European integration.

Address: Via Angelo Brunetti 9, Rome I-00186, Italy

Phone: 39- 06 3224360

Fax: 39-0 6 3224363



Name: Rosselli Foundation

Activities: Development studies, social issues, communications and information, science and technology, economic issues, culture and religion, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, political issues, regional studies.

Address: via San Quintino 18/c 10121, Turin 10121, Italy

Phone: 39-011 5622510

Fax: 39-011 5611748



Name: The Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, social issues

Address: The Carlton Alexander Building, 39 Hope Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica

Phone: 876-927 6786

Fax: 876-927 5137



Name: The Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, development studies, transportation, environment and natural resources

Address: Nihonseimei Masayakoji Bldg,6-1178-1, Kamiokawamae-dori, Niigata City, Nigata 951-8068, Japan

Phone: 81-25 222 3141

Fax: 81-25 222 9505



Name: Fuji Research Institute (F-RIC)

Activities: Economic issues, environment and natural resources, science and technology, corporate strategy, health and welfare, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, communications and information, foreign relations, industry policy, labor and human resource development, regional studies.

Address: 2-3 Kanda-Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8443, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5281 7500

Fax: 81-3 5281 7557



Name: The Institute for Future Technology (IFTECH)

Activities: Science and technology, communications and information, security and defense, regional studies, labor and human resource development.

Address: Tomiokabashi Bldg., 2-6-11 Fukugawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8473, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5245 1011

Fax: 81-3 5245 1061



Name: Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS) Activities: Science and technology, communications and information, security and defense, regional studies, labor and human resource development.

Address: Sumitomo Hanzomon Bldg., 7F, 3-16 Hayabusa-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0092, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3222 0711

Fax: 81-3 3222 0710



Name: Institute for Policy Science, Japan (IPS)

Activities: Science and technology, regional studies, environment and natural resources, social issues, communications and information.

Address: Toshiba EMI Nagatacho Bldg.,5F 2-4-8 Nagata-cho,Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3581 2141

Fax: 81-3 3581 2143



Name: The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE)

Activities: Energy technology, environment and natural resources, science and technology, social issues, communications and information.

Address: Shinbashi SY Bldg. 6F, 14-2, Nishi-Shinbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3508 8894

Fax: 81-3 3501 1735



Name: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)

Activities: Economic issues, political issues, social issues, regional studies, development studies

Address: 3-2-2 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 261-8545, Japan

Phone: 81-43-299-9500

Fax: 81-43-299-9724



Name: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)

Activities: Economic issues, political issues, social issues, regional studies, development studies

Address: 3-2-2 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 261-8545, Japan

Phone: 81-43-299-9500

Fax: 81-43-299-9724



 Name: The Center for Peace and International Relations Studies (CPIRS)

Activities: The organisation aims to promote democracy and free market values in Georgia; to accelerate Georgia's integration into the open interstate world system; to promote peace and international co-operation in Caucasus.






Name:  Caucasus For Peace, Democracy, and Development

Activities: The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD) was founded in August 1992 in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. It is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, and is not linked to any political party. We believe in liberal democracy, free markets and peaceful cooperation in the region of the Caucasus. Only through liberal democracy and free market can Georgia and other countries of the region achieve dignified, peaceful and prosperous life. Regional cooperation between countries of the Caucasus is also crucial for achieving these goals.


Address:  Address:1, M. Alexidze Str. 11th floor, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia; P.O. Box 101, Tbilisi 380008

Phone: :(995-32)334081, (995-32)331945, (995-32)33188, (995-32)331879

Fax:  (995-32)334163



Name: The South Caucasus Institute of Regional Security (SCIRS)

Activities: The SCIRS puts special attention on the security, spiritual and  material well being of the  inhabitants  of  the  South  Caucasus. Thereby  it also promotes the continuous, sustainable development of the region as a whole, the creation of a feeling of regional identification and the responsibility for its future. Furthermore  it  designates  itself  to issues related to international stability and global security.

Address: Tsinamdzgvrishvili St. 31, 0102 Tbilisi Georgia

Phone: (+995 32) 969905

Fax:  (+995 32) 961514







Name: Economic and Social Research Institute

Activities: Ireland’s economic and social development, in order to inform policy-making and societal understanding

Address: 4 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland

Phone: 353-1.667.1525  

Fax:  353-1.668.6231



Name: Centre for Peace and Development Studies


Address: University of Limerick Plassey Technological Park Limerick

Republic of Ireland

Phone:  +353 61) 202633

Fax:  +353 61) 202952

Website: ; E-Mail:


Name: Dublin European Institute

Activities: The Dublin European Institute was established at UCD in 1999 to provide a dynamic focus for postgraduate teaching and research in the field of European Studies.

Address: Dublin European Institute, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Phone: +353 1 716 7634 /7615

Fax:  +353 1 269 2589




Name: Institute of Research and Innovation (IRI)

Activities: Science and technology, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, industry policy, environment and natural resources.

Address: 1-6-8 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5689 6351

Fax: 81-3 5689 6350



Name: The International Centre for the Study of East Asian development (ICSEAD)

Activities: Socio-economic development, trade, investment, economic policy, industry, urban environments, consumer behavior, corporate behavior.

Address: 11-4 Otemachi, Kokurakita, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-0814, Japan

Phone: 81-93 583 6202

Fax: 81-93 583 6576



Name: International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ)

Activities: Development studies, social issues, economic issues, industry policy, environment and natural resources, political issues, regional studies, gender, health and welfare, education, biological, agricultural and physical sciences.

Address: Kyofuku Building, 2-9-11 Tomioka, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0047, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3630 6911

Fax: 81-3 3630 8120



Name: Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

Activities: Economic issues, health and welfare, regional studies, labor and human resource development, public policy.

Address: Nikkei Kayabacho Building, 2-6-1 Nihonbashi Kayaba-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3639 2801

Fax: 81-3 3639 2839



Name: Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, regional studies, economic issues, development studies, social issues, gender, health and welfare, environment and natural resources.

Address: 4-9-17 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3446 7781

Fax: 81-3 3443 7580



Name: Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)

Activities: Security issues in the Asia-Pacific region, foreign relations, security and defense, political issues, regional studies.

Address: Kasumigaseki Building-11th floor, 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6011, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3506 7261

Fax: 81-3 3503 7292



Name: The Japan Institute of Labour (JIL)

Activities: Labor and human resource development, social issues, economic issues, education, gender.

Address: Shinjuku Monolith, 2-3-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0926, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5321 3000

Fax: 81-3 5321 3015



Name: Kansai Institute of Information Systems (KIIS)

Activities: Communications and information, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, environment and natural resources.

Address: Osaka Ekimae Daiichi Building-8th floor, 1-3-1-800 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 530-001, Japan

Phone: 81-6 6346 2441

Fax: 81-6 6346 2443



Name: Kokumin Keizai Research Institute (KKRI)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, public affairs, regional studies, social issues.

Address: 6-40 Shin Ogawamachi, Shinjuku-ku,, Tokyo 164-0814, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5261 1051

Fax: 81-3 5261 1059



Name: Kyushu Economic Research Center (KERC)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, foreign relations, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, communications and information, environment and natural resources.

Address: 1-9-48 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0041, Japan

Phone: 81-92 721 4900

Fax: 81-92 721 4908



Name: Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (MIRI)

Activities: Politics, economy, public finance, corporate finance, industries, business, industrial technology, markets, corporate expansion into foreign markets, trade, foreign exchange, international finance, foreign investment, city and local area development, technology, science, communications, aviation and aerospace, oceanography, environmental science, energy, software development and design, data processing, mergers, joint ventures, industrial technology transaction.

Address: 2-3-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8141, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3270 9211

Fax: 81-3 3279 1308



Name: National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)

Activities: Research activities between 2001 and 2005 will be focused in the following four areas: Strategic Research and Development (social cooperation of independent citizens, a sustainable socio-economic system, coexistence of human beings, and peace), Regional Research and Development, Specific Policy Research and Development, and Basic Research and Development.

Address: YGP Tower - 34th floor, 4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6034, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5448 1735

Fax: 81-3 5448 1745



Name: Nippon Research Institute (‚m‚q‚h)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, social issues, development studies, environment and natural resources.

Address: Kazan Building, 3-2-4 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3581 9551

Fax: 81-3 3581 9562



Name: NLI Research Institute (NLIRI)

Activities: Economic issues, social issues.

Address: Nissay Hibiya Building-7th floor, 1-1-1 Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3597 8644

Fax: 81-3 5512 7160



Name: Nomura Research Institute,Ltd. (NRI)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, regional studies, communications and information, environment and natural resources, political issues, development studies, social issues, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, science and technology.

Address: Shin Otemachi Building, 2-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5255 1800

Fax: 81-3 6202 1350



Name: Sanwa Research Institute & Consulting Corporation (SRIC Corporation)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, regional studies, development studies, environment and natural resources.

Address: Shimbashi Sanwa Toyo Building, 1-11-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8631, Japan

Phone: 81-3 3572 9030

Fax: 81-3 3572 6230



Name: Systems Research & Development Institute of Japan (SRDI)

Activities: Political issues, environment and natural resources, regional studies, science and technology, development studies.

Address: Shinjuku Takasago Building, 16-5 Tomihisa-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0067, Japan

Phone: 81-3 5379 5911

Fax: 81-3 5379 5901



Name: CSS - Centre for Strategic Studies


Address: University of Jordan





Name: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR)

Activities: Macroeconomics, governance and development, industry and agriculture, health and education.

Address: PO Box 45843, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya

Phone: 254-2 252885

Fax: 254-2 251162


North Korea

Name: Center for Korean American Peace

Note: Rodger’s already in touch with this group

South Korea

Name: Korea Development Institute (KDI)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, regional studies, science and technology, social issues.

Address: 207-41, Chungryangri-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul 130-012, Korea

Phone: 82-2 958 4114

Fax: 82-2 961 5092


South Korea

Name: Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, environment and natural resources, industry policy, education.

Address: 665-1 Naeson-Dong, Euiwang-Si, Kyunggi-Do 437-713, Korea

Phone: 82-31 420 2226

Fax: 82-31 422 4958


South Korea

Name: Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET)

Activities: Knowledge-based industry, industry policy, economic issues, regional industrial studies. KIET's major research activities cover the analysis and forecasting of industrial and economic trends, with a focus on identifying and exploring the ways and means to strengthen economic efficiency and industrial competitiveness. Priority research areas include: manufacturing industries, industrial policy, culture and service industry, digital economy, regulatory and competition policy, small and venture business, distribution and regional industry, industrial cooperation and quantitative analysis.

Address: Cheongryang, P.O. Box 205, Seoul, Korea

Phone: 82-2 962 6211

Fax: 82-2 963 8540/969 8540


South Korea

Name: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

Activities: Global economic trends, exchange rate policies, international monetary and financial cooperation, world trade structures and multilateral trade organizations (WTO, OCED, APEC), commercial policies, trade disputes, economic and corporate reform.

Address: 300-4, Yomgok-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul 137-747, Korea

Phone: 82-2 3460 1001

Fax: 82-2 3460 1199


South Korea

Name: Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI)

Activities: Macroeconomics, governance and development, industry and agriculture, health and education.

Address: 90-4 Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul 137-130, Korea

Phone: 82-2 579 0090

Fax: 82-2 579 2380


South Korea

Name: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)

Activities: National territorial planning, natural environment, urban and regional planning, land and housing policy, infrastructure and construction economics, private infrastructure investment, geographic information systems (GIS).

Address: 1591-6 Kwanyang-Dong, Dongan-Gu, Anyang-Si, Kyounggi-Do 431-712, Korea

Phone: 82-31 380 0114

Fax: 82-31 380 0473


South Korea

Name: The Korean Institute of International Studies (KIIS)

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, development studies, regional studies, Korea-US, Korea-China and Korea-Russia relations, Korea-Japan relations and Japan's post-Cold War role in the Asia-Pacific.

Address: 5th FL, Daeyu B/D. 736-2 Banpo-dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone: 82-2 543 6075/6076

Fax: 82-2 543 1073/1074


South Korea

Name: The Sejong Institute

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, political issues, regional studies, economic issues

Address: Bundang PO Box 45, Seongnam 463-600, Korea

Phone: 82-31 750 7500

Fax: 82-22 233 8832


North Korea

Name: Korean Institute for Defense Analysis (KIDA)

Note: Rodger’s in touch with this group


Name: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)

Activities: Industry policy, health and welfare, communications and information, economic issues, regional studies, labor and human resource development, science and technology, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, development studies, petroleum, engineering, water resources.

Address: PO Box 24885, Safat 1310, Kuwait

Phone: 965-483 6105

Fax: 965-483 6637



Name: Center for Social and Economic Research in Kyrgyzstan (CASE-Kyrgyzstan)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, culture and religion, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, gender, health and welfare, science and technology, environment and natural resources, communications and information, industry policy, regional studies, education, economic issues, development studies, social issues, labor and human resource development.

Address: PO B. #696, Bishkek 720017, Kyrgyz Republic

Phone: 996-312 217947

Fax: 996-312 666334



Name: Institute of Foreign Affairs, Laos


Name: Institute of Economics, Academy of Sciences (IEAS)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, social issues, development studies, regional studies

Address: Akademijas laukums 1, Riga LV-1050, Latvia

Phone: 371-722 2830

Fax: 371-782 0608



Name: Centre for Arab Unity Studies (CAUS)

Activities: Regional studies, political issues, development studies, foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, industry policy, social issues, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, communications and information, science and technology. The centerÕs research program focuses on the Arab world as a whole.

Address: Sadat Tower Building, Lyon Street, PO Box 113-6001, Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: 961-1 869164/801582/7

Fax: 961-1 865548



Name: Studies and Research Center on the Contemporary Middle East (CERMOC)

Activities: Political sciences, urban studies, sociology, geography, urban planning, contemporary history, anthropology, urban studies, political issues, social issues, development studies, communications and information.

Address: PO Box 11-269, Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2110, Lebanon

Phone: 961-1 615838/615841/615895

Fax: 961-1 615877



Name: Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, social issues, education. Priority areas include: business deregulation, taxes and state budget, monetary policy, financial infrastructure, social security, international trade, EU integration, NGOs.

Address: Birutes St. 56, Vilnus LT-2004, Lithuania

Phone: 370-2 722 584

Fax: 370-2 721 279

Website: ;


Name: Women's Issues Information Centre (WIIC)


Address: Jaksto 9-303, PO Box 1218, Vilnius LT-2600, Lithuania

Phone: 370-2 629 003

Fax: 370-2 629 050



Name: Asian and Pacific Developing Centre (APDC)

Activities: Energy, environment, gender, development studies, poverty, employment, human resources, information technology, trade and investment.

Address: PO Box 12224, Pesiaran Duta, Kuala Lumpur 50770, Malaysia

Phone: 60-3 651 1088

Fax: 60-3 651 0316



Name: Institute for Development Studies, Sabah (IDS)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, industry policy, environment and natural resources, security and defense, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, gender, labor and human resource development, political issues, regional studies, social issues.

Address: Suite 7CF01, 7th Floor, Block C, Kompleks Karamunsing Kota Kinabalu 88739, Sabah, Malaysia

Phone: 60-88 246166

Fax: 60-88 234707



Name: Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia (ISIS Malaysia)

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, science and technology, environment and natural resources, Japanese studies.

Address: No.1 Pesiaran Sultan Salahuddin, PO Box 12424, Kuala Lumpur 50778, Malaysia

Phone: 60-3 2693 9366

Fax: 60-3 2693 9430/9375



Name: Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, communications and information, education, environment and natural resources, gender, labor and human resource development, science and technology, regional and global issues, macroeconomic trends and forecasting, industry studies, policy studies, area studies.

Address: Menara Dayabumi-9th floor, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur 5050, Malaysia

Phone: 60-3 2272 5895/5897

Fax: 60-3 2273 0197



Name: Institute for Strategic Studies (ISS)

Activities: Security and defense, regional studies, foreign relations, political issues, economic issues, human security.

Address: Central PO Box 870, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Phone: 976-1 32 8188

Fax: 976-1 32 4055



Name: Mongolian Development Research Center (MDRC)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, regional studies.

Address: PO Box - 63, Ulaanbaatar 20A, Mongolia

Phone: 976-1 31 5686

Fax: 976-1 32 2613



Name: Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, labor and human resource development, environment and natural resources, industry policy.

Address: POBox 40710, Windhoek, Namibia

Phone: 264-61 228 284

Fax: 264-61 231 496



Name: Himalayan Institute of Development (HID)

Activities: Social science, economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, gender, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, political issues, culture and religion, communications and information, environment and natural resources, foreign relations, science and technology, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, security and defense. Currently, the main research focus is creating a microconsistent database of the Nepalese economy in order to create regionally disaggregated social accounting matrices for Nepal, and SAM-based general equilibrium modeling of the Nepalese economy. HID is looking to undertake applied general equilibrium analysis on such policy areas as the impact of economic liberalization on household welfare and poverty, labor market rigidities and regional integration.

Address: Ram Shah Path GPO Box 6052, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: 977-1 423 287

Fax: 977-1 429 433



Name: Institute of Foreign Affairs

Activities: Foreign policy, economic relations

Address: Kathmandu

Phone: 977-1-4266954

Fax: 977-1-4266956


New Zealand

Name: Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)

Activities: Economic issues, social issues, education, labor and human resource development, health and welfare, foreign relations and diplomacy. Research is organized within several programs: 1) Income Distribution and Social Policy-human capital development, labor market issues, Treaty of Waitangi (domestic ethnic issues); 2) Public Sector Management-state sector reforms, constitutional issues; 3) Business Studies and Taxation-public ownership of assets, tax systems; and 4) New Zealand in the World -New Zealand's relationship with Asia.

Address: Victoria University of Wellington, 6 Wai-te-ata Road, Kelburn, New Zealand

Phone: 64-4 471 5307

Fax: 64-4 473 1261



Name: International Foundation for Global Economic Challenge (FIDEG)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, environment and natural resources, gender, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, social issues.

Address: Antiguo Hospital el Retiro 2c al lago, Managua, Nicaragua

Phone: 505-266 8708/8709

Fax: 505-266 8711



Name: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Activities: Foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, development studies, regional studies, gender.

Address: PO Box 8159 Dep., Oslo N-0033, Norway

Phone: 47 22 05 6500

Fax: 47 22 17 7015



Name: Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)

Activities: Social issues, health and welfare, gender, economic issues, education.

Address: Pb 3223 Elisenberg, Oslo 0208, Norway

Phone: 47-22 54 1200

Fax: 47-22 54 1201



Name: International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)

Activities: Industry policy, labor and human resource development, communications and information, science and technology, development studies, regional studies, health and welfare, political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, economic issues, social issues, gender, education, culture and religion, environment and natural resources. Specific topics include: gender and conflict, ethics of war and peace, just war, Tibetan culture in China, nationalism in Russia, the Oslo back channel, environment and conflict, democratic peace, political economy of civil war, peace-building and reconciliation work in the Balkans, the state-building role of the Russian energy complex, causes and dynamics of conflict escalation, reintegration of female soldiers in Africa, assistance to landmine-affected communities, humanitarian mine action (HMA).

Address: Burssls, Oslo 0260, Norway

Phone: 47-22 54 7700

Fax: 47-22 54 7701



Name: The Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA)

Activities: Foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, development studies, economic issues, political issues.

Address: Aiwan-e-Sakkar Road, Karachi 74200, Pakistan

Phone: 92-21 568 2891

Fax: 92-21 568 6069



Name: Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)

Activities: Communications and information, development studies, economic issues, education, environment and natural resources, gender, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, peace and security, security and defense, social issues.

Address: #3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave 1, Islamabad G-5, Pakistan

Phone: 92-51 227 8134

Fax: 92-51 227 8135



Name: Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Activities: Environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, development studies, political issues. Land use changes in Palestine transportation and air quality, Jordan River water allocation, assessing the extent of urbanization and its impact, assessing pollution sources of ground water resources, agriculture.

Address: Caritas Street, P.O.Box 860, Bethlehem, Palestine

Phone: 972-2 274 1889

Fax: 972-2 227 6966



Name: The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, development studies, environment and natural resources, regional studies.

Address: PO Box 19545, Jerusalem, Palestine

Phone: 972- 2 626 4426

Fax: 972-2 628 2819



Name: APOYO Institute (IA)

Activities: Social issues, development studies, economic issues, education, health and welfare. 1) Institutional reform: modernization of Congress, judiciary reform, police reform and citizen safety, anti-corruption, state reform, decentralization, health, education and the fight against poverty; 2) Evaluation of social policies: poverty reduction strategies, education, health, social infrastructure and youth employment; and 3) Education for development: textbooks for children and adolescents and training for teachers in economics, management and mathematics.

Address: Avenida 28 de Julio 1420 - Miraflores, Lima 018, Peru

Phone: 51-1 444 6261

Fax: 51-1 446 5369



Name: Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD)

Activities: Economic issues, social issues, development studies, political issues, property rights.

Address: Avenida Del Parque Norte 829, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru

Phone: 51-1 476 2038

Fax: 51-1 224 9825



Name: Research Center of the University of the Pacific (CIUP)

Activities: Environment and natural resources, human development and social policy, economic policy, economics of regulation, international trade, business management, economic monitoring, communications and information, development studies, economic issues, education, foreign relations, health and welfare, labor and human resource development, political issues, science and technology, social issues.

Address: Av. Salaverry2020-Jas_s Maria, Lima, Peru

Phone: 51-1 219 0100

Fax: 51-1 219 0135



Name: South Peru Development Institute

Activities: Regional studies, development studies, economic issues, labor and human resource development, social issues, culture and religion, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy

Address: Quezada 107-Yahanuara, Arequipa, Peru

Phone: 51-54 25 4196

Fax: 51-54 25 6835


The Philippines

Name: Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, education, environment and natural resources, health and welfare, industry policy, labor and human resource development, regional studies, science and technology, social issues, agricultural policies, communications and information.

Address: NEDA sa Makati Bldg., 106 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, 1229, Philippines

Phone: 63-2 810 6261

Fax: 63-2 893 9591



Name: Adam Smith Research Centre (ASRC)

Activities: Economic issues, communications and information, science and technology, political issues, deregulation, tax, corruption, new economy.

Address: 16 Bednarska Street, Warsaw 00-321, Poland

Phone: 48-22 828 4707

Fax: 48-22 828 0614



Name: Center for Social and Economic Research, Foundation (CASE)

Activities: Economic issues, finance and banking, industry policy, social issues, regional studies

Address: ul. Sienkiewicza 12, Warsaw 00-944, Poland

Phone: 48-22-828 61 33

Fax: 48-22-828 60 69



Name: Gdansk Institute for Market Economics (IBnGR)

Activities: Economic issues, regional studies, industry policy, development studies, education, foreign relations, labor and human resource development, new economy, innovation, cultural industries, corporate governance, social issues

Address: 63 Do Studzienki Street, Gdansk 80 227, Poland

Phone: 48-58 341 1535

Fax: 48-58 341 0620



Name: World Economy Research Institute (WERI)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, regional studies, industry policy, political issues, science and technology, foreign relations and diplomacy. Main research topics include: transforming the Polish economy, trade links within the Visegrad group, privatization in Poland from an international perspective, competition of the Polish economy on the European markets and Polish-German economic relations, as well as financial and capital markets, industrial policy, institutional reform, structural adjustment, macroeconomic policy, innovation and technology transfer.

Address: Rakowiecka 24, Warsaw 02-521, Poland

Phone: 48-22 849 1251

Fax: 48-22 848 9132



Name: Singapore Institute for International Affairs

Activities: Research, analysis and discussion of regional and international issues.  Founded in 1961

Address: 2 Nassim Road, Singapore 258370.

Phone: 65-67349600

Fax: 65-67336217



Name: The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)

Activities: socio-political, security and economic trends and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and economic environment

Address: 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Pasir Panjang, Singapore - 119614

Phone: 65) 6778 0955 

Fax: (65) 6778 1735



Name: Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies

Activities: security, strategic and international issues

Address: 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Pasir Panjang, Singapore - 119614

Phone: 65) 6778 0955 

Fax: (65) 6778 1735



Name: East Asian Institute

National University of Singapore

Activities: security, strategic and international issues

Address: AS5, Level 4, 7 Arts Link, Singapore 117571

Phone: (65) 6779 1037

Fax: (65) 6779 3409



Name: Institute for Economic Research (IER)

Activities: Economic issues, social issues, development studies, regional studies, labor and human resource development, industry policy, health and welfare, education, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources. Research activities cover the following key areas: 1) International economics (industrial restructuring in the global economy and measurement of international competitiveness, analysis of economic relations with Slovenia's main trading partners, nominal and effective trade protection, foreign trade liberalization, international capital flows, international migration); 2) Development studies (current trends in Slovenia, Central and eastern European countries compared with developments in Western European market economies and elsewhere, analysis of monetary and fiscal systems, institutional changes such as privatization and tax reforms); 3) Regional economics (theory of regional disparities, measurement of development lags, regional policy in European countries and in Slovenia, measures for further promotion of regional development-especially of rural areas, restructuring of old industrial and depressed areas on the basis of essential development factors such as knowledge, management and entrepreneurship); 4) Welfare economics and human resources (social security, poverty, income distribution and inequality, economics of education, health economics, intergenerational transfers of income, economics of the family, economic aspects of population and family policies, economic impact of current demographic situation and trends); 5) Sector studies (manufacturing and mining, energy, agriculture, tourism, transportation, housing, telecommunications, banking and other business services); and 6) Management consulting (corporate strategy, corporate restructuring, marketing business-partner search in Slovenia and abroad, finance, takeovers, acquisitions and mergers, defense cost management, business analysis, feasibility of R&D projects, innovation process management).

Address: Kardeljeva ploscad 17, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia

Phone: 386-1 530 3810

Fax: 386-1 530 3874


South Africa

Name: Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA)

Activities: Foreign relations, regional studies, political issues, security and defense, economic issues, social issues, development studies, gender, health and welfare, communications and information, environment and natural resources, education, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, culture and religion, industry policy, labor and human resource development, science and technology.

Address: PO Box 630, Pretoria 0001, South Africa

Phone: 27-12 328 6970

Fax: 27-12 323 8153


South Africa

Name: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations, security and defense, regional studies

Address: PO Box 1787 Brooklyn Square, Pretoria 0075, South Africa

Phone: 27-12 346 9500

Fax: 27-12 460 0998


South Africa

Name: Institute for Strategic Studies (ISSUP)

Activities: Security and defense, regional studies, foreign relations and diplomacy, political issues, social issues. ISSUP's research focus is on national security and military doctrine.

Address: University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa

Phone: 27-12 420 2407/420 2034

Fax: 27-12 420 2693



Name: Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, science and technology, environment and natural resources, labor and human resource development. CIER comprises six research divisions, focusing on: 1) analyzing the economy of mainland China, with particular emphasis on its effect on Taiwan; 2) international economic analysis and its implications for Taiwan's economy and for international trade; 3) domestic economic issues, macroeconomics, money and banking, finance and taxation, industrial economics, labor economics, economic development and social welfare; 4) energy supply and demand, pricing, regulation and environmental issues, and their implications for examining energy policy; 5) quantitative analysis of macroeconomic policies and economic forecasting for Taiwan and the world; and 6) providing the latest economic and financial information through educational programs and symposia.

Address: 75 Chang-Hsing Street, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2 2735 6006

Fax: 886-2 2735 6035



Name: Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Activities: Political issues, economic issues, foreign relations, security and defense, development studies, regional studies.

Address: 64, Wan Shou Road, Wen Shan, Taipei 116, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2 2939 4914

Fax: 886-2 2938 2133



Name: National Policy Foundation (NPF)

Activities: Interior affairs, national security, education and culture, constitution and law, technology and economy, finance and money, sustainable development, social security.

Address: NO.16, Sec.1, Hangjou S. Rd., Taipei 100, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2 2343 3381

Fax: 886-2 2343 3481



Name: Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy (ISSP)

Activities: History of Chinese maritime development, Ming and Qing period socio-economic history, socio-economic history of Taiwan, history of overseas Chinese, political philosophy and applied ethics, life-course studies, changes in family composition, distribution of family and social resources, the psychology and behavior of individuals in family relationships, political participation and democratic theories, republicanism and democracy, human rights and democracy, liberty, equality and democracy, capitalism and democracy, the military and democratization, bureaucracy and democracy, income distribution, internationalization and TaiwanÕs industrial policies, regional trade and optimal firm location, money in open economies, regulation and privatization, electoral systems and attorney fees in litigation, studies of constitutions, administrative law, economic analysis of the law, environmental law, labor law, fair trade law, intellectual property rights, legal philosophy.

Address: Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2 2782 1693

Fax: 886-2 2785 4160



Name: The World Economics Society (WES)

Activities: Economic issues, industry policy, public policy, build-own/operate-transfer (BOT) projects, labor and human resource development, science and technology, development studies, communications and information, regional foreign direct investment studies, environment and natural resources, globalization strategies, knowledge economy issues.

Address: The 8th level, 153 Hsin Yi Road, Sec.3, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2 2707 5908

Fax: 886-2 2704 5490



Name: Institute for National Policy Research (INPR)

Activities: Domestic, ASEAN, Europe

Address: 5F, 111, Sung-Chiang Rd. Taipei, Taiwan

Phone: (886) 2-509-9181~6 (7)

Fax: (886) 2-509-2949



Name: Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)

Activities: Foreign relations, economic issues, industry policy, development studies, social issues, health and welfare, education, labor and human resource development, communications and information, science and technology, trade, regional studies, gender, environment and natural resources, political issues, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, security and defense, culture and religion.

Address: 51 Uporoto Street, Ursino Estates, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Phone: 255-22 276 0260

Fax: 255-22 276 0062/ 255-741 324 508



Name: National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)

Activities: Development studies, economic issues, political issues, social issues, labor and human resource development.

Address: 118 Seri Thai Road, Klong Chan, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand

Phone: 66-2 377 9660/ 7400

Fax: 66-2 375 8798



Name: Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)

Activities: Economic issues, development studies, industry policy, labor and human resources development, health and welfare, regional studies, social issues, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources.

Address: 565 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thepleela 1), Ramkhamhaeng Road, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand

Phone: 66-2 718 5460

Fax: 66-2 718 5461



Name: Thailand Environment Institute (TEI)


Address: 210 Bangchak Refinery, Building 4, 2nd floor, Sukhumvit 64, Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10230, Thailand

Phone: 66-2 742 9641

Fax: 66-2 742 9698



Name: Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS)


Address: Prajadhipok-Rambhaibarni Building 5th Floor

Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Phone: (66-2) 218-7432-3

Fax: (66-2) 254-0119



Name: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC)

Activities: Economic issues, gender, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, health and welfare, finance, international trade.

Address: 51 Pool Road, Makerere University Campus, Kampala, Uganda

Phone: 256-41 541023/541024/540141/540159

Fax: 256-41 541022



Name: International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS)

Activities: Economic policy, public administration reform, regional policy and local government, European integration, education and science policy.

Address: 8/5 Voloska Street, Kyiv 04070, Ukraine

Phone: 380-44 462 4937

Fax: 380-44 463 5970


United Arab Emirates

Name: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR)

Activities: Political issues, foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, labor and human resource development, development studies, regional studies, social issues, education, communications and information.

Address: PO Box 4567, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Phone: 971-2 642 7000

Fax: 971-2 642 8899



Name: Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)

Activities: Economic reform, economic policies, economic planning and management mechanisms.

Address: 68 Phan Dinh Phung, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Phone: 84-4 843 7461

Fax: 84-4 845 6795



Name: Institute of International Relations


Address: Hanoi

Phone: 84-3- 8343543

Fax: 84-3-8344637



Name: Center for Strategic Studies (CSS)

Activities: Foreign relations and diplomacy, regional studies, security and defense, political issues, economic issues, education, communications and information. Long-term research areas include: global trends in international relations, problems of European security and cooperation, transition in post-communist countries, nationalism and integration, democracy, human rights and minorities, the Balkans and the Mediterranean, military, strategic and security issues, world economic, financial and development issues, and the social impact of the new informatics and communications technologies.

Address: Bulevar Avnoj-A 151/9, Belgrade 11070, Yugoslavia

Phone: 381-11 131 697

Fax: 381-11 131 697



Name: National Institute of Development Research and Documentation


Address: Private Bag 0022, Gaborone, Botswana















Name: The Institute of Economic Studies (IoES)

Activities: The main ambition of the Institute is to create a research environment characterized by high competence in economic analysis of international issues with special emphasis on policy analysis for small, open economies

Address: Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland, Aragata 14, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Phone: (+354) 525 4535

Fax: (+354) 525 4096




Name: Caspian Information Centre

Activities: Monitor major business, economic and political developments in Kazakhstan as well as international media reports

Address: Caspian Information Centre

Room 322

95 Wilton Road



Phone: +44-20-8288 0831

Fax: +44-20-8241 0261















Marshall Islands




Name: Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies

Activities: promotes a greater awareness of monetary and financial matters throughout the region by means of training, dissemination and research. In addition it acts as Secretary to meetings of the region’s monetary authorities for the purpose of exchanging experiences and coordinating positions.

Address: Durango No. 54, México, D.F., 06700, México

Phone: (52-55) 5533-0300

Fax: (52-55) 5525-4432











Pacific Islands

Name: The Pacific Institute of Advanced Studies in Development and Governance

Activities: Based in Suva, the Institute has programs in Development Studies, Governance, Pacific Studies, Public/Private Corporate Governance Training, and Employment and Labour Market Studies.

Address: The University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji

Phone: 679 331 2018




Papua New Guinea




Name: Institute for Strategic and International Studies (IEEI)

[Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais]

Activities: non-profit, independent organisation devoted to research and fostering debate on international affairs, defence and security issues.

Address: Largo S. Sebastião, 8 - Paço do Lumiar

1600-762 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: 351 (21) 757 2701






Name: African Institute for Economic Development and Planning

Activities: Regional integration including issues on convergence, harmonization of policies and legislation, policy formulation at the regional level, regional infrastructure building, economics of peace building, etc… Trade policy and trade negotiations under the WTO including formulation of trade-related incentive policies, competitiveness-enhancing policies, generic and commodity-based WTO negotiations, etc…Economic growth and development including growth strategies, macroeconomic management, finance, human capital, HIV/AIDS, education, migration, gender, etc.


Phone: 221-823 10 20

Fax: 221-822 29 64


St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent and the Grenadines


San Marino

Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia

Serbia and Montenegro


Activities: International Relations Issues

Address: 11000 Belgrade – Makedonska 25

Phone: 381-11-3226528

Fax: 381-11-121222



Sierra Leone

Solomon Islands









Trinidad an Tobago




United States

Name: The Brookings Institution (BI)

Activities: Economics, politics, government, foreign policy.

Address: 1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036-2188, USA

Phone: 1-202-797 6000

Fax: 1-202-797 6004


Name: The Heritage Foundation

Activities: Regional studies, industry policy, development studies, labor and human resource development, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources, culture and religion, foreign relations, economic issues, social issues, health and welfare, security and defense, education, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, gender, political issues.

Address: 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA

Phone: 1-202 546 4400

Fax: 1-202 544 6979


Name: RAND Corporation (RAND)

Activities: Child policy, civil and criminal justice, education, environment and energy, health, international policy, labor markets, national security, population and regional studies, science and technology, social welfare and transportation, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, communications and information, economic issues, foreign relations, labor and human resource development, regional studies, social issues.

Address: 1700 Main Street, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138, USA

Phone: 1-310 393 0411 ext. 7197

Fax: 1-310 451 6960

Website: . org




Vatican City


Name: Center of Study for Development

Activities: development and planning studies

Address: Av. Neverí, Edificio Fundavac. Colinas de Bello Monte, Caracas. Apartado Postal 47604.

Caracas 1040 - Venezuela.

Phone: 58 212 7531090 - 3475 - 3862

Fax: 58 212 7512691


Western Sahara






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